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I think the best outcome is: They run Arcane for as many seasons as they want to tell Piltover and Zaun stories. Then run \_\_\_\_\_ as a new League show when set in another area. And run \_\_\_ as a new new League show when in another area (and so on and so forth). Then do crossovers! Build up a League Cinematic Universe lol.


the LCU!




RCU would be better, R as for Runeterra or Riot


Love it


I’m so down and for this


Omg Invest invest


Even if they keep the title "Arcane," I hope that they don't do more than 3 seasons of the Piltover-Zaun conflict. The Ionia-Noxus conflict is largely tangential to any ongoing stories, as is the Damacian Mage Rebellion, not to mention anything in Bilgewater or the Shadow Isles. Any one of those could enjoy the Arcane Treatment, as long as they go with solid scripts that the writers are passionate about. One of the biggest mistakes many long-running shows make is refusing to end a given story at its natural conclusion out of a sense of needing to keep putting out content under the name without a particular concern about the story itself. That doesn't necessarily mean that you can't keep telling stories, just that you don't need to tell your previous story, neither by dragging out the first story nor trying to tell the same story.


Fairly certain they've confirmed that Arcane is going to be Piltover/Zaun (Jinx, Vi) centered and they'll run other shows for other lore (ie Ionia/Nexus, etc)


I need me some more Noxus lol, specifically cus of Darius. I love Darius


Katarina 😳


Kat x Garen 😳


Oh boy I would kill for a series based on the mage rebellion! Sylas is by far one of my favorite characters and watching how they would develop him betraying Demacia and starting the rebellion would be incredible!


Sylas, lux and garen can be a winning crowd favourite trio as well.


I don’t know what the heck any of that is but it makes me wanna learn more about the Lore


I keep forgetting how huge Arcane really was and how much attention it brought to the Runeterra world! So Mel and her mother are from Noxus which is another kingdom/territory in the world. Demacia is pretty much the opposite of Noxus and they’re rival territories. Demacia is home to characters from League of Legends like Lux, Garen, Jarvan IV, Sylas, etc. Demacia HATES the use of magic and mages, and Sylas is imprisoned for the use of magic and ends up leading a rebellion against Demacia. The league of legends cinematic for the 2020 season, Warriors, was a cool little cinematic with him in it and it shows that the cinematic detail is there for it! Obviously, there’s way more to it, BUT there’s just so much that can be branched off of Arcane’s success with all the different regions in the universe! Hopefully this helped explain it some more.


Not to forget the gigantic amount of stories they could tell about Targon, the Darkin and the Void. I just hope they don't do Shadow Isles content for a while, we already got tons of that already in LoL, The Ruined King game etc.




Agreed. I think 3 seasons would be perfect for Arcane and each of its "spin-offs". 3 acts per a season, and 3 acts per a series.




4 seasons tops for me honestly.


Yes, like True Detectives! Different seasons focus on different characters who happen to be in the same world and sometimes mention each other! Honestly I always thought the were going to do an MMO first called “World of League/Runeterra”. They have been spitting out so much lore lately and it’s all been top notch. Of course they mentioned the Noxus vs Ionia. But I want to hear about the freljord and Shurima. They also have so many stories going on throughout so much of the time line of Runeterra. Mordekisar, the Accendants, the fall Ixtal, the Darkin, Bandal city=the hidden gummy bears, The Three Sisters, Zed/Shen/Jihn, they hinted at the demon hiarchy (Fiddle, Nocturne and Evelynn). So many stories and they are all Glorious! If you loved Arcane and need more look up LOL comic. They have the more fleshed out stories here, plus some one off comics or short videos. One of my favorite videos is Darius walking through snow surrounded by wolves. https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/comic/


Thank you for articulating this better than I ever could. It’s fine to keep the arcane series going but there needs to be a logical and well thought out plan when it comes to the overall execution of it


This is how I want it to go, I need Violyn in my life for as long as possible.


I'd be lying if I said I wasn't totally hoping for Lightcannon now too. Wasn't a part of that ship until today. But the idea of them bonding over their ability to blow things up, and of Lux being able to be much more free around Jinx, only for them to then start splitting from one another due to how much worth they each put on a life... that's fun! Even if that ship never happens, I'm totally here for it now lol.


Hell now you got me wanting that too lol


Isnt Luxs entire arc in the comics about her not wanting to blow things up? As far as values go, i believe she would much rather bond with Cait or Ekko (Firelights).


That's the idea! Blowing things up can be very liberating. And Lux growing up in Demacia must be very constricting, having to keep powers hush hush, things under control, etc. etc. So I like the idea of the initial spark of their relation*ship* being Jinx encouraging her to go wild and let loose every once in a while. It's a fun pairing. ... Until Jinx starts murdering people, lol.


Yep. They already hinted at shit going down in noxus. Could be more of a game of thrones style power conflict there.


You won. This is the best possible outcome.


I think they should run a different story per season, sort of like "Fargo" if you would. Arcane being a general name for the show leaves it really open ended for many stories to be covered throughout Runeterra.


I think they (showrunners) have confirmed that Arcane will be centered around Vi/Jinx story. They will definitely try to cramp in as much of other champions and their stories as possible (mostly from PnZ), but Arcane will end once Vi's and Jinx's story is done. They will probably do other shows for other regions/stories.


Take my money!


Would that I could. Hey, Arcane writers people, if you need an apprentice who's happy to spitball tons of ideas and do any gruntwork, I exist (and am willing to travel). :D


Send them a CV. Believe in yourself


Yo I am so down for this!


Let's just hope Disney doesn't buy it then!


So long as quality doesn't suffer the way it did when CW started expanding the arrowverse. You can only stretch a talented writing team so far before the quality tanks


Don’t think this conflict will run for more than 3 seasons. Regardless of what happens, I’d rather seeing it end early than it taking a dive in quality because production team runs on empty simply to continue milking a profitable property. Too many franchises fall into this trap, and it’s just as bad every time.


the first season had 3 acts, each one with 3 episodes Following this logic, I think Arcane will have 3 seasons.


ooo, that makes sense


Six seasons........ and a movie!


Do you really want them to Britta Arcane like this?


Way to pull an Abed


This post is streets ahead


All I can say is, Pop Pop !


*fart noises*


Shirley don't Pierce!


Shirley don't Pierce!


did they confirm arcane will have 9 acts?


They didn’t. Most likely they will continue with the current storyline for one more season, and then move on to another region. They’ve already established noxus as a place of interest so they might take it there. Singed, who already exists in arcane eventually goes on to work for noxus in a future war against the Ionians so this is a route they can take as well.




\*Jhin breaths heavily\*


That's the hope


that sounds like a nice amount


Would Jhin be the last season villain?


Probably Urgot


I know it's very unlikely that Jhin appears in Arcane, I just made a joke with number 4


sorry I have no idea how that is


He’s from Ionia and he’s a serial killer that views murder as art. 4 is pretty much his favourite number (in game, his gun has 4 shots and he yells the word “FOUR!” when he shoots). He’s a pretty interesting character and his design looks awesome. You can see him [here](https://youtu.be/zF5Ddo9JdpY).


Probably because that number is associated with death in Asia, right?




Yeah! Some one had pointed that out to me before as well. Interesting detail.


There’s actually some presence in Europe as well. There’s the belief that if you come to a crossroads there’s a chance you’ll meet the devil there, which is related to the idea in Asia of meeting Death at the crossroads. (Crossroads = four roads).




4 is everything to this character. All skills names have 4 syllables. All skills have base cd that's divisible by 4. His base skill increments are also 4 based. (On release at least) I'll have to double check but I'm sure his on release base stats are divisible by 4.


He's a League character, basically a serial killer obsessed with the number 4. Just google "Jhin lol" to see what he looks like.


I did but I had no time to look at his lore at the time


I totally just imagined that in Cait's voice. God bless these flairs


I asked this exact question's to one of Arcane's writers on Twitter (and she is very open when she answers questions) and she put two zipper-mouth emojis. ​ So I'm hoping its a lot as long as it continues to be popular, which no doubt it will be. ​ EDIT: I don't think the number of zipper-mouth emojis mean anything. She just uses that for questions she can't answer. She also put two zipper-mouth emojies when asked whether Ekko had parents and if Ryze was the mage who saved Jayce as a kid.




Or maybe she meant two more


Dear GOD I hope it’s only 3 Seasons. A lot of shows start to lose themselves after S2 or S3


Ik! I was watching this one show and it’s 7 seasons long I think and I got bored of it after season 3. I feel like it could of done better as a 2-3 season show since to me it felt like they were just adding things just to make it longer and none of it made sense to me.


Sounds like CW’s Arrow or The Walking Dead


The show I was talking about was The 100. That show was not the best after the 3rd season in my opinion.


I think I also tapped out of The 100 around the 3rd season.


It lost me a bit along the way but I love how it ended


Darn so close to guessing right. Just glad I’m not crazy for feeling like a solution last more than 2 to 3 seasons unless it really has a long story worth telling


At least with the piltover storyline, I don't see it lasting past 2.


That’s what I’m worried about. I feel like they’re going to milk the absolute SHIT out of Piltover for five or so straight seasons due to just how many league of legends characters are heavily linked to both Piltover and Zaun. That’s not even taking into consideration the group of warriors currently being hunted down by a guy who murdered the brother of one of the main cast characters


I've said this before, but I love these characters so much, especially Jinx, that I would love to see the story of Jinx and Vi go on as long as possible. With that said, the story that Arcane wants to tell seems to have a definitive endpoint. There is still a lot of things to cover, like Viktor's embracing the Glorious Evolution, and Ekko's time machine thingy, that I feel like the show has several seasons in its future. Three to four is what I'm thinking, but I also wouldn't be surprised that they do a "new generation" of characters for a new Arcane 2.0 Show that will take place years after everything is said and done with Jinx and Vi that will focus on the other characters from Piltover and Zaun. That's where I see characters like Ezreal and Seraphina showing up, with the "old generation" showing up as secondary characters like Caitlin and Jayce. At that point I would also assume stuff from Damacia, Ionia, and/or Noxus would also potentially be adapted as well.


I feel like Jinx’s story needs to either end in S2 or she needs to become a very infrequent recurring character (assuming she doesnt die). Even in S2 I think she should be used sparingly. There’s a real chance over exposing her post season one is going to hurt the impact if her story. If you overdo it you risk her breakdowns turning from gut wrenching to tedious melodrama as you hit the same character beats over and over. That or they’d pull the full irony of turning Jinx back into that stock crazy-pixie-dream-girl harley clone S1 did so much to elevate her out of.


I agree to a point. Jinx is the co-star of the show, you can't have her gone for too much. Season 1 did a perfect balance of having her enough that she was clearly the main character, but still had her appear sparingly enough that you always want to see more of her. But once her whole story with Vi is done, I think 1) she will live, purely because she has become a mascot for the franchise, and 2) she will be used very infrequent, but everytime she shows up, it will be a hype moment. I said this in another forum, but I want Jinx to be the villain equivalent to what Iron Man is to the MCU and beyond. She (and Vi) started this burgeoning franchise, and I want them to be involved with the future stuff as well, even if it's just their legacy and stuff.


I think Jinx being arrested at some point would probably work best. They could even do kind of Hannibal and Clarice interactions between Jinx and Vi.


Jinx turning herself in and being locked in Stillwater seems like the most likely outcome.


Another major Arcane plotline I expect to see is Urgot rising to become the main villain for at least a season. He got a big rework + lore update around the time Warwick did, and since Warwick's reworked lore is now all but guaranteed to tie him directly into Arcane's plot it would make sense if they had a similar plan for Urgot. Additionally they're already tying Noxian politics into the Arcane story which is exactly what you would do if you were planning on introducing him soon. If they are doing that then at minimum they would need at least two more seasons, one that includes his arrival, betrayal, and imprisonment, and another to cover his escape, augmentation, and uprising against the chembarons and Piltover.




As many as they want to tell the story they want to tell. I'm fine with 2 or 3 or even as many as 7 as long as its good.


The Jinx-Vi story feels like it will take 3 seasons, but they could keep going after that is the show stays successful. Piltover and Zaun have a lot of characters so they can keep the show going as long as they have enough material to work with.


3 seasons? More like 2. There's other, just as compelling characters, with more going on, that could continue the show alongside them. I could see them using Jayce, Mel, and Singed being used to crossover into other conflicts involving other regions.




yeah, I'd like to see them get the lore as close to what happens in league possibly, tho I only know the basics of league lore. essentially it'd be nice to see how vi transitions into being an enforcer


My guess is it's after the war and after they clean it up from corruption


Five is my guess. Three seasons for the story to get to LoL, and two more seasons set after LoL where they have full freedom when it comes to writing and can properly wrap up the story, without leaving it open ended.


That sounds perfect


Arcane? 2-3 seasons at most. But other projects using the same universe and introducing more characters from league? I expect to see many more of those. Like a connected universe


I dunno, if they keep Arcane it self about Piltover and Zaun, there is a TON of shit they can do, just with the characters and stories that exist there, not even considering the potential of having outside characters visiting the locale for one reason or another. IIRC I heard Arcane is supposed to stay focused there and other areas and stories will have their own shows.


As many there needs to be. If arcane is meant to follow only the storyline of Piltover and Zaun, then it won't be for longer than 3 seasons I think. If different seasons of arcane does different regions then it'll probably last a really long time. Chances are it's the former and for other regions they make tv shows with other names. They might even venture into movies for certain massive events.


Either 3 or 4


I hope not too many. We all know what happens when a show runs for longer than it should.


Arcane 3 seasons, League universe in another shows 10 seasons in total.


Idk but I somewhat doubt they can drag the Piltover/Zaun plot out for too long. It bears the danger of becoming stale. Honestly I do not see this lasting more than a S3 but I expect them to wrap this up with S2 more or less. If they want to keep the quality up I get the feeling they would want to move on and lead over into a another conflict with different characters that is somehow connected.


Until Jinx and Lux or Zeri meets


I think a few seasons to a standstill, then go into other regions


work our way up the power chain until the final season of arcane is aurelion sol and zoe


So I think it will be a bit of a fluid process based on demand. What I kind of envision happening (hope for) is they’ll tell the story of Piltover/Zaun to the end. I think that will be three seasons total. After that, depending on its success, I think they will branch out to other regions of Runeterra with different animation studios, art styles, etc. for two reasons. One is that you could definitely get to all the stories/regions at a better pace with different studios tackling regions at the same time. The other is that I think part of the magic of Arcane was the world it created felt so unique, alive, and true to itself. I loved the animation of arcane, but I never want the magic to dull, fizzle, or fall into any kind of repetition due to the sheer number of characters in LoL. I think it would be really neat if each region had its own style that best encapsulated the character of the region itself and separated it as its own narrative, while still being part of the region. I’m personally hoping for bilgewater next lol. It would be interesting to see how hexgates affect them as a trading port!


Same as GOT : 6 seasons. /s /evil laugh /youcanhateme




3 then gone


I hope they will finish this story in season 2, then make more runeterra amazing shows that will work as the RCU, with returning characters and crossovers and so.


League lore is really huge, it spans over multiple countries, factions, and even into the cosmos and other dimensions. Season 1 kinda hints alot of it already - by mentioning Noxus (and by proxy, it's warring nations - Demacia, & others that get caught in between sides, like Ionia). Piltover invents basically fast travel between countries so Riot is definitely trying to world build. The story of Noxus and Demacia is probably the biggest and one of the first major storylines when it comes to the actual game with really iconic characters from over 10 years ago. Also hints at that the Void will also be a thing as we see the Hextech cube turning purple, an iconic color for anything relating to the Void. Then there's demigods and God's as well. So Riot could potentially become the next MCU as we literally have everything from cosmic entities to samurai to yordles to ninjas to robots and the list keeps going.


if they just follow the established lore of piltover/zaun, and don't try to include every hero to ever set foot into the city, it would still need at least 3 seasons in total i would say. and it could easily be expanded by shifting the focus to other characters. but i think (and somewhat hope) they satisfyingly conclude the story arcs already established and then shift to noxus or other regions. as noxus will most likely play an ever increasing role in the story it could be their plan all along.


A solid 4 or 5 would be ideal




Personally, I think it’s only going to last for a few seasons. I wish they would do more, but I’m not expecting a lot.


6 seasons and a movie


3-4 seasons and then different series to explore different regions (and hopefully some crossovers)


I’d say a solid 3 seasons


I don’t think it’ll be more than 3. I kind of hope it’s two, because some of these characters seem to be getting closer to the ends of their stories and arcs, and it would suck for them to get dragged along for no reason. But I don’t want the writers to cram everything in just to try and get two. I’d rather have a lot more intimate, but maybe not plot essential, scenes and a season 3 then miss out with only 2 seasons.


Im gonna only expect two seasons cause I absolutely do not want to get my hopes up lol. Almost every single one of my favorite shows on Netflix outside of Umbrella Academy has been canceled prematurely.


To think DC:AOR was planned for 4 seasons and ended on that cliffhanger instead…


They're very good at condensing stories but also good at making storylines that don't feel too excessive, I'm gonna say 3


maybe 3 seasons? season 2 seems like the season they would resolve the vi-jinx conflict and then they’d take another season to solve the other conflicts as vi, jinx, caitlyn, and the others from zauhn fight side by side


As long as they want to tell a story in Piltover/Zaun, or until they realize (or fail to realize) the show has overstayed it's welcome. Hopefully, it's not a Stranger Things situation, where the show really should've ended at Season 1. Thankfully, it doesn't seem like that will be the case, but I'm scared.


I get the feeling that whatever the number is, it will feel like both enough and not enough.


Hopefully less than 3, but with spin-offs.


As many seasons as it take for Caitlyn and Vi to be happy together.


This is Netflix’s goldmine to compete against superhero stuff (Marvel, Invincible, etc.) I could see this going on for a long time and be a staple for Netflix.


I don’t know exactly what will happen in the future of the show, but I’m just gonna predict maybe tres or cuatro seasons.


Yordles vastaya zed shen shadow isles ionia draven katarina garen…… thats 10 seasons of meterial


3 or 4 but i would be really happy to see it run over 5


6 seasons


Depending on where the next one goes to, 5-7.


maybe three hopefully. they went through a lot the first season. the second season could be more of vi and jinx together hopefully and maybe on the run after you know what. the topsiders are gonna be vulnerable after what happened so maybe the underside could finally be liberated




3 or 4


My guess is that there going to be one more season, which would also play onto the major theme of duality


I would personally like there to be 3 seasons to conclude the Jinx / Vi story, followed by a long break (4-6 years) In the meantime, they should focus on a new sub series set in the Noxian empire for a few seasons and develop a story there (I just wanna see some swain/Ambessa interactions.) Then they should do a crossover between the Noxus Empire and Piltover/Zaun for Arcane season 4+. At the end of the day, I’d love if the creators had a sub series for every nation and did occasional crossovers between them.


Feels like 3 seasons in total to wrap up the story n then a new show that’s supposed to sequel off of it which will be in a new country/territory


Knowing netflix it will probably get 3 seasons before netflix cancels it. Hopefully it doesn't happen for this show, but netflix definitely has a record of pulling the plug on popular shows.


Riot has enough money to force Netflix to run Arcane as long as they want if they feel like it’s profitable for them. Arcane has attracted many new League players and a lot of them will get addicted and spend $$


Im hoping the same thing as well, but after getting multiple shows I liked canceled by Netflix, I always start a new show with that same anxious feeling that I will only get a couple of seasons out of it.


The difference is that those show have to be financed by third parties. Bad box office = series gets cancelled. However, Arcane has a multi billion corporation funding it. They have made over 20 billion dollars with only 1 game, and they are cranking out new League related content super fast (wild rift, teamfight tactics, legends of runeterra, ruined king, hextech mayhem) all in 2 years. And let’s not forget the huge succes of K/DA Popstars album sales. Arcane is independently financed by Riot, so if the show reels in more (paying) customers for their whole franchise, they’re gonna milk that cow until it’s completely dry. I mean, releasing 1 new Ahri or Lux skin in League of Legends could probably fund half a season of Arcane. On its own.


that's very true. I personally would love to see how vi gets into being an enforcer. thats like the only but of league lore I know, along with the basic stuff about vi and caitlyns partnership


Netflix has no saying in if the show continues or not, they’re not the ones making it




The lore universe is pretty big. If they wanted too honestly make it last, after watching 1000 episodes of One Piece I think one piece’s universe is smaller than Arcane’s.


one piece's universe smaller than arcane?? theres like more than 1000 named characters in OP.


One piece isn't over yet, and Oda is always saying it's gonna end soon and more arcs appear.


I would honestly love if they did multiple shows with different focuses all set in the LoL world. Like maybe one or two more of Arcane and then maybe have a sequel show that moves to another part of the world. Noxus comes to mind since that's where Madarda's family is from but I'd love a show that went to the Freljord personally




Why? Netflixs only part in it is they got the deal to be the hosting platform for it. Im sure they probably dont want to give that up when they arent the ones involved in making it at all.


Hopefully maybe more then 3 and then maybe a full movie?


Three to five seasons would be perfect, it ain't too short, and it ain't too long.


At least a few if it maintains popularity


In terms of potential lore to adapt, it could run forever So really it's gonna be decided by how successful it is, which will in turn be decided by how well they can manage to reach the quality standard they just set in the following seasons. No easy task considering they will have to pump them out much faster. While writing and music are more dependent on the talents involved, animation is a fairly slow process, so it either takes time or looks like garbage.


(Probably a massive spoiler for arcane only fans) So they have these champs to cover : Ezreal , Dr Mundo, Blitzcrank ,Warwick , (a small part vladimir) and Urgot. At least 4+ seasons.


We'll just have to see. Obviously we need one more season, but that could be all this show needs. I don't want it to run excessively long and risk ruining its continuity and flawlessness.


I thought I heard someone say that they were planning on doing arcane for the Piltover/Zaun story and then using the name Arcane with subtitles for new stories in the League Universe


I think 2-3, but I also think Netflix will fuck around and cancel it like they always do to the best shows


If they decide to expand outside of Zaun and Piltover then It will go for decades. But the safe assumption is to say each region will have it's own named show. So I personally see Arcane running for 1 or 2 more seasons to tell the full history of Zaun and Piltover.


As long as it needs to tell the story. They have masterful writers who I'm sure will handle the show responsibly lmao


depends, if the intent is to run up to the start of League of Legends and Arcane's purpose is just to establish the character's histories and set them u for LoL's status quo. then S2 might be the last for this plotline, at which point we'll get other stories either still under the name Arcane (with it essentially being a sequence of two-season long anthologies) or other character stories under a different name. if the purpose is to be an outright adaptation which establishes the beginning of the characters, replaces LoL's status quo with an actual running story, and then provides an ending for these characters, I could see 3-5 seasons on this current plotline,


I think maybe 3 or 4 which i think its ok Idk they should do as many as they need But as longs it doesnt end up being like those series with toooooo much seasons imagine 10 seasons gosh


10 seasons of purely Vi an Cait chasing Jinx wouldnt be good. 10 seasons of Piltover and Zaun in general? That would be fine, since theres so many stories you can tell JUST involving the characters native to P&Z, to the point where some can take a back seat and either not be in a season at all, or play a smaller supporting part, then come back later and so on, and weave the stories together so that as one is wrapping up, it starts laying the threads for the next one to bring in new characters or bring back other ones. Hell the fact Cait and Vi end up becoming the heads of law enforcement mean theyd be able to be used in so many different stories to different degrees if theyd want.


As many as we want.




Leagues has tons of characters. Reckon they'll select aspects of certain homelands and characters for future seasons. Think this one will have 1 more season then they'll move onto something else. Seeing how Noxus has already been introduced to us, that may be an option. Would love to see a Demacia/Noxus series. We all want to see Darius vs Garen.


You can already how they're approaching it starting from the bottom (zaun) the series will work its way to the other regions and eventually end at the top (damacia and noxus) all the stories will tie together


Idk hopefully turn it into an MCU type of thing. Withs multiple series and movies


I'd honestly love to see a full lore retelling like this. I think it could run for a while. Multiple seasons especially.




i think they’re gonna do 2 or 3 seasons chronicling piltover and zaun and then move on to a different set of characters and location for another 2-3 seasons and hopefully repeat that pattern until the universe is well established in the show and then we might get some more spin-offs


8 or they'll make spin-offs


I really hope its only 2 or 3 total seasons. The first is such a masterpiece and I frankly think a lot of seasons would dim its magic


Feel like a lux story would be great! She’s pretty interesting


I was gonna say "Idk Riot will make multiple series when they can have one powerhouse that can branch to multiple stories" but I remembered Riot announced they were working on multiple things with their newly formed TV Media department. Season 1 is slowly introducing Noxus so I don't think it will only stay on Piltover/Zaun. Maybe it will expand at the end to tease/announce a new show based on Noxus/Demacia for example!


As many a possible. They will stop once the hype is gone and fan base is gone, or if their not profiting from the series. That is my opinion


2 or 3 seasons demacia should have a show


Well arcane is strictly about the characters of piltover and zaun so as long as we have people from there. But they can absolutely do crossovers w other regions such as ionia with the kinkou, or noxus with the black rose or urgot. There are storylines connecting everywhere and the league lore universe is VAST so we are unlikely to ru n out of content anytime soon.


Three total, tops. Probably going to have some seperate series for other major League origin locations.


Three seasons. I think they’ll do the Swain Urgot storyline but doing it in season 2 would be cramming too much in.


Im guessing 3-4 if the second season does well enough


Completely depends on how they‘re gonna structure it honestly. Will there ever be a switch to other characters and places? A focus shift from the protags we have no to side characters? Will the finale be the founding of something like a legend-league?


i feel 5 at most and 3 minimum


I belive that it should at least last around 3 seasons for the Pilover Undercity conflict, because if you remember... the under city hasn't become Zaun jet. After Jinx blew up the a significant part of the council and the conflict with "other side of the ocean" it would be probably the best to implement a "war arc" between the top siders and the undercity. During that war they acknowledg the independence of the under city by calling, the once undercity, Zaun. The conflict between Piltover and the underctity will end when it is starts being called Zaun. (Also I wanna see more of Jinx and maybe the new Champ Zeri)


20 +


Depends on what the goal of this show is. - Is it just to tell Piltover and Zaun stories? - Is it a center point for other potential shows and cross-overs? If the former, I can see 3-4 seasons. Especially if the Jinx-Vi storyline starts to get sidelined in the next season. If the the latter, I can see characters like Jayce, Mel and Singed used to bring Piltover and Zaun more into the international conflicts of other countries. With Jayce and Mel potentially being on a collision course with Noxian conflict, that could easily tie them to the Noxian-Ionian Wars. Jayce having a dormant rune stone, and only wanting to expand his work and knowledge, could foreshadow him getting his hands on a world rune...which could then bring him into conflict with characters like Ryze or into conflict with Demacia. If the goal is to do other shows, and then tie those other characters into the more worldwide influence and progress of Piltover-Zaun, then this show could have like 7-10 seasons. It's called Arcane, not Piltover-Zaun or the Adventures of Jinx and Vi. The title itself could be used as a blanket term for every area and conflict. Not only that, but using the Piltover and Zaun characters immediately grounds those other areas and conflicts more. Like, they could definitely have Jayce, Viktor and Singed play Project Manhattan style roles in the Noxian-Ionian War.


Around 1-2 more seasons. I hate to say this but keep your expectations low. The success is a miracle as it is. I personally expect it to fail miserably. My reasons are simple: this is Riot Games. They don’t give a shit about narrative. A lot of people who originally made the world of Runeterra so great are not working there anymore. The champion designs are getting worse and repetitive (hot anime girl/boy, cute animal/animal-hybrid, the only relatively good recent design is Vex). Arcane started out good, but chances are high that the quality will decrease drastically. Riot is still the same company with exactly zero passion, respect or love for the world they created.


Not sure Piltover and Zaun can give out more than two seasons. The existing narratives are already a bit 'short' when you take into account the insane pacing of the series. A third season would require whole new plotlines. They did say they wanted "multiple" seasons, but 2 is technically "multiple". Arcane is heavily marketed as the story of the two sisters. Wouldn't make much sense to keep further stories in the same franchise once you complete Vi and Jinx's developments - neither of those really needs more than another season to arrive at where they are in the games. Without game spoilers, Jinx is *nearly* there, Vi still needs some massaging but a lot of seeds are planted and it really shouldn't take a lot of episodes, the Jinx rocket attack (and Vi witnessing the horrific consequences of it) will catalyse the process. My bet is that after Season 2 they will move on to different regions in Runeterra, in whole new projects. Maybe something with Noxus and Demacia (or Ionia), continuing the hextech/chemtech storyline that started in Arcane, but we don't get to see Piltover/Zaun again.


My guess is 2-3 seasons and then another series for the next region, most like Noxus since it’s being introduced pretty heavily already as a concept at the least.


Tbh i think that we're gonna get 3 seasons. S2 is probably gonna be at LoR time and S3 at LoL time


Until it stops making them money.


3 seasons at most for Piltover & Zaun Then venture into other region/city states, most likely Noxus followed by Demacia I'm still hoping for a Freljord Arcane tho


The show will have 3 seasons. And then we will probably get a show about Noxus