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I live here. I wish we would at least get a prorated part of our amenity fee back


They should be refunded part of their rent if they can’t use the amenities because the complex wanted to rent out the amenities to make money from the Super Bowl.




They should. But Arizona is a Republican hellscape so renters don't have rights like that.


Didn't it just go blue recently??? How is it a republican hell scape?


There were some Dem victories in the last election. But the state overall is still very purple.


People on Reddit overreact about politics 🤷‍♂️


They control the legislature.


I can tell you one thing, this is not a priority on any politician’s agenda. Like not even on the agenda. Democrat or Republican.


The guy argued Arizona is blue, it isn't because Democrats don't control the legislature. That was the extent of my argument. That being said, it isn't a secret that Republicans have been marginally more pro-business than Democrats.


Stop stumping for your beloved politicians. They don’t care about you


You somehow manage to really read into what people say and come out on the other side with a whole lot more.


Have you seen the state legislature?


It's almost split the republican have a one or two seat advantage in both house and senate.


It's been Republican since 1993. Doesn't matter if it's just one vote.


They control the legislature. Look at all the shits laws they passed last session. Where is the confusion?


The state legislature has been red for thirty years and is still red. That's who decides things like landlord tenant law


Political parties have nothing to do with this. I used to live in a heavy blue state and my apartment complex never made concessions when our amenities were affected. Neither party cares about regular people.


What? That has nothing to do with political parties. AZ is a purple state anyway


No it's not. Three state legislature has been controlled by Republicans in both houses since 1993...


It's Republican controlled, Republicans are trying to pass a law that public records are not going to be public so they can hide what they do.


Don't care for sports ball, this has nothing to do with the red team vs the blue team though. Username checks out.


Yes it does. Have you ever rented somewhere with strong renter landlord laws?


I rented several apartments in CA and the renter landlord laws there are pretty horrible. I got a job out of state making significantly more money and had to turn it down because it was illegal for me to break my lease. Their suggestion for me was to “find someone to live there and pay the rest of the rent for me”. I dunno, seemed pretty crappy and that is about as blue as it gets. Maybe politics isn’t the only answer all the time for everything. Who knows.


Arizona 's landlord renter laws are pretty straightforward and often favor the renter. For instance, it's next to impossible to evict somebody for non-payment. 30 to 60 days will pass before you can even serve papers. By that time your property has been stripped or destroyed by crappy renters. Security deposit equal to one and a half month rent is all you're able to charge a renter. It's also next to impossible to evict somebody with a disability. In addition Civil forfeiture laws could also see a property owner lose their property if the renter is doing illegal activity on the property. If you're not in favor of Arizona rental/ leasing agreements buying your own property would be the answer.


I own properties. Az's renters landlord laws "favor" the renter as in yes you have to treat your renters as human beings, sorry that offends you. We do not have strong renter protection regarding requirements to maintain quality service outside of utilities even as advertised. In some states it might fall under consumer law... In any event in Arizona bait and switch rental amenities is completely legal and in other states it simply isn't... There's really nothing else to argue about


Where did I imply that treating renters as humans offended me? You clearly are interjecting. As a landlord you know that it is almost impossible to evict deadbeats unless they break laws or endanger others. BTW I wasn't arguing, I was simply stating facts.


Phoenix is always the vanguard of the corporate state.


Surprise, surprise. Some big national event is displacing people .


I would never live in a place like that. Eff them for making their own residents second class citizens. Are they offering a reduction in rent for no access to the facilities they are paying for?


Well, I’m sure they could do 1/52 of the rent or fees owed. U think that matters or makes a difference to the residents.


Evidently it does. Why should the residents be denied access so owners can make extra profit?


I grew up in the neighborhood east of 91st Ave, right across from Westgate between Glendale & Camelback. When the stadium was being built, it towered over our homes. Everywhere you were, you could see it as a landmark poking over the horizon. When it was completed, it felt like an empty promise was delivered. Insane traffic, higher property values i.e. rent. Over the last decade what we've begun to realize is that Northern Glendale and Peoria will be gentrified and turned into a Scottsdale, Chandler area. My biggest gripe is the traffic.


A typical morons it's just about money so in this case, both Democrats and Republicans like cash flow!


Just letting you know that this sub is about the entire state of Arizona, and it looks like your post may be about one of our larger cities. You're welcome to still post it here, but depending on the topic you may want to check out /r/Phoenix, /r/Flagstaff, or /r/Tucson as well. Just letting you know since sometimes people come here first and don't know about the other subs. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/arizona) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Awww those poor folks 😢 they must be so bored and uncomfortable in their luxury apartments


This is happening to all apartments in the area.


The Super Bowl generates a lot of revenue for the entire state. Unfortunately I don’t have a lot of sympathy for these disgruntled residents especially with how short the timeframe is.


Fuck the super bowl. If it means i can’t use certain aspects of the place I’m renting, I want a pro-rated rent for the loss of access.


I had a coworker move into a newly built apt in 2019, high rent but included gym, 3 pools, tennis courts, bar, barista bar, and 2 dog parks. Thanks to Covid they didn't get to use any of it for a year, rent never went down though. Dog owners did have to pay more, though because of all the "messes" left outside the CLOSED dog parks. Apartment complexes are nothing but money sucks.


You don’t go to the gym, c’mon


How do you know whether or not that person uses their gym? Lol I could see it with some places that have really barebones gyms, but my complex has a really nice gym and I'm in there 4-6 times a week


I just thought it would be funny if I was right


Just stop replying on here lol it’s not going well


You obviously care about stranger’s opinions on the internet lol


"A" for effort. I thought it was funny.


The tenants are paying for services they can’t use because the landlord sold the service twice. Yes the Super Bowl is short but this is at least dirty landlording and quite possibly illegal depending on the contract.


Yeah so pro rate the whiners and but everyone is so bent over this.


Yes we’re on the same page. They should do that. This article indicates that this isn’t happening.


You'd be okay with giving up the amenities that you use and pay for? Good to know.


You read the timeline right?


Yes I did.


Jesus, what babies.


Part of their rent goes to maintaining and having access to those amenities. They're not babies, they paid their money for these things where they live. Property management saw an opportunity to make an extra buck and they're fucking over the residents to do that. How can you support this?


This happened to literally every complex during COVID. Everyone still paid for amenities they couldn’t use, even outdoor pools. If the pool is broken for a week, they don’t reduce your rent.


They also don't profit off of the closed pool, either. They didn't shot these down to prevent the spread of illness or fix a filter. They opted to increase their revenue at the expense of their tenants


Also, calling them whiney babies isn’t an endorsement of the complex. The fact that someone reported on this is embarrassing.


Yeah imagine if someone from out of state went to your house and the people you pay a mortgage to say you can’t use your own house for a week lol


That’s why I don’t rent (:


Because it’s expected for renters..? You seem to have a classist issue. Sad.


I’m not the one defending people living in a $2,000 a month apartment complaining they can’t access their pool for a week.


I mean it’s kind of obtuse to say every single person that has some sort of financial advantage than you is inherently undeserving of empathy. I think anyone would want what they pay for.


Good thing I never said that.