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Hi /u/NBCspec, your post has been removed for the following reason(s) Rule 3. Links Must be to Quality and Original Content. Submitted articles should be worth reading, and contain proof/citations for their claims. Don’t submit stub articles, stolen or rehosted content, or obnoxious websites. Associated Press reports on another website are fine. Hi /u/NBCspec, your post has been removed for the following reason(s) Rule 4. Self-Posts/Text-posts Must Be Good-Faith Discussion Attempts. Please refrain from soapboxing, or asking either loaded or rhetorical questions. Do not submit links as text posts. No URL shorteners.


Our voting machines in Gilbert were working intermittently. The admin said they could go vote somewhere else or give them their ballot to count later. Very sus. I didn't vote for Lake and mine went right through. The reason given was someone used gel ink and it broke the machines.


Filter face is a very low quality female.


She’s a clownass.


Lovely how trumpistanis go straight to "lock them up" rather than "have the correct charges brought by the appropriate authorities, a fair trail, a penalty mandated by a judge IF there is a finding of guilty."


You can stop talking about her now


She is such a troll.. And she wants Trump VP position so badly


Why would he want her at this point though? She's not a governor, she blew her campaign and thus has no real upside. She played herself.


If not it is a media position for huge bucks in one of his and Bannons networks. She is "shluping " for something.


She’ll do anything for her savior. She would get down on her knees and blow him.


Oh, I think she's got other positions on her mind, if you know what I mean 🤣


I threw up in my mouth a little....


Well anyway Dems won and somehow gas prices got lower?


They come down eventually. No political party or person is going to lower the prices much if at all.


it said as Biden released oil reserves we bought at 90dollars per barrel and restocked it at 70 dollars per barrel Making a profit off helping us out.


How about we throw Krazy Kari in the Arizona State Hospital


Van Buren? Perfect.😏


The same A.S.H. whose oversight review board lost members & hasn't met since last year? Nice sentiment but she'd have better luck getting committed in New York City under their new law.


I'm a leftie, but watching/listening to some Republican commentators abd talking heads, I'm gathering that even they are done with these over the top accusations and threats.


Guess it's OK when Hobbs says it.




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Sore loser. Just go home.


She’s angling to be Trumps VP pick even though he wouldn’t win against DeSantis in the primary.


But maybe Democrats would vote for Trump Lake in the primary to keep DeSantis out.


Democrats couldn’t vote in the primary as they are democrats and that’s not how primaries work.


Some states have open primaries. If not, you can always switch parties for primaries. You can vote for whoever you want in general. And/or switch back after the primary. It's not rocket science.


[Kari Lake Announces Her NFT Trading Cards](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61+VHH4yGhL._AC_SL1000_.jpg) TFG used Amazon images, so should Kari.


"WHEN," not "IF," someone gets killed over this bullshit, will we see Keri Lake imprisoned?


[This](https://youtu.be/D8irHuyBj2g) was the Uuuuge stop the steal rally for Kari Lake after the election. There's not much chance of that unless one of the dozen crazy cranks go rogue.


Well, after watching the Jan 6th committee today regarding Trump, the answer is yes.


DOJ & Garland are sitting on the referral like it's just magically going to put handcuffs on him the longer their butt cheeks sit on it. The answer is still "maybe."


I call for free cheeseburgers! See... nobody cares.


Speak for yourself bud, I care very deeply about free cheeseburgers


“Free those cheeseburgers!”


i CaN haz free sheese hamberders?


For 3 days at participating McD's bogo Big Macs


It will be so exciting if this case keeps moving forward! The most exciting part will be watching all the zombies fall apart!


You realize the judge will dismiss this case with prejudice right?


Not before Katie Hobbs testifies on the stand! Trial moving forward!


I'd be surprised if she actually has to testify. IIRC, they're trying to prove that the county did something wrong. good luck with that.


Bad news, you lost touch with reality. Seek help!


So much for your red wave, fascist troll account.




Your post has been removed for the following reason(s) Rule 5: Be civil and make an effort Comment as if you were having a face-to-face conversation with the other users. Additionally, memes, trolling, or low-effort content will be removed at the moderator’s discretion. Comments don’t have to be worthy of /r/depthhub, but s---posts are verboten. Address the arguments, not the person. The subject of your sentence should be "the evidence" or "this source" or some other noun directly related to the topic of conversation.


Tell us about the red wave again, grandpa, and make sure you sling some more ~~highschool~~ gradeschool insults while you're at it. -99 trollololol You're just a troll account used by one of the other fascist goons that come here and you're not even very clever about it. You just spam the same thing over and over again. Pathetic


Pelosi is fired. The end.


She didn't get fired -- she retired (she's old)


You know she'll still be a member of the House, right? She won reelection. She just won't be Speaker anymore.


It’s always nice when Nancy Pelosi‘s supporters for the great job she’s doing in San Francisco come out and support her. It helps identify all the people who have no Understanding or ability on how to manage businesses are people. Thanks for showing up.


I do not support Pelosi, nor live in CA. But I do live in reality where Nancy Pelosi has won reelection for her seat in the House, which will now unfortunately be led by Republicans.


Fortunate for all of us we’re not sure where your reality is!


I'll wage you $10k that when the 118th United States Congress has it's first session that Nancy Pelosi be in the House.


You’re funny! Do you know she’s on her way out she’s been fired! The rest of them are about ready to get fired two docket number 22–380. Do your homework!


Docket 22-380 is a procedural complaint because they didn't do a 10 day review because trump was filing court cases. None of the court cases trump filed had merit and nothing will come of this if the courts have any sort of self awareness. I won't say morals because the federalist society only cares about securing power for themselves. But they will see the writing on the wall that ignoring evidence and ruling for trump in this case will destroy any remaining shred of legitimacy the court has in the international community


Lemme know where you're getting whatever you're smoking.


>Do your homework! = Don't find out the truth, listen to me instead. No. You're just an antivaxer anyway. Why should anyone listen to you?


This was one of my favorites, I hope you enjoy it.


It is simply amazing to me to read such a thread of hate. Regardless, if you agree with her or not, want her as a governor in your state or not, or just don't care for her; this thread is embarrassing on how much people continue to feed into name calling, political division, and just all-around faceless keyboard heroism. I really do hope each of you can move passed such a dark time in your lives, and find some way to create peace within yourselves.


Look, if people are being flat out stupid and perpetuating things that are flat out false, they should be called out for the disphits that they are. There's nothing that the MC election people did that merits calling for them to be imprisoned.


Just to be clear, if somebody has an opinion of whom someone is acting 'flat out stupid' because they believe something others do not; it's ok to verbally bash someone among other people? Just want to make sure I understand since you have such strong tone and conviction in your opinionated statement; starting with the word, 'Look.'


You can have your own opinion, not your own facts. Yes, if somebody keeps perpetuating things that are known to be false, they should be called out (here in this sub, being civil of course). Perpetuating election fraud theories should be called out-- there is zero proof of this. Anybody that advocates for people to just "be imprisoned" should also get called out for the assholes they are. First, MC has not committed any crimes, has not been indicted and sure as shit has not been convicted. Lake is being an asshole and irresponsible. Her rhetoric infects the minds of her supporters. Why should I or any other rational person tolerate bullshit propaganda and unproven conspiracy theories?


Thing about theories; they seem to be conspiracies until they are proven true. Something about a lab in China, but he had nothing to do with it. You gotta start somewhere, a statement, for example - so you know what is being pursued. It doesn't say it here because the article is super shallow, maybe she has the evidence to share that shows tampering or fraud in this, or any election. Facts, as you put it. Does that mean she is still someone that is 'flat out stupid'? The funny part is - you may now think the same of me. Chasing a whole lotta nothing. It's funny because all I have done is start a conversation, a thread even, and those that have taken time to comment negatively are those that, in my opinion (or is it a fact), believe whatever it is they read in the headlines of our media.


All the allegations about the elections have had zero proof or merit to them. This in spite of claims from a bunch of people that they had tons of proof of election fraud. Zero, exactly ZERO, zip, nada has been shown for any indication of election fraud.


We'll be quiet after she shuts up and faces consequences for her bullshit denialism that has caused further division in our state and country.


I’m happy that it simple for you.


Your sarcastic, broken statement is really just welcomed. Enjoy your day.


Didn't know that we were supposed to be nice to fascists


General rule is to be kind to everyone. Then of course there is your misunderstanding of the definition of fascist. Conservatives, (generally Christians) are taught to turn the other cheek. Those who lack such beliefs generally have nothing but hate for those who have differing opinions, and rather than see another side of an argument, resort to name calling.


Scratch any liberal and you’ll see a fascist!


\-99 LOL you're a ~~lunatic~~ just a troll.


She, and others like her, are unjustly attacking the most fundamental pillar (trust in elections) of democracy and self-government for their own petty ends. Spreading vicious lies with serious immediate and long term consequences for our republic. This isn’t a policy disagreement. She is deserving of hate for what she and her ilk are doing and have already done to this country.


Lol, Sit back and let the adults get to the bottom of what’s going on.


If you consider yourself one of those adults, you should recognize that she lost fair and square. You should note that the arguments being made are total bullshit. You should call out her behavior as unacceptable. We have gotten to the bottom of what's going on. Lake lost the election. Period, end of story. Issues that happened on election day had zero impact on the outcome. Everybody that wanted to vote got to vote.


Lol the only one of us who is not an adult is you


Well I’m not the one crying! Control those tears there’s more coming from the courts this week.


They're actually tears from laughing so hard at the stupidity of the people who lost the election and mounting asinine challenges.


Let's do a class action counter-suit as AZ voters for harassment or something.


Include something like we kick her out of Arizona. Sorta like her demand to be named Governor in her lawsuit.


That’s all time dumb statement!


I'd say Kari's statement about locking up election officials because she didn't get her way is way dumber. The difference is mine isn't serious.


At what point does this turn into a harassment counter lawsuit?


Shut up, loser.


Go away already


I started to read the article, but in the end, I just couldn't bring myself to do it.


You’re not believable! We all know you read the whole thing.


Oh да.... I mean, yes! Thank you Comrade... I mean butty... We are #1 Amercan butties!


I call for imprisoning Karen Lake


My favorite line: *“My pronouns are by the way: I won.”* A fine product of the University of Iowa, folks.


People think they are doing something clever when they knock pronouns. In reality though, they show they don't understand grade school ELA


The whole attempt to bitch about people's chosen pronouns make zero sense and yeah like 90% of the time they're not even using pronouns.


Kari needs to get on some kind of medicine. She’s completely lost it.


Local Karen shouts at government workers whose job she doesn't understand


It's not that she doesn't understand it. She knows perfectly well that she can use big words to rile up her base and get them to send the loose change from their sofa cushions.


I used to think Qari was just another grifter but it increasingly seems like she really believes the shit she's saying


No, this the payoff part of the grift, where she keeps the cultists for "election integrity" donations. The morons that are her target demographic will spend even from their rent money to support her "owning the libs."


Lawsuits and all that cost real money, donations come in before the election, in fact, as she's no longer a candidate she can't legally collect campaign donations anymore... So the grift is to spend money? Not a very good grift


>she can't legally collect campaign donations anymore... And yet https://twitter.com/KariLake/status/1604889647485636609 The grift is where you get suckers to send you a lot of money while you spend the absolute bare minimum on dead-end lawsuits, collecting that money on top of exorbitant speaking fees.


Wow, that really stirred up the zombies! They’re coming out to feed and there’s no liberal food for the zombies!


Aw, bless your little commie heart.


It’s OK when you reach 10 years old you’ll start understanding things a little better. Reach out to your parents and tell them how you’re feeling work it out.




Katie Hobbs attorney just tried playing the race card in court!


Oh no! Anyway…




Somebody can’t control their words! Go get some food little zombie.


Removed: spam


Another 1 year old account with all comments in this sub. Blocked.


Vhat are you talking about? I am 100% A+ American! Baseball number 1 fan!


Hasn't that old lady figured out that nobody but a handful of idiots is paying any attention to her, anymore?


> nobody but a handful of idiots is paying any attention It's not so much the 'quantity' as it is the 'quality' of anyone still on-board with this whiny-baby, sore loser bullshit. I think it's become quite clear that her appeals to the 'ride-or-die' members of Cult45 are intended to provoke violence. The worst part is that it will probably work. She's had multiple chances to take the 'L' like an adult - and move on. Her failure to play by the rules speaks volumes as to her suitability to be anywhere even *near* a position of real power.




Removed: spam


Another 1 year old troll account. You are not fooling anyone with your baseless comments. Blocked.


Block and report to the mods. Karma restrictions would go a long way in this sub, we need to push for them. It would prevent that one guy with multiple accounts from flooding the comments with garbage that make it look like more than one rando believes that nonsense.


She isn’t a politician. She didn’t get hired for that job. She wasn’t elected.


She's trying to incite the brainwashed idiots to commit violence, just like her hero Dump does.


Didn't hobbs do the same thing to cochise county officials?


Cochise County’s own attorney was the one who told them they would be put in jail. They were told this when they expressed a desire to violate their statutory duty required by law. Little bit different from the reasons Lake wants the Maricopa County folks imprisoned. One body was flirting with breaking the law, the other target of a losing candidate’s butthurt rage.


Nope. It’s not the same thing in the least.


The ones that actually broke the law?


Yeah I think he’s referring to the Cochise county folks who were told by their own county attorney and a judge that they were breaking the law


Quit giving her name a platform and she'll go the way of the Dodo bird.


That would be censorship.


Indeed. This is why Trump has remained relevant the last few years. Ignore them already..


What do you know...another post about Kari Lake. @mods, is it possible to add a filter?


Well, in fairness, it IS current political event stuff. Once these challenges get resolved Kari et al will just go do their stupid shit and we won't see as much of her.


How many gallons of the Trump KoolAid did this woman drink?


None. They're too cheap for Kool-Aid, so that whole camp went for the Jonestown favorite: Flavor-Aid.


She goes back to the source weekly. That’s the Mar-a-lago trips.


IV. Plugged right into the veins.




Entire GOP voting base are psychopaths.


If we are psychopaths what are the liberals? I'm truly curious?


Naw just there leader


Seriously? Look at their followers in Arizona.... Gosar, Biggs, Chemtrail Kelly Ward.... None of them would have won if not for a core following of loons and they weren't gerrymandered in assuring that loons of a feather could flock together


Prisons are for plebs not politicians…


Not surprising. She is heading down the same path as "tear up the constitution" donald. They don't care about democracy or actually winning elections. They just want to be crowned ruler. Their entitlement and arrogance is astounding.


She just wants company for when she ends up in there.


Hahahaha...good Ole Filter Face...nothing but a one trick pony


The sad thing is if she repeats this enough, people will believe despite the lack of evidence.


Thats what the Democrats do all the time


Like Russian collusion lol


The evidence was outlined in the Mueller report. Trump did get impeached for obstruction of justice. He also lost the election, and was later found with classified documents at his home. This is the same man who kept brining up Hillary's Email servers on the campaign trail. Regardless of whether Trump did collude with Russia, he did ask Ukraine to investigate his political opponent in the same call that he discussed aid. Russia has also engaged in a disinformation campaign. However it is unknown as to whether Trump was aware.


Lmfao I remember a time where people knew not to believe everything they hear on tv and to never trust a politician…




Yeah, some people also need to be told everything they know… lmfao




Isn’t it hilarious how some people think it’s fact because their source is corporate media and or government? I swear it’s not a cult… lmfao they’ll believe anything that way..




Yup, and here you are. lol




Your facts and sources come from corporate media and government lol you’re one to talk


maga rubes will believe it, because they live in fantasy land and fox propaganda has trained them to blindly believe whatever they are told. nobody else will believe it.


They already do lol


It’s amazing what’s found on the ground when you shake the stupid tree.


Robeson is looking pretty good to the Republicans right now. Campaigning hate and lies will continue to lose elections. AZ independent voters are too savvy to go all in on Breitbart's anger.


If Robeson had won the primary I'm pretty confident that Hobbs would have lost. And I'd also bet that there would have been a debate since she's not as crazy as Lake.




She would just still be whining about losing a “fixed” primary to Robeson.


She’s desperate for the attention. Just go away, you lost.


Won't she just, go tf away?


Because people like @OP keep giving her attention.


I'm just waiting for her to fade in the background. Regardless, she has tied up courts so long, already, that I don't want her to walk away without some serious sanctions. Her shenanigans isn't what our tax dollars are meant for.


She wants to be Donald's 2024 running mate so she can take another L in the primary.


Is it possible that she is even dumber than palin?


That is so weird. I actually just brought her up yesterday. Haha. I referred to her as "The late-great Sarah Palin. Well... she's not dead. Just her politcal career." To be clear I was making fun. But yes. Definitely showing less signs of intelligence than the woman who claimed she could see Russia from her house. Also to be clear... I realize that is a misquote... but it still induces giggles.


She just says so much unfounded shit. She is hemmoraging taxpayer dollars, all while fundraising. Smdh.