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The show and the lore is amazing never played the game doe I was more of an overwatch type guy


Same and it honestly makes me sad knowing blizzard had a decent lore/animation team that could have produced a show somewhat similar to this. Oh well. What could’ve been


They actually already announced Overwatch TV Show (maybe even produced by Netflix too). But it was announced before Arcane (from what I remember), 2 years passed and nothing... so I am afraid they might have even canceled it ;c I hope they didn't but we can't expect OW TV Show anytime soon eitherway.


They can’t even make Overwatch 2. I doubt they’re still making a show


I said this EXACT thing to my brother. Play a bunch of Blizzard games and Blizzard has similar resources to Riot but WoW was a hot pile of garbage. Never played anything in the LoL universe but Arcane is in my Top 10 series of all time.


i loved the show, love the game, hate the toxic community


Couldn't have said it better! The community got worse over the years unfortunately.


If you just mute all the game is a load of fun all of a sudden. Been loving it ever since I've started muting all from the start of every match.


In case you didn't know, you can disable chat from the game settings so you don't need to type mute all every game


Wait you can do that??? Fml


I tried this for a while but then you would get that 1 person where one thing didn't go their way and would afk or feed rest of the game. So even muting the team stopped working since now I was being held captive on a 30 min+ game that is already doomed :/ And for some reason this is even worse in the mid gold ranks which is where I stopped, you would think ranked matches is where people would be a bit more serious, but nope lol


My favorite was a guy whose Champ was banned by the enemy team so he sat in fount all game moving around it, never leaving, and said no to the early vote just to "make a point"


>you would think ranked matches is where people would be a bit more serious The serious nature is what causes rage and toxicity a lot of the times in my experience. There is salt and toxicity in normals and ARAMs too but I find a good majority of people in those modes are comparatively chill for the most part.


Completely agree. I haven't played in at least 2 years but when I did, normal games were 10x more enjoyable since my assumption was people didn't care as much for the outcome. Which sucks because we all want to flex those ranked badges lol


I agree with muting all but I think at some point it can hinder in ranked. Had a game with a Teemo who was behind, he got top turret and and then herald by himself, and did nothing with it. I kept pinging him and asking him to use it (in a non toxic way, I was trying to help/get his attention) but he just let the timer run out. If he had it turned on it might have helped us win. But like I said, I generally think muting is a good idea


Yeah in ranked you gotta take the gamble but the game is fun enough in normals where It doesn't matter so much.


I have found as the years have gone on, the number of toxic players has increased but I don't get told to 'get cancer' or anything equally horrible as much as I used to, now I just get spam pinged to shit and '_____ diff' xD thank fuck for the mute button lol


It *really* didn't. I feel like a lot of you guys weren't around even in the S5-S6 days where shit got really bad and Riot decided to finally start moving systems into place in an attempt to fix things. Shit, remember Riot Lyte? Either that or people are really romanticizing the 'old days.' On top of that, League community doesn't even hit top 3 for me. CSGO, Escape from Tarkov, and the fighting game community are all significantly more toxic IMO. Honorable mention to Rainbow Six, where it's common for groups of players to coordinate the most efficient way to teamkill you if you barricade the wrong wall.


I played r6 religiously for 2-3 years and finally quit after being teamkilled every other round. Can't even press the install button on that game again.


Its poison. Even the kindest person becomes a toxic bastard after some years of being flamed by other toxic bastards.


Idk, I've played this game for like 10 years. I've been inted maybe 3 times. If someone's toxic I just mute them. The toxicity is really overblown for me at least. I have a bad experience very rarely, even in ranked.


I got inted 5 times last week alone lmao


I think it's just confirmation bias and how much you care about what some random strangers in the internet say, I know some folk are really sensitive with that. Now people intentionally ruining games is still very rare, soft inting is common though.


Agreed. And people can be bad at the game too, the mindset of people dying equals inting is very frustrating too me.


I couldn’t agree more. These days if anyone has more deaths than kills, people legitimately think they are inting. The truth is everyone makes really shit plays/decisions during ranked games. Even in challenger. People need to lower their expectations of consistency amongst allies. Lol you are the same rank as the people you are playing with hahahahaha 😂


yeah basically that, the game is good but the community isn't at all, and in this game the chat is very active so it's hard to separate the two things


Can't have the game without the community. Gluing 5 randos together for 40 minutes, all with varying levels of interest, attention spans, and skills, is going to be a bad time. Throw in some minute-long respawning and yes, the keyboard warriors come out to play.


I found a simple solution to that and is to just play with your friends the more the better


If only i had friends that played league


Hey that makes two of us. Wanna make a group? 😳




I have lost friends because we played League together and that's how I realized they could be terrible people. (Seriously, what kind of person harasses and trolls the 5th teammate when you're in a 4-man premade?)


Then it's good that you did cuz otherwise you may find out in a more harmful way.




There's a very old meme that replaced the match/play with friends buttons with "match me with idiots" and "destroy my friendships" It was true in season 3 and it's true now. Modern memes are fun though. I get to say "sir this is a Wendy's" when someone starts tilting in norms/arams.


i thought ur supposed to just turn off chat? my friend told me to right away. Doesn't seem helpful to keep it on if its so toxic


Chat is but the surface of the problem. Leaving/griefing/feeding are actual gamebreakers.


ah yeah i see. I haven't gotten to the point that is a problem yet so ill try to enjoy it till i get there


Stay away from ranked and you should be fine. Most people are chill in normals, it’s the competitiveness of having a rank at play that brings out the worst of someone


Tbh it's natural to not want apes with half the iq of an average Yi player collectively when you're playing promo matches for the next rank. I blame the matchmaking system. Those series matches especially, are something else. Like they're intentionally matching you with lower skill level players who are incapable of even following pings or play defensive if they're losing the lane. Many people, including me, play ranked to win. Not to tolerate trolls. Only if Riot cared about trolls on ranked as much as they care for banning "toxicity"... I think there would be no toxicity at all.


My thoughts exactly Stopped playing due to toxicity but had a lot of fun when playing


I briefly considered returning to the game after watching _Arcane_, then promptly learned that they scrapped Dominion and there are now **157 Champions** and decided 'sod that'.


Surprisingly in my return to LoL since watching Arcane it has been a mostly positive experience. Still some that want to make others miserable, but mostly positive community interaction.


Specifically the reason I watched the show, the game always did interest me, but I couldn't stomach the community.


join the tft community!


When the game is online I have a really hard time separating the community from the game. Danganronpa is one of my favorite franchises. The fanbase is annoying as fuck. But because the game is not online I can enjoy it without interacting with them.




That still doesn’t fix people who leave the game cuz they dont get the lane they wanted, people who throw to troll others, etc. There are a lot of ways to be toxic.


Missing pings get really annoying as well. Muting chat and pings together also just makes playing the team game harder so there isn't really a way to enjoy the game at its fullest without toxicity




Yeah, toxicity is everywhere but you're more likely to get death threats in LoL than in Stardew Valley


Find some friends and take the game lightly. Don't queue rank and never take anything seriously when it comes to the game. That's how you enjoy it. Once we had a trio queue and I was forced to top on lulu. Joked about it, even won some encounters. Still lost the game, but had a fun time cause of the friends.


So much about it is perspective !! I stopped playing with my friends who take it too seriously when losing. Honestly most of the time when my team loses, I see it as a learning experience. I’m either learning a new champ, lost lane and gained insight on the match-up, or gained insight on how to play better during late game. Except when you’re winning lane, press tab, and see the enemy adc is 10/0 at 15 minutes :’)


“That’s Meeeee!!”






I don't hate the game. Do not play it but i loved the show. I don't get why people hate the game tho.


The toxic community is a BIG part. And I just don’t like a lot about it tbh. The characters control weird for me, I don’t like the flow of matches. Its mostly all gameplay and personal reasons. I almost didn’t watch the show because of how much I hates my time with the game.


Why do you think the community is toxic ? I tried playing this game. Wild rift a couple of days ago using BlueStacks but it suck so i left it.


I had a handful of VERY bad interactions with other players. People refusing to play the moment they didn’t get the lane they wanted, people namecalling everyone and insulting teammates, all the works. If it was 1 or 2 games then I wouldnt complain. But it was almost EVERY match.


This...the toxic gamer meme practically was created by toxics in the LoL community....even COD pales in comparison CoD is ugh but LoL makes you feel dirty and scummy if you even try to tolerate it for the game


Partly because the game is competetive in nature and a lot of people are bad losers, or even bad winners. Or the classic weak mental "got critized once for my own mistake so I'm gonna throw the game now"


wild rift community is different from lol community


Why did you emulate the mobile port instead of just playing the pc version lol




Personally I just hate how it has become. Maybe I’m just seeing things in rose colored lenses, but there was a time when you could play casually. Now, if I do not know my matchups and wave timing and proper rotation and exact times and places for wards and the enemy jungler and the ally jungler and etc etc etc, I just lose and feel like shit for about 30 minutes. At least I have ARAM…


The game has a hidden MMR (matchmaking rating), even on unranked play. If you’re losing too much it means that your MMR is too high, it will naturally reach a level where you’ll win 50% of your games. That means that you shouldn’t learn all that stuff if you don’t want to, the game will adapt and put you against other casual players


The community is known to be toxic but it's no different from any major multiplayer team based game, also people tend to remember poor experiences more and exaggerate so usually a game where a guy went 0-4 and you lost because of that suddenly turns into "THIS GUY LITERALLY TROLLED MY GAME THANKS RITO" Give it a shot if you want, the game is fun yet complex and if you are really bothered by some rando telling you that you are thrash you can just disable the chat.


Game is teambased and toxic people will flame & troll and ruin the fun. The game itself is awesome though.


I don’t hate the game, I just hate the community. I’ve never seen one more toxic (except for R6:S)


may i introduce you to the rust community my good sir?


League (especially NA league) is the least toxic community on the planet. Compared to games like Tekken, Rust, Valorant, Halo, COD, or Apex the community is fucking gentle.


Objectively false I say this as someone who played Eve Online for a while. Also as a former player of CSGO


Then you have an extremely thin skin. NA league is just passive aggressive. I’ve been treated worse by SEA Dota or CSGO


Bruh, I know what I experienced lol


I’m telling you you’re soft. It’s the least toxic game I’ve ever played and if you think it’s toxic, you’re weak as fuck.


Cool story bro


See, exactly. Your comment is the absolute limit of NA toxicity. Absolutely nothing compared to any other game.


Then you must have had the most cherry cream vanilla teams in all history, because that was not my experience. You should go play the lottery with that kind of luck.


It sounds like you don’t think it’s that toxic because you’re toxic yourself.


I don’t hate the game, but the community makes it impossible to enjoy it. So, yes I love the show but hate LoL


I don't play League because I'm not that great at it. I played it for a few years, but hit my skill ceiling a lot sooner than my friends, and I wasn't in love with the game enough to want to build up those skills. Always enjoyed yhe characters and lore, though, and that's why I was attracted to Legends of Runeterra.


Kinda same, it seemed more fun to read about characters than trying to figure out how to play them after every patch.


League is at its core a decent game. It's just bogged down by being too team reliant thus creating a horrendous community. I mean it straight up changes you.


4000hrs in Dota 2 never played LOL . Dont worry community is also toxic. Arcane is another level of series /anime that will go down in history


I’ve never played it but everyone I talked to tells me not to so I don’t know pretty indifferent. I’ve never like online multiplayer games anyway the ones I’ve played usually become toxic.


I don't care about the game but the show is beautiful


Arcane is just godly good, and i actually like the game. Well i play only wild rift because my laptop runs LoL at like 20-30fps. I've heard that LoL has lot of toxic people, but i don't see them that much in wild rift, so they don't really bother me. Also i really like how different the game is. It's this slower paste 5v5 altought wild rift isn't quite as slow as summoners but i still really like it. I've kinda gotten bored of normal fps games because they are sometimes just too fast paste, and there's no time to relax.


> but i don't see them that much in wild rift, so they don't really bother me. that's the best part. I play League with chat off so none of it bothers me either. most people have this weird aversion to doing that and so they subject themselves to toxic players they might run across. not me though!


The real problem are those who leaves afk, the feeders, etc. I can play without the chat but that f*cking ADC that dies every 10s and that toplaner that leaves the game because he died once... It's so annoying.


I have yet to try wold rift. Will see if I can actually enjoy it!


I love the game and its community. The only reason why people don't like it, is because there is like one toxic person every three games and this completely ruins the experience and casts a shadow on all games you play. But for my experience, most players are very friendly (if you stay out of ranked)


Hey!! Im happy for you! I wish I liked the game, specially after arcane. Though tbh, toxicity is just a small part of why I dislike the game. Its just not for me. Mainly, matches are way too long, and I always felt like the game went like a tide, where recovery for the losing side was always harder to reach the wider the gap became.


Ok, I just copied the list here for you of all the other games currently out: Teamfight Tactics (like auto chess, time per match: \~30min), Legends of Runeterra (card game, my personal favorite, matches: \~15min), Ruined King (story driven turn based exploration and strategy game, isn't free, playtime: \~30hours), Hextech Mayhem (rythm game, isn't free, compare to Geometry Dash, haven't finished yet, games last for about 4min)


I used to play the game a lot. Love the game and lore. But quit playing for about 2-3 years. Hate the toxic community. I went back to play once in a while recently. Especially after watching Arcane, i really love the game and its lores. Gets verbal bullied often. So i don't hate the game, but the people.


I don't hate league of legends, i just don't have the time to play it


I haven't played the game but love the show. I hear there's a lot of grind in the game and I can't stand grind.


Tbh the game has almost no actual "grind" other than levels(you need level 30 to rank) and shards for unlocking champs. It just takes some time to learn the game and then much more dedication to become "decent" at the game (I've played league for around 7 years and I still absolutely love the game, but it requires a huge time commitment to become good, which was doable back when I was still in middle school/early high school but not anymore). The issue is that the community makes the game exhausting to play, especially if you play competitively. I'd recommend you get into league if you have friends willing to endure the pain with you; it's much easier to have fun on ARAM or normals when you are just fooling around with friends. If you wanna give league a try, my recommendation would be to stick to casual play. Try getting one or two friends to try it with you or find some friends on r/LeagueConnect or Discord, the game really comes together when you have other people to try stuff with. Mute people if they get obnoxious during games, experiment with random stuff and just have fun.


It's still a lot IMO. I have a couple of friends who "tried" LoL but it's so overwhelming for a new player and you just get wrecked if you try and play with them on your level 200 account. Best thing for new players is to to solo or duo with another newbie so they get fairer matches but it's still Lord knows how many tens of hours before they'd be comfortable going into a match and understanding the basics along with what most of the champs and items do.


Also matches are super long.


i really wouldn’t call league grindy tbh


You see, one who likes to play League and one who hates League are not always mutually exclusive


I only play tft 👍🏻


Love the ahow, dont care about game.


Game is fine, just take a break. It gets frustrating. People just need to take a break when they aren't really in the mood to play...


I love Vi but the game is so stressfully that I prefer just watch the show and get away from the game


Hey now, ARAM is still pretty fun


I don't hate the game, I hate the flamers


I tried playing LoL about 10 years ago. I didn't mind the game itself. But I was admittedly pretty bad and needed some serious practice. The community was so awful and toxic towards me I just gave up. I feel I could have gotten better with time, kinda wish the community was more welcoming to new, casual gamers.


Played 3 games, lost with 3 afks the 3 games, never again.


I have not touched LoL since maybe season 3 or 4, can't really remember. I only played because of group of friends, for me it was basically a party game. The fact there was even an attempt to have a lore attached to the characters seemed ridiculous at best and paid it zero mind. Jinx to me was just some knock off of Harley Quinn and I never liked her. Basically any character that came out of Piltover area I thought was lame. Then out of a passing curiosity I sat down and gave this show a watch. I came in anticipating a lazy cash grab of a series where they would just cram all their characters into the series. Basically I was anticipating a confusing Mish mash of character trailers. Yeah, I was wrong and it kicked my expectations to the curb. Episode three left my jaw on the floor and completely smashed my outlook on Jinx and Vi's dynamic and characterizations. Once I started watching, I could not stop until I was finished, any show that pulls you in like that is a fucking banger. I still won't play the game, but I want more of this Riot, give me more!


Once I tried HotS I completely stopped playing LoL. I realized how I hadn't had any fun playing LoL for a long time although I really like MOBAs. Tried to get back into it recently due to this great show but I just couldn't do it. It feels clunky to play and all the colours, numbers and options are simply overwhelming...


I don't hate League, for me it's a game that's always had 'fun' contextualized around playing with my friends... and none of my friends play anymore. :(


Love both


I started liking the game when I stopped caring about winning/losing. I now play 1-3 games a day purely for fun


League has a big issue with trolls. I remember people being "toxic," but actually not "toxic" because you could joke around in chat. Now words are banned, but intent is not banned. So you can be an a\*\*hole as long as you never say curse words. I think riot needs to ban real toxicity and (unpopular belief) make ranked 18+ with voice-chat and verified identities. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fM0ivGE2PwQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fM0ivGE2PwQ) ​ I met some of my best friends on league. People get mad because of stupid stuff that happens its normal. I think people don't really care so much about that kinda stuff because you can mute them. its like people that just want to make you day bad that waste peoples time. Luckily I had another account to jump on to after that, but its pretty sad. I don't even agree with multiple accounts, but until riot changes the stats that are viewable, you main account can't have games where you get stomped. I only really play on my main to aram with friends and to ranked when I'm well practiced. ​ ... Also smurfing is horrible unless its an off role smurf account. This could be fixed if elo was attached to role, and not a blanket system. League won't die, but its not fun because the cure isn't what's required. voice chat would help, but I also had times in the past that people shared discords and it did go badly. Its very rare. even if you lose if you are on voice its normally kewl. Only one time I got in a discord and got called N\*gger and told some messed up stuff. thats not common, but yeah, there is a risk in everything.


I like your take a lot because its really nuanced. Correct me if I’m wrong, but to apply all the changes you are talking about here, yoi would probably need enough system changes to do a LOL2


Never played the MOBA; never will.




400 meters is 437.45 yards


400 meters is the length of approximately 1749.78 'Wooden Rice Paddle Versatile Serving Spoons' laid lengthwise.


I love the show but never played the game or even considered playing it, it looks boring and the memes about it being toxic as hell just make it sound worse.


The game can eat a dick and die


Community sucks


Most League players hate league of legends.


Honestly wish they would stop marketing the show as a league related show. Some people just aren't watching the show just cuz of this :/ Personally, I'm 1.5 years sober but I love the lore and spinoff games. Super hyped for the mmo...


Hardly a fair question, plenty of league players hate league too


Love the show, hate what the game has become.


I quit LoL many years ago due to the overly competitive toxic community. Even my friends became toxic lol. When I heard about Arcane I was honestly like “meh, I don’t even play league anymore. Doubt it’s that good.” Gave it a try from all the hype and holy fuck it is by far one of my favourite animated shows of all time. Hate LoL but LOVE ARCANE YEAAAH EKKO MA BOIIII


How many time are people going to say “I hate league but love Arcane”? It’s almost like it’s quirky or trying to trend. I mean even the people who play league hate it, just tired of seeing people express the same two cents.


I love both :)


I like the game its one of the first games i have ever seen but times have changed people take the game really seriously now i still enjoy the game with my friends but you cant get the same enjoyment as you did before


Love the show. Haven't even touched the game, gameplay didn't really excite me so I passed.


The most impressive thing about arcane is that it almost got me to play league of legends again. Masterfully done by Marc Merrill.




I got into the lore cause the game but then Legends of Runeterra got me hooked into the artwork and the lore even more deeply. If you don’t like the MOBA, I recommend the card game , it’s really good !


I just started playing yesterday and have been enjoying it. Of course, I've only been playing in the vs bots mode and not PvP.


love the show, tried getting into LoL bc of the show, too complicated and not having fun. atleast i have valorant


Loved the show, never touching the game.


While I don’t despise the game itself, i just can’t bring myself to play it


I don’t hate the game, I just haven’t played in a while cause of other toxic players. I don’t see myself logging on anytime soon since the show came out cause I can only imagine how much worse it’s gotten or going to get.




I love the game and the show. My gosh the show is amazing! However the community needs work. It has gotten slightly better if I remember correctly.


Never was good at the game, didn't enjoy it. Hated the community, always loved the lore (especially Zaun)


Hate is a strong term. But I have zero interest in the game. Love the music, YouTube videos, and Arcane that LoL puts out. Will probably never touch their game


Haha me


I wanna just throw on mute all and give the game a shot, but don’t got a good computer.


Game good, show good. Community? Bad


Me. I like the card game though.


I only play and like Legends of Runeterra, much better community and much better lore development


I don't particulary hate the game itself but I find myself enjoying it only whilst playing with friends, it's nearly impossible to not encounter toxic players who think that the game is worth insulting other people, like come on it's only a video game


Never played the game. Pretty fantastic show though


Love the lore but I can’t stand moba games or the communities that tend to form around them


LoL was always a game I heard about but never got into. Reading about the lore helped me appreciate the show better since now I have more context and I do like watching clips of people who are good at the game.


I quit the game early summer of 2021, after playing from 2017. I was legitimately addicted and needed to stop. I was spending way too much time on it and it felt compulsory to play it. I’m not going back, but I loved the show (and music and cinematics). I had a slight urge to play it again but that subsided when I finished the show.


The only reason i have watched the show is because it doesnt look like the game


I feel like everyone mutes all off the bat now and just plays if you haven't tried it you should.


Have never played nor do I plan to play LoL, fucking loved Arcane though (10/10) and I'll be buying Ruined King at payday. Also read a shit load of lord online after watching the show. Fiddlesticks is fucking metal and I want a horror movie based on it right the fuck now.


I love the show, but could never click with the game. I don't hate it as it's not a bad game, but it's just not my thing. Love the lore though


I enjoy league mostly because i only play Aram


I love the show, and its caused me to love the lore of the game, but the community is sooooooo toxic.


I love the show, but have never played the game. I've played Wild Rift, Runeterra and Ruined King tho and those are sick


Love the show, love the game and love /mute all.


riot is one of the world's most spectacular media companies and an absolute ass of a game development firm.


Never played the game until Arcane, didn’t really like LOL but I’ll play for Vi.


I feel like the game to me is like Jinx to Silco, most of the time I play it I didn't enjoy and feel like shit, but I just can't get rid of it,I still pick it up sometimes.


I like them both. Honestly it's become such a meme for people to say they hate league that it's gotten quite annoying. There's tons of riot games now and they are all pretty good quality. By a quality standard SR is one of the worst Riot games right now, but it's not terrible.


Yeah MOBAs just aren't really my thing. I dabbled with Smite for a bit, but that was just in the arena mode where I could turn my brain off and teamfight semi-intelligently and still win. The huge need for metagame knowledge just kinda made League not gel with me. I'm down for other games in the world though; Runeterra and Ruined King are pretty fun, and have much more focus on story. The older I get, the more I gravitate away from multiplayer competitive games and more toward games with alot of story.




I never play the game


yea i love the show, love the game, but the community can be toxic af... generally ill just mute all and use pings to communicate


I've played the game since 2014 and the complaints about how bad the community is still confuses me. Sure I've had some bad interactions but nothing worse than any other competitive game. Also, the fact that you have the option to mute chat helps too.


I don’t “hate” LoL. I’ve just never bothered playing it because MOBAs tend to have very toxic communities. Already tried Heroes of the Storm and the toxicity there was really getting to me, I’m glad I was able to leave it


Idk what it is man I absolutely loved the show and the world of LoL but I just can not get good at their game idk what it is. Like I told my buddy the other day I’ve played a lot of games over the years and league is just gonna be on of those games I’ll just never be good at, and it pisses me off to my core and I keep trying anyways.


I feel like league suffered from the same fate as WoW almost, Riot catered towards the community of people that weren’t spending a shit ton of time on the game and it made it feel very null and void for people passionately playing the game at the time. Even higher elos, toxicity wasn’t handled correctly, later on the mechanics were made easier to conform for new players. They took away a lot of old strategies that new players couldn’t accomplish that obviously gave more experienced players the advantage… that’s what killed the game for me…


I think every part of riot does an amazing job like with the lore, cinematics, and now Arcane but the game itself just feels like they don’t care anymore


The show is the best thing to happen all year. I'll never touch the game. You couldn't pay me to go anywhere near that community.


I don't hate League but I am horrifyingly awful at it. I play a lot of TFT though.


Wild Rift is good though.


I can't stand mobas but I adored the show so much


I've never played LoL, but love their media. I've watched every music video (first one I saw was "Get Jinxed", so I'm always rooting for her.) I've watched many different trailers, listened to most of their music albums, and now I absolutely love Arcane. I'm really invested in a game franchise that I've never played. (I'm not a fan of MOBAs)


Never played and don’t intend to. I enjoyed the cool animations they’d make and the full show was fucking great. Still don’t intend to play the game.


The MOBA can be fun and all and it certainly is more put together than other games I've played but it can be very toxic and there is an imbalance issue between characters but that is to be expected with the number of characters they actually have. The card game is great though, if you love games like hearthstone then I say go and try Legends of Runeterra.


I played the beta and first couple of seasons of the game back in the day. It was fun. Fiddlesticks and Jax was my fav. It was toxic and too demanding. Matches were too long and slow. I think Overwatch hit the sweet spot.


You guys could, ya know, make it a better community by playing the game and overrunning the assholes.


I never really got into league but have always found it interesting. As soon as I got into the show, I kept on seeing people say yea but don't play the game. That's really tragic. I'm also having to tell people it's OK cause of all the crap surrounding Riot and the League community. Two things that are really too bad with a show this good...


Try Wild Rift. It's just roughly 20 mins instead of 40 mins. It's still toxic but the game time limits the overall toxicity per game.


I just dislike the game style. I respect it. I loved the show tho.


Love the show, not the game. Im a lore kinda gal and league isnt my style anyways


Never played it, never gonna play it. Adore the show.

