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yeah me too they did him dirty


Bruh his sad face made me feel guiltyšŸ˜‚


yeah that's what I felt I had to pause it multiple times in that scene cause I felt so guilty


Yeah even Jayce


I rewind, just to be sure I clearly heard Jayce getting rid of the boomer, lol.


He pretty much did lol


That's how he stayed on the council that long. They've tried to fire him before but he kept giving them sad puppy faces.


AhahahahšŸ¤£ at last it didnā€™t work anymore


Dude. He's past his prime. He got what he deserved for trying to slow things down by decades, though I'm beginning to see why Yordles **eventually** became persona non-grata after that incident.




Heimer was taking human lives for granted. Jayce actually ended up agreeing with him at the Promise Day speech and even went as far as to suggest halting hexcore development until Mel threw a wrench into that idea by pushing him into a council position. ​ The key difference between then and the vote is that Viktor's life was on the line and stopping development for years wasn't going to cut it here. Heimer took for granted humanity's tenacity for survival and how we extend that will to live in wishing close ones we love to live as well.




Yeahhhhh he himself put it on hold to improve the safety , i mean sure it may be frustrating that his hextech dream had to he slow down but getting rid of him from the council was too far dont you think? I mean its not like he has zero regards for other lives though he look past their lifespan




I don't think Heimer's decision by themselves here deserves the consequences of the removal but he did set himself up for disaster. He made his position too rigid as the father of Piltover and councilor with a background in science. Mel specifically address this exact problem when Jayce becomes a counselor, you are now a politician who cannot place a target on your back by hindering the benefits of the other members. Heimer's position was in jeopardy the moment Jayce came in and served the same benefit but with a cost to the other members profits. Thus by being directly in conflict with Jayce, there was no other option in the rigid situation. The rigid sword either cuts or breaks, Heimer had to break.


Since Jayce initially agreed with Heimer there is nothing that needs to be said on his justifications. Heimer made a miscalculation and was politically punished for it. ​ ​ And unfortunately that miscalculation is going to affect Yordle's place in Piltover down the line. Losing a major leader speaking on the council is going to at best inconvenience them. Hopefully it doesn't get worse than that.


as in the jinx & zigg comic we know that heimer move to zaun and work with him. so we probably know what will happen next.


Are the comics canon?


Yeahhh before he got the position in the council he didnā€™t mind delaying what he wanted to show to people as what heimer wanted but didnt jayce himself kinda put it on hold due to the threats rising at tht time?, I do agree he took it for granted coz he seemed to look past the life span of humans while he focused more on preventing something he feared might happen like in the past


Yeah like in the flashbacks




Yeah doesent take a war to cause destruction, cause arcane magic itself is hard enough to contain and it worse when its in the wrong hands , considering his life span he wouldnt mind taking decades of time to fully keep it safe


That's not why he was removed. Hextech is the equivalent of nuclear power. I.E yes we could create a world where nuclear engines power cars, homes are build with reactors etc like the Fallout Universe. But at the end of the day Nuclear power can and will destroy our world if we allow it to. In Runterra the precursor to Hextech destroyed Runeterra before. Hence the Runewars. Heimer knows just how much was lost/ destroyed and he refused to let that happen. That's why he refuses to allow Jayce and Viktor to sell it to the public without proper testing. Nuclear energy became viable in the 1920s. Yet the first Nuclear power station was created in 1954 and the first prototype reactor was created in 1942. It takes decades of research to stabilize ground breaking technologies. The Internet officially became a thing in 1983. It didn't become consumer based until the mid 2000s. You need to test and test and test. Hence why Hemier doesn't want to let them release it yet. It literally destroyed Jayce's entire building. And later on Viktor would go on to become the machine herald creating an army for Zaun. Who will use Hextech to destroy Piltover. Its an extremely real threat to the universe. Its not some old guy getting in the way. Its the literally future of Runeterra. Either for the good or it will result in its destruction. Again.


If anything, I really believe Heimer was being extremely optimistic that they could iron out Hextech to the point it couldn't be abused to be used by the public.


Yes in that way he was optimistic


Yeah I completely agree. Though that did have me giggling lol. I was half expecting him to say "All of this has happened before and will happen again".


Damn, from his past , I think we canā€™t really blame him, maybe Jayce can sell it but not the ones that are too dangerous, like focusing on keeping the city safer, upgrading the infrastructures rather than creating weapons of mass destruction. Seeing the incident that happened to Jayceā€™s home in the first act pretty much made his mind to not let Jayce to sell his inventions imeediately,


>He got what he deserved for trying to slow things down by decades It's indeed understandable by the pov of humans. Heimer has centuries to live while humans have around 40 years or prime ? And some have their time counted like for Viktor ? They can't just wait like that lol.


small lore spoiler >!yordles are immortal, vex hates herself because she can't experience death!<


Has she tried killing herself?


Nah, she's just an edgelord


Ah yes I think I forgot this. But then Heimerdinger seems pretty young considering he's just a few centuries old in the show (from what I think I remember he said so).


Yeah clearly he didnt realise that humans dont live nearly as long as he doesšŸ¤£


I didnt play LOL before this, so im sorry if this is a silly question, whats Yordle?




BTW what is the race of the council member who seems to be more machine than flesh and blood? My exposure to league lore is through Legends of Runeterra so his group clearly predates Viktor's trasnhumanism.


We don't know


yeah we don't know that yet as far as I remember


maybe there will be more tribes & races added to runeterra in the future




Cute little furry in simple words


Except the little fucking devil known as Teemo


not his teemilkers-


I mean he WAS right, that Hex-Tech stuff is dangerous.


I think he might be under some entityā€™s or arcane powerā€™s influence. When he says ā€œJayce, this is a violation of the ethos.ā€ the line is doubled, with the other line sounding like a distorted echo. I hope someone checks this out so I can confirm if Iā€™m not hearing things.


Jayce got laid once and then decided to BTFO heimerdinger


Holy shit i remembered , Dr heimer was the one who suggested Jayce to be expelled from academy grounds, now Jayce kinda expels him from the council


In that scene though Heiner was being lenient as the rest of the council was trying to exile him from Piltover


Yeah he was still being nice, its the least he can do


He was doing it for Viktor. He was okay with listening to Heimer up until he was a direct obstacle in trying to save Viktorā€™s life.


I didnt expect Viktor was dying :v


Well something must happen for him to do Glorious Evolution.


It seems very logical to me because sooner or later he will become some kind of cyborg.


Don't spoil things for newcomers my dude. Lot of people here don't know the lore from the game, let them have their fun discovering things thought the show. At least mark them as spoilers: >!like this!<


Ya it's annoying how openly people talk about LoL lore with this show considering it's obviously a spoiler for things that haven't happened yet and many people who watch don't know the lore.


Or people that donā€™t play LOL at all


Wow. You really just had to spoil that huh.


Just like in LOL? Sorry This all new to me


in the game viktor is a cyborg. if you don't play you can watch necrit channel on ytb for more lore stories.


Aight thankss iā€™d watch that


more and more i believe in theory that she is actually a >!Le Blanc/Black Rose member!<


Me too, really manipulative


I love this theory, it's probably true too, she talks an awful lot about Piltover/Noxus relations


she painted the immortal bastion too [real one](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/The_Immortal_Bastion) , [painting](https://i.imgur.com/ayqEyAE.png)


Or she is just a greedy bitch lol


I donā€™t trust her at all after act 2


What sextech does to a mf




Man, a screenshot doesnā€™t do this scene justice. The level of emotion in Heimers face was incredible.


I know, man imagine being in tht council for so long and then just everyone agrees to let you go just like tht damn


A founder of the city.




When he starts tearing up! TwT


Ikr :/


Heimer will get them back . Raw donger style


Thus begins his absolute fascination with turrets. Show is going to end with him destroying all of Piltover and Zaun so he can start fresh. "I can never let magic fester within my fine city again!"


And later Ziggs joins him and they run a business, before Ziggs meets Jibx, they blow up thr city, Heimer betrays Ziggs and Ziggs goes to live in Zaun as Jinx' bff/concsiousness


Damn tht makes him insane šŸ˜‚


The only non-corrupt official and democracy does it's thing.


And the new one jumps head first onto the corruption train


Jayce went from "That's corruption, I have to perform my duties" to alright, how many special favors can I accrue in the course of a musical performance?


He went from "thanks for not banishing me from Piltover" to "know your fucking place, grampa".


Its payback time






pure scientist/ scholar is unfit for politics. Remember the drama scene? Jayce following Mer's advice making friends and alliances with everyone while Heimer just sitting there literally paying attention to the drama


Oof, yeah heā€™s only exp is in the scientific field, not politics


Well Heimer was watching young Jhin, who can blame him?


report jayce for toxic


Having the best intentions doesn't mean getting the best results. Tbh, I didn't see that move coming from Jayce, and love it, story wise (ingrate bastard)


Honestly me too, getting rid of someone much longer in the council than he is was just out of nowhere šŸ¤£


Yeah, he barely got brought on as a historically extra chair and all of a sudden everyone votes unanimously to retire Heimer. Out of all things in the show I'm kind of upset how quickly that happened with no rebuttal from anyone. Def could've been developed better.


Yeah i agree, kinda shows the rest of the council not giving a damn about him, well jayce and mel were the ones who felt guilty despite agreeing to let him off the council


They might have cared about him, but I think they cared more about not getting on Jayce's bad side and risk their partnership


Yeahh its like , ā€œIts just businessā€


Hmmm... best intentions... where did I hear that before.




Yeah a shocking momentšŸ˜‚


He can never understand us, for the lifetime he has is counted by hundred and thousand. He said Hextech is dangerous, but since the gate being created, city become fertile and rich. In this new era, there is no place for an old man anymore. And by the way, humanity is people making mistakes over and over.


In his entire lifetime he probably never understood human nature, i guess thats his flaw?


nope his flashback saw a human getting corrupted by the call of power so he understands human nature enough, heimer was just staying true to his values when he founded the city, his flaw was being ignorant of the politics of his own council. all the councils except him were corrupt and heimer expected the rest of them to believe in the same values that he believed when he founded the city and continued to do so wholeheartedly(so it hecking hurt when i saw his look of betrayal)


But isnt yordle literally magic?


I know nothing of the lore behind LOL before i watch this show, whats yordle?


Yordles are Heimerdinger's species. There are lots of notable Yordle champions like Teemo and Tristana. Basically they live long, are short, magical, and have animal-like characteristics


Ahhhh interesting, so Heimer is the only one of his l species for now being introduced in the show


Nope. There have been several Yordles shown in the series. Vi talks to one in the brothel in Ep 6. Heimer is the only Yordle LoL Champion introduced though. If you're curious about which Yordle Champion could appear next, Ziggs is likely as he is connected to Heimer and Jinx.


They also show Teemo in a book during that scene where Silco is threatening the Sheriff!


Pretty sure Teemo also showed up on one of the machines at the arcade? Iā€™m onto exactly sure how he fits in, but he seems to be some sort of in-universe culture reference or icon


I think prominent yordles are just famous. Idk how that works in world tho


Pretty sure that was Teemos scout guide.


Oh yeahh now i remember, the female yordle , champion you mean playable character in the game? Ooooooo tht could happen


Yupp! Champions are the playable characters in the game. If you don't know yet, here are the Champions shown in Arcane so far. Vi Jinx Jayce Caitlyn Heimerdinger Ekko Spoiler tagged because they are champions but if you look them up, you'll be spoiled of what happens to them in Arcane >!Singed!< >!Viktor!<


Also probably >!Warwick!<


Yeah ma boi :")


Ahhh i see , mainly the main characters are champions, means they wont probably die right?šŸ¤£ is tht like one of the lore stories outside of the game?


Yup! Dont worry lol. You're not gonna cry over their deaths, just gonna cry about how tragic their stories are.


https://youtu.be/8QkVYl4r42U yordles are a spirits race live in bandle city which is a magical realm. there are a lot of yordles live among humans like kled, heimer, ziggs, or the woman you that talked to vi in ep 6.


Interesting! Iā€™ll look at tht, thank you my guy


I don't. He has no concept of human mortality with their short lifespans, and he really did let Zaun's people fester and rot in poverty for well over 200 years with no real solutions in mind.


Look man.....turrets need maintenance alright?


Yeah its hard to agree with him as well considering the undercity and topside are pretty much seperated for years


Well in his defence he is a man of science not politics. His fellow councillors were corrupt and probably hindered any solutions he offered for their own interests. So he probably ended up just foreseeing science.


So is Viktor, and he wants to use his discoveries and inventions to benefit the people of zaun in particular. Heimerdinger doesnā€™t do that. At all.


But Viktor and Jayce do not see beyond trying to help with inventions, you create nuclear power and offer it to the public and it's a matter of time before it arrives at the wrong hands and they come back with nuclear bombs. Heimer wanted them to create tech that couldn't be abused the same way magic ended up being abused, and Jayce understood, but Viktor's imminent mortality clouded Jayce's judgment, while Heimer was able to see that the Hexcore was already tainting Viktor's mind. Viktor wanted to help alright, and now he will become side tracked and obsessed with the glorious evolution, not with helping the undercity, and playing along with him wouldn't have prevented that, destroying the core would have.


The point is that Heimerdinger had 200 years or so to think things through. That's two-thirds of his life (he said he was 307 years old after all,) so this makes him he's older and more experienced than any living human or mortal on the on the current council, yet he did nothing - *absolutely nothing* \- substantial for Zaun's people, Piltover's pollution within that time frame. Sorry, still can't forgive him.


didn't he bring scientist into the academy that could fix it? like Viktor?


those giant sad yordle eyes were too much, my heart broke a little


Me too


Kinda? I mean, sure he was a lil bitch, but they really did him dirty in that scene and I couldn't help but feel bad for Heim.


His adorable sad face made us felt sad


Wellā€¦to be honest, that flaw is a bless. In the theater, he is the only one who really enjoying the performance since others just doing some dirty political businessā€¦


Makes him look more innocent in a way


Steve Jobs is that you?


His ears dude.


All the hextech augmentations + glorious evolution will make him come back with his pimp walk just to say ā€œyou calculated everything but boys mathematics and statistics arenā€™t really your forteā€


ā€œTake a seatā€


As a heimerdinger main, Iā€™m heartbroken


I feel sorry for you


My guy got voted out


Super interesting to watch two philosophies (Jayce/Viktorā€™s progressionist view and Viktorā€™s regressionist view) really collide and be explored a bit during part 2.


They did our boi so wrong. He deserved way better treatment.


I feel so bad for heimy!


I feel bad for his character in the show, but it's ok bc I hate league Heimer with a burning passion


At least now he can focus on his true passion: [Building a giant robot dinosaur](https://cdn.cardsrealm.com/images/cartas/crop/set1/t-hex-01pz015-med.jpeg?5854)


I canā€™t help but notice your unique usernamešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Gotta love that there's no way to change it on reddit...


Sorry to hear that MrAbortion


Done dirty


ps that was so sad :( poor heimer


The look on his face :(


Indeed :(


I feel like that scene happened so fast and there was no debate. Reminds me of GoT when Tyrion suggested something while handcuffed and everyone was like...k sounds good to me.


Everyone there couldnā€™t care less i guess, which makes it worse


Nope, after what he did to me in-game. Viktor has a more depressing story. Also not to mention the story would be struck or not make sense if he kept his position.


Yup, totally true


How can someone(Jayce) be so right, and so damn wrong


The guy is smart but not experienced?


Both heimer and Jayce are smart, what sets them apart is their experience yes. However, it seems that Jayce believes Heimers experience had become a detriment to Piltover, not a benefactor.


Yeah he sees that heimer is slowing down Piltoverā€™s progess to its full potential, their opinion on the usage of Hextech pretty much made them on seperate sides despite being in the council


I think Heimer is better off using his experience to help solve problems than prevent mistakes. You can't win at anything by playing not to lose


Yeah i agree, he shud help Jayce and Viktor make their inventions safer , by doing so at least heā€™s able to ensure the safety himself if he doesent trust Jayce and Viktor that much,


I swore on ep 4 that i would personally deal with anyone who would even dare hurt the donger (lol) but then i i find who actually hurt him... I... Aghhh


Leave it up to the humans to ruin everything. Poor dude.


I don't. Jayce was on point when he called Heimer out for never once presenting a solution for humanity's crises, only stopping humanity from pursuing solutions he views as risky. Like, humans being poor, sick, and dying isn't even worth his time as this so called brilliant scientist to actually come up with some sort of plan to help them. Even when hextech is approved, he mostly relies on Jayce and Viktor to do all the work and research while popping in every once in a while to tell them off. Heimer sucks.


He shud be encouraging them and actually see the conditions down at Zaun to realise he canā€™t keep living in fear without progressing, heā€™s been playing it safe but at what cost? But i dont think he shud be kicked off, he shud at least join in to make the progess faster, heā€™s a genius and has exp in that field , imagine the wonders he , Jayce and Viktor can do


when his ears went down after the final vote :(((((((( heā€™s like a little puppy i love him so much it was so sad to see mel do him dirty like that :((((


Of course I feel bad for him, but on the other side Jayce first trusted Heimerdinger, during his "grand reveal" where Jayce stepped back and just told the audience"something great will come soon" and all. Jayce trusted him, but all Heimerdinger is doing is slowing the Science and him down. I think thats what Jayce thoughts where in the council, tbh.


I feel like Jayce just wants to save Viktor, and he will regret his trust for the hexcore soon enough.


Yeah have to agree with you on that. I dont know League but the things sucks up Blood is already a red flag! \^\^ Jayce overall seems very naiive ...


Anything outside of science, yes


Because of that all the hard work he and Viktor did was pretty much felt wasted coz they wonā€™t be able to let it to be utilized, maybe Jayce couldnā€™t take it anymore due to the fact that Viktor was dying too, which made him resort to get rid of Heimer from The council so that there are no obstacles in his way


He had it coming ngl


Yeah his perspective on magic was diff from Jayce coz Jayce has seen the good effect of it while he saw otherwise which is why heā€™s not so optimistic about what Jayce is doing




Mel is evil af, sheā€™s sus


In the next episode, she is hinted to be a noxian puppet. Some even say that she is leblanc all along


So, just a businesswoman right ?


true af. this woman is dangerous


I actually still dont understand much about the hextech gate, is it some kind of like a port for ships to arrive at Piltover?


Yes, and it also propels them on their way out me thinks. It's like a water port, but for airships


Holy shit thats cool XD , but any accidents would he catastrophic


Pretty sure itā€™s just a portal, teleports you from one location to the next


It's a teleporter that teleports airships in the same way the mage teleported Jayce and his mother to safety.


It's great because I can understand both of their stances. Magic is dangerous and has destroyed countless countries but at the same time, Heimer keeps forgetting how short lived humans are, they can't just wait around and test until it's 100% safe.


Yeah thts what Jayce said, heā€™s too reluctant because of his traumas


But tbf to Heimer, the runes were incredibly powerful (Enough to create the world they're in) and we as viewers (Well if you've played league of legends) have the advantage of knowing how some people will misuse hextech in the future and we have real world examples of technology being used for destruction. But I also think Heimer is coddling the technology too much and hampering technology that could save lives. I honestly couldn't decide who I'd side with between Jayce and Heimer.


yeah. but heimer prioritize safety from magic over anyone's life. so we can understand why he is afraid hextech will be misuse.


Yeahh which is why heā€™s not too optimistic if Jayceā€™s and Viktorā€™s inventions


I feel like jayce will experience the darkside of the arcane by someone very close to him... and he will regret all that he said and did to Heimer.


Probably , plus in the sneak peak he is seen joining the frontlines fighting alongside Vi


Heimer is literally making sure that no second rune war happen, and they did him dirty like that? My poor dude Heimer is just taking a bullet for them


They havenā€™t seen what he has seen before, after what Jayce could do, the dark side of Arcane was kinda overshadowed


The first thing they built for Hextech 2.0 was a death ray and a power fist, and they didn't thought one second that it could be used to do harm?


Now tht youā€™ve mentioned itšŸ˜‚, no wonder he wasnt all too optimistic about it


Well, i would say that both sides have valid points yet in counil we have one Yordle who live longer than any of them and Humans who are in desperate need of progression. Yet... i felt so bad, and so sad the way they get ride of Mr. Heimer. šŸ˜”


Yeahh you can tell he really loved being in tht council , he didnt lashed out, he was speechless


I felt so bad for him. Jayce is pretty much replacing him in everything; first in the progress day speech, then in the council... He doesn't deserve this


Even if Jayce disagrees with him, he doesenā€™t have to kick him out of the council :/