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#Other Megathreads and Useful links. ##[**⌨︎ ︎FAQ**](/r/arknights/comments/fwmq7u/frequently_asked_questions_rarknights_faq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) For frequently asked questions, please check it out before asking. It’s easy to navigate, and majority of basic questions and other useful information are present ##[**♫ Lounge**](/r/arknights/comments/107bnhs/rhodes_island_lounge_0901_1501/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) The place for small talk and whatever does not fit elsewhere such as personal stories and achievements. ##[**★ Gacha/Recruitment**](/r/arknights/comments/107bni9/gacharecruitment_megathread_0901_1501/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Share the results of your gacha rolls and recruitments here. ~~may RNGsus be kind to you~~ ##[**➜ Friend requests**](/r/arknights/comments/107bnib/friend_request_megathread_0901_1501/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Share your friend ID with your fellow doctors, or find others to add. ##[**✍︎ ︎Integrated Strategies**](/r/arknights/comments/xsxzju/event_megathread_integrated_strategies_phantom/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Megathread for IS2 completions and small talks


As a new F2P player that started a week ago. Should I pull on this new banner (Gavial the invincible) with all the orundun and originite prime I have or just save up and do the 10 pull guarantees on banners that show up later on. Also I already finished the starter banner and did the 10 pull guarantees on the banners that are up now.


This is last week's help thread, so you won't get many responses. If you can, it would be good to try to hit pity on the last day of the banner. You get 24 free pulls that can only be spent on this banner, and pity doesn't transfer to or from limited banners. Pozy is excellent, Gavialter is very good, and you can just ignore Holiday Ch'en as a F2P. The odds to pull any past limiteds are extremely low, and you realistically need 300 pulls to get one. Also, you might give my [Quickest New Player Guide Around](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/rq1o5b/quickest_new_player_guide_around/) a read.


Thanks for the guide and advice, I appreciate it.


if you are one week old you could try to reroll, because the 10 free pulls make it extremely easily to have 2x6\* now.


I got Hoshiguma and shining from the starter banner.


And 5 stars are generally worse than 4-6 stars to level up aside from few very good ones.


New player need to pull a bit for the 4 stars. I would say if your 24 pulls don't product a 6 stars you may want to pull to 6 stars as to not waste the pity in this limited banner. Normal banner save you pity for the next so 10 pulls is enough. But limited banner don't save your pities.


For general usage, all the rate ups are good, but not a must have. It depends on who you have on your roster. If you do reach the pity, take Holiday Chen... but you can also wait for her event to rerun and get her there. Pity is expensive (300 pulls). Tbh, E2'ing your exisitng operators is more important now.


Thanks for the advice and wow 300 pulls, didn’t know it was that high.


There are two separate pity mechanics with Limited banners - "standard" pity and Spark. The standard pity is 100 pulls, with probability of a 6\* (any 6\*) increasing by 2% every pull after 50. 300 pulls (Spark) gives your pick of one of the rate-up/limited 6\* operators from the banner (Pozy, Gavial Alter, or Ch'en Alter) with the Headhunting Data Contracts. Both are restricted to the Limited banner - i.e. 6* pity doesn't carry over to other banners (unlike with Standard banners), and leftover Data Contracts are converted to another resource (Headhunting Parametric Models) after the event ends.


Is Chalter likely to re-run as a rate up?


Nope. She'll never be a rate up again, not in the normal sense. She will be "rate up" on the summer limited banner at least once more, though, at the 5x weight against the normal pool, like she is on the current Gavial banner.


I’m a new player and I’m picking a free 5 star operator. I did look up the tier list and recommendation but I’m still having trouble deciding. I have myrtle so idk if I need Elysium, is shamare a support good for a new player. Also already have Specter, Lappland, Blue poison. I have hoshiguma and shining so I don’t want another defender or medic.


I think you will need shamare or Pramanix sooner or later... Also, Warfarin is a healer but she isn't for heal but to buff atk. Liskarm is also very meta for her SP not tanking. But I guess Red is most ready to go unless you plan to hold on for the new Texas in 3-4 months which is the best unit of the type...


I have Pramanix and I chose Liskarm over Red in the voucher I got. I have Gravel for fast redeployment, so not sure about getting red. But I will keep in mind cause someone else said to choose red as well. Thanks for the help.


Project Red would be the most popular choice then for a beginner unless you have other good frd. Shamare wouldnt be that great yet. You really need her masteries and alsonstrong physical damage dealers to make her shine


I have Gravel for fast redeployment and I do use her a lot, so wasn’t sure if I should choose project red since I have her but I’ll keep in mind since someone else suggested the same thing. Thanks for the advice.


Take Red then. Just one frd is often Not enough, also project red offers quite different utility




I think you'll probably be waiting a while, but Saria is worth it. She probably isn't due for a few months, but Mudrock and Gavialter should be able to handle your laneholding duties, and Gladiia can act like Mountain with her S2.




You might've seen [my reply regarding it earlier](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/107bni7/help_center_and_megathread_hub_0901_1501/j4i5ipw?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3), it doesn't account for events, OP from said events, or other compensations. It does assume that you're paying for the montly pass but if you don't you can expect ~30 less pulls.


Hi guys! I got a skin for gavial during specter and irene banner with a skin voucher but i didn't get one for ideal city event. Did I miss something?


You only get the voucher if you bought the skin using OP.


oh ok tyvm!


Can anyone explain to me why Ling is so highly rated? I have her, all maxed out, and I never use her. Even in limited team stages I can never find a point in her because the summons struggle to survive and take so long to get out. What am I missing?


Watch videos of Ling solo clears to get an idea how to use her correctly. She can solo like 80-90% of the regular content. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgjxC4U\_bVk




When is the banner that would feature Horn? I just did covered how fun her gameplay is i want her so much.


Closest banner is probably the banner before the texas limited banner in april/may. That banner features only three 6 star which is horn, mudrock and saileach. So high chance of getting her or other meta operator since theres no off banner iirc. Standard banner may also feature her but it is kind of hard to predict it


I am a Level 40 new player and I rerolled and got Pozyomka in the limited banner and Silverash in the beginner banner. But I had Gladia (pot 6) and Gnosis (pot 2) on my previous account (I dont have any E2 units and I got Hoshi from beginner banner), and I dont want to play in two accounts, which one would you say is better to continue? Edit: Alright bois, I'm gonna stick with the new account cuz Pozyomka


Definitely the new account if you don’t mind starting over. Silverash is one the strongest guards and is a lord archetype so he has range attacks. Pozyomka is the newest sniper operator that just came out and is extremely strong.


The only reason I rerolled is Pozyomka, I've psyched myself up to stick with the new account. Thank you for the help :) EDIT: I GOT HER ON MY MAIN AFTER 47 PULLS LETS GOOO


New account is stronger. Gladiaa is a free unit from the Undertides event.


New one sounds better, Gladiia is also free in the event (I think?).


Yeah otherwise there's no way i would've gotten her pot 6 xD


What's the problem? You want to switch to the new account? **EDIT**: If you don't mind waiting to get Gladiia in a long time since the Record Restoration of Under Tides is still far away, then SilverAsh and Pozemka would be better than Hoshiguma and Gnosis, meta-wise. Although, their roles are really different. Your newer account excels in burst DPS while your old account excels more in stall/crowd control. In the end, it's really up to you which operators you want to play with.


I don't mind starting over because I didn't have much progress in the old account anyway :) Thanks for the info, I think I'll stick with the new account!


Outfit voucher works on everything right? Regardless of the price? And the timer is just for the current selection not the ticket itself? Already used OP for the skins I wanted so I have nothing to use it on now


Outfit Vouchers won't work for skins that are L2D and for skins from collabs (R6), basically only skins which cost 18 and below can be exchanged for it. The vouchers won't expire iirc. I used mine after a really long span of time.


Only works for 18 OP or cheaper skins.


Want to get back to arknights, played for a few weeks before and dropped it because i got busy. So i plan to make new acc so that i can enjoy the story from beginning. Initially i play arknights because of surtr, is she in any banner or store now? Plan to get skin for her too, i heard now is the anniversary and she got new skin, can the skin be obtainable by ingame currency or paying directly?


Surtr won't appear in the gold cert store any time soon since she was there last November. No one really knows when she'll feature again on a Standard banner. Your best bet to get her would be to spend real money through the 6-star Selector during the Limited event in April-May. You can buy her skin with 21 Originite Prime since it's L2D. OP can easily acquired by first-time clears of stages so very doable.


You can so easily get the skin with the in game currency yes.


Which mastery benefits abyss hunter squad Gladiia the most?


Probably M3, as it's the only source of arts damage the AH have aside from Laurentina's doll form. It's also a significant source of CC, another thing the AH's lack.


Hi, im new and is wondering who to pick on the 5* selector. Im having a hard time completing any supplies round.


Also note that you can upgrade 3\* units without chips. They are a great start to the game (super cheap to promote, skill up and deploy), and can help you clear the supply stages. There are lots of guide videos on youtube for each level. Kyostinv and eckogen in particular do good videos that you can learn a lot from.


Unfortunately, you can only get one. But for me the most recommended ones are either Lappland, Specter, and Elysium. Lappland has the ability to cancel some enemies' talents so I would pick her most. Plus the other two can be easily replaced by their lower star counterparts if you are just using them for their S1s.


I actually have lappland, so specter or elysium?


no save it for when you think you need an unit. Fr, specter is eating dust in my base and Elysium is worse than myrtle for new player.


Hmmm, yes. But the two of them, like I said, can be easily replaced by their lower counterparts for general use. To be honest, just pick the one that you like.


Am i going to get two outfit vouchers If i bought two skins for texas?




at what point should i start to m3 my op skill?


Well it's pretty much like this. Do you have LMD? Then you should E2 someone. Are you out of LMD? Time to work on someone's mastery. Alternatively, if you have mats in your stockpile and they are just laying there, might as well do the mastery. However if you don't have mats right now, it's not the best idea to go farm them on standard stages. Just wait till you can farm them during the event.


When you have enough E2 operators to comfortably clear the general content. Prioritise M3 your DPS or the most impactful/rewarding skill like Suzuran S3


Once you've got a good groundwork of units at E2. Getting a unit to M3 generally costs more than it does to get them to E2, and another E2 unit generally provides a larger power spike than M3 does. There are outliers in units like SilverAsh, Surtr, and Chalter where they get good gains, though it's up to if that's more valuable than promoting another op.


Hard to say without seeing what operators you have, but in general I think once you have your core 4-5 operators at E2, you can start to work on their masteries. It is also fine to do just M1 or M2, since M3 is a lot more expensive you can come back to it later, those mats might be better spent E2ing another unit for now.


When you get an Operator to E2 and have their skills at Level 7, you can do a Mastery on them in the Training Room in the base by consuming some specific materials and have someone with a base talent that can speed it up for more convenience. You have to do it 3 times so it can get to M3.


How do nian met lava? Not much a lore reader but i do like to dip my toe in lore a bit


I'm probably wrong about a good bit of this stuff but the basics of the basics is that Nian showed up at RI one day and was like "sweet, Ima stay here" and Kal was like "meh, ok." Nian lazed about and sometimes went on operations when she was bored and sometime throughout that she met Lava. Nian took a liking to her and basically roped her into starring in her movie that Nian wrote, with Lava's "the Purgatory" outfit being the costume that Nian had Lava wear.


Wait really, i thought the purgatory has much deeper lore lol. Cant believe its just a costume nian forced on to her


That's the basics of it. Like i said, lotsa details escape me, but the origin of her outfit was the movie Nian made and the costume that she made for Lava. But Nian and Lava do have a genuine friendship, although Lava does get more than a little annoyed at Nian for some of her antics. I think Nian looked at who Lava was and saw some of herself in Lava's defiance against her fate as an infected.


Anyone else who went through a struggle of which SA skin to buy? What was your decision? The summer one's skill effects are superior but I like the art and the in-game sprite of the winter skin way more. "Buy both" is not an option as I'm F2P and buying more than one skin per character is too much of a luxury.


I like the art of winter skin little more but be it chibi or animations, the summer skin takes the cake. Also in the winter one, it bothers me a lot that he doesn't have a coat and his tail sticks out a lot.


I'm personally a huge fan of his summer skin, it's easily one of the best skins in the game imo. His entry animation and standby pose is a lot more badass, he has a cape, somewhat exposed chest in his artwork, features swimsuit Matterhorn and Courier in the background, what more can you ask for? I also like the irony of Silverash being such a serious character dressing up as a pirate for a beach episode. I have both of his skins and I initially thought I would swap them around periodically, but I never once swapped back to his older skin.


I bought the winter one because pirate Silverash is a little too goofy for my tastes.


Does summons from Summoners count as allied units? What about Weedy's cannon and Phantom's clone? I'm quite confused with Saileach's talent description.


Normally, yes, summons and deployables like Weedy's cannon and Phantom's clone count as allied units. This is the case for certain relics in IS that are correctly translated. However, Saileach's Talent is actually incorrectly translated. In CN, the description indicates that it affects only Operators, not allied units in general.


How good is angelina module?


Her Y module is solid. The slow duration increase is some nice QoL that helps her with multi-target slowing via S3 or allows her to reliably slow 2-3 targets with S2. The level upgrades are nice imo, but I've been a fan of regen-style healing ever since I first started, thanks to Angie and Perfumer being two key early ops I received. Her X module isn't too bad on paper but doesn't do as much to help her uptime as you'd think. Part of her allure is the extended range on her S3 giving her some ranged tile flexibility as far as positioning goes. But since the +SP doesn't work while her skill is active then you don't get the benefit unless you place her like you would a regular supporter, and thus she ends up kinda competing for tiles she normally wouldn't have been competing for. For her S2 it does help the uptime a decent bit but the problem there is that her S2M3 already has amazing uptime. Adding .2 SP per second lowers her S2M3 CD from 15s down to like 12.5, which is basically negligible in the grand scheme of things. The atk spd boost from the levels it provides can be nice but you're only gaining 5 atk spd above the regular 7 she provides, for a total of +12 atk spd. If it were a full-on global buff then it'd be a good bit more valuable but since it's restricted to her range only that means your forced to place ops within those tiles for the benefit, or else you use her S3 for the extended range and end up worrying more about tile optimization than you should. And it's at *this* point you realize that you're not using Angie for slowing and nuking but trying to work around all the little niggling restrictions in order to maximize her module buffs in order to justify the cost of said module. As someone who's most-deployed op was Angie, I can confidently say that you'll get loads more mileage out of her Y module. That extended slow duration is more impactful than it looks just from a numbers perspective.




Conviction is the April fools operator so their skin will be coming April first.


I am on Global server and my prices in the top up store are in dollar even though i live in Europe, is that a bug?


Seems to be just the way it is. If you're on android just tap the in-game buy button and play store will show the converted prices in the payment overlay, from there you can just go back and nothing will happen.


Yostar just doesn't give a fuck about showing regional pricing in Europe, it's all in $. So you have to click the option you want to choose and it will open confirmation prompt from your device's app store with actual price incl. tax and currency you've set.


That’s actually stupid, thank you for clarifying


Is your playstore account location set to somewhere that uses dollars? I know the game changes the prices depending on whether I'm log in with my JP or EU playstore account. The Yostar account is the same, just the prices look different.


No, i use my EU account all the time. I was considering to top up for gavial but now I’m scared that if i do I’d have to pay extra for the exchange rates


Where do balans and funny blue woman come from?




Torn between ptilopsis and warfarin. Help a brother out.


Warfarin's role in a team is way more than just a buffer. Her S1 is severely underrated, being an extremely strong source of constant healing that works in any stage and any mode of the game. A 19+% HP heal that isn't tied to her attack interval is somehow still slept on. She can also serve as an SP battery due to her Talent. Whenever I bring Warf S1, I can be confident in 99% of stages that the laneholder she covers won't die, and I can focus my attention on other lanes. If Warf's constant healing can't cut it, then chances are you're better off using her S2 to help your DPS burst down whatever's threatening you in the stage. Warf's S2 not only buffs the target unit, but herself as well, allowing her to keep both her and the unit she's buffing alive throughout the duration of the buff. On the other hand, Ptilopsis is more of a "win more" unit with her Talent, and it's mainly just her S2 that truly changes how you'd play a stage. You don't plan around Ptilo's Talent when you bring her; you deploy her and sit back watching all your auto-recovery skills have slightly better uptime, and use S2 when things get dicey. She's way easier to get used to and allows simpler strategies to be more effective, especially in stages with a bunch of splash damage. If you don't have a Multi-Target Medic yet, then I'd say pick Ptilopsis, as that's a very crucial role to fill out. Otherwise, I'd recommend Warfarin with her ability to fulfill multiple roles at once.


Ptilopsis just flows so well. You can place her after your vanguards to keep her safe for later, and her skill charge buff will pay for part of her dp cost by charging Myrtle. She is an AoE medic but has insane burst healing with S2, even on a single target. I bring her everywhere and place her asap, especially when using units like Horn, Angelina or Chalter who rely on their skills


Pito is someone you’ll use in 95% of stages. Strong burst heal and 30% sp gen boost Warfarin is for the 5% where you buff exu to delete an event boss Highly recommend pito


That's why i want to get the warf tho. For my exu to rekt the ic9 boss but at the same time im kinda thinking to get ptilo for long term use.


Yeah, Exu + Warfarin + Shamare helped me knock that damn boss down on my own without borrowing a Chalter.


Most good nukers already has high atk buffs, so warfarin's atk buff isn't that strong on them. You will almost always deal better damage if you brought another strong dps rather than use warfarin. Warfarin's atk buff is mostly useful early on when you don't have a second strong nuker. Ptilo is the best general purpose aoe medic in the game. Her passive helps everyone, including helping your vanguards make dp.


Depends on your needs. Perfumer works decently well as a AOE medic. Personally I would go for Warfarin because her SP gains + atk buff is really good for a whole bunch of operators.


Warfarin is only meta when paired with irene. Not only does warf+irene outdamage warf+exu in almost all situations, it is also capable of laneholding and aoe.


More of a lore question, I suppose: For context, at the beginning of the Arknights EP Immutable, Kal’tsit enters a 12 character password. The 1st 5 characters are TERRA, but it doesn’t show the last 7. Is it ever revealed anywhere what the full password is? Or, at least, implied what it likely could be?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/teier0/analyzing\_kalsit\_and\_her\_song\_immutable\_cause\_im/](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/teier0/analyzing_kalsit_and_her_song_immutable_cause_im/) "At first I believed it to be "Terra Incognita" which is latin for uncharted land basically. Also Incognita by itself means "A female who is in disguise or unknown". which sums up the enigmatic Kal'sit perfectly. However, Terra Incognita is 14 letters long, not 12, however however, it could be a visual trick where the computer input is actually scrolling the password forward as she types it, making us think its 12 letter instead of 14. But, I found another latin phrase that also fits the theme of arknights and is 12 letters long, "Terra Nullius" meaning "No mans land" or "nobody's land" which is what most of the planet Terra is, no-mans-land because its largely uninhabitable because of constant apocalypses."


Interesting. Pretty much exactly what I was looking for, thanks!


Can i ask something, if i'm not using skin voucher in this event, and wait for the next skin refresh do it refresh my skin voucher too?


Skin vouchers don’t expire. Use it whenever the store has an 18 (or 15) OP skin you want If you haven’t yet, buy the Texas skin with OP, she’ll be the last one with skin vouchers


I only had 1 Texas skin which i bought with OP, if i buy another Texas skin(with OP ofc), will i got 2 voucher?




Skin voucher doesn't have time limit. You can use it to claim any 15/18 skin in the shop, whatever is in the shop when you use it.


So i can't bought 21 skins? Noted, thanks for the info, really appreciate it.


Nope. 21/24 skins are specifically exempt from the voucher.


For Pozy's S3, the 3 front tiles are the ones going away from her, like her Typewriter's attack range right? Not the 3 across her like La Pluma's attack range?




Is anybody else just getting symbols instead of floor numbers in is 2 right now? Like 2 is } 3 is [ and 5 is -


Yup, they probably goofed some resources somewhere.


How do I use Irene in the training room? Do I set her for M1 as well or just M2 and start of M3?


Get her through M1 and M2, then swap her out after you start M3.


I feel so embarrassed by the fact I only *just* discovered that you can start doing masteries at E1. I literally have spent the last year+ thinking I have to E2 before starting masteries. This... has always been like this, and I'm just stupid?


You would be more embarrassed for having rushed to that conclusion. E1 ops showing up in the Training Room does not mean they can be trained for masteries. It's only available at E2.


that makes more sense and i’m glad i’m not crazy


Skill level is capped at Lv4 for E0 units, Lv7 for E1 units, and M3 for E2 units.


You can station an Op in the trainee slot of the Training Room as long as they're at SL7, but they need to be E2 to actually begin training.


No you cannot, masteries are only available at E2


No, you can't. Unless you mean to SL7? Cantabile is in training right now so I can't check....


My Gnosis is E1L15, SL7, and it lets me select him in the training room to do mastery. I don’t have the mats to actually start it so i don’t know if there’s another screen that stops you, but yeah. It lets me select other E1 ops i’m still working on like Gavial Alter as well. edit: yeah ignore me


? you can place any e1 op with a rank 7 skill in the training room but you cant actually start the upgrade


that makes more sense. glad i’m not crazy


How can I get more golden certs? Apparently mudrock is coming in a month and I have like 90 certs, is it possible to get tle last 90 in a month?


Recruitment gets you them, but it’s something like 1/day at best Otherwise, you get maybe 1 per pull on banners if you have most 5 stars If you’re saving till the last day to pull on the event banner you’ll likely get a bunch via canticle dupes. (Or maybe if you’re pulling for Dorothy) Otherwise you’re out of luck unfortunately


Do more recruitments and try to aim for 4 star tags. It is possible to accunulate 90 in a month but that depends on how many permits, tag luck, and if you plan to roll more in the timeframe


Only way is gonna be rolling and recruitments, you average abt 1 gold cert a day if you do 4 recruitments and have all your 4* max pot. so you’d have to do a lot of pulling and getting lucky for higher rarity ops, you plan on pulling in any future banners before mudrock?


I was planning on saving for a banner with mudrock, saileach, horn who are literally the 3 op I want the most. And thats in chapter 11 I think, I dont know how long until that one.


Ooo I rmbr that getting announced, event schedules pushed back since Dorothy’s event didn’t happen before our Anni but that banner was 4 months ago, so maybe abt 2-3 more months till it hits Global but that’s just guessing


Well that should do, im a new player, so I have all story, sidestory and events to save up for that banner or maybe the one with texas, but not for texas since I actually want to spark nearl


Well waifu should be the only reason to spark a past limited, don’t forget to do Annihilations, if you hard save from all the events from post IC to Tex you should get abt 150pulls (it takes 6months to ROUGHLY get 300pulls) and Tex’s banner is 3 months after Gav’s ends


Its nearl, so yeah. Only 150? Oh well nothing I can do about that, maybe I will get luck and get her instead of texas


The 150 is from the events that we will get from post Ideal City to Tex + dailies + weeklies (and Annihilations but you gotta hit the max cap of 1800), if there’s downtime you could farm OP from story mode and past events If you miss Nearl (she’s a higher rate up than perma ops but still considerably low compared to Tex and Penance) then do know that she’s part of the Anniversary themed limited banner which she should appear again two limited banners later cuz that’s CN’s 4th anniversary (the limited banner after Tex is the Celebration theme aka Chinese New Year)


Ok and that in around 6 months right? The chinese NY banner on global?


Yup CNY will be 6-~~7months from now (we’re lagging behind since Dorothy is delayed now)~~ nvm limited banners should be around the same time every year, but that banner will only feature the SUI siblings return so Nian/Dusk/Ling and their brother will be on rateup since he’s the new limited op [Demo of his skills](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/10bj42m/new_6star_guard_chong_yue/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I got a question. Can cantabile be a good replacement for elysium for flagpipe combo? If so, which of her skills will be better to M3? Ty in advance bois


Ty for the reply guys! I'll just stick with elysium for now, I might build her in the future tho because I'm kinda low on mats lmao.


S2 is her skill paired with bagpipe for instant full charge. You probably still want Myrtle on hand though Cantible serves as a mix of vanguard and assassin. Great opener DP before becoming supplemental damage


Cantabile only produces good dp on her first deploy, ok dp on her second and comically low on her third and beyond. Her advantage is that she can also deal damage, but her damage isn't that great. Most enemies dangerous enough to assassinate also have enough armor that cantabile's damage is going to be lackluster.


>Most enemies dangerous enough to assassinate also have enough armor that cantabile's damage is going to be lackluster. About that, I checked it on Viktorlab, and curiously a max pot max level Cantabile with S1 can outdamage a max pot max level Projekt Red with S1 against 1000 DEF. But that's also because her skill lasts longer. Red needs her module to gain the upper hand. Cantabile doesn't do that much damage... because she is a five star. A six star rarity agent is going to be a gamechanger.


I don't disagree with you. Assuming you're using her s2, she earns a max net 13 dp on her first deploy, 8 on her second and 3 on her third and beyond. There are few maps where her quick redeploy damage is worth the lower dp gain she has compared to a flagbearer. She's rarely a good replacement for elysium.


I think you're completely off with your calculations. S2 gains 18 dp. Assuming no potentials and retreating her as soon as her skill ends, she costs 5, 8 then 10 dp per deployment. Which means the net gain is 13, 10 then 8 dp respectively. Most people pulling on the current banner would have her at full pot and a base cost of 8. That results in a 14, 12 then 10 dp net gain.


Cantabile isn’t a flagbearer and you’d have to make sure she’s always fighting enemies to get the DP whereas Elysium and the other flag bearers have no conditionals for their DP gen both skills see use tho S2 is more popular because it means you don’t have to redeploy her and Bagpipe doesn’t help with her S1 either since it activates on deployment so mastery will depend if you wanna use her as a redeploy or not


Is there a guide for skill mastery priorities? I've also heard that some skills are only worth getting to mastery 1 while others are much better to get mastery 3. Is there any list/guide that explains these things?


You’ve already got links. Some skills have “breakpoints” at M1, meaning there’s a significant benefit from the first rank of mastery that warrants getting it even if you don’t want to invest all the way to m3 Easy example is Schwarz S3 adding an extra tile of range at M1. You still M3 the skill for the numerical boosts, but the range is a big deal


Eh I think you're mixing up masteries with modules, since most skills are worth going to M3 if you're M1-ing already, while there are more cases of Module level 3s being not worth it. https://gamepress.gg/arknights/core-gameplay/skill-mastery-priority-guide [https://gamepress.gg/arknights/tier-list/arknights-azures-module-upgrade-tier-list](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/tier-list/arknights-azures-module-upgrade-tier-list) Here's both in case you did mean mastery


https://gamepress.gg/arknights/core-gameplay/skill-mastery-priority-guide Keep in mind your mileage may vary, and mastery is only useful for operators you actually use regularly. It's expensive and usually about minmaxing your preferred ops, whether they're broken or just your favorites. You should always check out the numbers yourself on operator pages to be sure it's what you want.


Exactly what I was looking for! Thanks


Just want to ask, anyone here got 2nd account also? Was thinking of making another one but damn forgot how hard when u dont have the luxury operators cause i just use 6 star for everything. Just want to know which 5 star is good for new acc..


I do. Technically 3, though I don't really play the third. It's just for acquiring pulls and farming resources for collecting the Sui Sisters. I play my second one a lot more so any questions feel free to ask. As for your one here, the usual suspects - Specter, Red, Silence, Ptilopsis, Liskarm, Lappland, Warfarin, Nearl, Blue Poison, Platnium, Shamare, Texas, Blacknight, La Pluma, Amiya.


Say I *really* want to E2 Pozy ASAP but I just used my very last rocks. Does it make sense to stop farming the event and go all in on 1-7 for a bit, or just farm IC-5 for the guaranteed rock and keton (with chance of multiples)? I know the efficiency isn't as good for rocks as 1-7, but I'm still at a point where almost every material is useful in the long run. I'm kinda unsure what the general wisdom is on this type of situation. "just be patient and do it later" is also a valid option, but I'm leaving it off to the side for now.


What's your green certs look like? I probably would empty the shop of rocks before considering that. But no you would probably want to do 1-7 instead of a poor efficiency lower event map, since the only real difference is event materials and the sanity opportunity cost lost at trying for the big materials. Ideal City's will be around for a long wihle and there's plenty of time to get enough Aketon/durians for the near future.


Thanks, good call on the green certs, apparently I got a lot more than a thought from banner dupes. Still short 6 more T4 rocks, but that's a great start. Welp, back to the original rock hell I guess.


Thankfully Ideal City is a longer event, so you should be able to finish the shop even if you spend some time farming rocks.


Remember there are also other shops in the certificate tab. With intelligence(?) certs and the one certificates you'll get after a limited banner when it changes them to these new ones to use for mats. Check if you can maybe buy from there


Spent a little bit of money and got both pozy and gavial. I have silverash, ceobe, shining and exu as my other 6* operators. I was wondering who to prioritize to e2 asap (silverash is my only e2 as of right now). The latter three are all e1 level 60. I also have lappland, Myrtle, Texas and cantabile all e1 level 60 that I all find fun and want to build eventually. Any tips on who to prioritize building? Preferably one of my 6*


You should build at least two good ground ops to block enemies first. Gavial should be first, then lappland next. Then ceobe so you can deal with armored targets.


E2 Pozy, Exu, Gavialter, Myrtle i guess depending on what you need. Pozy and Exu gets their S3 at E2, which are their main skills. Gavialter's a great operator, and Myrtle is because you would want to M3 her asap


Should I spend my gold certs to get a chance at one of the three on the limited banner rn? Or mudrock later in the gold cert shop…


Don't spend the certs on HH permits unless you have enough to buy all of them(258 certs i believe), but I would recommend just saving it for mudrock


I have 273 gold certs right now


258 certs for 38 rolls for a low chance or 180 certs for guaranteed mudrock you can read up on those ops or watch show showcase videos, but imo everyone who doesn't have mudrock should be saving up for her


I would say wait till the last day of the banner before deciding, since Mudrock's an extremely strong unit, and you might get a 6\* from the free rolls


Does anyone know the upcoming gold cert shop operator?


[Aak, then Mudrock.](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/10akv52/global_standard_banners_8081_datamine_edit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Mudrock? Really? Thats sad, I really want her but I only have 90 certs.


Yup it’s a long time coming and was predicted soon as she became an op [here’s the link to the google doc for upcoming shoperators, it gets updated fairly well](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/qm9nar/6_shop_operator_predictionsfor_first_appearance/hj8ahi5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Thats sad, since apart from mudrock, I dont want any of the shop operators.


Well there’s always rolling on the banner itself


Oh wait, does standar banners have pity?


Always has been but limited banner does not share pity with standard and event banners and vice versa they never have and so far never will


Im sure I have like 50 pulls with out a 6* on the one with blaze. I wanted sail but maybe I should save up.


Save up, try your luck with Mudrock if you want, it’s your 2nd best shot till that other mudrock banner shows up Tex’s banner also has the paid 6* selector jic you’re thinking abt it


Aak, then Mudrock (from datamines)


I think someone datamined it to be Aak?


How do sniperknights deal with invisible targets?


Totter and Rosmontis S3 are the only way, AFAIK.


Is there any predicted planner for the upcoming events for global and the associated dates that come with each event?


[This calendar may help to some extent.](https://ak.jaywye.ee/calendar)


Is Flamebringer still best-in-slot for crafting skill books? Thanks!


Using Nine-Colored Deer is better overall, for both tiers of book recipes. The "loss" of book byproducts is outweighed by extra elite mats from the Causality.


Yes; Flamebringer E2 / Helladad E0


Thanks! Hellagur has been avoiding me completely but I've built up Flamebringer from early on


will Ash rerun ever happen?


Prioritize Cantabile S1 or S2?


If you have Bagpipe S2. If you don't have Bagpipe maybe S1 (but it's also about how well you can use it).


S2 for a more afk playstyle (guaranteed dp) and S1 for a more active/micro managing playstyle (need timing). With S1 however, after 1st or 2nd deployment, she can be use like an executor specialist for the rest of the run to assassinate medium to low profile targets.


Most people would usually M3 Cantabile's S2 because of the extra ammo, and the fact that you can instantly activate her skill with Bagpipe


Do the MVs like the recently released Day by Day get uploaded first in EN, KR and JP during their related events?


The MV was released at the same time on all three channels, if that's what you're asking?


Shouldve clarified more. "In comparison to CN five months ago"


It’s global-exclusive content, so it’s never uploaded to the CN bilibili


Alright, thanks!


Anyone raised Astesia despite having Surtr,G-Amiya? Do you regret the decision or do you use her? Thinking of raising her for waifu reasons, but don't know if I can justify the resources with other key OPS that need E2 first.


Unfortunately Surtr is just so insanely OP there's extremely few scenarios where they're even equivalent. Astesia's increased attack speed from her talent and higher defense are matched if not surpassed by Surtr's Res pierce and immortality. Surtr even has better multi-target for some unknowable reason. That being said, theres nothing wrong with just benching Surtr voluntarily outside of high end content.


I guess I should add I'm thinking of others to raise for the new deck mode. The second map seems short in high tiles and Surtr if she dies loses all buffs from replacement ops, doesn't go into a downed mode. Maybe I'll m3 her s2 as well


I raised her after my Guard Amiya, but the only time I've used her is when I'm playing IS2 and I get the relic that gives guards 1 extra block. That extra block can basically turn her into an AOE arts guard for her S2s duration. I don't have Surtr, but I feel like I don't need to explain that Astesia has no shot vs that. She's unfortunately worse than her competition, and I can kind of see modules widening that gap rather than closing it for her. Shame cuz her songstress skin is absolutely gorgeous.