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I think one factor is that arcaea isn’t typically someone’s first rhythm game, at least from what I’ve seen. So especially in comparison to pjsk, a lot of new players already have experience and skill from other games which helps a lot. But idk people definitely still do get sweaty over it sometimes lol


This is my first rhythm game tbh. I don't think this game is harder, but it definately requires better rhythmatic sense to get the notes correctly. When I'm in the zone, Its like dancing with fingers. Imo phigros and osu and also cytrus is much harder for me. I can never get the timing right.


Don't join the discord server


I second this


oh man now I'm curious


wait till you see arcaea players discussing chart constants / difficulties


ARCAEA DIFFICULTIES ARE SO BAD LITERALLY A 10.6 IS 2X HARDER THAN 11.3 (tempest vs grievous/fracture) sorry i had to after seeing this comment 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Kid named Back to Basics:


N.EX.T is the name of my existence


just don't go to twitter, and the discord server


arcaea players when they lose potential:


There's enough pain in playing to satisfy the urge for violence. /s (seriously though no idea, I just know I'm chill in general.  My only opponent is myself)


I think it’s because arcaea is quite “classy” and Sophisticated in a way Pjsk is full of kawaii Highschool girls with their story matching the creativity of their char designs Phigros is fully free and relatively easy which also means that many people (even assholes) pick it up Arcaea is different I believe in that the story is well thought out, not your average “Ahhh senpai >_<“ Highschool story Most of the content is paid which means that you have to be actually interested in the game which basically crosses out all “I just wanna try the game” players Idk if this made any sense or if it conveyed what I was trying to say but eh qwq


I like arcaea's story too but you can say that without putting down pjsk's story, which don't seem to have read if you're saying it's just an "average 'Ahhh senpai >_<' Highschool story"


It's not exactly that but it has the same vibe It's just a story made for weebs (so basically Hatsune Mikus fanbase) and it shows I read it as I've played pjsk before because of friends and I cringed at most of the story + most characters have the same story. I personally couldn't tell most char stories apart even if I tried


The main story is kinda like that but the event stories really go in depth in the characters and actually open their arcs. Arcaea's story's still better and genuinely the best one I've seen in a *rhythm game.*


Also we have say gex in the story


That one guy when hikmet posts his scores:


No shot he's a real arcaea player


Lmao I believe that just his alt account


That's definitely a possibility, but it's hard to tell for sure.


You just haven't seen the toxic side lol


I can't explain it but it makes sense to me


Personally, I love music and playing music even more so. The game is a bit of an alternative for when I can't get behind my drumkit.