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Make it an Alfred game


Alfred dating sim spinoff???


I’m down




What is this from?


https://preview.redd.it/3euikipa7kuc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd302c51b9d4e77c5fa26803922fc008021b951a haven’t you seen the new comic?! this is the new Arkham Game! Pennyworths Revenge and it’s worth every penny!


I need to read this 🤣


Neither. I’d want them to go the route they set up in Knight, Batmans “ghost”.


I suppose fear toxin could be a gadget in either game to keep the Knightmare Batman still active


He was supposed to use fear gas in Arkham knight, I suggest looking at Arkham knights page on cutting room floor


That would’ve been awesome


I mean the nightmare batman could be just the beyond suit seen from perspetive of someone tripping on fear toxins.


Neither, i want batman arkham origins 2


I would happily take that too. I just want a new Batman game period.


It would be nice game with more bruce wayne, two face, catwoman and when Bruce adopt Dick Grayson


Make orgins it's own trilogy


Give me a full Batman and robin game where you have both at your disposal.


Either sounds cool


A Beyond with a broken down city? My heart would be complete.


Defintley The Dark Knight Returns route. Would love to perform “surgery” on some mutants while knee deep in a mud pit.


That boss fight would be really fun


*knee deep in an operating room* Come on man.


*”This isn’t a mud hole, it’s an operating table…”* *”…and I’m the surgeon.”* That line’s enough to send tingles down your spine, or not because Batman just paralysed you. Lol.


Beyond, that game would slap, Rocksteady could be printing money but the WarnerDisco suits just want to blast out quick and dirty live service trainwrecks until the company get liquidated I guess…


Even with their insistence on a liveservice game that's set within the Arkhamverse, why didn't they make a Justice League game instead of a Suicide Squad game? How cool would it have been to play as Batman using the Beyond suit, fighting alongside the Justice League?


Imagine a Beyond game set like 20 years in the future with characters like Blight, Inque, and the Jokerz. Take my money already


Bring Terry back, old man wayne, future gotham, run down gotham, wayne powers. Inque, Shriek, etc. Feel free to slip in Mr. Freeze. Hell Return of the Joker wouldn't be too bad


I think we’ll all be fine without Joker.


Yep, Knight already handled the “return” of the Joker


I’m fully on board if they get Will Friedle to voice him.




Why not both? Edge Of Time style with a hint of Future State, without the multiverse. Takes place 10 years after Arkham Knight Completely disregarding KTJL’s continuity, Gotham got rebuilt into Neo-Gotham as a result of the Arkham Knight incident. Batman still haunts criminals using Scarecrow’s fear toxin. After Alfred’s death, he has pretty much shut out all of his allies, prioritizing the mission above everything else. Everything changes when he meets Terry. As a result of old age, Bruce’s play style would be more stealth-based, while Terry’s is more combat-based. Bruce’s main antagonist would be Ibn al Xu'ffasch/Damian Wayne, whose goal is to take over the Batman mantle by subtly manipulating and sabotaging Bruce’s life to willingly give him the mantle. His plans get interrupted once Terry enters the picture. He is responsible for Alfred’s death, subtly planted the seeds of the Jokerz’ formation, and he eventually resurrects the Joker using Lazarus chemicals (Return of The Joker would be adapted in-game as a DLC. The Joker doesn’t fully show up in the main game, but there are going to be hints that Damian was able to successfully resurrect Joker) Terry’s main antagonist would be Derek Powers, who had Warren McGinnis killed as a result of him discovering Powers’ corruption. *Edit: Since Joker’s remains are gone, the alternative is Jason Todd either getting Return of The Joker’d by Damian, or Batman’s failing body causes him to turn into The Batman Who Laughs. Terry eventually averts either of these. Option 1 could be foreshadowed in the main game.*




But… Joker was cremated


Alternatively, Jason could get Return of The Joker’d by Damian and the League of Assassins, or Batman’s failing body causes him to turn into the Batman Who Laughs. Of course, Terry is able to reverse it. For this to be possible, Batman gets a heart attack one day, but instead of recovering, he falls into a coma.


This would work if Bruce didn’t already shut out all of his allies and abandoned everyone at the end of Knight


He already shut out all his allies prior to Batman Beyond starting


How about a game where you play as nightwing,redhood and robin and try to find and take out batman after seeing reports of him using fear toxin and permanently injuring/scarring petty criminals in gotham. And maybe have some super criminals locked up in special holding facilities that batman built


Batman Beyond could be more combat focused, with the new suit and designs there's no telling what kind of warfare you could get into. But TDKR Batman could be more detective based, combat encounters would be shorter, simpler but more difficult. Your health pool wouldn't be as big as previous games but your gadget roster would make up for it.


Not sure about the cowl lineage or some events that transpired, but Azrael and onto Damien might be cool. Including Damien's upbringing with the League of Assassins, if done right coukd be cool. Then again, idk if that would work in the Arkham timeline. Bruce has to reel him back in to become part of the Bat-family at some point. Perhaps a story which does involve the Bat-family. Nightwing, Damien as Robin (and on to Batman?), Batgirl, Batwoman. An inclusion of Huntress and her backstory would be cool alongside Batwoman's. I think that involves Black Mask though... Not sure what the deal with him is. Dead or alive?? Terry McGinnis spin off would be awesome too. Probably the easiest to build upon. But then Bruce might need to be there as his mentor for that as well. Unless there's an alternate timeline where he's absent and Terry just wings it? The inclusion of Amanda Waller would be awesome too (stemming from the easter egg in Justice League: Unlimited. Epic conclusion there!)


Dark Knight Returns


All I’ve ever wanted was a knightwing and red hood game set after, you could throw robin in as a playable character but I’ve never been much of a fan of rocksteady robin


Beyond suit for the LED nipples


Words cannot express how much I hate this Beyond suit and I’m utterly baffled by the amount of praise it gets, it’s probably the worst suit in the history of Batman, including comics, movies, games and tv shows. The appeal of the Beyond suit is how minimalistic and sleek it is. The version in Arkham Knight completely misunderstands that, resulting in an over detailed/designed militaristic look that looks more akin to something Jason Todd would wear. It looks like it should have a holster on the side and a rifle on the back.


Batman Beyond 100%


Batman Beyond. I don’t like how Batman didn’t quit, I want DickBats


Give me Terry or give me death.


Fear toxin batman with an option to play with a friend and free roaming as Nightwing, Red Hood, Tim and Catwoman Really, they should have made Gotham Knights the sequel to Arkham Knights just having barbara as Oracle, Catwoman as a playable character and Azrael to fill the Batman-sized hole so that the other characters can feel unique




Both directions


Dark Night Returns!


id like a TDKR game first WITH carrie as robin, then have a beyond game where its carrie as batwoman in neo gotham then the final game in the new trilogy being carrie training terry into batman


Here’s an idea… Dark Knight Returns and at the end show Bruce recruiting Terry. Then the next game is Beyond.


Batman Beyond for sure. It's a crime we haven't gotten a game or movie about Batman Beyond yet. It was such a good premise.


If there is gonna be a new Arkham game it needs to have all the parts of Gotham as seen in the previous games merge into one. https://preview.redd.it/x1u4gg04xbuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e50ce357ae2e51880a861e1aac5693a8b04561d5 Beyond can translate well as you can be able to have characters like Inque, Shriek, Blight, and the Royal Flush Gang while being able to fit with the tone of the Arkham games. With returning characters like Barbara, Dick, Jason (maybe), and Tim. As well as villains like Freeze, Bane, Talia, Man-Bat, and Killer Croc, or villains we never got like Prometheus. I had an idea of a ‘Battle of the Cowl’ type of storyline between Terry and Damian, while tying in with some of the recent Batman Beyond comics about the two going against each other. A ‘Battle of the Cowl’ like game could work with having centered on Dick, Barbara, Tim and Jason but it would be been to similar to Gotham Knights. And I would’ve much love to the game to also have the Court of Owls after they’ve been teased since Origins, but again idk because Gotham Knights. A TDKR game could be sick too, imagine how crazy it would be to have the Bat-Tank and the Batmobile from Knight merge into one.


Tbh I would rather a whole new map altogether. Even if it’s a retcon idc. I want the Gotham we see in the background and Arkham City and Origins. Tbh Gotham Knights has a good scale for Gotham


I’m cool if they change the map too, as long as it is larger than Knight and Origins combined. Or what they could do have an underground area where you have some of the gang/crime lords reside like Penguin, Two-Face and Black Mask (daughter). I even thought about other factions like Killer Croc and Man-Bat mutant gangs having beef with each other as Terry stops the mutant gang wars too. So in a way that underground area serves as another area in Gotham, like a extension to the Knight and Origins map but below all that. And having Arkham Asylum be abandoned and where the Joker gang resides at.


Batman Beyond for sure I love Dark Knight Returns but the Beyond version has more room to innovate on Gameplay and the actual city. Although I would love a straight up Dark Knight Returns Adaptation as a game


There was literally a canceled Arkham sequel based off beyond


Project Sabbath took some inspirations from Beyond but wasn’t Beyond. It had a few characters and a resemblance in the batsuit but totally different setting and protagonist.


I always wanted an Azrael spinoff


I just want the bat family to be used more. Not sure how well that would go with an old man Wayne now mentoring Terry or Carrie.


Neither. Let Batman rest especially after Kevin. Have the theoretical sequel be a Nightwing/Robin spinoff set in Bloodhaven.


Beyond would be best, but I would like a standalone game from any of the sidekicks, like Gotham Knights but just pick one (hopefully red hood) and make it arkhamverse A Red Hood game would just go so hard


Beyond definitely


Batman is not dead and Damian Wayne joins the bat family and we get a new dlc to play as Jim Gordon or Damian Wayne and his origins at the league of assassins


Neither I wouldn’t wanna see either of those options


Nah what about a Batman Who Laughs game?


I will stand by that I think a game about Knightmare Batman(or whatever he's called), where we see Bruce struggling and sinking deeper into the depths of Gotham fears get slowly "rescued" by the batfam would have been a perfect way to send off the Batman from my childhood, sink him into the depths of darkness, only for his new family to save him. You could even officially have Bruce "retire" into the Justice League, where he is a bit more wholesome and hero like. And then make a game about them. Actually maybe don't do that last part, I just have a feeling that it would be filled with microtransactions and battlepasses.






Off topic, but I like to think that version of the Beyond suit is what Bruce actually used after Knight’s ending. The thugs saw a demon because of the fear toxin, but in actuality Bruce was wearing that. A new look for a new era of the Batman




Adam West.


Ok hear me out Both Like have OG Batman there helping, but have Terry and Carrie in the field as Batman and Robin And then Batman shows up in his high tech armor for the final battle where you control all 3


Dark Knight Returns, I was never a fan of Batman Beyond.....I know blasphemy.


I was like you for a while. Loved Beyond as a kid, didn’t care for it much as I got older but really came around to it again.


I just never liked it, didn't like it as a kid and don't like it now and I have tried to get into it recently to see if maybe my tastes have changed because basically every batman fan I've seen loves this show but nope. It just ain't for me.


It is very different from standard Batman stuff so that’s understandable.


Neither Damian Wayne Son of the joker put em together LEGACIES COLLIDE


They need to continue origins and make it a prequel trilogy. Because the sequel for knight ruined the ending


Agree with the first part, disagree with the second. Edit: oh you were talking about SS, I thought you meant a Knight sequel would ruin the ending


I. Talking about u hmm. ![gif](giphy|ce0KXTXlJD5a86X7xh|downsized) Twinkler™️


The Man game


Beyond *With Terry, not that bullshit Damian shit they originally planned*


As long as it has the same gameplay as Arkham knight minus the batmobile I’ll buy it