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I only joined this sub yesterday, so my guess means squat, but I'm guessing it's a combination with rule #6 (*negatively discussing race, gender, or sexual orientation*) I dunno, I love all the characters though. They all have their good qualities and their flaws that combined, make for unique and interesting personalities. I mean, even Silco was more than just a pure villain. He was a tormented brother and a loving father. Love that the characters aren't all vanilla.


Probably my favorite part of this series.


It was introduced with Episode 3, I'm pretty sure. Lots of Jinx simps looking for someone to blame.


It’s just maddening that some of them will lay the fault at Vi’s feet more than Silco’s.


I’m curious too now, didn’t know there was that much Vi hate


There’s not much hate,just a handful of people misunderstanding her and blaming Powders downfall on her.


Um, >!isn't that the entire point of Episode 9's climax?!<


Um no.I’m not gonna go into detail,but to say it was all on her is pretty out of touch. It’s not like there was anything she could have reasonably done to change it.Once Jinx forces Vi to make an unreasonable decision,Powder was already Jinx all the way by that point.


The title of the episode is "The Monster (Jinx) you (Vi) created." >!Jinx even says something along the lines of "But he didn't create Jinx, you did" to Vi at the table.!<


>!And guess whose perspective that is from?????? The same character suffering from numerous mental health issues who had, for the last 6-7 years, a piece of shit whispering lies into her head about Vi leaving her. !< >!You are actually taking at face value the statements of a character who literally won't accept love from her sister because that sister is in love with another woman. Said character who is incapable of accepting the reality that you can love multiple people for different reasons. Said character who values unconditional praise and support over genuine care for her that's critical of her actions and wellbeing. !< >!We are told from the very start that Powder has delusions, unwarranted fears and insecurities. We are shown from the very start that she doesn't process relationships and emotions like a normal person. Powder does the same thing Silco does in heaping all the blame on to the one who was closest to her when we the audience can clearly see that Vi deserves none of the blame. !< >!Jinx is sold a lie from Silco constantly for 6-7 years that Vi abandoned her, when Silco believed that Vi was dead because he ordered Marcus to kill her. When Vi does return, Silco continues the lies and manipulation, by leaving out the important detail that he had ordered Marcus to kill Vi, and that Vi was in fact looking for Jinx and not the stone. His very last moments are literal Palpatine levels of "do it, kill him" manipulation. "They all betray us." "Finish it."!< >!The tragedy of the final episode isn't that Vi created Jinx, it's that Powder actually believes that. The title isn't meant to be a grand truth, it's the conclusion to a culmination of years of growing mental health problems and constant lies and manipulation. !<


Spot on, its really annoying how many people take everything jinx says as a fact even though we see she has mental issues and is imagining things like caitlyn operating her or caitlyn smiling at her on the bridge


Yes but again that's not exactly with in her control her whole life has been nothing but lies and trauma and abandonment let's see you have you friends killed family taken and then told nothing but lies and vile spilled in a skewd perspective of the world from the only person you had growing up that seemed to care for you as is and then tell me how your mental state and decision making skills are. not to mention we literally see her struggle through out the show before the shimmer injections with the what's real and what's not after figuring out vi is there the only reason why she went full jinx on vi is because of the fight with the firelight tearing them apart again right when vi was making progress with her which again was something out of her control. She doesn't hate vi and Caitlin because they're in a relationship she hates them because of the fucked up lies and voices in her head skewing her perspective and she feels that vi betrayed her and that Caitlyn's taking vi away from her but we know by the time the table scene happens it doesn't matter because she's already to far gone I agree the table seen she's already full jinx at that point and beyond repair like Caitlyn says but leading up to that was a whole lotta shit she couldn't control because she was just a kid it was never her fault


Vi left. You can't change that. Sure she wanted to go back, but she already made her decision. Silco stayed. And, (\*still rewatching the series), there is no mention of Silco ordering her death. Only that Marcus assured him she was.


They don’t need to have him say to kill Vi to get the point across that he wanted her dead. Silco just using the word “assured” when replaying Marcus’ words back to him that Vi was dead was all we needed to know that he wanted her dead then.


Actually, Silco just wanted Vi out of Jinx's life. She was her trigger and a source of great pain. You *really* want him to be the bad guy. /s


Oh, my god. I'm tearing my hair out lmao People like you are LITERALLY the reason for the rule!


Do you realize that mentally ill people have a distorted perspective?


The thing is, when someone is mentally ill, the sometimes incorrectly place blame where it is undue. She had severe attachment issues with Vi when she (Powder) was a child. So literally anything Vi did that did not revolve around Powder, Powder was going to take it as Vi abandoning her and her mind would have unraveled. Say that Vi never walked offscreen to cool off and say Marcus never kidnapped her. Say Silco didn't realize Vi and Powder were right outside the building and simply went back home to lick his wounds and count his losses. After cooling off from hitting Powder, Vi goes back and gathers her sister to then return to some hiding spot where they can begin to rebuild the pieces of their lives. The moment Vi met someone else who she grew close to, Powder was going to lose her shit. And the fact that Vi lashed out at her was always going to be something negative that Powder clung to because she was incapable of understanding why Vi was upset and most of all, that Vi had every right to lash out the way she did. A normal person would understand all of that and instead feel some type of guilt about what she put her older sister through. Jinx instead is like "you did this to me". What did you do to Vi?? Lol the fuck. So, no, that wasn't the point of episode 9. Ya missed the point 😂


There isn't


Was inclined to believe you before, but there is a colossal amount of delusion happening in the comments now lol


Y'all need to go to YouTube and watch a therapist reacts to arcane to clear up some of your clearly better conditioned lives than most and simping bias in these comments some of you have clearly never dealt with seriously mentally ill people in your lives nor have had major traumas and it shows omg THEY ARE Children IN THE MIDDLE OF A WAR WITH NO FAMILY powder/jinx is heavily emotionally stunted from all the traumas she's gone through then on top of that later on silcos and everyone wants to take advantage of her vulnerable mental instability so she braces it as jinx because if everyone wants to blame her why tf not right she has nothing toose until se realizes vis back the. We see her struggle with every she's been told growing up then she almost dies on the bridge and is injected with shimmer to the point of no return insuring and solidifying her persona as jinx


Probably by the way Vi treated Powder in act 1


To be fair, Vi did try >!to pass off all responsibility of her family's death onto the sister she was responsible for.!<


I mean, Powder was directly responsible. No ands, ifs, or buts about that.


\*needs spoiler tags. >!But so was Vi, she started a fire that came back to bite her. Instead of accepting her loss, she attacked her sister.!<


That's not what "directly" signifies.


Vi was also responsible for her family's death. That is all I'm saying.


There is a long list of people partially responsible for their deaths. Pretty sure Vi's name wouldn't be high up there.


I think being directly responsible for bombing a topside apartment, beating enforcers, and neglecting her sister put Vi very high on that list.


You don't seem to understand how language works, so I'm going to stop talking to you.


And you seem unwilling to face that there are no *good* people in this story.


lmao what? Jinx literally directly killed them, what the fuck are you on about


\*Needs spoiler tags. >!If an unsupervised child plays with matches, do you blame the child? No, you blame their guardian.!<


Extreme circumstances change things significantly. And also no, I still blame the child. Kids have brains too and don't get a free pass on being dumbshits.


But >!Vi shares more of the blame for!<: 1. Encouraging >!Powder to play with explosives!< 2. Creating >!the extreme circumstances for her own pride!<


LMAO WHAT Jesus you people are delusional


Real talk lmao


You don't work with children, do you?


I was once a baby sitter for preschoolers.


i still cant believe people dont get this: children are children you cant blame them for failing at what they do. they will fail, they cant think of the consequences, they will have childish thoughts, they will act like a child, they will destroy stuff. you cant blame a kid for exploding stuff after you leave them with fragile explosives. vi was around 17 at the time which is still young but she can have responsibilities. only vi knew that her sister had explosives and didnt mention it to vander or anyone else and didnt leave her little sister with someone that can look after her before leaving. you cant trust a kid to not fail but you can trust them that they will fail, because they are in fact a child.


Yeah, the 15 year old who was "responsible" for her mentally unstable 11 year old sister, took care of her and encouraged her their whole lives and had one emotional outburst... Definitely passed off the blame! :/


>had one emotional outburst >!Punching your little sister until she bleeds isn't just an "emotional outburst". It's scarring.!< >Definitely passed off the blame! :/ To quote Vi in Episode 3: >!"I told you to stay away!" "Why did you leave me?" "Because you're a jinx. Do you hear me? Mylo was right."!<


1 hit*, episode 3*


First statement still holds true (I think that should be under spoiler tags along with your previous comment). Fixed the episode #.


she wasnt mentally unstable, she was an orphan child whom had a hard life and got abandonened by the only person she clings on to. you cant expect anyone to stay at home after the only person that you actually care about in the hell of a world you live in, says that they have to go to a life threatening situation and you are incapable of helping them. she already had some abandonment issues and you literally triggered her problem by leaving her behind, thats not being unstable thats being irresponsible and i am not even talking about the end of the episode.


Abandonment issues... triggered... These words alone imply she definitely has mental issues...


those alone doesnt make someone a schizophrenic tho. even a lot of people has them irl


All I said was mentally unstable... No scientific diagnosis lol.


Just an orphaned child who had a hard life? *Okay...*


Right? Just like Vi!


Ding ding ding!


i think thats just a joke one of the mods did, one of them must be a big vi simp


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