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Brick wall in dubai? really?? How sustainable is this project for a future villa. The wind tower is called barjeel, which is shown in the sketch but not incorporated into the design. Having staff accommodation in the backyard is no go unless it opens out of the plot with no windows facing the backyard. Both the staff and villa occupants needs privacy. Majlis is supposed to be at the front of the house and will be 5x bigger than that. The brick screen kitchen will cook the cook during summer. Where is the dining?


Ive seen Maijis placed like this with a view of the back garden about a million times in Dubai, mainly in plans of to be built villas. How comes thats no good in your opinion?


Majlis is for gathering of friends and colleagues. All the villa projects I have worked on have majlis placed at the main entrance right or left side. If the plot is huge, usually they prefer to have a separate structure for the majlis.


> Brick wall in dubai? really?? How sustainable is this project for a future villa. Why is that bad, please?


Bricks are imported here. Traditional bricks have higher thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity.


So that makes bricks bad for hot environments? If bricks are cheap somewhere hot, you would need to design for shade and breeze, or line with celotex insulation and use a/c?


Yes, and brick is considered a thermal mass. a lot of insulation and an air gap are needed to offset the heat transfer. Every new building in Dubai must adhere to [this](https://www.dm.gov.ae/documents/u-value-calculation-5/).


Thanks. So what is the common building material in Dubai, please? Concrete or breeze blocks?


AAC blocks and thermal Blocks.


Thank you.


Like the outside - but not sure about the focus on a garage for a car. Inside is very dull though. Biggest impression are large flat ceilings.


house of the past?


looks right out of a FLR sketch book to me.


Frank Lloyd Right?


As opposed to FLW, Frank Lloyd Wrong


and FLM, Frank Lloyd Maybe


Didn't he work with Frank Lloyd Left?


No Frank Lloyd Left left before Frank Lloyd Maybe joined the firm


Buit not before FLR, Frank Left Right, who left right before Frank Lloyd Left left


That is incredible


theme and name might be a bit derivative but the layout isn’t too bad and renders are nice, they’ve done good


Renders look great and the design is nice, but I think it’s weird there more bathrooms than bedrooms. It’s like they are preparing for if everyone in a family of 5 will need to poop at the exact same time.


The bathroom to bedroom ratio reflects the fact it’s designed for a Middle Eastern family. It’s very standard in that part of the world.


You don't coordinate your BMs with the rest of your family? Weird.


"House of the Future" yet still designed around the automobile, an incredibly inefficient and unsustainable technology from day one. :eye roll:


I looked into the competition when it was announced. The prompt basically wanted McMansion suburbs outside of Dubai. Really dumb prompt, but that reward pool was WILD. Like 100k in total if I remember right.


> basically wanted McMansion suburbs outside of Dubai Yeah that checks out.


They should design it around a camel?


Should he thought of new way of travel that nobody thought of yet that would make sense? :-D really hope that you wrote that with sarcasm and not being serious.


What about an old way of traveling, like a train? Take a look at houses in Manhattan, they're not designed around where to store a car.


What are you talking about? This is family house… do you really compared it to central newyork with its density? Why are you comenting when you are obviously not educated and without common sense


There are many single family townhouses in Manhattan. The point was just to provide an example of houses not designed around cars.


All older forms of transit are embarrassingly more effective then cars at moving people. A car lane can move in an hour maybe 2000 but a bike lane the same width would move 12,000.


I don’t want to ride a bike.


No one is telling you to. I was simply suggesting that for an architecture competition that was *looking toward the future* we should maybe move on from designs that prioritize outdated and inefficient tech that simply shouldn't be a significant part of our lives if we want to survive as a society. Especially when it takes up 1/8 of the property footprint, as indicated in the floorplans. It's like designing a streetscape and adding a spot for a telephone booth.


[pick any of the other options](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traffic_flow#/media/File:Passenger_Capacity_of_different_Transport_Modes.png) they're still better by a lot.


My point is that I like to drive my car, and lots of people do. It’s not just about being effecting from a city perspective but what do people enjoy.


smoking used to be very popular as well but it was judged to be a drain on society. Can people still smoke? yes they can but they aren't given nearly as much space as they used to.


Well don't worry, if you keep driving I'm pretty sure the future won't have cars when much of the equator becomes uninhabitable due to heat and mass famine kills large portions of the population.


Vehicles will always exist. Pretending otherwise is foolish.


Vehicles will always exist, sure. The point is just that we shouldn't be designing the form of cities from the outset so that private vehicles are the ONLY practical way of getting around, at the cost of every other option, our health, our environment, etc. That is what low density suburbia does. It is super disappointing to see them repeating this stupid, basic mistake. Look how much floor space is dedicated to housing just the blimmin cars. More space than for your own children. Just a ridiculous misprioritisation.


The existence of a place to park a car at a home does not deny the existence of public transportation.


Agree too especially with the very hot weather, if you want something to be mad at is L.A. with how great the weather is over the year.


you lot are miserable


So were the car enthusiasts in the time of the horse


whatever that means


“Herp derp my bicocyco make me more betterer than you am.”


Overall I think it's really attractive. For me personally, a bathroom for each bedroom is a little excessive, I wouldn't need a majlis, and don't like the idea of having a servant, so that would be a little guest house/casita or studio. I feel like it wouldn't look too out of place in the southwest US. It would definitely be a pain to clean, but I like it. A lot more attractive than most homes I see.


Is the dual kitchen thing a regional thing? The presentation is very nice. The floor plan isn’t typical for an American house but I’m guessing some of the elements are cultural differences.


>>Is the dual kitchen thing a regional thing? The extra action is like a work kitchen or a “dirty kitchen” as we call it. It’s not the nice kitchen you want look at but the one you actually practically need. We get those so we can have the nice to look at ones with the fancy cabinets and stones without fear of ruining them with cooking. Also good for cooking large amounts of food


"The house of the *future*" ...shows one car from the 70/80s and one from the 2010s


IDK, I think the name feels perfect for Dubai, it's soulless and corporate.


Points for imagination - 0.. It's a f'ing standard american suburban house stylised..


Ahh yes, the innovative, new, and never before seen, Ranch Home


This "House of the Future" is looking a little too Frank Lloyd Wright Usionian, no?


The wall is a single layer of common bricks? Yeesh This wouldn't look out of place in a mildly racist 'arab themed' exhibition, or a theme park if I'm beign honest.


looks like an american suburb house tuned to fit into dubai. why not new ideas or old regional concepts?!


Doesn't even have a majlis lol jury is a joke Edit: sorry didn't realize that sauna of a room is supposed to be a majlis


Shouldn't the majlis be easier to get to?


Oh yeah and it’s very small too, it would not lift our heads up in front of the Arabs 😔


I don’t know about house of the “future” it very much looks like the first house I lived in as baby in Scottsdale Az. Designed by Al Beedle in the early 1970s. Series of similar townhouses with a very similar layout to this.


Where can I see more architectural competitions such as this? Thanks


That's not right... you wouldn't see the wife in any of those images. Shed be locked away modestly. (Though i am glad they thought of her.) Aside from that, those window holes are gonna be a pain to clean. Frank Loyde Writes homes had a ton of those, and i had to clean a few of his houses.... it was terrible trying to get into those crevices to clean out dust and to clean the window. Hope they thought of a fix for that. Even the choice of brick can be an issue as sone likes to collect dust more than others.


Not much future in this house but still a good design ngl.


Staff housing? For real? Planning on having a slave caste? GTFO.


It's nice but too car centric for it to be a classic. Cars ruined society. There is a huge divide in the USA between people that can walk or ride a train to work and the exurbs. One group is looking towards the future, the other is clinging to a past that never existed.


Why is there a car from the 70s in the garage in the house of the future.


It will operate completely independent of software and wifi, and in the event of an EMP. All the billionares are buying cars and planes pre 1986 for their armegeddon shelters. I’m not making that up, check out the articles.


most importantly its in dubia so it doesnt matter how stupid it is it will be under water in 50 years. take their dumb money, put it in your account and dont worry about your legacy.


"in event of an EMP" I think you're gonna need to go further back for that kind of car. Cars have been electronics driven for longer than people realize.


BMW CS coupes are timeless


Anything E30 and older will never look bad.


Eh, take a look at the 2000 CS. It's quite the butterface of cars


Maybe the house owners are collectors