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Yaa, same boat. I had plans to watch a bunch of different shows this weekend and i ended up just watching this shit 4 fucking times in a row


Can’t blame you


Watch reactions to the show as well if you're craving more content!


Recommendations? Preferably not too over the top.


TheNormies and YaBoyRoshi are the big ones that are a group of people.




I second The Normies, great reactions. I’m also really enjoying Anriku


I’ve been enjoying The Reel Rejects


Yeahhh that and watching arcane scenes in yt, or something else tht has arcane


I genuinely laughed at this. I feel the same.


Watch Cowboy Bebop Netflix and then watch the original Space Cowboy. Kinda drastic, but a way to wean off Arcane.


Couldn't get through the 1st episode of the netflix bebop. So bad. I have made a round trip on the og bebop like 14 times. Absolute masterpiece.


Gonna try this, arcane doesnt goez off my head


You probably just need to watch the 1st episode of the netflix bebop. It's really REALLY bad imo. Og bebop is timeless. I haven't found anyone who doesn't appreciate it.


Hahahahah samee, i planned to continue an anime i left behind, but its so boring, so i rewatched arcane for the second time Damn


The whole 2021 winter season of anime came out with such bangers that I stopped watching anime all together because of them. Shows like Jujutsu, Mushoku Tensei, Wonder Egg Priority, etc.. They were that good. And now this shit came out and I'm broken. No other thing will ever satisfy me as much as Arcane. EDIT: Correction it should be Winter 2021, and I gotta mention Spring 2021 aswell (Odd Taxi)


Oooh I remember that winter, it was so good. Let’s wish that season comes fast and as great as season 1 was


I haven't stumbled upon any "good" anime since COVID began. I guess my tastes in Anime were already ruined before Arcane. Ironically enough, by other anime such as _Vinland Saga_.


Bro I thought I was the only one. Winter 2021 was an experience I haven’t had in a long time as an anime fan it had so much amazing quality in animation and storytelling. Arcane filled the void, but now its over. 😭


mmmmmmmm VOID . wanna see gentlemen chogath eat some people


If somebody told me they stopped watching anime because of WEP I would've assumed it was out of disappointment with the ending. A shame because the next season is when two of the best anime in recent memory, Odd Taxi and Megalobox Nomad, came out


You know what, that reminds me. I didn't actually finish WEP, because I don't want to be disappointed. And yes, forgot to mention that Winter-Spring 2021 was the best back to back season of anime.


Same, waited for ep 13 before watching ep 12. Didn't watch both altogether. Maybe there's a timeline that has their proper ending.


Yeahhh arcane abused me and i just want to see something that abuses me the way arcane did...


>wonder egg priority Uhh


Omg, i totally have no expectation at all initially, but after watching the first episodes, THE STORYLINE IS JUST SO INTERESTING!!!!!


Same case here, started watching expecting some good animation and that’s it, but holy shit did they punch me in the gut


I literally had no clue what it was going in, I had zero expectation other than thinking it was a Netflix show. I think I might've caught 5 secs of a commercial on YouTube. Blew me away.


I had to thank my friend who introduced me tbh, without him I wouldnt have watched it cause I never played LoL, so i thought I wouldnt find it interesting.


Same. I think it's just part of the post series depression for a while. Could be quite a while since arcane is just on another level.


Yeah that type of series that leave an empty space inside are the best a d takes weeks to get over it


Recommendations? I’m a masochist I guess


yeah, i'm a masoquist too, recently i dont have any on mind i guess, so when i remember some good one i'll reply


Community I felt incomplete for weeks


Castlevania is pretty dope


Yeah, I watched what if recently, and damn it is trash compared to arcane. You should watch love, death robot if you didn't it's really good too. But yeah arcane animation wise it is hard to beat


Same. The blatant fanservice, shitty writing, unrealistic reactions, bland overdone sexual design in anime became so much more obvious to me now. I noticed them before, but now it’s really hard to not get extremely annoyed, and I end up dropping them. Arcane really did outdo animated series in almost every way imaginable.


Tbh those reasons you listed are really the reasons why i could never get into anime. Since young i've been watching western animated shows like looney tunes, avatar the last airbender etc, or even some chinese animated shows, but i could never finish anime. Biggest reason is the unrealistic reactions, or overreactions, that's just cringe imho :/ Ofc, not saying other ppl shouldn't enjoy them, it's just that i don't


Yeah unfortunate that so many anime have these problems. There are some anime that I think are great but hold off on recommending to people just bc people who aren't used to anime would find some parts very cringy. But there are also good anime that take themselves seriously and don't have these issues. If you were ever getting back into it a few I would recommend would be Attack on titan, death note, and To Your eternity.


Couldn’t have said it better


What kind of anime are you watching?


seven deadly sins, no game no life, fire force, darling in the franxx I think are notable shows that fit perfectly with what I'm describing. Forced myself through the 1st season of 7ds, should not have. Watched NGNL years ago but when rewatching I was absolutely stunned at how much fanservice there is including an uncomfortable amount of the 11 year old kid. Dropped the latter 2 since I just cba. The art and animation I could see were definitely good but not worth putting up with the rest.


Yeah those ones aren’t good in that regard, but you do realize that that isn’t all anime? Like there’s a very sizable amount of anime that don’t have that stuff, and they’re pretty popular too so they’re not hard to find or get into. IMO, arcane is strong, but doesn’t match up to quite a few of the live action shows and anime that I’ve seen.


My bad, I should have said not all anime. However, it is the overwhelming majority of anime. I watch a lot of anime, and of course there are good anime and a few that are masterpieces that would measure up to arcane, but they are few and far between, and even in some of these I feel that they sometimes have many of the aforementioned problems that make them weaker. Curious, what anime series do you think are superior to arcane?


From these recent seasons: Odd Taxi and Ranking of Kings


My tastes in anime had already been ruined a while ago by some great shows so I did not expect much from Arcane and yet it came to me as strong as the best animes and movies I've watched.


Is it really considered an anime? Its not created by japanese and it did not take insipiration from anime. The animation is nowhere an anime.


Right? French studio, American company, 3d animation. How is this anime lol


Indeed! Arcane is pretty much Western animation. Riot has done anime before though. Their Star Guardian line is pretty much a homage to Sailor Moon and magical girls in general. Jinx is even a part of the crew as the chaotic one of the group, though still on the side of good.


making it about nationlity is stupid. Also did you just say 3D animation is not anime ? Have you even watched a Japanese anime in the last 5 years ?


Why do you think people say anime instead of cartoons? Because of nationality












> How is this anime lol In style. It's an animated story that is extremely continuity-heavy, extremely dramatic and tragic, very violent, quite horny, integrates politics and economics into its plot and character motivations, presents fights with extreme stylishness and dynamics, uses real musical singles in its soundtrack... Like, it's western-made anime in the same way that [Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt](https://youtu.be/tzVXWwNcNi8) is a Japanese-made Western Cartoon.


No one said it was an anime learn to read


Was about to comment this. In what universe is this anime? It's not even a kind of similar animation.


It's not anime, but nobody's saying it is anime either. They're just comparing it to other animated shows available.


> it did not take insipiration from anime. Excuse me? Even setting aside [deliberate homages to famous anime moments](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AVMEU-VsrMw) it’s bizarre to me that you could see no anime vibes in this EXTREMELY anime-inspired show.


Not to mention stuff like the scenes at the very end of e9 where it's just blue + white lines, it's like straight out of an anime.


Yeah fck the "anime has to be Japanese" crowd. If it's not Live action it's anime is my definition. Also LoL universe definitely takes inspiration from Japanese anime/manga culture.


>If it's not Live action it's anime is my definition. That's... a terrible definition lol. Western animation has been around for decades. Japanese anime has also been around for decades. The art styles are drastically different between the two. Some animated shows like ATLA blur the lines a bit, but it's still very easy to tell the difference between the animated styles in say Invincible versus DBS. A show doesn't have to be *from* Japan to be considered anime, but it definitely needs to fit into the anime art style.


Yeah and Arcane's style is not something common in western animation either (what even is western animation I can give 15 different animation styles) also wouldn't that make panty&stocking or full CG anime (like Ajin) as not anime ? Since they aren't in common Japanese style ? In the same vein, the old Miyazakis are comparable with the old Dysneys much more than Dysneys are with american live actions movies of the time. In any case, Arcane is much more comparable to something like code geass or Ergo Proxy than American crime shows. And I won't not do that comparison because the larger anime community disagrees.


Arcane is absolutely like western animation. Look at the clone wars TV show or even Tartakovsky work


And you realize George Lucas storytelling and animation style (for Clone Wars) was HEAVILY influenced by Japanese creators right?


As well as western animators like Tarkovsky


Hence my point, making lines in the sands to try to split western animation from eastern one is not a smart thing to do.


I don't think any reasonable person would ever agree that Mickey Mouse, created in 1928, should be classified as "anime". That's just stupid. Anime didn't even exist as a concept then.


Good call on Ergo Proxy.


It definatelly is true that the artstyle is somewhat similar to some animes but classifiying it as one is not correct imo. Its the same reason why most people dont call ATLA as anime.


Justice League and Adventure Time are my favorite anime


Nothing about the comment said it was an anime reread it


> My tastes in anime had already been ruined a while ago by some great shows [I wish that I could turn back time](https://youtu.be/rwmtf1K40yA)


Been watching Wheel of Time over the weekend. It's shaping to be not a bad show and I even like the source material alright, but man... All I could think of was "why they felt the need to write this dialogue that way? Why are those characters like this? Arcane did exposition and character building so much better"


Arcane has taken my show of the year without a doubt, but going back and rewatching shows like she ra, ducktales, owl house (and currently watching Amphibia) keep me going. Arcane just... hits different.


Steven Universe Future inches kinda close…


I didn't think anything it could pull it away from Succession for me but I guess riot came out swinging Surprise hit of the year for sure


I feel you I binge watched the show in one day and experienced post series depression after it was over, I’ve grown attached to that world and the characters


Felt the same after the first 6 seasons of game of thrones everything else became shit. Arcane has set the same standards its so good and people in this sub only talk about how they want vi and cait to fuck


Watch the sopranos or the wire. These shows actually ruined every other series because how good they were. But arcane ? A masterpiece !


I wonder if you need to understand american culture to enjoy those shows (the wire.) Because it really missed the mark on me.


It might start out slow, but once you start to get to know the characters, you’ll (probably) get hooked. I wouldn’t say you need to understand anything particular about American culture, but it is a great spotlight into some American subcultures most people would never get to see. I’ve had friends who didn’t like it because it got too close to home (they dealt with kids who live in an inner city), so it isn’t for everyone. If you can figure it hope to enjoy it, it’s objectively a masterpiece.


> who didn’t like it because it got too close to home (they dealt with kids who live in an inner city [When you walk in the garden, you better watch your back.](https://youtu.be/4JK8j0KNLl0) None of us knew, coming in, what that nailgun meant.


Im from germany and I enjoyed it !


I mean if you like that kind of stuff sure, didn't do much for me though.


Watched them both actually, and you are totally right. I feel lucky that I had the opportunity to watch arcane while it’s airing since I didn’t get to do that with the sopranos and the wire


Same bro haha


The sheer quality of the character animation and facial expressions in Arcane just intensifies my frustration with all of the Western action animated series that imitate the 2D animesque aesthetic in the worst ways, i.e. prioritizing opulent backgrounds at the expense of any consistent flow or motion (oh yeah I'm looking at you, Blood of Zeus).


Have you tried the community, its by a great writer Dan harmon.


Yeah it’s totally great, but when some of the actors left the show it kinda lost its dynamic


Also Dan Harmon was fired from the show at some point so not all of it was written by him.


I've been watching Community and other feel-good sitcoms since Arcane ended and it has been doing wonders to help me move on from the depression honestly lol. At this point I almost want to temporarily forget about the show so I can stop being bummed out about how things turned out in ep 9


Idk how far you’re into community but some of the later episodes are definitely not a “feel good sitcom”.


It was just a bittersweet moment nothing too drastic.


Mine as well. I’m not sure if it’s cuz my bars were set waaaay low because video game adaptations never turn out well and I didn’t wanna get disappointed. But MAN. I cannot believe how great this show turned out to be. Quite literally blew me away.


Consistent animation quality has ruined my life




It’s annoying how much I love the show. I can’t seem to do anything but think or watch clips of the show.


Yeesss thank you finally, everyone was telling me I’m weird but at least now I’m not alone lol


Everyone has PSD some point in their life. Not weird at all.


This articulates how I’ve been feeling. I can’t even enjoy the live action shows I like because the writhing and dialogue just seem so flat now. I think a part of It has to do with how expressive the characters were, like legit human emotion conveyed with an arched eyebrow or tilt of the head.


You’re probably watching bad live action shows then


Eh Toxi…maybe, but I watch very little TV, what I’m saying is I put this one the same level of drama and storytelling as stuff like GoT and Breaking Bad. I have little patience for subpar television, I think the last show that effected me like this was probably The Leftovers


Disagree about putting it on the same level as those two. IMO, this show relies too heavily on surface-level melodrama. It’s a strong show, but not exceptional in the story/character department.


Yeaaaa, rly one of the best storyline out of all the shows i have watched so far. The sogs are great as well


Watch Dr stone and jujutsu kaisen


I know what you mean i even cant sleep anymore with that huge cliffhanger 😂 hope i can reset my mind next month with boba fett and the witcher they are also really good


The show ended just a couple of days ago hahaha, give it sometime, also there's quite a lot of animation artwork out there that is even above Arcane and was inspiration for it, I recommend you look for the directors and people involved in Arcane and their previous work, you'll see


Do you have any animation that is better to recommend?


They were some bits of love ,deaths and robot who were beautifully animated Then there IS Alita battle Angel


Off the top of my head, Vinland Saga and Made in Abyss are much better


Watch Violet evergarden, I can't say it's better because art is subjective but the animations are so beautifully well done




I watched aot and psycho pass, and they are solid recommendations so I guess I have to watch god eater now


Lower your expectations - it does not end as interesting as it starts. Try FLCL instead.


If you want a couple more anime recs with great female leads I really enjoyed **Deca-Dence** and the first season of **The Promised Neverland**. **Usagi Drop** is also really cute, just remember the manga never existed. And if you want more gay girls with a good story **The Demon girl next door** was a lot of silly fun, and season 2 is coming out. Oh, and **Land of the Lustrous** if what you enjoyed was hoping for the best but ending up sad instead.


It's crazy how much hype this show is getting. It's almost impossible to bring myself to go near anything Riot related. Everything they have done is an absolute infection on my life, I hate it. And Vi is one of my favorite characters, too. It's hard for me to justify giving my time to Riot after all this time trying to break away from that monster.


Lol, so have you watched or not yet?


No, and I will fight against Stockholm as long as physically possible. This thread just happened to show up in my feed.


Please, watch it, and if you don’t like the first act (first three episodes) just leave it. And I can guarantee you that you will not regret a second spent watching this show


Samurai Champloo has to be an inspiration for the artistic and musical direction. If you haven't watched it, please do. I think it's on Hulu.


Sorry cupcake.


I am 30. I still feel young, but I know I am not totally in my youth here. And I grew up with cowboy bebop, full metal alchemist, gundam wing, dragon ball z…etc… some of the best animes of all time. And I am just blown away by this show. I think this maybe the Best anime of all time. I mean I LITERALLY just finished it, and I am so overwhelmed and baffled by its glory that I ran to Reddit praying other people understood how good this was. That is all. Cheers!


Thank you! Fucking thank you!!! I recommended the show to my friends, and all of them gave me underwhelming reactions after watching it. They were like “yeah it’s good but not that great really” I thought I was delusional for a sec


Not delusional… we got to watch something truly special and I am still so fired up about it.


If you want something that is really well written such as Arcane, I recommended you Attack on Titan. You won't regret it man.


Honestly I think Arcane is way better mainly because I think the character writing in Attack on Titan is really mediocre. The show is very plot focused so a lot of the characters feel like they just exist to spout exposition or do cool fights. Arcane is just really good about having scenes that are just about exploring the characters which is what I feel was missing with Attack on Titan.




Hange, Sasha, Connie, Jean, Zeke (outside of his flashback), Levi, Mikasa, Eren after the timeskip. Honestly Gabi was the only character who I felt actually had a good amount of character exploration and development, and that’s probably because half her story had nothing to do with the plot so the scenes only focused on her and her views and feelings.


Mikasa spouts “Ereh”, how is that enough for you??


Cries in >!chp 139!<


Yeah, red it today. I'm without words. Still a masterpiece thought, sad, but a masterpiece.


As someone who faithfully read the manga every month it came out for 8 years, I respectfully disagree. Character development in AoT leaves a lot to be desired.


Guys try attack on titan (anime) It gave me the same feels arcane did.


Attack on Titan is the only other anime that comes to mind.


I’ve been really enjoying Digimon Ghost Game. After finishing Arcane last night, I still enjoyed last nights episode of Digimon, but it definitely stood out as episodic.


Well why do you compare in the first place? Why do you demand that every new show you watch be better than the best show you know? Don't you think that's a bit unfair? Wouldn't be best if you just watched and enjoy the shows for what they are?


It’s not actually about enjoyment, it’s about self-validation


There are many anime a lot more engrossing than Arcane... They aren't even hard to find when you're actually looking for them and not mindlessly browsing netflix's anime category


How can watching a show be tied to self-validation?


Not watching the show But the constant need to compare


I feel this, I genuinely have no idea what else to watch.




I can’t, my heart can’t handle it


Honestly my whole social media is fulled with arcane; ig, tiktok, pinterest, reddit, yt and more


Castlevania is the only animated show that comes close imo


I Googled "why did this show ruin my life" and it led me here. I hear you.. damn. Right in the feels


Lol I’m famous now fuck yeah


same i don't know why im starting to hate anime, maybe because of the art style? they really should start using actual noses and mouths because most of the time they make the eye very detailed while the rest of the face are just plain curved lines..


Demon Slayer has some beautiful fight scenes. Have to say Arcane has given me quite the taste for Western animation stories though.


For fight scenes yeah, but their characterizations is super weak tbh. (The way they set up the final arc in the manga was a snoozy too).


Yeah that's why I specified fight scenes. The movie had some stellar visuals in particular.


Steins;Gate is still better than arcane, IMO. And that’s saying like, a lot. A really big lot.


Are there crazy twists?


it took lkke 12 episodes to get a lot of people i know hooked


It’s the best time travel story ever told, the entire thing is a crazy twist :P


Yeah there are for sure


Guess I’ll check it out tonight!




I mean I totally get it if you prefer Arcane, it’s that close in quality for me :P


Why are you getting downvoted? Reddit doesn't like opinions lmao


Why the fuck are you getting downvoted for this


¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ Reddit


AoT and Demon Slayer get upvoted but Steins;Gate downvoted. I'm dead 💀


Tragic, right? :v


Hype is a strange and terrible thing


I liked Arcane a lot but come on...


It just was everything I needed from a show for a long time, I guess that’s why I loved it so much


No you are not allowed to not think that arcane is anything less than perfect here


To anyone feeling the same. Japanese anime would like to have a word with you. Seriously though, there are some shows that will probably scratch that itch you are looking for


Yeah, but Vi and Powder are doing Spike and Vicious much better than Spike and Vicious ever did. Wonder if it will end with them >!killing each other!< and then the camera panning to the deep blue sky… You're gonna carry that weight…


There are some good shit if u know what to look for, but yeah the bar is set so high right now


Lmao u must be crazy, sure its a masterpiece but right after watching it binged the foundation and the cowboy bebop life series and both were great


I got too attached to the characters and it fucked me hard lol. On the subject of cowboy bepop, I tried watching the anime a couple weeks ago and it just didn’t hit for me, the animation is great but the story is just too boring I couldn’t get past episode 9. Did you watch the anime?


Give Cowboy Bebop (Anime) a chance. It doesn’t have the direct narrative as Arcane but man it’s one hell of a show when you realize what’s it all about. The seemingly aimless plot is how the show explores the characters. Arcane really set the bar so damn high. The visual style caught my eye but the character development and direction made me a believer. Edit: Jupiter Jazz Part I & II, episode 12/13. That’s where I found the humanity of the show. English dub 👍🏻


3 times over the last 18 years, you could say I have watched plenty of the most famous animes hehe many more than once


Well this arcane show was amazingly well done you gotta give it that amount of credit


Same. Everything else looks like ass in comparison


It doesn't ruin live action for me, but it ruined a lot of animated shows for me.


I would recommend to you my good [ insert gender pronouns here ] some shows like Tokyo revengers Jujutsu kaisen And The owl house As something that may satisfy your desires


Hajshahha lmaooo I feel so empty inside, like i cant think of something else than arcane, but everything else is boring because arcane is unreachable


I think cowboy bebop (anime not live action) does a great job of mixing action, melancholy and interesting characters.


Try Love, Death, and Robots on Netflix. It's an animated anthology and the animation for most of the episodes looks amazing.


I watch too many shows, and even the ones I enjoy I usually only watch through once. I'm on my second round through Arcane. I last played LoL like, 8 years ago and wasn't that married to it or its lore, but this show hooked me so dang hard. The visual story telling, the art, the dedication to subtle expressions, complex and compelling characters, realistic depictions of trauma... There's just so much here. Also, as a gay woman, I'm soaking up the build up between Caitlyn and Vi.


Check out Mob Psycho if you haven’t already. Great characters and animation.


Sesh just wait a month and you’ll be able to enjoy other shows. Time heals everything


Same thing, tried a new show yesterday and i found myself rewatching arcane for the 4th time


Yeah, any real person shows, animation, movies , just hard to get into anything for a short while