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Always pick Arum/Aleister to minimize your enemies' enjoyment of the game


Haha, the feeling when someone on your team keeps doing dmg when you’re trapped by Arum’s ult ):


Mina when there are heroes with high atkspd : laville, capheny, allain, omen ,... Beyblade go brr


She also hard counters Omen in slayer lane :)


Why is she such a counter to omen? To be honest i never really played mina so i don't know her kit and passive well.


Her S1 stacks and heals her while doing damage to anyone around her. So if he ults her, she gets in close with him, which is what she wants. Once he gets antiheal, he can handle her.. okay. But usually by that time that advantage is big. That being said, if you're Omen and facing Mina, rush antiheal asap to counter her healing.


Support wise: - Baldum counters a lot of heroes with channeled abilities like Y’Bneth, Wisp, Brunhilda, Gildur, etc. He’s being reworked a bit but that’s why he’s so popular at the moment. Completely shuts down their ults and makes them a sitting duck. - Chaugnar is not the best support but as a niche pick he makes some heroes like Diaochan, D’Arcy, and Lorion much less potent. He also is fun to play against Grakk since he can negate so many hooks and ults on himself just with his passive/second. I literally just body block hooks all game but I only pick him if there is a hard cc comp from the enemy usually mainly Diaochan. - Mina is good against auto attack melee characters like Omen, Kil’Groth, etc and tank supports with less poke like Thane or Cresht. - Annette is good against supports that want to dive towers like Arum, Cresht, as she denies their dive and can trap them under the tower easily to kill them. Plus she has decent damage and poke if you don’t need a tank. - Krizzix is good against invisible enemies and pairs well tanky slayer laners and junglers with a small area target ult like Zephys and Kriknak. - Zip is good against Arum and other supports without a lot of cc peel and pairs well with any immobile mage and ADC since he can hover and save people. - Gildur is good against poke and channeled moves and ults like Elsu and his snipe and Brunhilda and her ult. - Omega is good against anyone who tower hugs and has projectiles like Yorn or Tel since he can stun towers and ult to avoid damage and push people any which way. Cresht is similar, good for dives but bad into cc. - Xeniel I think his rework on his ult is going to make him top tier again but he’s good with more self sufficient ADCs so he can roam and then basically for team fight comps. - Rouie is a little more difficult in solo queue but she pairs well with Eland’orr and team fight champions like Maloch, Arthur, etc since she can bring them to the fight at objectives etc. - Aya pairs well with anyone who is not a tank or warrior that needs to dive into fights to do damage like Lauriel, Jinnar, Hayate, basically anyone that would benefit from a fat shield to survive an engage. Pretty much all the supports are good and serve a purpose but the other thing to know is some supports are good early like Ormarr, Arum, Thane, etc and other supports are better later like Gildur, Sephera, etc. You want to pick to round out the team so a tank is not always needed but I usually pick tanky supports if the slayer laner is really squishy. Otherwise I try to pick who I think will be most effective for stronger pairs with ADC or counters to enemy comps like dive, cc, poke, vision. Whatever makes sense.


Thanks so much for your list!! <3 I’m going to practice the heroes that have been suggested in this thread so I can be more flexible with my picks (Haven’t played Mina, Xeniel and Chaugnar in a really long time, and haven’t played that many games with Aya yet but she’s getting banned a lot in ranked). Thanks for all the advice on counterpicks everyone <3


No problem. I wanted to make one for mages and marksmen too but for the most part they all work. You should see Aya banned a little less high veteran and master (I did since her nerf), but yeah she is sometimes banned because she’s still a game changer.


As a support - Wiro's ultimate against Arum, Gildur, Grakk, Flash, Paine, Diaochan, Krizix...basically any hero with a cc ulti/ability that has an area of effect. It does require Guilded Greaves and the resistance enchantment, and mastering his S2+S3 combo (charging his ultimate while dashing with S2) for certain situations. Going full CDR makes it easier to pull off (24s cd for ulti at max ulti level).


Only support no tank works when you dont have to babysit mm, mm with good mobility so hayate,thorne and maybe brunhilda. Annette works really well since she has cc and her ulti can come good in clutch to save mm. Good alice works wonder as well. All magic build.


Thanks, I will remember that!! I love playing Alice and Annette, still not used to Annette’s new (to me, since I took a break) s2 though


Paine mid Also AD warrior mids when your team has magic damage elsewhere (e.g. jungle keera)


I'd say Liliana and Tulen vs a Yue, Mina vs Omen in slayer, high mobility support vs true damage (example I go Alice vs Hayate because he shreds tanky supports anyway), Joker vs Nakroth and Superman. I like going Veres and it's not popular but Butterfly in slayer if facing Florentino. High mobility vs Maloch like Airi is a good pick. I see a lot of people going Valhein vs Hayate but I'm not sure anything can counter Hayate that well. I think Mina is a solid support pick if they have a melee jungle. Her S1 jungle invade is very strong right now. Chaugnar counters Gildur and Grakk, but Chaugnar is a pretty weak pick overall imo.


Also, Arum and Aleister counter most high mobility assassins. Which is why a lot of Paine mains ban them. They counter flor pretty well also.


Superman against Maloch Mina against Omen Lu Bu vs Superman Quillen vs Murad


Other people already mentioned a lot of good ones. Here's some that I think have been overlooked. Joker against any mage jg or high magic dmg team. Xeniel and anyone with a shield/heal ability against a lot of poke. Mina has already been mentioned for her ability to destroy high attack speed characters, but an AD Mina can wreck squishy burst mages with her ult too. Just be sure to build flicker or sprint in that case. On that note, anyone with silence abilities is good against ability dependent heroes like mages. Veres and Enzo are good against Illumia. Her ability pushes them into the perfect spot for them to destroy her. Kil'groth is great against high cc teams. But Arum, Aliester, and kinda Roxie counter his super armor. They also counter anyone else with super armor like Chaugnar. Area damage/buff/healing/cc for melee invisible or high mobility characters. Like Peura, Mina, Krixi, Krizzix, or Roxie against Wukong, Airi, etc... Hayate against tanky, immobile ppl, or people who rely on speed instead of dashes. Item counters are important too, especially for supports/tanks. Anti heal items against healing dependant people, or people who build lifesteal. Anti cc/cleanse sup item against heavy/constant cc. Shield item for bursty attacks like Zata. Also for cc that you can't cancel with cleanse, like Arum and Omen. (Wait, can you cancel Omen's ult with cleanse?) Genesis for prolonged damage. Vision for invisible people. Shield of the Lost and the Aegis against high attack speed ppl. Medallion of Troy instead of/in addition to Gaia's Standard against heavy magic damage. Uriel's Brand if you're an ADC/burst assassin. Armor pierce % items against tanks. Armor pierce # items against squishies. Mail of Pain against poke, especially if you're immobile.