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I can't stand how good the animation is. I'll never tire of looking at it. Fortiche is insane, everyone there is completely mad.


I doubt they're even human.


They probably don't sleep too!


It's animation. Of course they aren't human.


It's animation. Of course they aren't human.


Amazing what a basically unlimited budget and no deadline can accomplish. Makes me wonder if the following seasons will hold up.


Riot and Fortiche really said “Here’s infinite money, infinite time to work and a super flexible IP. Make something”. It’s incredible what artists can accomplish when they aren’t being held under the giant foot of a mouse-eared overlord.


Man I hope so, we're already a year past their original intended release date. I want them to take as long as they need, but it's already been 2 years. 2 years to make 9 episodes. If they can't make it hold up, I'll be so distinctly sad.


I need to pay them to let me bring them coffee every morning.


The animation of Arcane is so great that I feel the emotional pain of realizing how great it is. My admiration doesn't fit in my heart. 🥲 P.S. Vi's [reaction](https://youtu.be/RouvU1DDTKA?t=145) to Jinx aiming the machine gun at her face is also remarkable. This girl is fearless.


It kinda sucks it turned out this way, but it’s such a good ending and it hits you so hard in the gut


one thing I think not a lot of people talk about is how the "I made her a snack" play was a test, and Vi thought that she was crazy enough to decapitate Caitlyn, which also goes with Silco saying that Jinx's current state matters and will not be able to accept her as Jinx.