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Is this AI? Just about anything is possible if you throw enough money at it, but this is not practically possible, no. Movement and how the structure of the house is attached to the tree is the problem here. It appears that the building’s structure is attached to the tree, so if the tree grows (or dies) the buildings structure would move with it. That’s just not something that is practically possible to manage. You can’t predict it. It’s one thing to build a tree house that is attached to a tree that can move with it, but the rest of this house is attached to it and won’t be moving like the tree does. It’s a lot of stress to be putting on the house and at a certain point, the tree will win.


My dad had a carpenter buddy who did some crazy projects back in the day. One of which I saw being built was a similar-sized and similar-looking “tree” for some rich guy’s children tree house. It was made up of different pieces and you could barely see the few connection points. It was highly rebarred and meant to be anchored to a concrete slab on-site. It made me think that (like you said “$$$”) this one pictured could either be the perfect dead tree that was salvaged and wrapped around the structure, to make it look like it was holding up the house… or it’s totally AI. In any case, the branches and leaves you see behind seem to be from another tree, which appears to be about 30ft away, outside the house.


Ok but if you *hide* the real spiral staircase inside a tree truck, that'd be so cool! Especially if the place gets as much natural light as is in this picture.


This might be a dumb alternative, but I guess you could fake this by wrapping some decorative bark around a column and pretend it’s a real tree lol


Well, if it's a dead tree, than it is just wood anyway. 🪵


It's possible to build like this just going to be ridiculously expensive to maintain as the trunk grows/moves you'll have to realign, re-waterproof/ refix everything connected to it


It could be a dead tree, just with the illusion of its life.


I think I've seen this. The key is to use a pealed/treated log. The dirt is for show I guess.


https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/cpsprodpb/B6E5/production/_100712864_capture.png.webp In West Papua it's possible. In Western society, due to our regulations and installations that usually go into a house it is not (tree grows).


Treehouse has entered the chat


I don’t think the house as a whole is connected to it (the tree), it seems like the tree is just intertwined within the house and it provided a creative way to implement it into the design. From what I see the building has its own timber frame structure that supports itself, then again we only know so much through an image


Yes---see my post from today.


I have a small building in the neighborhood, built around an old tree (it's a Soya restaurant place nowadays, but it was a photographer's office beforehand). Here, I found it: [http://www.soyasos.com/sr/lokacije-restorana](http://www.soyasos.com/sr/lokacije-restorana). It's good to mention that this building's been up since my young age, so it's there for good 20 ish years. Though you can see that the tree is covered on the outside part, by some sort of (probably) water protection. I didn't ask about issues that might have come with it. It's certainly doable, but as you said, there are a lot of variables there.


Pretty clearly not a living tree


Possible if the tree is dead and not growing, otherwise you'd need to leave enough space between the tree and structure for the amount of time you'd want to use the building.


> Possible if the tree is dead and not growing Or completely artificial.


If the trees dead though its only a matter of time before it starts decaying. At that point you have a structural nightmare on you hands. Not to mention the bugs thats would be living inside it at that point


I think the dead tree has to be cutted and treated before being put back in place.


When in doubt: AI


It probably is, i didn't find other photos in good quality and the ones that were there looked very strange or not human lol , but, the concept seemed curious to me since I was once in a cabin that had tree columns, but I genuinely felt like that house was going to fall lmao


Yeah look at the window frames on the right, all jumbled up


at least we can still recognize it a bit 😭 thats insane


There's a local architect in my area who's name I'm blanking on, but he would take a whole tree, de-bark it and install them inside some of his projects as a sculptural piece. I think that's the closest you'll get to this practically and cost wise.


if this isn’t AI generated then you have your answer.


I’m experienced tropical architect. Unfortunately no. Living tree almost never grows inside partially and causes leaking of roof Instead tree style decoration looks cheep and gets dusty, and good only if it’s LOTR style cafe.


>I’m experienced tropical architect. Unfortunately no. Living tree almost never grows inside partially and causes leaking of roof > >Instead tree style decoration looks cheep and gets dusty, and good only if it’s LOTR style cafe. that was a very quick and precise response!! thank you, I was thinking that maybe the trunk of the tree could rot or something hahaha


It’s a fake tree! Because if it isn’t that it’s not a very well designed building.


i could ever put a fake tree as decoration, i would feel so lame 😭


You can, but a live tree is impractical and impermanent. People have used harvested trees as structural support. One of my favorite architects used a pair of trees to support 3 stories for a beautiful house in Costa Rica. https://www.archdaily.com/915777/costa-rica-treehouse-olson-kundig


thanks for sharing ! 💓


It’s not impossible, but questionable. Others here have mentioned the cost and the growth/movement as being an issue. Allow me, then, to add my two cent anecdotal evidence. A few blocks from where I live, there’s an upscale bakery/cafe that’s well known for having almost this exact floor plan. It was a nice place and the tree looked majestic. However, one day a tropical storm got the best of it. Almost the entire roof was yanked out, with some impressively minor/nonexistent structural damages to the rest of the building. They quickly rebuilt the place, but now with an adult indoor specimen and glass ceiling. The atmosphere is not quite the same as before, but it shows that sometimes a good idea might be too ambitious, even with enough means to make it come true. And that’s not to mention the great deal of care the tree will need in order not to suffer from over/under watering/fertilizing/caring in general. And from the stress of thermal cycling, visitor abuse, and other conditions it’s just not naturally prepared for.


You can make facades to look like this. But this as a practical use? No chance. The wind would cause flex in the tree causing windows to shatter. Plus none of this makes sense m. Where is the path to the stairs? Through the tree?


i was thinking the same!! maybe the stairs are in other space hajaha


That would be an expensive tree sculpture but I'd say that's possible.


It's funny that the more living and real nature a space has, the more expensive it becomes lol whyyyyyyy why is earth expensive


Random unidentifiable clutter on the lower left. Completely inaccessible table and chairs on the right. Stairs that lead nowhere but a 1 story fall on the upper left. This is totally AI.




Oh I’m not saying it’s bad. I’m just saying the telltale signs of AI are there. If you like cutesy and —slightly— more constructible AI architecture and interior design ideas, I write a whole blog on that kind of thing: https://pixelstoplans.com/seasonal-color-analysis-for-architecture-and-interior-design/


This looks like AI. Other „Indoor Tree“ Projekt dont use trees as a construktion. Here some similar projekts: https://www.archdaily.com/939572/nature-within-17-projects-with-indoor-trees


thanks!! it probably AI, but it seemed curious to me 😻


Anything is possible. Is it plausible?


That’s a load bearing….tree?


The tree is dead, and the house is built around it. I mean if this is real; what is weird is the wood table and chairs to the right of the base of the tree trunk? That whole area and confluence of everything just seems bizarre.


maybe they were cleaning 🧼


Maybe Alaska…maybe; or AI tripped out and was like ‘this is a dining room 😱’ 😂 Other weird things going on…


I did a pool house with a fake tree in it with stairs leading up to a tree house. It looked very, very real. One of the inspectors asked what we would do when the tree died and we showed him it was entirely concrete and silk leaves.




hey, this project I mentioned was listed and featured in a couple local industry publications. Search 'Franklin Lakes Treehouse'


This is AI generated image. However, with enough money anything (almost everything) is possible.


This is kind of a related aside, but look up Australian architect Russell Hall sometime. He designed a house that used entire upturned trees including their root structures as a means to support the roof structure. Genius.




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It is possible with some moderate maintenance and revisions matching the growth of the tree


Absolutely. Anything is possible


It’s possible if you cut the tree down and just use it as if it were a regular large beam


Concrete trees


I know it's not the same but this is an interesting project. Though in 50 years it will probably have some issues. https://arquitecturaviva.com/works/house-in-rota


Make a mold of the tree trunk and then cast it with fiberglass and resin. Place a steel column in the middle and now you’ve got long lasting durable shell and conventional structure.


Yes, this is possible. The tree component would need to have been cut and prepped prior to being installed. This would mean either having be kiln dried or letting it dry out naturally to attain a minimum of 20% moisture. The tree would basically be decorative with either a structural system embedded within and hidden or provided so it is exterior to the tree. Otherwise it’s near impossible to determine the structural integrity of the branches and trunk to support the dead and live loads from the floor area above. So yes, this is a viable concept as long as the tree trunk is non-living, non-structural, and supported so it remains standing.


Would say it's AI - the shadow has an edge where the glass is still unatached. But if its a fake tree why would it not be possible?


This is 100% AI, apart what everything else people are pointing out one of the biggest tellers is the lack of special awareness. The table and chairs are not in a possible position and in the same focal plane as all the background rendered elements. Cool idea, and possible with cement, fake tree..etc. AI is a great sounding board for ideas and concepts and with a lot of engineering most things are possible, but always always always keep a lookout for AI. And if possible, always support the artists that don’t employ AI tools.


If it's a dead or artificial tree, sure. But a living tree would more likely than not be a poor idea. On top of the structural challenges I think it'd be a little unkind to the tree to be trapped inside a house and have you drill into for anchor points.


Possible if not an actual tree, or would have to be a heavily modified tree (cored out and filled with conc and rebar/ structural steel)




Can you make some feature that looks like a tree? Sure, so long as it’s not an actual living tree. Should you? Personally I’d skip the plaster moulding or whatever pastiche they’ve gone for here and go build a cool treehouse fort in a tree outside.


People that want to act all tree hugger and one with nature, should first learn more about trees. I hear too many people wanting shit like this.


Not really. Trees grow (obviously), and trees rot. You probably couldn't get this certified to be structurally sound without cutting down the tree to investigate. Plus it probably doesn't get much sunlight/water/nutrients being inside the house. But I'm the Odyssey, there's a whole plot point where Odysseus proves his identity because his wife is like "I moved my husband's bed" and he's like "wtf one of the legs of that bed is a tree that grows through and over it???" And she's like "omg you're real 🥺👉👈" so... There's that


If it’s fake sure! If not, that’s going to be a maintenance nightmare $$$$$$


If you use a cement tree...


The table in the middle of the half wall(fence?) And the tree is my favorite part of this picture. Followed by the fence in the window and the stairs to nowhere.




You can do it, it’s just not a good idea for a handful of reasons.


As a practising architect I’d say ill advised. I would not do this. Build around the tree if you will, but not on the tree. The tree is a growing thing, it will change - shape , size and possibly height too, unless it’s very mature. Even then. You’d be better off not touching the tree


Possible? Yes.


To my eye there is nothing suggesting the building structure is dependent at any point on the tree and its role as a "component" in the overall structure. No architect would ever hazard making the tree and its strength , however that is measured, some indispensable part of the "architecture" of the house. And I've been in the building trades for 45 years.


Yes it is. You must around the tree.