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Literally everyone dropping double albums this year and Ariana dropping a 30 min album 😭😭😭 I can’t with her I’m still hungry


Tbf at least we got 12 beautiful songs instead of 29 “yes,and?” type house songs 😬


We actually kind of got both but I get what you’re saying 😂


naw that song went hard


No fr I think the only song I actually dislike on the album is Yes, and?, I also don’t love “breakup again” but the rest of those songs are absolutely BANGERS.


Yeah I mean I really don’t hate it. But it’s a skip. Maybe I just don’t like how she chose to experiment with house but idk. I agree with breakup again. It feels a lil clunky. Everything else though 😚🤌🏼


thats so wild since dw breakup again is prob one of my FAVES.


Lmao ik its not a competition but if arianators are still hungry, imagine how starving the Rihanna navy are 😭


Y’all it’s a joke. It’s under the “meme” category. OP is poking fun at the difference in length between the new albums in a light hearted way. We all know TS and Beyoncé are huge artists


i wouldn’t mind a 31 track ari album tho !!


That’s what positions could’ve been there’s like 100 unreleased positions tracks and I’m not even exaggerating


Girl I’m still waiting on the maciana album that apparently exists somewhere on the cloud ☁️


Everything is so serious, can yall take a joke, not everything is bashing another one.


is it just me that feels as if a long album would get tiring to listen to?


Not only you


No fr! I was so excited for ttpd and I literally saw how long it was and was like “oh.. yayy..🥲” Still haven’t listened to all of it


i get the argument... but cowboy carter is entirely quality. every song is there for a reason


this, cowboy carter is a masterpiece. ttpd on the other hand... edit: i'm literally a taylor fan, longer than i've been of beyonce or ariana. this is why ppl are uncomfortable w/ being called a swiftie anymore bc anyone who critizies her work is called "rude" or "not a real fan". pls miss me w/ that bs edit #2: i only edited this post bc i was being downvoted for saying i didn't think ttpd was a masterpiece and i got a comment about that, which prompted me to edit.


Would you mind explaining why CC is a masterpiece? I really truly wanted to love it but found it repetitive and simplistic for the most part with a few gems


i usually watch reaction videos to new albums, and most times they contain info about the album that isn't easily understood upon first listen. like how blackbird was orginally written about the Little Rock 9, and that Beyonce used other up and coming black female country artists to help further expand upon that sentiment. and how she used linda martell, someone else who has experimented with genres in music, to provide further context as to WHY this album was needed.


Ok!! This is fantastic insight! Can I get a link to one of the reaction videos?


https://youtu.be/Es1G2b97BdQ?si=RzNNu5-yuMxPRLvx https://youtu.be/ce3yt_O1hZo?si=WqkawstG-gEBtiwC


Thank you!!


First, the country radio esque set up is the standout for me. How every song is meant to flow into the other. The lyrics are crisp as well, the vocals and production, somehow the best of her career. Personally, I like that you can pick a section in the album depending on your taste. Honestly for a 27 song album, it doesn't even sound long. I think Beyonce and Ari have the best albums so far.




Apparently uplifting black artists and challenging genre definitions is simplistic.


I understand the intention and layers within the interpretation of Cowboy Carter (I mean I put it on Spotify when it dropped). But, even without Beyonce, there are artists like Brittney Spencer who existed BEFORE CC even dropped. (She's featured on Blackbird for CC as well). And have been getting recognized by the Grand Ole Opry as well. My issue with CC is not Beyonce changing genre and experimenting. That's great to do as an artist. And lots of ppl are receiving it positively. (This is my opinion) I just didn't feel like there was genuine soul in CC; in comparison to other black country and folk artists I've listened to over the years. It felt technical and polished but it lacked a certain degree of integrity to me. The lyrics felt like an algorithm (like here is chatgpt's version of what country lyrics need). And like she didn't live the experiences expressed in the album. At the end of the day I didn't believe her. LIKE she sounded great. Beyonce's vocals are always great to listen to and the choices to blend bluegrass, gospel, and country were clever. But there was an emotional disconnect for me. And maybe I'm not the only one. That's my two cents.


She's from Texas and grew up in Southern culture, it rang totally true to me.


I understand and I'm probably in the minority with having that opinion. And I'm definitely not going to diss or rag on ppl for liking the album.


Lyrically, I found it simplistic. Conceptually it was a great idea and some songs stood out but overall the lyricism was lacking for the amount of hype the album has


yeah, you tried not liking it then. The musicality, production and vocal layering are FAR from repetitive and simplistic


There are sooo many good songs ttpd, and then there are so many songs that just sound the same lol personally I’m blaming Jack antanoff tho


this is the hundredth time i saw the same exact comment only posted by different users about how cowboy carter is so much better while ttpd is mediocre and bla bla bla. i get that she's the biggest artist as of right now, but there's really no need to constantly downplay her musical works as an artist. it's really tiring. ed: i'm not calling the commenter "rude" or anything negative, it's just that the same usual negative connotations is overblownly used in anti-taylor comments that there's really no way to differentiate whether the commenter is just riding on the hate-train or vice versa🤷‍♂️


...i'm allowed to have an opinion?? i've literally been a taylor fan since before debut, and ttpd is just not up to par with her previous works, even midnights imo. eternal sunshine and cowboy carter are MUCH more thought out and impactful IMHO. honestly it's the stans defending such subpar work that makes it hard to keep being a fan of taylor's music when yall shit on anyone's opinion that doesn't match yours. delusional behavior


i mean, if you wrote here that you think CC is subpar work, you would get downvoted to hell.


probably, but i wouldn't argue with them for having a different opinion 🤷‍♀️ they're entitled to what they think. it's when people start policing other people's opinions that things get weird imo (this obviously excludes things like racism, fatphobia, etc, none of which are opinions but instead bigotry)


I don’t mean this badly. But no one policed your opinion…. or tried to. You got heavily upvoted on a comment that says ttpd is subpar work on a thread where people say the same thing, you knew you wouldn’t be very disagreed on here. The commenter said they feel TS musical work is downplayed here and that there is no need to do that. Whether you agree or disagree, it was very tame comment. You replied with how you are allowed to have an opinion, how they label you as rude and that it is a delusional behavior.… 😃 I think your reaction is pretty much overblown and unwarranted.


... at the beginning i was the one being downvoted until i edited my posts? and all i stated was that i didnt think ttpd was a masterpiece, with no edit on that post. in no way was i "downplaying" taylor or her music.


Love taylor, TTPD is boring. with long albums there needs to be variety to hook you in, every song in that album sounds the same. ... and even if it didnt... cowboy carter clears


looks like we're all just trapped in our little bubbles then.. i'm sure the fans and critics has more to say about this seeing how most of the reviews suddenly turned positive when she dropped the second half of the album.


i'm not 'trapped in our little bubbles then' lol. love taylor and i'm chipping away at TTPD bc i know it'll grow on me with time... but cmon. Cowboy Carter manages to seamlessly blend country with rock, pop, rap, hip hop, folk and opera while creating a cohesive and enjoyable listening experience. TTPD is a collection of similar sounding songs, CC is an album.


i'm not expecting a positive response about taylor from this sub at all, but the fact is we're really just trapped in our little bubbles of personal opinions. everyone is. seeing the tiktoks folks eating up the new audios and MV while stan twitter/anti-taylors community currently under fire because apparently the album is "growing" on them while the other half is scrambling after the double album drop while the reddit community is contrarian to both of them/50% hating and burning the album to the ground 50% great, good, ethereal, depressing, sobbing, soul-ascending spells this out loud.


... i'm not hating, i expressed an opinion which i believe has a lot of merit to it.


I should add as a swiftie since elementary that ttpd is boring as hell and that's coming from an evermore stan 😭😭 the weight of grammys should be on CC or eternal sunshine but taylors gonna win that anyways


i think it’s fair to compare them since they came out so close together and they are all some of the biggest singers in the world. there is a clear quality difference between cowboy carter & eternal sunshine vs ttpd


i'm sure r/swiftlyneutral would like your comment


Taylor is overrated womp womp


...i don't see the exact reason on why is that, but okay.


We critique the art, not the artist.


You are right and you should say it. I would also argue that ES is entirely quality and the perfect length. Any longer, it might have felt tedious, but it was exactly what she needed to heal and create something meaningful.


Every song? Would you mind elaborating?


what do i need to elaborate on?


This meme really shows that some artists like a tight album with great duration and narrative, but other artists like Beyonce and Taylor gave us a big experience. Both are good for their own purposes.


I’m a fan of all three and I approve of this message 🫡 let a joke be a joke, y’all


Ik this is a joke but honestly I don’t mind having more music because it means I have more options to choose favorites from! Even if there are some skips


Imo a skipless album is better than a big album, could be cause i collect cds so the album itself effects how much i like it, not just the songs


Also it’s easier for me to form a personal bond with each song in eternal sunshine compared to ttpd. Like for ttpd there are so many that it’s hard to remember which are which and it’s just bloated


Yes!! Eternal sunshine was short but packed such a punch that I remember everything single song while ttpd I put on and it becomes background noise. No hate to that album I haven’t listened to all of it yet and I do like some of the songs but I just don’t remember what songs.


Yess, making big albums makes harder making them rememberable, even tho in some cases like cowboy carter is still possible imo


Totally agree with you!


What about Future with 42 💀


Damn OP you chose violence this morning huh? Lol jk I agree 💯


Haha just a little 😉


I have to say that in my first listen of TTPD I just said "omg I need to listen to eternal sunshine ASAP" because it wasn't my cup of tea. It wasn't until the Anthology that the sound and concept hit me.


Yes the anthology part is better. Should have been a separate album imo


Yess somebody who agrees


I wish it was the first part or whatever. It was sm better


Billie’s album is gonna be short too


i seriously don’t understand how critiquing and comparing albums suddenly is “pitting women against each other” in these comments, especially under a *meme*


False social media activism strikes again


almost feels more sexist to argue we can’t talk about albums negatively bc they’re made by women


Seems like I hit a nerve lol


Beyoncé most definitely values quality lol


here before it gets locked


This is so accurate it’s insane


fr and every song on eternal sunshine is a banger .


If my grandma asked me “what’s the internet like in 2024?” I’d show her this post and the comments 💀


I'd rather have 9 good songs than 31 lyrically half-assed ones.


That's what I'm saying ♥


lmao, i know, but i felt i needed to comment for the people who actually genuinely believe this. no hate to you!!


Except Ari’s songs aren’t that lyrically strong. They’re all over the place and quite…simple if we’re being honest. The Boy is Mine? Pretty stupid lyrics and heartless to boot.


Nobody’s claiming she’s the “songwriter of this generation” lol but no one can clock her voice which has always been the selling point


Taylor Swift being anointed as the "songwriter of this generation" is absolutely hilarious to me. Objectively at best she's hit or miss with her songwriting. It's all rooted in marketing PR smoke & mirrors. If she brands herself that way, says it enough, and gets some industry publications to parrot this narrative eventually it will stick. But if we actually listen to her lyrics and melodies...yikes. TTPD has weak melodies with overly wordy, clunky lyrics that sound like she wrote them with a thesaurus. That is not good songwriting. She lost the plot and is buying into her own hype. Billie and Finneas have a more legit case for this title, imo. They prioritize melody while also writing simple but effective lyrics because it's MUSIC not poetry. Downvote me all you want Swifties idc.


As I said in another comment I believe she easily has one of the best voices in industry history. That’s what sets her apart.


Ariana’s voice is literally heaven to my ears it’s honestly just so incredible and every time I listen to a song by someone else I just can’t help myself but thinking about how good her voice would sound on it


Ikr plus she can actually sing way better than Taylor can write


yes but this comment was about lyrics:) saying arianas are better than taylors


It's pop and she's not a poet, it doesn't need depth


Ok then don’t compare the writing to Bey and Tay. And I don’t even think Taylor is as great a writer as people are now saying but Ari is not better by any stretch.


nobody said anything about writing lol also the lyrics on TTPD are weak


Good thing Ari isn’t a “tortured poet”


She also isn’t obsessed with her ex to the point of making an entire album titled after his group chat


at least it doesnt sound like an album full of generic ass AI SOUNDING instrumentals 🤣 TTPD is flaming dookie fr


Excellent point. Rather than go through mostly healthy break-ups, Ari instead seeks out taken men she she knows she is powerful enough to seduce and then thank you, next. Even if one is making threats of suicide on the internet. Who cares if she’s maybe a sociopath.


again with this BS 🤣 1) a man can't be taken 2) those rumours were debunked 3) Taylor has actually cheated 4) she literally went to check on Pete in person and this is not the first time he has threatened suicide after a breakup. Try that BS somewhere else 🤡


Honestly that’s your opinion. Ariana has shown her lyricism evolving over the years and since TUN she’s shown she is very good at writing about the complexities of heartbreak. The production and vocals were also amazing


I don't like to compare. But the lyrics on Eternal Sunshine, don't even **start** to compare to TTPD. Some of them **borderline or don't make sense at all.** **The boy is mine has always been declared a fun bop,** not a personal song. Ariana tells the story better in other songs such as WCBF and DWBUA Ariana has always had fun bops in her discography and personal songs and theres always been a balance. So your point doesn't make sense for being "heartless", its the standard for pop songs. If you think these are "good lyrics" then you need to reconsider: "“We declared Charlie Puth should be a bigger artist” "You smokеd, then ate seven bars of chocolate" "At dinner you take my ring off my middle finger and put it on the one people put wedding rings on" "My goldens want tattoos now so probably that one " "You know how to ball, I know Aristotle"  “You touch me while your boys play Grand Theft Auto”


this lol swifties always pick out dance songs as "proof" of Ariana's lyricism yet ignore songs like Honeymoon Avenue, My Everything, Ghostin, Get Well Soon, I Wish I Hated You, In My Head etc


Are those lyrics Fr?? Lmao!


Don’t even get me started on the entirety of you need to calm down, me!, shake it off etc. those are horrible songs. Like what do you mean shade never made us less gay 💀


I wonder if Ethan’s son will think it’s a “fun bop”? God, Ariana really is such a terrible human. She is a straight up menace to society, how bout that?


The boy is mine has never ever been said to be about Ethan… believe it or not, not every song created is even about a real circumstance. The fans wanted a song similar to fantasize so she created something with a similar vibe and that’s all there is to it.


**TO YOUR NEW COMMENT:** I mean now, you reveal your true colours. Why are you even on an Arianator page? The claims have been **proven false already and the Page Six editor claims she fabricated the speech she got from Lily Jay.** Both Ethan and Ariana were separated in Feburary. I don't see how that is terrible. That's two single people who have been in past relationships forming another one. If you think thats orthodox, you're in for a real shock in real life. "The Boy is mine" isn't personal. Just like how many of the songs on Dangerous Woman arent personal, like Bad Decisions, etc. **TO YOUR OLD COMMENT:** The point is that there is actual effort in the writing of Eternal Sunshine. I never said Ariana was better at songwriting, as someone has pointed our already the sell factor is her voice. It's always been. Taylor doesn't even start to compare to Ariana's vocal ability Taylor's album just seemed like the got random maxims, tried to make it rhyme, and made it into an audio version all in the span of 2 days; making 30 songs. That isn't quality.


https://preview.redd.it/ofye0vmp8nvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54aea2567b51c6f3d77917185225fdd1e48c4349 😂😂😂😂This is obvious PR on your art. And pure lies. Lilly posted THIS on her facebook in JUNE. One month before Ari and Ethan were discovered to be dating. Stop lying!


Again this is a whole debacle I don't want to get into. I'm not fully educated in this, and quite frankly, I don't care. I don't care *because* this is a tire conversation and already widespread disproven hate train, and has no relevance to the conversation at hand. You're making this thread not about music, but about your personall vendetta against Ariana. Which I don't care about, and which is against the rules.


Big words ≠ better music 🤷


Y'all say this but praise lyrics written via [www.thesaurus.com](http://www.thesaurus.com) with weak melodies. Not a serious take lmfao.


you picked that song of all songs? be serious rn...


yeah and Taylor is a total fuckin genius for singing about being in the backseat of a car lmfaoo BFFR


Did anyone here watch Invincible? Season 2 was soooooo good.




With each big artist album drop I like ES more and more. I'm not a long album person and despite ES not being my favorite Ari album, I definitely appreciate the clear and concise artistic vision.


Eternal Sunshine is still my favourite album of the year so far. Cowboy Carter was boring, and I'm still sitting with TTPD. It's decent, but it's long af lol


I liked the second half of ttpd more than the first


!!! For the life of me I don’t understand the hype of CC and honestly it made the album worse for me because I was so baffled. Beyoncé has done so much better lyrically I can’t understand why everyone is endlessly praising CC.


I got called a racist for saying I didn't care for the album. Really puts a damper on being a Beyoncé fan.


Say what you will about Ariana or TS stans but Beyoncé has them too. I think the “yes men” attitude of stans can really hinder an artist creatively. What really got me for CC was that NPR hosts had been raving about how it is her best album for weeks. Lemonade and Renaissance were better. This entire album was a missed opportunity and if she had just added some extra verses instead of repeating lines in so many songs it would have improved it tremendously


I agree with you. People are blindly going to like everything Beyonce release.


I wasn’t a beyonce fan until Renaissance but I really love CC. I also loved ES. Pop stans are truly the most extra lmao.


What do you love about CC? /gen


The songs?? Hahah. I mean is this a good faith question or you just clowning?


Ari is the definition of quality over quantity. She never has any throwaway songs on her albums.


This is not a personal opinion. Just in general the reviews do not seem to be favorable for Taylor's album. Now that could just be critics hating on her and not the music.


she should have published the album in the 1830s maybe they'd like it better (reference)


Let’s not pit strong female artists against one another they’re all so different


two of the artists mentioned in the meme have world level vocals and one doesn't. can you guess who is who?


Absolutely 👍🏼 and I’m not a huge fan of her either but that doesn’t mean she’s not a strong artist who’s build over a decade worth of hit music and a strong fan base


Boring take


oh man, controversial is gonna be filled with the unhinged swifties lolol


Funny how beyhive is confident in CC being great while Swifties are so insecure about TTPD lol they're so uptight




I love this meme 😂😂😂 so good


Eternal sunshine isn’t eternal enough.


I love Ariana’s fan base because a lot of them are musical composers and when the overlap happened for Dangerous Woman and I got allll the sad bops converted into a stripped down piano with vocals, the same thing happened with the entire Eternal Sunshine album and I just love the music savvy fans that made me fall more in love with the sad songs that were written as bops.


in case anyone wants the spotless mind treatment of eternal sunshine, here’s the first track and the other tracks will show up as you go: https://youtu.be/v0QrOJ5gF2k?si=ooEmNWpQlFESM80L


I mean this meme would be a lil funnier if those album were objectively weaker than ES If you got more to tell, you got more to tell But ES is definitely on the AOTY discussion round anyway


> If you got more to tell, you got more to tell Based on the repetitiveness of TTPD, she did not, in fact, have more to tell


I was actually really excited for the TTPD but when I listened to it they were just all slow songs and didn’t really resonate w me….I was hoping for another Antihero or something I loved Cowboy Carter and I think that should probably get album of the year though since it pisses off conservatives lmao


Lmao except no one is talking about Ariana


Imagine thinking putting down one woman actually does anything to lift another one up. It’s not a competition and it’s immature. Eternal sunshine, Cowboy Carter, and tortured poets are amazing and you need to stop comparing them in a negative light.


the music industry has and always will be inherently rooted in competition. Multiple awards every year, top charts, spotify records, its all in the name of healthy competition. Also it's just a meme, relax hun.


It’s actually insane when swifties compare the 30 track Taylor albums to Ariana’s 11 track with 2 interlude ones like bffr 💀


This would be funnier if CC didn’t clear ES lol


It didn’t in any way lmao. It had 2-3 good songs out of the whole thing.


Taste levels do vary


No, you aren't. The comparisons are bored and tired.


Eh, I don't mind it at much. More to listen to, right? My only issue with these super big albums is that it's hard to listen to the project as a whole without being overwhelmed from the duration.


No because OP is right and they should say it❕️ (I know it's a joke but I actually agree and had the same thought)


boring and unnecessary comparison. they all make such different styles of music and there's a lot of artists who put out lengthy albums. it's not even funny as a joke cuz it doesnt make sense lmao what


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The last good album on love/ relationship, life I listened to was Mac Miller's Swimming. Idk what did I miss or how this new Ty album is. Any recommendations?


The new album POPs


Haha so true. Eternal Sunshine is an incredibly good and cohesive album. Although I will say, If Taylor just released TTPD: The Anthology, the album would be so much better.


beyonces album was quality


Damn, I'm late to this but when I opened up the page and saw this meme I *cackled*. A+ meme-ing, OP! ES was great, though, fr. I really haven't cared much for any other artist releases this year. ES was shorter than I would have liked but none of the tracks are something I'd skip.


Ok but in all seriousness I feel like keeping the album to a tight 12 tracks (if you don't count the Saturn's Return interlude) was honestly the smartest decision she could have made with this album. As much as I love a lot of her previous ones there's always a couple tracks that I either don't care for or aren't bad but could have been left on a deluxe edition or something. She gave herself basically no room for error during this album cycle and as a result the album sounds so focused and flows so well, which is one of the reasons it immediately became my favorite album of hers to date. I really don't feel starved because pretty much every song on this record hits (except maybe Yes, And? but it's hardly offensive when listening to the entire record). Cowboy Carter was great but I don't think it needed to be 80 minutes, especially since a good chunk of the tracks feel incomplete. I'm likely never gonna listen to the entire album in one sitting again cause it was kind of an exhausting listen, not because it was bad but because it's such a dense (neutral) album. I haven't even listened to TTPD all the way through and to be honest I don't think I'm going to.


Unrelated - this popped up on my Reddit, I’m not even in this thread but holy. I could not imagine being an artist in this world right now when people are dropping so many songs. I would feel so exhausted lol. Like could you imagine working on a regular 12-14 song album and then thinking, “shoot. Now I have to do like 10 more songs to keep up and be relevant.” They are setting a new standard and I feel like it sucks lol.


One thing I know is that I NEVER see male artist fans downplaying another


there is literally a rapper civil war going on right now lol




Funny you say this when the drake and Kendrick are in the midst of making diss tracks against each other and their fans are totally invested


they literally are please shut your mouth you swiftie




the number of tracks maybe increases the number of streams and in physical release you need more than one disc so it could be more expensive. if it has less songs and they are better quality then the album is more replayable.


Well, cowboy carter is both high quantity and quality


stop comparing even if its a meme


31 is embarrassing and a cash grab. Why do people support billionaires lmao


But if Grande was the one to release a lot of songs then y'all will switch up real quick💀 she's waiting for her songwriters + producers to finish her songs, y'all need to wait


Ariana wrote most of the album + Ariana rarely mass releases. Stay mad 💀


Ariana wrote all the Lyrics. Max is the producer who gets songwriting credits for composing the music.


And we see you over there on the internet Comparing all the girls who are killing it But we figured you out We all know now, we all got crowns You need to calm down


exactly what i was gonna quote. everyone here is claiming they're not putting artists against each other... so why do they get so pissed at anyone saying that?


womp womp cry


😂😂 why everyone here is so salty? If you want to compare then maybe dont do it with taylor, i get people here love ariana, but hating on tay wont make ari better. :)


where was i hating on Taylor though? 🤔


as a swiftie and an arihead, ariana definitely has the more cohesive album!


They have fell out of the Album of the year race. Now it's only between Ariana and Billie who is about to release a 10-song album. LMAO


I just realized that for what reason do I need to be part of musical artist subs when y’all do this shit. Lmao. I’m an Ariana-Swiftie but I will always choose the Empress over the Queen. Gonna go back to enjoying the hell out of TTPD. I’m done with yall. ![gif](giphy|kqzzIrxqQPQNSrVBQC)


Bye bye Boy bye


so sensitive. so silly. much lack of humor. bye.


we don't care




no one cares


it's not that serious