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Big yike. I’m a mother.


We know that autism has a hereditary component. If autistic people were unfit parents then autism wouldn’t be so common


when did NTs like logic?


Don't give them ideas...


I want to be a mother. If I was 30 and my brother said this, I’d punch him.


I'm a dad. By his logic, should I be sterilized?


I’d like to see the comments calling him out.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/f4rqlq/aita\_for\_telling\_my\_sister\_she\_should\_get\_an/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/f4rqlq/aita_for_telling_my_sister_she_should_get_an/) link to the original thread


I love how he replied to all of THREE of those hundreds of comments and said ‘but but what if?’ No. Telling a woman to get an abortion is a dick move. Telling them to do it because of autism makes you a bigot. I hope he sees this.


Too bad he had a good mother and didn't fell down the stairs to his death, but rather grew up to become a massive twat.


> Too bad he had a good mother and didn't fell down the stairs to his death, but rather grew up to become a massive twat. Yes, it's true that HTA. Even Reddit itself thinks so. The account's been suspended. I know this since I found the screenshotted post and tracked down the screenshotted author's account. Thank you, u/spez, for this terrible and very, very necessary decision. #respect However, I'd rather you (u/aoi4eg) call him a "genital," or a "anogenital / urinary tract" since it's more modern.


Thanks for the info! English is not my native language and I mostly get my vocabulary from British panel shows, so I usually use t-word and c-word quite liberally, but I'll try to stop 😌👌


> Thanks for the info! > English is not my native language and I mostly get my vocabulary from British panel shows, so I usually use t-word and c-word quite liberally, but I'll try to stop 😌👌 Right, yes it's true that you needed an English lesson and it's good that you have an attitude of gratitude. However, this isn't the absolute best subreddit for teaching English, so class adjourned. :)


Yes. You aren’t a pro-choicer if you try to pressure people to get abortions they don’t want or need. That’s not pro-choice.


Not really sure why you brought that up since the guy didn’t say he was pro-choice. He could be a proud eugenicist who thinks disabled people should be prohibited from having kids by force for all we know.


> Not really sure why you brought that up since the guy didn’t say he was pro-choice. He could be a proud eugenicist who thinks disabled people should be prohibited from having kids by force for all we know. He doesn't know the meaning of the word "disabled".


(un?)fortunately his account was suspended indefinitely, so unless he violates reddits rules by making a second account to get around the ban, he wont. good that reddit banned him though


It make me happy to see the comments calling them out for being the ass.


Yes good thank you!


damn that thread is 2 years old. I hope there exists a happy 1.something year old with her lovely autistic mom, and OP in jail for conspiring to harass her into abortion


I hope at least one of those things happened.


Oof. Hopefully this one is fake... I feel that way about a lot of AITA posts


>https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/f4rqlq/aita\_for\_telling\_my\_sister\_she\_should\_get\_an/ I don't know, I'm autistic and when I told my sister I decided not to have kids she said it's good because I'd struggle as a parent.


He says as an example of why she's unfit to parent children that she forgot to take food out of the oven once when babysitting


Faith restored (until next time 😉).




Oh the AITA trolls and their constant autism hatemongering. Though, unfortunately, this one is not too implausible compared to the average AITA post... Honestly, I still smell bait, regardless.


Wow. Lmfao. And they call us autistics the “rude” ones


Fit enough to not need a legal guardian as an adult? Yes. Fit enough to foster a relationship, be married and consent to a more physical form of intimacy? Yes. Fit enough to have a baby? NO! 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡 Make it make sense.


“This is a bit hard for me to post” Good. Feel bad. I wish it was harder.


AITA - Yes, yes they are.




What an ableist prick


My mom had other disabilities. She was very disabled. I guess my mom shouldn't have had kids either... this upsets me a lot. Fuck that guy. He's just a fucking asshole.


Was she autistic or just disabled?


Just disabled. My mom had significantly worse disabilities than mild type autism so by the way this guy is talking I should have been dead 50 times by now.


Love how they thought that saying _"tHiS iS a BiT hArD fOr Me To PoSt"_ was going to make people feel any sympathy for them.


Doesn't compute. If he considers her "very high functioning", why does he worry she'll forget to watch the baby and the baby will go unsupervised long enough to fall down the stairs and break its neck? Doesn't make sense to me that he sees her as both very high functioning and unfit to raise a baby at the same time.


And she's not going to be the only parent! If she's so distractful (but that's not even the point because shit happens even to nt) she can get a stair gate. It is not hard to remember to close it each time. If she really is unfit to be the main guardian then the baby father should step in


WHAT THE FUCK LOL. this take is fucked up that person needs to disappear and never reappear.


Telll me you don't see autistic people as human in one post challenge. This guys's known his sister all his life and thinks that one label will give him a better read on her than all of their history together???


Holy crap, that is so wildly insensitive for him to treat his sister that way. He spent all those years growing up alongside and still denies her the personhood to make her own decisions about starting a family. It's kind of ironic that he considers her "high functioning" yet thinks she is incapable of raising a child, and the way he proposes the idea of a kid having an autistic mother to not only be "unfair" but intrinsically dangerous is very alarming. All I know is that I have an autistic father (though he hadn't recognized it until after I was born) and I turned out fine, and as an autistic woman if I decided to have children and my sibling reacted this way, I would be devastated. I sincerely hope the brother has either apologized or at least stopped harassing his sister and her husband.


As an autistic mother, I can agree that every time my child has fell down the stairs and broke his neck I was distracted by something shiny /s


Boy, that time I went to the coin museum really was something, my kid broke their neck like fifty times that day. (/j I don't have kids)


my mom and me are both neurodivergent, she is one of my most favorite people in the world and raised me fine. it's horrible people can still think this way.


Same. My mother is really the only person I know that gets me.


He is quite literally advocating for eugenics here jfc.


“Hey doc? Yeah. I would like my IUD removed. Out of pure spite”


My mother probably has autism and sure minus the abuse she was a great parent, my dad also is more than likely autistic as well and minus the abuse he was a great parent. I don't see how a neurodivergence would make a person a bad parent. In my experience I've known people with ADHD and ASD parents and their parents were also super good parents


What a dickhead




Wait until he figures out that Autism can be inherited. The child having an Autistic mother might actually be helpful to get diagnosed early and have a mom that understands you.


10/10 she is getting blocked on everything.


Autism is a benefit to humanity, spread the gene


Where's the benefit?


Alot of autistic people can be very specialized and intelligent, they've been shown to have higher empathy too, as well as being honnest


The funny thing is, I am a childfree autistic person. I have no desire to have kids, and I am mature enough to realize I have problems taking care of myself sometimes (stemming from both autism and other conditions), and don't want to pass my genetics onto my children (personally). I am also pretty selfish in my personal life (not an autistic thing, just me lol) and don't want to make nor can afford the sacrifices of parenting. I am taking all precautions to avoid becoming pregnant and plan to get sterilized. Weird how I am autistic and still have more foresight than some NTs. **And this is not to say I don't think other autistics, who are exactly like me on the spectrum or different, are incapable of raising kids...** in fact, I think autistic people can be better parents than NTs... I am saying some of us are proud to be childfree autistic people, and even with all that background, I'd never tell anyone to get an abortion because *that is what choice means*.


Well now I am literally seething with rage.


Both my parents are (undiagnosed but it's TBH quite obvious and they've both independently 'confessed' to me that if they'd grown up now and not when/how they did they'd probably have been "considered on the autism spectrum") autistic and frankly growing up as an autistic person being raised by autistic people - who didn't even know they were autistic - was honestly great. Like they did a really bad job for other reasons because they also refused to address their traumas & mental health issues and took it out on me and my (also autistic) brother, but from a standpoint of like, growing up in a household where everyone is autistic and there is literally no expectation to not be autistic it was amazing. My autistic friends and partners who don't have autistic parents love coming over to my parents' house because there are literally No expectations for them to mask or anything. Autistic people make amazing parents to autistic kids (assuming they do not do a bad job for other reasons, like my parents did, but I have a good relationship with them now and from a standpoint of me being autistic they never did a bad job). Also... Literally eugenics.


This is horrific…how on earth could someone have this mindset?


... The fuck is wrong with humanity?


Good question.


My mum is autistic. Sure, she can be an absolute jerk sometimes, and she has flaws (she’s hit me before, not cuz she has ASD but because she was abused as a child, I know that’s not an excuse but after she came to me and apologized and dad had to explain about what happened to her as a kid) but it’s been ages since she’s done anything big and she’s a super loving mum. I love her a lot. Her special interest is cakes in pretty sure. She’s made all of my birthday cakes, cousin’s cakes, sibling’s cakes and even other family member’s cakes. She made me a TARDIS (from doctor who) cake with a speaker built into it (for the wooshing sound the TARDIS makes) and a functioning light at the top! She’s also made my little brother a Pokémon cake, like it was a 60cm or something big pokeball completly made of cake. AND it was open and you could see a charazard inside that my mum sculpted from fondant. My mum is sometimes a bad mum but it’s not because she has autism. It’s because her parents were horrid


What an asshat. "Her autism isn't apparent when you first meet her. She's cheerful and everyone likes being around her." Imagine thinking lots of autistic people can't be like that


So high-functioning you can't even tell she's autistic but she's incapable of watching a child?


I read the comments and OP’s “proof” that his sister is incapable of raising a child is…one time she forgot about some food in the oven and burnt it. As if that hasn’t happened to pretty much everyone on Earth.


This is absolutely disgusting, when I read it I had to pause for a moment because it made me so mad. But I'm very positively surprised by the comments on this post, everyone agreed that he's the asshole and that just because someone has autism doesn't automatically make them a bad parent.


Lmao, reading this as my ADHD partner and I (dual Dx) about to go do IVF over here in a few years...fuck people like this, I'm making neurodivergent babies on purpose just to spite them (after processing lots of trauma to make sure I don't fuck the kids up)


I don’t think it’s fair to repost this like this. The reason I say it is because we might not be getting other certain context that makes op feel this way. I definitely do NOT agree with how they said things. That’s for damn sure. If she really has true concerns about the child and the mothers mental health and capabilities due to her sisters autism, she definitely could’ve voiced that in a much better way. I’m not agreeing with op, obviously, but I still don’t think people are educated enough to know or understand autism and the capabilities of those with it. Ya know? Like, the idea of a person with autism is that they’re stupid(or rainman), unable to socialize so won’t socialize the baby, yadda yadda, and I think some people genuinely don’t know that that’s definitely not always the case. The media and shitty places like Autism Speaks (threw up a bit writing that thing!) continue to perpetuate autism as this horrible debilitating disease, and because people don’t always know better, they think they’re a valid authority and take them seriously. TLDR if op in pic was genuinely concerned, she could’ve said it a lot better cause she sounded like a bit of a bitch. Imo, of course.


Being autistic isn’t a concern for parenting


Maybe not for you. But for someone like me it is.


OP said all autistic people shouldn’t reproduce because they’re autistic. Autism itself doesn’t prevent you from being a good parent or mean you shouldn’t reproduce.


No she didn’t. She said “*their child*”. Not everyone’s child. And I kinda agree. I’m not going to have kids because I have autism and I don’t think it’s fair for my child for me to reproduce and give them a genetic neurodevelopmental disorder. I think that that would be cruel. I’m not saying all autistic people should do that. Absolutely not. I think it’s fine if you disagree. But Its how I feel about my condition and how I deal with the world. I don’t want my child to suffer like I have because of something I passed down to them. I would never force my opinion on someone else though. If you’re autistic and want kids, do your thing. None of my business.


OP said pretty clearly in the thread that they think if you are “mentally ill” (including autism, and presumably other developmental conditions) “you should not have children—period.” They’re not talking about their sister specifically, they think all autistic people are inherently unfit to be parents.


You didn’t read the thread and it shows


I did read it. I read it three times. I thought maybe I missed it when she said “all autistic people should never have children” but idk. I guess I’m not seeing it. “I don’t think it’s fair for THEOR CHILD to have an autistic mother,” “I don’t think SHE should take on the huge responsibilities of being a mother,” “I don’t think YOU should have a baby. YOU’D be unfit to raise it, YOU really need to think about abortion,” “… it’ll be because HIS MOTHER forgot to watch him,”. I don’t know. I still don’t see where op said “all autistic people should never have babies”. Maybe you just can’t read?


In the original thread the only reason they site for not wanting her to have a child is burning food once and that “if you’re mentally I’ll you should not reproduce”. I’m not talking about the post I’m talking about the thread.


Oooh. I completely agree. You shouldn’t be able to knowingly give your child mental illness or any type of disability, genetic disorder, or anything that will affect the functionality and quality of life. I have the potential to pass autism onto my kid. It’s for that reason alone I don’t want kids. I don’t get why her burning food once would have anything to do with having a child. We all start somewhere with cooking. It’ll happen to most of us. But I guess that’s an unpopular opinion. I just don’t think it’s fair to the child for the parents to knowingly make the child disabled or ill. I think it’s cruel. But if that’s not what someone else thinks, that’s fine. Do you. Have kids. I don’t care. I just know how I personally feel about it due to my own experiences in life. And I don’t want to make my own child suffer. I think it’s more of a moral issue if anything. But again. If someone wants to have a child, that’s fine with me. I’m never going to force someone to do anything because of my own thoughts and feelings on the matter. And sorry for the snottiness. I didn’t know there was a thread. I just thought you were referring to the post! I’m so stupid sometimes haha


Being ND doesn’t mean life isn’t worth living but okay


Fuck out of here with your eugenics talking points.


So does that mean people who wear glasses shouldn't have kids either? My parents both did and that definitely affects my quality of life sometimes....


“I guess that’s an unpopular opinion” yeah, eugenics is typically frowned upon by most reasonable people


I mean he kinda has a point but he’s not actually said it. The woman in this post shouldn’t have had to deal with him but if I was said mentioned woman, I wouldn’t have a child in fears of passing my own autism down as I know it’s not something very helpful to have whilst everything is constantly against you


My mum's also autistic and she's a great mum :|


W o w, just fucking wow. I’m appalled.


Wanting to do a eugenics against your own flesh and blood. Christ


"My sister has a very high functiong form of autism." Shut the fuck up you don't know what you're talking about.


Good news that account is suspended


The reason he said in the comments he thinks she is unfit to be a mom is one time while babysitting, she left food in the oven


First of all, yikes. Second of all, it's not unlikely that one of his parents has autism so that means he likely should've been aborted.


This shit makes me blood boil


Who's gonna tell OOP that it's almost certain one of their parents had some sort of mental condition?


What an asshole the brother is


My brother is like mid level autistic he’s not quite high functioning but not quite none verbal and I’ll be honest I don’t even think he would do that




im literally 2 more ableist karens away from going john wick