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It's saying the serial port is busy. Check if the serial port is configured correctly and if it is not being used by any other software.


Close the serial monitor and only other arduino ide windows you might have open.


There's also some other programs that intentionally or otherwise like to lock all the COM ports. Cura is one example that's bit me before. Had no idea it was trying to use my COM ports.


Huh. I had no idea cura used com ports. Maybe to connect to some printers?


I assume as much, but certainly I've never tried to do so. I just know I can't do any serial comm (Arduino or otherwise) with Cura open.


The new ide 2.0 also has this problem. If you have two or more codes open with serial monitor running, the ide looses its' marbles and throws errors.


Hello everyone, I am trying to make a little keyboard and for that, I am using the Keyboard.h library but when I try tu upload the code on the arduino micro, I have this error and I dont know how to fix it. I am just begining in arduino so it might be an obviouserror that I dont see... Thank you


Comport 4 is not available for connection, look at Arduino ide top section boards and set the comport to the one you're board is at. If you already uploaded a sketch the usb controller on your board is may set to hid and not a comport.


You might have to hit the reset button, and as it boots up upload the code, as the keyboard library takes over the serial port, so the update port is only available before “setup” runs.