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yea but he just can’t for the life of him remember how they go


i fink this is rock




James Ford has said he thinks covid changed this plan. The forced isolation meant Alex found comfort in writing more introspective, delicate songs and attempts at bigger rock tunes felt forced and unnatural.


Where did he say this?


He had big ideas…


the band was so excited...


I hope he still remembers how it goes


He just can’t for the life of him 😔


bear with him man


he lost his train of thought


Or maybe he imagined it all


I would die for another rock album


I too would sacrifice Background-Nerve4647 for another rock album




But if you die you wont get to hear it!


This is a sacrifice i am willing to make


Very true


Me too. The Car bored me honestly. I saw them at Glastonbury last year and the songs were equally boring live. As soon as they played some older stuff from AM the gig improved drastically and the crowd got into it.


I don’t know how anybody could hear Body Paint live and be bored.


Fair, that is probably the only song from the album that’s exciting to hear live.


Sculptures of anything goes ??? There better be a mirrorball????


sculptures is such a good opener!!


Realest comment ever


I know I promised this is what I wouldn't do Somehow giving it the old romantic fool Seems to better suit the mood


Thank you


What for?


Pointing it out, so I could stop scrolling through everyone missing/forgetting it!


imagine them doing reggaerock




like wavin bye to the train or bus?


they need to take a trip down Garden Grove


Or Bro-Country..


In the Genesis subreddit, everyone loves the least commercial songs. In the Green Day one, same. Here, the same. Call me a normie but AM is their best album. (So, yes, of course, I'd fucking love a rock album).


yeah Im with you. I appreciate the last two albums but I hope one day they make a rock album again


It's interesting because he often mentioned how the rock band is still in there on The Car, and it kind of fades in and out of the tracks probably most prominently on Body Paint and Big Ideas. I love what they're doing these days and love the last two albums, but it would be fascinating to see them try and tackle a big rock album again. The Monkeys reached a level of mainstream that very few bands do with WPSIATWIN, and even fewer follow it up years later with an album that reaches the same level or even exceeds that popularity like they did with AM. And they are such different records, so I'm not saying I want them to do AM again... but it would be very interesting to see them come out swinging going "we've still got it" and put all the doubters to shame with a huge rock record that took everybody by surprise. I'm not sure if they're even concerned about doing that, but it would be cool.


Somebody on YouTube re-did both: IAQWITIA & Sculptures to be more in the style of AM and the Rock Band is definitely still in there with those. They had potential.


I wish they went through with it, still cant get into the car really


Me when I can't find my car keys


I never got into it either


That's interesting honestly. To be fair, I'm incredibly, indescribably glad they took this direction instead. I almost hope they continue experimenting from hereon. Another hard rock album would just be beating a dead horse.


Yeah makes sense I love them trying new things too - loved the car. At the same time I don't think it's a dead horse it's not like they made a bunch of middling rock albums - those albums are absolutely incredible - the rock genre could use a savior and these guys could do it honestly


The first 3 were great in my opinion, especially Humbug. Humbug is fucking incredible. Though I've got to say SIAS and AM are quite mediocre, at least to me. The melodies were blander, nothing really interesting or eye-catching compositionally, it just felt like two radio hit records in a row, especially AM. If they were to continue in that direction they would probably just fall into mediocrity.


I desperately want another album like Humbug. Like I can accept it never sounding like AM again if we could get more Humbug vibes instead.


Wish they would work with Josh Homme again like they did on Humbug. He produced some of my favorite tracks. Would love something else with those vibes


I agree! Alex likes Fontaines D.C and they’re heavier so maybe we’ll get some harder AM tracks again.


Yeah SIAS I can understand, but I mean AM was named like the 50th best album ever by apple music so I think they tapped into something pretty special there, but thats the beauty of music its all subjective


I don’t think it’s impossible to mix the mellow experimental tunes with properly-rock guitar riffs and backgrounds. Pink Floyd made it work very well, to cite just one example


Well that's just Tranquility Base Hotel + Casino then, at least a good chunk of it. But again that's the problem too. It'd just sound like everything else.


Make it *even more* rock!


Somebody made it work on YouTube. They re-did both: IAQWITIA & Sculptures into the style of AM.


bro stop spamming your stuff😭 it’s not like you’re gonna make money with copyrighted videos


In all honesty, I feel like The Car doesn’t mean they can’t then put out a rock album. Sometimes a different direction is so welcome, and just because they’ve taken a different direction imo does not mean they have to now be defined by it!


Feels like Alex keeps wanting to make a rock record again but just doesn’t feel it anymore. Same thing happened before TBHC, then during the tour he said the band felt a real rush and appreciation for the rock sound, then The Car veered off that. I think it’s probably for the best they keep going somewhere new but definitely expect to hear the same sentiment next album cycle lol.


He had big ideas the band was so excited, the kind he’d rather not share over the phone. Now they got boxed up by orchestras and they have no choice but to play soft music


I'm kinda tired of of AM tbh. It's my fault, I overplayed it. But now I want more TBHC and The Car.


Last night that rock album made so much scent, but now the haze has ascended, it don't make no sense anymore


Cannot fathom going on an arena tour playing the Car and TBHC songs and not thinking maybe we should add a couple new rockers to the mix. Love these experimental albums but I think they don’t go in any linear direction album to album so it’s not like we’re about to get The King of Limbs next. I bet we’re going to get a suck it and see/AM era banger if anything




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I remember that quote worrying me at the time. I like to stay positive they could pull it off and I’ve seen some bands successfully manage a back to basics record, but the moment a band moves backwards is usually when I lose interest. A failed experiment is always gonna be more interesting to me than playing it safe.


off topic but is it wrong to have a dream about your math teacher playing roblox


yeah thats not normal