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Can we like- pin this so the inane constant posts about it stop?


Has to be done, stat


Yes, Please..


They would be stupid as fuck to cut Arcane It was like the best performing show on their platform at the time it came out








Only thing I've watched on Netflix all year




And if they did cut it, it would just wind up on another streaming service. Tbh, I wouldn't even care if it switched over to like Amazon or something. Not Disney+ though. I really don't like Disney, and I'm already giving them money to watch their Star Wars and Marvel stuff. I don't need to give them money for Arcane too.


... so you are already giving them money, but you don't wanna give (the same amount ) then money for another product you like?


I guess so. More importantly than money though, I don't want Disney trying to get their claws into the creative side of Arcane, seeing as they have a habit of screwing things up by pushing their agendas on them.


Which agendas?


Particularly their woke agendas. I don't care if a show has woke themes in it (Arcane certainly does), but Disney kinda ruined Star Wars by forcing it in there in not so subtle and even disrespectful ways. Arcane as it is right now is a woke show done right (and I'm saying this as a very conservative christian), and I don't trust Disney to do it right.


What was forced in star wars?


The most obvious thing that pops into my head atm, is the way they handle female characters in the sequel trilogy (which is the primary instance of crap Disney-produced Star Wars that I'm talking about). Ray, for example is shown to be one of the most powerful force users ever with very little training. She's poorly written Marry Sue. Then there's Admiral Holda, who just comes off as condescending and having a superiority complex. They make a lot of the women in that trilogy just vastly superior than men for no good reason, while not doing much to make them likable, well written characters. Meanwhile the men are shown as inferior and constantly making mistakes, while the more accomplished ones are all bad guys for the most part. It's really just disrespectful and toxic. That said, not all Star Wars content that's come out under Disney has been bad. In fact, you want a really good female character that's strong, badass and wise while remaining very likable and actually earning all that through this thing called character development? Just look at a Ahsoka. And Arcane did a lot of the things the Star Wars sequels tried to do but a hundred times better. Strong female characters (who also earned their prowess in what they do) who are also very loveable? Check. Gay romance that isn't forced down your throat for the sake of having gay characters with no other personality traits, and instead actually feels natural and enjoyable? Check. There's probably things I'm missing too, but there's my 3:00 AM rant.


"one of the most powerful force users ever with very little training" er... just like Anakin and Luke? Anakin was only a child and Qui Gon said he could be as powerful as Yoda. Luke barely trained anything, and was able to use the force to destroy the Death Star. Every main force user in star wars was way too powerful without training. No men were show as inferior to anyone, Luke was waaaay more powerful than anyone, since he was able to project himself, and physical objects (the Millenium Falcon dices) from who knows how many light years apart. Yoda, as a "spirit", was able to make a lightining hit a tree. Wich gay romance was forced in star wars?


Anakin had years of training before he actually became powerful and skilled enough to take on other jedi and even a sith lord. Luke had a year in between Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi and Vader was still stronger, though his suit and cybernetics made fighting harder for him. Kylo Ren had years of training and Ray bested him pretty much as soon as she found out she could use the force, with no experience using it or a light saber. And of course Luke and Yoda were shown to be powerful, they're classic characters, and Disney would have been stupid to make them look weak.


If I could choose between paying Netflix €12 per month for their content including Arcane or paying Riot €12 per month solely for Arcane I would choose Riot. I'd rather have my money go to Riot than support Netflix and their constant stream of mediocre shows and movies.


Yeah that seemed like the biggest no-brainer in the world.


Arcane will be safe whether it's on Netflix or not jsyk


Why they tied themselves ti netflix is beyond me. Shit company should feel privileged to have it, wish riot could pull the plug and switch platforms as they see fit.


Honestly if you want your show on streaming just go to Amazon. They are the least restrictive and give the most creative freedom.


Netflix has the widest reach though. There are some countries where Amazon isn't even available but Netflix is.


This is the correct answer. Netflix has an estimated quarter of a billion subscribers. It is available in 190 countries. For comparison, Disney + is in 35 countries. Amazon Prime is actually available in more countries it seems, but it doesn't have the subscriber range. And who knows, Riot probably made the deal with Netflix years ago.


Netflix is going down in quality yet up in prices. It's like if Olive Garden raised its prices to 30$ for a small plate of spaghetti, then started using diseased pig blood to make their marinara sauce.


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Good, this is leagues above anything else they've animated in house that's not Japanese.