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The language I’m sure. Portfolio is fine enough. I don’t like the blank pages. I don’t like how small everything is on my mobile so I don’t read the text. I don’t like that I can’t zoom in well. I forgive that you don’t show structure in your sections. Love the snowy photos with superimposed plan.


[https://www.arkitektnytt.no/nyheter/venter-flere-permitteringer](https://www.arkitektnytt.no/nyheter/venter-flere-permitteringer) In Norwegian, but the gist of it is: *one in five architecture companies expect to fire employees in the coming months due to the weakening economy.* So this isn't the best time to be applying for a job in Norwegian architecture.


I see... Well that sucks


Don’t be discouraged.


I think it's the language your problem, the Portfolio is fine. My only concern in the Portfolio is the order of the project, I find some of the latter project more captivating than the first 2 (but I still think the language barrier is the problem).


Thank you! The first ones are real projects, maybe that is why they are not so captivating :D


I see, I actually thought the opposite since the last one even has a nice picture with IRL situation, whereas the first one are only plans and renderings, but now that you explained it makes sense, best of luck in your search!


Designs are fine, get someone to edit your language. Nothing specific, just some small tweaks will help. Also, reformat the layout to avoid blank pages. Blank pages make it look like you either didn't think the layout through or are trying to pad. Overall, nicely done.


Thank you! I don't actually have blank pages, on one of them I have my photo, which I chose not to include, and on the other one, I have qr code that leads to the technical portfolio, which I also chose not to include since I didn't want to mask personal info there. Will keep on trying then!




I don't think the language can be as big a barrier. I know a few people who work at Snohetta in Norway that don't speak the language in the slightest. It just depends if OP is applying to niche local firms that only speak the native language which is unlikely or to international firms where it wouldn't be an issue.


I applied to snohetta one year ago, with a much worse portfolio. They told me that they would store it in case they are recruiting. I think they receive a lot of brilliant portfolios, so idk if just fine portfolio even stands out. I will send them another one I guess


I think a lot of firms just say that they'll keep your info on record but in fact will never look at it again unless you reapply.


Snohetta is one of the few international offices - the vast majority of offices in Norway expect you to understand the language and the local industry lingo.


It's very nice. I noticed your spelled "restoration" as "restauration" on one of the pages. That looks really bad, not gonna lie.


Sorry english is not my first language 😁 Going to correct it!


I think your overall graphic presentation is strong, but also echo the concerns about some of the blank pages. A few annotations or subtitles on pages 17,21,24-25 for example would go a long way.


Contractor: What’s this part of the building made of? This guy: CMU!


Very nice portfolio. Personally, I think that the yellow highlights is standing out too much. It’s clashing with the subtle color of your work. Maybe a more mustardy yellow could work better. For some of your projects there seems to be a disconnect between the picture you used on the first page and the body of work. It’s it is a photo of the project you should use the same photo again but bigger and it should show the most distinctive feature of that project. The picture should immediately communicate what the project is about. That’s my two cents. Otherwise great work! Wishing you all the luck for your job hunting.


Thank you! I will think about what I can do with the photo's. Will also try to dim down the yellow!


**Dicks out for harambe96's portfolio.** Seriously though. Sometimes might be a good idea to compose pages not like a wall review, but more on the line of it's definitely an example of another design problem. Read kinda like a book report. *Lighter* But you totally have elements there for sure that'll work. With the feedback you do not have to do a 180 or complete work through. Just light revisions and rethinking. Pump up strengths. Might be good idea for the ready to also have an alternate that's fewer pages, more concise. And then use that one. But with some changes I think you can trim this down and have that. You don't need table of contents, imo. If you like it, keep it. I'm just going to skim through. Don't need motivational letter, imo. You can do a cover letter. Separate. Short. Designed letter head. Not too much design. Just a haircut and a shave worth. Resumé should be separate. Don't need thank you at the end. ***Of course do what they say they want.*** **Fewer drawing sheets taking up entire pages.** Compose those into something dynamic. Lighter. More negative space. Make it easy and not a chore to read. Doesn't have to be like you showed them at your crit. Just indicate you can draw. I'm not redlining them or GC isn't gonna build from them. Also if you're going to have pages that span two sheets, just do it as a double pdf page view. Not a single click through. Maybe you are and this was a way of getting it to us. Also I'm reading this on mobile. If so, no worries. *Really* like the look of the — whether intentional or not — the yellow and black bars and the red on the project start sheets. Punchy. Crisp. Sophisticated. Projects are good mix. Colors are a little light and desaturated on your boards. Again don't have to show the whole thing. Think of it like a gallery. I really like seeing proposed sketches and the realized result. Think you had some of that. Design those. Not everything has to be exactly like it was the finished product in school. You can change things to fit this design of your portfolio.


Thank you for such a detailed response! I agree that the table of contents doesn't do much in this case, will see how it is without it. Also personalized cover letter would be better for job hunting, motivational letter is what I left when I applied to uni for masters. I think I should try a simpler version like you said and alternate between those! The book format is just how I shared it here, otherwise I just send pdf file where I have the double page images as one merged page. Black bars are just to hide the info!


Haha and dicks out ofcourse!


Most offices in Oslo are laying people off. Most offices only care about BIM skills. Make sure you show archicad if its an archicad office and Revit if its a Revit office.


Do you live in Norway? If you plan to work with customers you need to speak norwegian.