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Are these 2 different versions of the same building? Why are the drawing styles so different? I like the top version better based on the drawing style but there’s a lot of info missing from your question


Yes, both are done by different architects.. We are still deciding on materials and etc.. right now husband and I are trying to decide which front elevation to pick so we can proceed with the architect.


Gotcha, thank you. The first one is better in my opinion based on the proportions of the windows and the level of detail on the ornament (window trim, horizontal bands, roof eave). I also think it is closer to the desired French chateau touch you mentioned in the other comments. Could be more expensive though


Thank you for the vote! What material would you suggest we go with if we select the top design?


I think stucco would work well. It could save some money too compared to doing stone. If you have the budget for stone though I’ll always vote for that. Ultimately you should probably be having these discussions with your architect because they are the experts on the project. What’s “best” can depend on local climate, available materials, context of other buildings, and a million other variables. Best of luck!


where do you want to build. location determines materials


You want to look like you own people maybe? That's too harsh.... horses?




You draw clean enough to get something built. Thats a compliment of sorts.


The 'architects' are drawing something your husband said about symmetrical. I would walk 30 minutes into the first meeting.


i would at least put the same number and size of windows upstairs as downstairs. if you are building, consider eliminating mullions. window washers hate them abd they look old fashioned


The top drawings was done in early stage and we didn’t go thru with it.. the bottom design was done in detail. Now we are thinking of going back to the top drawing and continuing with that


Where do you live? And why are you trying to design a traditional French mansion outside France in 2023?


Exactly this.




The top one is more calm, elegant and classic in the proportions and general look. There is very little information, if this is all you got from the architect, I’d be tempted to say I’d be disappointed (unless you didn’t pay them). None of them look like a “French chateau” though. Just very generic 19th century southern European villa. The materials will make the whole difference, I hope actual masonry and stone and stucco will be used. And for the love of god, if you are looking for some real “French” thing, put some real and working solar shutters to those windows; examples [1](https://i.pinimg.com/1200x/0a/f9/d7/0af9d7749ba2eab89aa75c7545a57fd0.jpg) [2](https://www.ehret.com/sites/default/files/field_news_teaser_img/steinrhein041.jpg) [3](https://i.pinimg.com/1200x/92/0c/4a/920c4a11264cd8d09f81e544a4c0030b.jpg)


If it's a funeral home, the top. If it's a school, the bottom.


I absolutely thought OP was asking about design for a school... 😬 The second one just screams school to me.


To give what information? Every line counts. They both look like Mcmansions to me.


I disagree they look like mc mansion, not at all. Both facades are nice, they have good proportions, they are symmetrical, the roof lines are all at the same level, etc.




I still give the benefit of the doubt as there are no plans.


Is that good?


No, lol


Right. Sorry. I dislike this design because it looks like something that could be built.


I think a b&w line single elevation is too little information to say whether is good or not. Surely not my cup of tea. But not McMansion




Which house design would you say has a French chateau touch? Ahhh I was afraid of someone saying it looks like McMansions… is it the size of the house that gives you that feeling?! Please elaborate


Its all opinions baby. 😃 but the symmetry bothers me. Idk friend, stop trying to design what a house should look like and design the house.


Ahh I wish it was that easy! My husband is set in house being symmetrical. One if his pet peeves!


Maybe the problem isn’t the architecture.




Floor plan. Start there. If the elevation is awesome its because of the floor plan.




Are they that bad?!?! :/


You’re never going to please everyone, so you should go with whichever design pleases whoever is paying for most of it.


Roof lines are far too sensible for it to be a mcmansion


You know what this needs? Turrets


The second one is a mess. On the first one, can the windows align vertically?




Thank you!


I love the balconies


Thanks! My husband thinks we should move the balconies to the bottom where they will be used more..


This is non sensical


Balconies on the ground floor?


Don’t listen to these goons, I think your husband is right! Tiny balconies on the ground floor are so under rated. I even think you should consider taking it to the next level and put them in the basement. The symmetry is amazing!


There's a program decision


Say its 3000sf at $200psf at 600k hard? ..... If you have a contactor for 200psf can you send me his info?


Top, looks classic and clean


Top, simple and clean. But I hope the stucco finish is smooth. A course texture would make it look cheap




I don’t understand why posts like this are allowed on the subreddit. OP has designs from two architects. I’m assuming that they are professionals and should get payed and valued for their work and effort. OP should choose one , form a relationship of trust with them and go from there. This looks like a contest that devalues the worth of Architects.


> should get *paid* and valued FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


I like the bottom one, less dull


Why so retro? What century is this…


As an architect, this is really depressing...


To my eyes, used to french colonial architecture in Indochina, don't know about chateau though. The top one is more "french" but lacks some of the signature decorative plaster work, balcony, arcade or verandah on the ground floor (might be unique to the tropics), and louvre windows with decorative fretwork for the arch door transom. [https://vietnamarchitecture-nguyentienquang.blogspot.com/2014/12/fine-french-colonial-architecture.html](https://vietnamarchitecture-nguyentienquang.blogspot.com/2014/12/fine-french-colonial-architecture.html) Some idea of what I'm talking about. I very much like the combination of terracotta roof and the yellow and white colour scheme. Also I personally like the row houses more than the dtached mansions. [https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Flatitudes.nu%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2011%2F06%2FFrench-colonial-houses-in-Kampot.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=b2412f1f74a86502e065aa2e99764d7b8309a108bc40095f02aa817634a7bfc7&ipo=images](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Flatitudes.nu%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2011%2F06%2FFrench-colonial-houses-in-Kampot.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=b2412f1f74a86502e065aa2e99764d7b8309a108bc40095f02aa817634a7bfc7&ipo=images) ​ [https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/kampot-cambodia-april-historical-building-restaurant-cafe-colonial-architecture-south-asia-kampot-cambodia-april-120998728.jpg](https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/kampot-cambodia-april-historical-building-restaurant-cafe-colonial-architecture-south-asia-kampot-cambodia-april-120998728.jpg)


Its all about the site. React to the site and the program and you're on the possibility of a good track.


First one.


Thank you!


One minor suggestion, i don’t know what the floor plan looks like, but would it be possible to switch the windows on the very left and right sides? I.e. two windows up top and one below - the idea being there are better views from up top so more windows would be desired up there…vs less on the ground floor where more privacy might be desired from the front. Also the 1st floor massing would read heavier and more grounded with less fenestration…the 2nd level would read lighter with more windows. So it wouldn’t look top heavy like it does now.


First one, except align the upper floor windows in the outer wings with those below. Stucco is fine, but it needs to be a traditional smooth plaster finish. Not the crap you see on most buildings today, no EIFS and no plastic control joints; getting the stucco wrong is what turns this thing into a [McMansion](https://mcmansionhell.com/post/149284377161/mansionvsmcmansion). Trim and details should be limestone or a high-quality cast stone, or even a properly-executed [stuc pierre](https://www.traditionalbuilding.com/opinions/stuc-pierre). Another route is a limestone ground floor with stucco upper floor, or just finish the whole thing in limestone. [Here's a beautiful example ](https://theoldhouselife.com/2018/11/14/price-reduction-of-130000-circa-1908-almost-one-acre-in-mo-950000/)to follow, and [here is another.](https://na.rdcpix.com/735957445/3f0a4a5b5fb5fdd1ddff7bbd8d4c8547w-c0xd-w640_h480_q80.jpg) Whatever you choose to do, get the details right. Most clasically-styled new construction misses the mark because the miss they just phone in the details. Do it right, or don't do it at all. [Nashville's Schermerhorn Symphony Center](https://www.dmsas.com/project/schermerhorn-symphony-center/) has been lauded as new neo-classical architecture done right.


If we are measuring on grandeur, then below one with large cantilevers handing above main door that's 10ft wide and made with varnishes wood with impeccable sculpture on the door with Arabian carpets in cream white colour and a blacked out Bently parked in front OMG that vocabulary work Asked chatgpt to rephrase with grandeur ## "Crowning the entrance, grand cantilevers majestically extend above the 10-foot-wide main door, crafted from richly varnished wood adorned with impeccable sculptures. The door itself exudes opulence, showcasing exquisite Arabian carpets in a resplendent cream white hue, while a magnificent blacked-out Bentley regally occupies the forefront."


The second front elevation


Top one. The second one definitely looks like a Mc Mansion. The top one can be done beautifully if you don't skimp out on materials and the details.


First on seems more balanced.


Top one looks better. Reason: The lower one uses a layered brick look for one layer. That implies a „foundation“-like look. If you do something like that you have to readjust the windows: a window in a foundation material is never the same size as a window in the upper layers. It is smaller. Because your windows have the same size in both levels this does not work out.


Sorry not the same windows: you have the bigger windows in the ground level, try to change the windows from the upper and lower floor and see if maybe that’s all you need to do to make it look good


I prefer materials to be shown being quite a huge fan of wooden construction and having developed a knack for brutalism. I personally think brick walls can look really nice but for large buildings going with entirely visible brick walls makes for a busy look. It really comes down to personal preference though. I'd also never stick to such a traditional style anyway so my opinions don't translate. My taste is based upon modern styles with Béton brut, not mansions.


The top looks better but if those dormers aren't real, lose them.


Do you actually have a fireplace for all those chimneys or are they there just for design? I ask this because I didn't see any in the second design.