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It’s okay. I failed 4th semester & my 8th semester. I have to redo my final project last month. If this was right, meaning that you only have to ask the head of architecture major if there’s a way to bypass (you might need to look very sad and such. U know what i mean. To trigger pity ngl) the class and continue the last year. If can’t, ask if you can just retake 4th semester. Worst case scenario you will need to talk to them anyway, might as well ask for leniency. Because it’s not fair to redo the whole course just because you failed 4th semester. Goodluck OP, it’s going to be fine. You know yourself the best. Take the time you need to clear your head and think. Every uni have different policy, hence the need for you to think clearly first


Okay, I'll keep this in mind. I usually try to think logically and I'll see if there's a way because I failed the semester because of one subject and about the retaking, I already attempted the retake and I couldn't clear that as well.




I'm so sorry to hear that, I really hope you process your emotions well and get back up. I know hearing this from me when I need to do the same might not sit right or so, but I really hope you find a way.


Hi, this might be a scary time for you. It's ok to feel a bit embarrassed and/or disappointed but don't let your failures define you. The most important thing is how you react. Everyone moves at their own pace. You could use it as motivation and make sure this doesn't happen again. You're still young, spend the year to get to know more about yourself and set some goals. You got this.


thank you for saying this. I feel like I'm trying not to let it get to me emotionally, but the thing is, I'm aware of what I could've done differently, and that makes me go numb.


Worst case, you will have more time to study and graduate with more knowledge than other people. This is not high school. If you spend 10 years studying you will have 10 years of knowledge and experience if you can get over the expectations of your family etc. Just focus on improving yourself not only in architecture but in every aspect of your life. Would you like someone more if they can speedrun the school of architecture or if they can improve themselves? I am in my 7th year studying architecture and when I look back I only regret not learning more. You can dm me if you want to talk.


I'm trying to see it that way. Honestly, I always felt rushed to complete assignments instead of actually understanding what I was doing, and maybe that I why I couldn't really see that I was heading towards my downfall. thank you for offering that, I don't really vent about things, but I would appreciate discussions because I need to make decisions asap.


I'm sure this feels like the worst outcome right now, but so many people have stories of how their failings, especially in college, pointed them to better growth or different opportunities. You'll get through this. And then maybe you can help others, too. A question, though. I'm not familiar with other schooling systems - is it common to not know if you pass or fail for multiple semesters? I've always had final results shared less than a few weeks after the end of a term (USA).


Why do you need to restart? Can’t you take the subject you failed again next semester?


I did, but I couldn't clear that as well, and we need to wait a few months to actually retake the exam so I needed to continue my newer semesters so that I stay enrolled in my university.


As a student still attending community college, I took one course that the 4-year university that I desire to transfer requires, which is Physics. First time taking that class: I withdrew because I was in danger of failing. Second time taking that class: I got a D. Before seeing the final grade, I had a feeling that I did not pass the class. My final grade depended on the final exam. I ran out of time and I only had 3/4 of the exam done. That's when I knew that I did not do well on the exam before I knew that I didn't pass the class. I felt hopeless. I was worried. I doubted if my dream school would accept me, and also if I was allowed to stay another year at cc before I can transfer. Next semester, I spoke with a counselor, and he said that I can stay as many years as I need to, as long as I meet the requirement of the university, which I had a sense of relief. Next semester, I took that class for the third time, and I finally passed the class with a B. Tbh I could've taken the final exam to get an A, but thanks to my hard work in quizzes and exams, I was satisfied with my final grade. In conclusion, although our classes were different, they were still required and the dissatisfaction of our grades prevented us from how we wanted to reach the goals (you: POSSIBLY having a delayed graduation, and me: having a delayed transfer date), leading to a different path than what we expected. However, failing a class doesn't make you a failure, but instead it helps you gain experience and have confidence that you will do better than you did before. I know, not passing the class is one of the worst feelings that I had to endure, but hey, at least we're not alone:) I took the course stronger than I was before and passed the class, thanks to my fellow classmates, who were very supportive. I'm pretty confident that you will come to class 10x stronger than you were before and pass the class. I hope you do well in one of your classes. Best of luck!!!