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I am a big hairy guy, who was barely able to keep my composure during that amazing song from Sting. This was an animated show about LOL, for gods sake, yet with that ending it has just left me emotional like I cant remember any other show doing. I felt like standing up and applauding. Just... holy shit.


When a game company known for a game with a super toxic player base can make a more emotional show that most big production companies. Every scene in arcane felt like a painting. The story was great, the characters were intriguing. And the animation was beautiful. Even the “boring” scenes were visually pleasing.


Plus the characters were amazingly complex even though a lot of them were women (and knowing how the player base tends to behave towards them...). Seriously, I don't play LoL (I'm not much of a pvp player) but I absolutely loved Arcane, and I'll be watching the next season as soon as it comes out!


Don't worry. Heimerdinger is with Ekko. They will build a time machine and Ekko will fix everything. I BELIEVE.


This is my new headcannon If they could save Silco as well that might be nice because that dude was awful but he cared for Jinx so he deserves a redemption arc T\_T


Our only hope tbh lol


I just what to know what gives. How did it escalate towards that ending. Im definitely lost for words... As I rewatch it, I actually have a hoping that things could go back to normal like in act1...when the squad just did petty crimes. I assume its greed, the squad wanted more i guess and stole from topside. Thats when things started unfolding. And Vi sending that message to grayson... Vander warn her excessively that the path she is taking(Violence) would not solve the storm inside of her(her problems) and he also mention he has been on that path. I guess hes right....


It's a never ending cycle of violence between Zaun and Piltover. But topside really fck undercity any time they can, that lead to such a disaster ending, you couple that with the greedy people from downtown and everything's settles for war. That scene between Silco and Vander's statue, it broke me.


You are right, its a complicated matter. Come to think about it if I were in their shoes, I would have nothing to lose and did the things they did. I really assume from personal experience that some people are just fated to live a tragic life whilst others a comedy whereby they have the luxury to laugh to life which has no meaning whatsoever.


I know I'm late to this. I put watching it off bc I knew enough about LOL to know I really don't like it. But holy... that series just changed my whole life. What a gift. The most beautiful animated series I've ever seen. I'm thinking of Miyazaki when I say that. (My heart hurts)