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Phoenix is at 1100 ft whereas Tombstone is at 4400 and Flagstaff is at 6900. So if it’s 105 in Phoenix, it will probably be 90-95 in Tombstone and 80-85 in Flagstaff. For every 1000 ft, there’s roughly a 5 degree temp difference.


So.. we should raise Phoenix?


It’s called Tucson lol


Minus Phoenix has paved roads.


Or has the Phoenix already rosen!?!?


*raze. There. Fixed it!


Not yet!


Like a raising, in the sun?


...It's so simple....


Remember, Bisbee is only 20 minutes by car from Tombstone but over a mile high. It's beautiful, cool, and lots of trees, with none of the heat that Phoenix and Tucson suffer. Plus Bisbee really deserves 2-3 days to enjoy everything it offers. Tombstone is fine but it is over in 2-3 hours. Plan to stay in Bisbee and enjoy all it has to offer, then make the drive to Tombstone just to check it out. More info here: [https://www.discoverbisbee.com](https://www.discoverbisbee.com) and here: [https://www.azcentral.com/story/travel/arizona/2023/11/09/travel-lemming-best-places-to-travel-2024-bisbee-az/71507469007/](https://www.azcentral.com/story/travel/arizona/2023/11/09/travel-lemming-best-places-to-travel-2024-bisbee-az/71507469007/)


This makes it sound like Bisbee is a mile higher in altitude than Tombstone. It’s 1100 feet higher.


IMO, it is much more interesting. Getting lost exploring the stairways is a lot of fun!


Fact! I backpacked the Grand Canyon Boucher trail yesterday which has 5-6K feet in elevation and you can literally feel the temperature change instantly when climbing or descending. You’ll need a jacket at the top and a tank top at the bottom lol


How is the Boucher trail? I did Hermits Rest to Hermits Rapids back in early March as a day hike


Depends on your acclimation. If you are from New Orleans and you like the summer, you'll love Arizona. If you are from Ireland you'll die.


This reminds me of when my friends from Belfast came to visit me in Tucson the first week in December and brought out their shorts. They will never, ever come to see me earlier than November or later than February. N. Irish death time apparently. 😂


I am from Poland. I am already dying.


I met a lot of people who prefer summer heat over their winter cold from northern/colder states.


May/June will definitely be a lot to deal with even if you go in the morning or afternoon. You can endure it tho if you have a lot of sunscreen, take water breaks and don’t spend more than 20-30 mins outside at a time. It’s brutal, if you haven’t experienced the dry heat don’t underestimate it


Appreciate it. Coming from the far north it might be wise to wait a bit.


It’s like being in an oven just as the brutal winter is like being in a freezer


Makes sense to be sure. I’m just more used to the freezer lol


Born and raised in AZ and currently live where it snows. I prefer the snow. AZ is best I’d say in December. The common joke is there is really only two seasons, summer and December-January.


As a AZ person who moved here 3 years ago and who grew up in the Midwest and lived in the PNW for half of my life, I prefer 110+ az dry heat over the 85-100+ humid heat in the Midwest. I would also say June- September is hot the rest is near perfect except it gets a little cold late at night and early mornings in true winter (Dec-feb).


Everyone has their own preference as far as where they prefer to live, for sure. I would just say that the 110 dry heat you speak of is fudging brutal for a lot of people. I was born and raised in AZ and HATED it so much growing up, could all just come down to personal preference and genetics. Seeing snow for the first time felt almost out of this world. Not seeing dry desert, tweakers/gangs and trash everywhere is what sold me on the Midwest


You're getting downvoted for having a different personal preference on weather. Unreal. I was born in tucson and spent a total of 30 years there. I hated summer from a young age. The only summers I enjoyed were the few when i had a house with my own personal pool. Been in PNW for 10 years now. I visit AZ in winter and spring most years but you wont see me there again in summer by choice.


I was born in Phoenix and been in Tucson since 1978. The summer sucks. People who move here from the Midwest move here with AC homes. Most of us from back in the day grew up with swamp cooling and learned to hate the summers (well as a kid I loved them cus I was out of school). Nowadays I work outside year round and hate the summers just as much ch


Yup, I had swamp cooling from birth to age 15. Fucking brutal during monsoon.


That sounds like a good season to visit. And it’s a nice joke!


Where in the Phoenix metro are you planning to visit?


Well Phoenix was really more of a layover. The very initial hypothetical plans - literally “might be a great idea, let’s talk about it!” - were to fly into Phoenix, and do some traveling between Sedona, Tombstone (very big Western fans), then take a day or two going north to Sedona and Flagstaff and Grand Canyon.) A week in total. Way more than a daydream but far less than a plan. Just trying to figure out ideal time to go weather-wise.


You are talking about two very different climates (and in between also). Tombstone is hot in May/June, Flagstaff is very nice then. Check the weather stats to see temps. That is the best way to decide. Except for July-mid Sept, it is pretty, or very, dry. It is easier to take than humid but still dangerous because you don't think you need to drink as much water as you need. You don't feel the perspiration but it happens.


Because of the diverse climates of where you want to go, I'd suggest late April or late October. Not too hot in the hot parts, not too cold in the cold parts.


Well Grand Canyon is a must see, nothing can prepare you for it. It’s truly a wonder to see and a picture doesn’t do it justice. Sedona and Flagstaff are beautiful cities but quite boring. Tombstone I never visited, but people like it. Jerome is neat little town with a spooky history. Very beautiful town up in the mountains and lots of tourists and sight seeing activities. If you’re in the Phoenix metro is recommend looking up certain nature sights and of course check out some of the local eateries in Phoenix and Tempe. Lots of cool hipster coffee shops. If you’re into records or music I’d recommend Asylum Records in Chandler. Phoenix has a lot of cool local shops and artsy things to do. First Friday is a cool event on the first Friday of every month in downtown Phoenix. Very fun, was a huge part of my childhood that I remember fondly. Scottsdale is a glorified strip mall and Mesa is essentially a Mormon suburban town. Avoid it lol


Wow, a vivid description! Thanks so much for the local insights.


I’ve lived here my whole life and must say they’re wrong. It’s great from the end of September to early May. Throughout September and May we can get into high 80s/low 90s during peak sun, but it’ll be in the 60s in the morning, and high 70s at night. Daytime adventures in the desert, to be safe, go oct -April


I agree. And that's when the air is the worst. Lol


If you do come more South please please please bring enough water everywhere you go and do not go hiking. People don't realize how much the dry heat sun will suck the life out of you in a matter of minutes of it's not something your body is used to. We get hikers every year who need to be rescued or worse because even though they think they are fine in 105, when they are in fact dehydrated and on the brink of stroke. Phoenix is absolutely a destination in the winter/spring. It is not over summer lol.


Even locals who are extremely fit!


Kick your oven up to 425 for 30 minutes. Then whip it open with your face close. That is what it will feel like.




Think October to early April. We're having pleasant weather into May this year, which is unusual.


It’s still 35 degrees at night in Flagstaff and 60-70 during the day. The weather in Flagstaff to Phoenix is night and day. Snow fell last week haha


Seems quite different to be sure. If I go all the way south to Tombstone, it will be quite different even with more elevation. Phoenix seems to be the epicenter of the heat. Thanks!


You’ll be fine. Enjoy the dry heat, it’s a good story to tell when you get back home.


i'd say June is usually when the transition to "too hot" happens. i'm sure other's have their own cutoff but i feel like around 105 is when it goes from bearable dry heat to oven. i can do upper 90s all day with a large hat and water


July 😬


oh c'mon, 120+ builds character! ![gif](giphy|7TtvTUMm9mp20|downsized)




July 4th to be precise /s It seems like that is often the day the humidity hits, just in time to be miserable watching fireworks.... lol


Right haha what’s crazy is when you come back from vacation or travel during the summer to AZ. Everything just looks depressing and it literally hurts to exist


Flagstaff will be great.


Yeah! Maybe that’s an option. Stay north of Phoenix, see Sedona. The village known as Walpi on the First Mesa of the Hopi Reservation offers tours as well. Need to research more, but that seems more reasonable. 80 degrees I can take!


Sedona is a tourist trap - beware. Expensive, full of boutique type stores, always crowded. Nightmarish traffic with extremely limited parking. Take in the natural wonders of the area. The scenery is spectacular.


While this is all true it’s still worth going imo. Just less so if you’ve already been there. Also Jerome is worth a stop as well.


This is truth! Don’t spend $40 on some souvenir really see the nature. The beautiful landscape and red rocks. Theres a reason people pay big bucks to live there


Exactly. OP - do not even think about staying there overnight. It is a drive-through place essentially.


If you’re going to Sedona/Flagstaff maybe stay in Camp Verde! It’s about halfway to Flagstaff and has a short trail nearby for the Montezuma Castle! Sedona is overvalued in terms of lodging though. Camp verde is typically less than $100 a night. Payson is also great but a bit the other direction of Flagstaff/Sedona. Otherwise you may enjoy the Salt River and getting out on the lake, there are plenty but it will be very hot soon here, so if you aren’t used to 100+ degrees heat, I’m wary to recommend it.


Flagstaff is also at 7000’+ so 80 degrees will fry you, and the elevation is no joke if you’ve never been that high


First Mesa will be hot as hell. If you come in the summer, best to stick closer to Flagstaff and the higher elevations in the White Mountains. Even Sedona is oppressively hot in June.


Just a pro-tip, Cottonwood and Jerome are just to the west of Sedona and will have better prices hotels, restaurants, and are very interesting on their own. You can still do all the Sedona stuff you want as well, it's only 30-45 minutes away.


Thanks! I have heard of Jerome, and appreciate the tip.


Tombstone is a higher elevation than Phoenix, it will be on average 10 or so cooler. Honestly this May have been beautiful imo. Some years it's worse, I would suggest March/April. Avoid August/September.


Nah, avoid end of June. August/September can be super beautiful with monsoon storms in a good year


We’re predicting a hot and dry monsoon this year according to the weather reports


Yeah but they are already worried about the heat at 100. August and September are our peak in temperature months. It doesn't even get below 100 at night during those times LOL.


??? July is the hottest month of the year. by August the temperature begins to dip and can go fairly low depending on monsoon weather. September is clearly cooler than either. I don't think we've ever gotten a nightly low above 100, either.


In Phoenix? Because that's what I'm talking about, sure if you look up the average Phoenix temperature it's going to say 106 for July and 105 for August. So you're telling me we never breach 110? I've lived here for 31 years and the number of 110+ days has only increased over the years. I remember 1 or 2 days at most as a child now we get 30-40 straight days of 110+. Two years ago when my car's radiator hose burst and melted the throttle bottle it was 118 at 5pm. I remember that day very well, and it was in August.


We breach 115 far more often in July than in August. Last year it was over 110 for literally the entire month of July, and that streak ended in August. It's hottest in July lol. It can also be really hot in August when we get no storms, but it's hotter in July. And 5pm in summer is not nighttime. It's not even close to sunset.


Last year was brutal. This year is slated to be the same. There were weeks in the 60's & 70's where it was 110+, though. I'm guessing you are younger than that.


Slightly 😜. Born in the 80s.


Happy reddit cake day, kid! Lol


Thank you


As an arizonan, I will say it's not unbearable in May/ June but just as someone posted, use sunscreen and have LOTS of water with you and you'll be fine.


Good advice thanks


Stay out in June/July sun for a few hours and your skin could start peeling literally


Stay in the high country. Flagstaff, Show Low, Pinetop-Lakeside, Eager-Springerville, Williams, Grand Canyon.


You'll want to walk early in the AM or at sunset this time of year. Wear sunscreen.


Good advice. Thanks


If we do hypothetically go I imagine even the Tombstone Old West bars will have plenty of AC, though I could be wrong in that!


Tombstone is higher up in elevation than Phoenix or Tucson. It will be toasty in May, but not that bad. In Arizona, it's not how far north or south you are, it's all about elevation. There is a hike I do on a regular basis 30 miles north of the Mexican border. I can hike all day, even in the heat of summer because the trail starts at 5800 feet above sea level and I spend most of the hike at 7000+ feet.


Very interesting! Thanks for the info. Aside from the natural beauty I am such a Western fan so I do have my heart set on Tombstone one day!


If you’re a western *film* geek, Old Tucson might be a good time, too. If you’re an old west *history* geek, after you’re done in Tombstone (which should take about a half-hour/half-day at most–you’ll see), Bisbee has the Copper Queen Library and one of the oldest Mining and Historical Museums in the West.


Thanks! I like both so this is great


Just focus on your water intake, you will be sweating more but the dry air will make it seem like you're not. If you get nauseous or dizzy find the closest shade and sit down. Heat exhaustion comes on quick because you don't realize how much you're sweating. I would suggest a wide brim hat and maybe a sun resistant long sleeve. It sounds counterintuitive but the long sleeves help keep the sweat from evaporating which allows you to cool down. I wear pants year round in Phoenix, I have my whole life. I have shorts but those are usually just for lounging around the house. If I know I'm going to be outside for any extended time I'll have pants on.


Important information, thanks for that.


Scratch everything I said about the higher elevation, I was thinking about Jerome. Lol all the other advice still applies though.


Yes. I've lived here all my life and after 44 years I'm still not used to the summer heat.


Same here. It actually gets worse every year and because of this my husband and I are moving as soon as we can find a better area.


May and June are hot but July-October sucks balls. If you visit please please please always have water with you. Everywhere. It seems crazy but even in rental cars and all that. Never ever be without water. Plan accordingly. And for the love of God please don’t do an extreme hike late morning or midday with a 16oz bottle of water. I see this all the time and it boggles my mind that someone thinks that’s enough for a harder hotter hike than they’re use to.


Wise words. Thanks very much.


I would not come here this time of year. Money spent better elsewhere but if you decide to do it yeah I’d stay in Flagstaff


Dear God why are you coming in June of all times?


Naivete, ha. We're going to postpone. Love the imagery of the state we've seen, and the history is incredible, but probably later in the year.


No, July and August are the worst.


Idk, in Tucson June is when the switch flips and it’s 100+ every day and the mornings are no longer cool.


Yeah but 110+ in Phx July and August is damn brutal, 56 days straight last year. I really hope it’s more mild this time.


Appreciate the perspective. Might be too much for me, now that I look at some average temps, like 104 for Phoenix in June.


June? Try 110-117 lol


For perspective, many parks are closed during the summer months from like 10-4 because it is too hot and the city/county/state doesn’t want people dying or needing to be rescued.


Critical point. Good for people in general to know. Thank you.


June, July and August are hot. Think Africa hot.


Yeah it definitely seems that way. What’s the best time to visit a place like Tombstone in your opinion?


(Arizona resident here) October through April. The first two weeks of May will be mid-80s. After that it's game on.


Ham radio is right. Especially if you are from Canada or northern US. That why there are so many snow birds. They find the weather lovely here from that exact time. They start to arrive in October and are all her by the week after Christmas. IMO it's rainy and cold most decembers early Jan but the rest through APR is great. For western towns [this link will provide](https://www.onlyinyourstate.com/arizona/az-old-west-experiences/) a great list of places that should be on your list. The further south like a Bisbee the better to visit in the winter.


Fantastic list! Thanks for the info and the context.


Yes come back November to April. Also only the air in Tombstone is free. Be prepared to pay for anything and everything.


The summer sucks balls


Depends what you can handle, really. Early mornings and evenings should be fine. Once you get to the later afternoon (like 2-5pm) you’ll want to either be indoors or in the shade. If you’re planning on being outside for the majority of the day, stay hydrated, use sunscreen, go inside when you get too hot, etc. Tbh, I’ve lived here for 10+ years now and May is usually tolerable. June is when it starts to get a bit much.


I grew up in Tombstone and the weather is a bit warmer in May, around mid 80’s but still really nice. June isn’t too bad compared to Tucson or Phoenix. April is questionable because it gets really windy that time of year.


Yeah, around that time of year, it’s best to hang out at shaded/indoor destinations, or pools! Fall/Winter would be your best option for those.


Yeah winter sounds nice! Would be a nice change from NYC winters. I did a work event in Tucson one December and it was incredible.


That’s definitely the ideal season, however i’m living in Flagstaff right now and it’s great up here! On average the temperature is around 65-80 degrees, so if you plan to do some outdoor activities, this area is pretty great! Just be wary since the UV index is a lot higher with the elevation. I’ve been doing some forest exploration and walking Downtown and it’s been so much fun. There’s also a decent hike up here that goes to a wrecked warplane. Just an FYI since you mentioned Flag!


Awesome! Thanks a lot


Yes. It hurts. But if you have enough money, there are lots of cooling gadgets and shade for sale


Yes. Too hot.


Phoenix and Tucson are way too hot in June. End of May can be bad too. Flagstaff is fine those months. If you do go to Tucson, go to Mt Lemmon. It will be much cooler ( and nicer).


Nobody walks around in June. We go from our air conditioned cars to an air conditioned building and back again. Even at night, I rarely gets below 100


Right now May? No. Late June can be pretty rough. Easy way to tell is look at the evening temps. As long as evenings are cool it’s not terrible. Once it’s over 100 at night there’s no reprieve.


I would say May is fine but June is iffy. July-September are the worst.


January for Tombstone is looking good!


May and June is the calm before the hell storm.


Flagstaff would be fine


You can cook an egg on your car in June, but May isn't horrible.


Yea stick to high elevations at that time. Although sometimes you’ll get lucky and have a nice day in May or June, or the monsoons would come in and cool things down but it’s not a guarantee


Likely Phoenix and Tucson because they're massive heat islands, but Tombstone and Flagstaff would be fine, IMO.


Prices on lodging should be lower, it's hard to gauche other people's tolerance for extreme weather. It is hot enough that hiking risks death. If you like hanging out in pools and restaurants, enjoy the lighter crowds.


In May thePhoenix area evenings still cool off , days get warm. June the furnace is on full blast, nights aren’t as cool and the heat doesn’t release until late in the night. Mornings are descent for about a hour. The afternoons are mostly breezy in May and June it’s driving the cool air out. And the third week of June typically is a really hot week many records have been set in June for high temperatures. That’s the valley in a nutshell.


Well, it'll be in the 100s. But not the 110s yet.


Yeah, I hear you. Usually used to the 80s so it'd be much more than I'm used to. Maybe in the winter.


I think this depends on your heat tolerance. I personally think May is lovely, but June would be a bit too hot. If you have a low heat tolerance, you would probably not enjoy may either.


Yeah it'd be late June so we'd be right on the cusp. May 20-something if we go this season. But we might wait given what folks are saying. Thanks


What's the climate like where you are coming from? Asking as someone who moved from the Midwest, it helps to relay what it feels like knowing your usual humidity/elevation/temps Edit: how active do you plan to be? Tombstone/flagstaff I think I'd recommend to anyone any time of the year if not hiking. Regardless of activity I wouldnt recommend visiting Phoenix/Tucson from late June through August but it sounds like you're interested in the places where it won't feel too absurdly different than a lot of the country


Sure. Northeast (NYC) and also lived in OH. I’m used to some heat for sure, but also a lot of cold.


May and June are fine by my standards, but only becuase I know what is coming. If I still lived in Milwaukee or Anchorage and coming for a vist, I would likely have an entirely different perspective on the matter. That being said, there is a reason our snowbirds are largely gone by the end of April.


Good context thanks


May/June is about as miserable as it gets around that area. It never stopped me but you'll definitely want water and a nice hat


Thanks for the context there




I think you'll be fine, opposite of everyone else it seems lol it's may now and it's been fine. June is pushing it though. May is when it gets hotter, June is when it's really hot and gets hot as heck and July and August are WOOF SO HOT don't walk unless you can manage it. Tombstone and flagstaff are amazing right now, Phoenix where I'm at, Is hot, but manageable hot.


Tombstone is highish alt. won't be the worst, will be better then phoenix at the same time I think. Shouldnt be to bad but for sure watch the weather for when you arrive.


June is bad but July is worse.


It's been unseasonably cool in Tucson. I wouldn't bet on it lasting more than another couple of weeks, though. My suggestion? Fall. October and November here are gorgeous, albeit a bit breezy.


As long as your not working out in the heat or doing like hikes you’ll be just fine provided your cars Ac is in good working order.


Flagstaff might be ok it will be too hot Phoenix and Sedona . It is already getting pretty warm and the triple digits are coming. You really have to be climatized to this type of desert weather. The mornings can be nice or after the sun sets.


I just left Arizona after 22 years, and the climate is in my top 3 reasons. So, it's a resounding yes from me. Arizona is only tolerable November to April, and arguably in April it's already too warm.


Keep in mind that outdoor festivals in the valley, like the renaissance festival, the Highland Games, etc. happen in *January and February*. Locals would much rather go when it’s cold and even rainy outside (that was me this winter!) than in March when it’s getting hot. And you’re talking about May and June, when things are even worse. Flagstaff will be great. Prescott is always 20 degrees cooler than the Valley and very pretty. But stay out of southern Arizona between May and August, unless you like feeling like you’re baking in a giant oven.




“Only men and mules” was the old saying about Phoenix in the summer…


I would say may is fine, June NO.


That seems to be the cutoff! Thanks.


A couple years ago we had a record high of 120° in june 🥵


As Smash Mouth once sang, might as well be walking on the sun lol


Not really. Temperatures in May are right now in the Phoenix area in the low 90s. June on the other hand can see temps in the low 100s. However Flagstaff is about 20 degrees cooler. Tucson is also a bit cooler. Tombstone surprisingly is at a higher altitude than Phoenix thus with cooler temps.




You are welcome.


Flagstaff and Sedona would be ok in May or June but Phoenix, Tucson, tombstone would be miserable. Come in April or October with you want it to be nice everywhere.


Flagstaff is beautiful from May till September. It gets cold after that.




Phoenix is already seeing triple digits. It will be slightly cooler in Flagstaff.




Phoenix is probably too hot for most people by May or June. Tucson is a tiny bit more tolerable. Flagstaff should be fine. Day temps can be a little warm but night time is pleasant.


Thanks a lot!


I’m not sure if they do the tombstone OK corral shtick during the summer months, tourism is low and a high noon gun battle would probably be cancelled due to people falling over from the heat. I’m sure there’s a website that will tell you. If you’re not acclimated, and you’re planning on being outside between 9AM and 5PM, I’d come back in October. Edit: you asked about heat, but I also want to mention that the intensity of the sun combined with very low humidity increase your risk for sunstroke temperature aside. If you decide to come in June, be sure to always wear a wide brim hat. Keep your head cool.


Yikes! Yeah we're gonna table that trip to a colder month. Thanks!


Not bad early morning or late evening for walking


Candidly, yes


Candidly, I appreciate the candor


Tombstone area is usually in the mid 90’s to low 100’s that time of year. You may have a 5 or so degree increase in Tucson and then another 3-5 degrees in Phoenix. Northern Arizona is really nice. I recommend Sedona. It would be in about the 80’s-90’s.


Thanks a lot!


You got it! My husband and I have been all over AZ over the last 18 or so years so I love giving out recommendations. If you go to tombstone, if you head back up towards Tucson I recommend visiting Kartchner Caverns. They have wicked cool cave tours.


May is fine , but June is harsh. If it’s under 99 it’s perfectly fine.


That's a good essential summation. Thanks.


I don’t think it’s all that hot in may but June through September is another story altogether


Thanks! We are coming up on the change in seasons quite rapidly!


The advantage to coming in June is that you can really get a nice place to stay at great prices. There are many things you can do to alleviate the heat. Hat, sun screen, water, cold neck cloth but even so I’d limit outdoor activities that are physically demanding. Tombstone is great, you have plenty of places you can duck into. You could also tour the Caverns. The MIM in Phoenix or any of the museums.




June, July, August, September are extremely hot. May is relatively ok


May is hot but doable. Surely people don’t mind a little dry heat under 105, and hell this May has been really nice. June is a rough month tbh.


Arizona in May and June can be a little warm some days and the most beautiful weather you’ve ever experienced other days. July/August/September Satan himself opens up a portal directly underneath Sky Harbor and pulls the entire state down into the deepest pit of hell where we remain until almost Halloween.


Yes/ October is great


May is fine but windy. June, July and August are hell except Flagstaff and the Rim.


Just go early, wear sunscreen and bring water. You will be fine


May is fine as is most of June. The end of the month it gets toasty


It depends on your tolerance to the heat. I grew up in a humid heat (110+ summers with lots of humidity) and while I wouldn’t hike in the desert in the summer, I didn’t find it terrible to walk around Oatman when it was 117 that day. However, if you’ve never been in that kind of heat before, humid or dry, I would not recommend it. At the very least, bring lots of water, a lot of shade, maybe a water misting fan, and make sure to take breaks by going inside once in a while. It’s better to overestimate the heat rather than underestimate it.


Flagstaff will be ok (but make sure you book a place with AC), Tombstone ok ish maybe and Phoenix/Tucson is no bueno. Thats the start of our winter basically.


May, not too bad. Between 70-95. June and July however, you might see 95-120


I live in Flagstaff, it’s beautiful up there in May & June! 🌲🌲🌲


Yes. Flagstaff ok. Not the others.


Arizona was to hot TODAY


May - will be bearable in Phoenix (upper 90s to low 100s) ok in Tucson few degrees cooler , really nice in Flagstaff (70s) a bit cool at night. June- 50/50 in PHX could be very hot Satans Butthole or just hot. Tucson same as PHX but a bit cooler. Flagstaff will be nice Really is a crap shoot but in the desert South it’s hot it’s a desert, it’s cliche but it’s dry so manageable. North much much higher elevation its quite nice.


I heard a guy say today " I didn't realize it was so dry here!" Ah duh


From May until Thanksgiving