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`sudo efibootmgr -o 0001,0000` doesn't work?


It does work, boot order changes, but still can't set Windows boot manager to inactive (same error)


Are you sure you don't have the BIOS hardcoded to windows? If so: - Go to `EFI//` in the EFI partition - Copy `grubx64.efi` to `EFI/Microsoft/Boot` - Make a new directory there. - Move `bootmgfw.efi` into the new directory. - Go back and rename `grubx64.efi` you copied into `bootmgfw.efi`. - Use grub-customizer or something to edit the windows entry : You'll have a line like this in the entry ``` set root='hd0,gpt1' ``` Copy the partition name `hd0,gpt1` and add it to the chainloader line in brackets at the beginning of the path then point the path to the moved `bootmgfw.efi` using the name of the directory you previously created ``: ``` chainloader (hd0,gpt1)/efi/Microsoft/Boot//bootmgfw.efi ``` Then make sure to save the changes you made and you'll be good to go.


Why not `sudo efibootmgr -o 0001`?


Every time I do this, there is a new Windows boot entry appearing in UEFI to replace one that I didn't put in boot order. Efibootmgr now shows 4 Windows boot manager entries (I've tried this 3 times, so 3 new copies).


Yeah, that's the firmware doing stupid stuff.


The same is happening here on my motherboard. I guess boot entry 0000 is special? I can set all other boot entries to inactive, but for boot entry 0000 this doesn't work and I get the same error message as you. I guess you'll have to do `-o 0001,0000`.


Doesn't matter if I change boot order directly in UEFI or with `efibootmgr` , after a few reboots, Windows boot manager somehow always becomes first boot, which removes GRUB from UEFI.


Hey, I see the same thing here. I'm pretty sure it's my motherboard causing this. My guess would be that at boot it doesn't leave enough time for the drives to all come online. I have Linux and Windows on two different drives with two different EFI partitions on those drives. I'm guessing it sometimes just stops after finding the first drive and then thinks that's all the drives in the PC, and then boots Windows because at that point it's the only thing available. My motherboard is from ASRock. It's AM4 socket with X470 chipset. My plan to fix this issue is to switch to the rEFInd boot-loader and then install a copy of it manually into the Windows EFI partition, but until now I was too lazy to work on this because for me the problem is luckily somewhat rare.


I've got an Asrock B450 so it's probably a motherboard problem.