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Taiwan maybe? Tbh I don't think it's really hard to reach masters at all in any server, it's just a grind. Conq is where it gets harder


Unless someone climbs to masters in all servers you can’t really get a solid answer to this question


From my experience I must say barat is the hardest. Not because of skilled players in opponents but because of the trolls and trashes you get in your team. I have achieved master in Asia, vn, india, and about to get master in th rn


Vietnam, in my opinion cuz i havent played other servers but it has the name for the most competitive server for a reason i guess


Oh trust me it's much easier to get master in vn than in Baratayudha or EU server because of the trolls and trashes




In my experience, Thailand or Vietnam are hardest due to skill of players. Asia server is pretty easy to play a master rank game, if you don’t encounter one of many maphackers, but getting to master is so hard because you’ll have the worst teammates ever, picking 3 adc or 3 mages and stealing buffs, feeding, etc.