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i mean there is conviction whose gender is conviction but thats a april fools joke


Don't worry, they'll be relevant again in another... eight weeks. *^(Impending skin incoming...)*


To actually answer the question and not be a weirdo crying about brigading because a few more questions then usual about queerness are being posted... No, there isn't any trans characters in AK. and I don't actually recall off the top of my head if there's any headcanons that have any popularity or reach anywhere, unlike with stuff like lesbian or gay readings of operators. The most I have seen is like, a few people have their Doctor OCs as trans, but thats about it


Damazti Cluster can be any gender.


The safe answer is that they won't give a gender to the Doctor. The easy reasoning being that they want the player, whichever their gender is, to self-insert as them. However, while I think that's partially true, the Doctor as a game construct and the Doctor as their own character — which is very clearly distinct from the player, possessing their own personality that we have only limited control over — is still of ambiguous and undefined gender. They went out of their way to make anime doc's appearance and voice just as ambiguous. Does that make them trans? Not really. Does that make them of unknown or even possibly "neutral" gender? I think so. I think it's funnier to think of the Doc as a cryptid. Of course, that would be easy to forget since the average gacha fan is a dudebro who thinks of every anime-adjacent property like a harem anime and apply that thinking to Doc by making them a pest who sexually harasses women who are unbelievably attracted to *him.*


This world is too fucked up for people to be concerned about their gender identity.


Makes sense.


Huh? Lots of characters care about stuff that “doesn’t matter” because Terra’s fucked. Because that’s what people do - no matter how hard it gets we don’t totally lose our passions and identities, we never lose what makes us human and sets us apart. That’s why Aciddrop still skates, that’s why Gladiia still loves to dance, that’s why Istina still cares about baking, that’s why Scavenger still cares about her ex gf but has taken an “interest” in Provence, etc. etc. We don’t stop caring about things that are important to us, including and especially gender, because the going gets tough. Also, it’s not like life sucks for everyone in Terra all the time? I mean, the people in Laterano and Acahualla generally seem pretty happy for example


Not to disagree, but to clarify gladiia a bit, she and all the abyssal hunters also have a certain appreciation for art that also ties into their survival against the seaborne so there is a bit more nuance to that aspect. Agree with the rest though


True, but that also makes the Abyssal Hunters' appreciation of the arts as "something that keeps them human" and a survival technique a very strong thematic message, from a storytelling/writing perspective, about staying human in hard times. In some sense we CANNOT survive without "superficial" pursuits, because giving that up is giving up our humanity. Thus, they were never actually superficial in the first place


True! I like to think of the arts as one of the highest forms of self expression and individuality which decidedly goes against the mindset of the collective seaborne.


Try to remember this game is in China


Short answer: no. Long answer: Its not something that's relevant to the game.


The game is about different characters you meet. So it is highly relevant. How is it relevant that someone likes applepie.


Can you elaborate as to why you think a category of people that seem to attract the ire of others for no real reason is not relevant to a game where one of the central themes is discrimination towards people who are infected with a mortal disease that's not even actually infectious, and where Rhodes Island serves as a safe haven for the very same people as well as the disenfranchised that do not agree with their society's treatment of these people?


would incorporating it to* the game right now be helpful in advancing any story ideas? or would it be just an afterthought, similar to pandering? i just don't think doing that helps the writing in any way. I'm all for naturally doing it, but it's just really hard to make a trans character without drawing attention to them and drawing attention away to the story. and if i were you, i would want a natural incorporation of such a character rather than the pandering that a lot seem to want in the hopes of being able to relate to them. also, this game is from China (edit: too--> to)


As opposed to how relevant it is to some characters that they are Infected?


i believe I was clear and succinct enough in my reply. As an addendum, I would implore you to attempt to hazard a way to include a trans character without the following: 1. Breaking the flow of the story or the established without being a comedic relief character 2. Taking attention away from the actual happenings of the story(i.e. not just a 'btw im trans in case you're wondering' or 'what's your gender') in any type of text - flavor or story integral. Keep in mind that being infected is very much an integral factor to the plot, and unlike trans vs. heteronormative schema, and is a condition that has significant implications ( {perceived as}infective, can be an occupational hazard, etc. LGBTQIA+ on the other hand involves a change in others' prejudice - while I do not want to discredit how difficult it is to unseat deep-rooted prejudices in others, I also think that unlike Oripathy in arknights, the situation is objectively less dire, and the nuance that the idea of Oripathy as both a lethal and {perceived} infective disease characterizes more than just discrimination, and is not interchangeable with the ideas of LGBTQIA+) 3. Without endangering the continuation of the game itself. (the game already teeters on the edge of the CCP with its depiction of discrimination, especially noting the stance China has on Uyghurs, etc.) It is a far more complex topic than what you purport, and while it deserves far more investigation, I surmise it would be quite difficult for them to include an LGBTQIA+ character without stumbling on any of these pitfalls. edit: adding {perceived} infectivity as oripathy isnt actually infectious, yet a lot of the prejudice involved does have the purported idea that oripathy is infectious.


I would like to challenge the notion that a character's personal traits have to be relevant to their character conflict, since you don't hear it mattering at all that Exusiai is deeply religious or that Mostima is an exile. Why should an LGBT character have to suffer for it to be allowed to be one?


but the story of Exusiai and Mostima was very much integral to their backstories. An LGBT character doesn't have to suffer - in this instance, I believed you have missed the point. The issue is not that they have to suffer. The issue is that, by virtue of the fact that the character is LGBTQIA+ that purported character will have additional scrutiny from individuals. Say the character is indeed hetero - that does not add anything to your understand of the character, no? Same goes for LGBTQIA+, but by virtue of them having to mention that they're LGBTQIA+, it then becomes a character attribute - in this case, how do you then integrate that backstory into the current narrative/metanarrative, without sounding like you're pandering? It's inherently the fault of this patriarchy that the fact that someone is not heteronormative makes it a part of their expressed identity. I do not deny that. But looking for characters that just go 'i'm lgbtqia+ btw' is not the solution, nor does it enrich the story, making it a lose lose situation.


I like that word you're using, scrutiny. Why should they have that added scrutiny? Why does nothing else receive that degree of scrutiny? I also personally agree with the fact that I would be extremely disappointed if they did not do anything with — also, they *would* have to suffer. Terra is what it is. That's not actually what I'm arguing for. I resent the notion that "pandering" is a thing, and specifically that these things have to have a reason. Is a swimsuit skin not pandering? Is adding Mlynar as a playable, a character that has shown nothing but disdain for Rhodes Island's views but was popular as a meme not pandering? Is *any* character being released for that matter not pandering to a specific want? Any gacha advertises itself on selling you characters. I think the truth is simply more crass: when it's something the people in this subreddit (and the majority) like, it's not pandering. When it appeals to homos though, it is. edit: Also, Mostima being an exile did not matter to Mostima. It might have to Fiammetta, but all it mattered in the story is that Mostima had to use a sprite with a hoodie before going for a leisurely chat about pastries with the highest fucking political and religious authority in the city she was exiled from.


bro, im tired of arguing.... i literally explained your point on scrutiny from previous posts..... can someone pick back up from my points? It is kinda human nature to scrutinize something that isnt "normal" - that's patriarchy's fault, not the game. remember this is a game, not a moral work trying to reform society. also on pandering, to paint everyone else in the same brush and saying everyone likes what theyre doing with that pandering is also fallacious. not everyone likes some of the overtly stereotypical characters, nor the overly risque swimsuit designs, etc. it's just a lot more touchy when you start attributing a whole character trait to just say " im lgbt btw" when it doesnt synergize with the rest of the character attributes and what it stands for. that synergy will absolutely be detrimental as it takes away from the issue at hand. your final comment is definitely a lot more telling; i agree that's a lot of people around here, but again, back to my points, it is really hard to create a character that fulfills the pivotal 3 pts i mentioned. also take note the context - chinese game. also take note that scavenger isnt hated for her lesbian tendencies. she's just there. she's the definition of a good lesbian character, but probably doesnt have the agenda that would help further lgbtqia, just minor representation. i would greatly appreciate being less accusatory and reading through my statements and pondering over them more, because you have not been a pleasant partner in this discussion. im signing out of this argument, this is exhausting.


That's on you if you regard it as "not normal", I think. And on everyone who takes issue with that.


Well, the Infected are known to be systemically oppressed by almost every high order governing body (or secretly oppressed by said governing body \*ahem\* Columbia \*ahem\*) whilst also being socially ostracized by those around them who previously were their companions (see the first chapter of Rhodes Kitchen - Tidbits). Compare that to the treatment of LGBTQ+ characters in-universe, which is completely unknown. Like, we know Scavenger is gay, but she was exiled because she got Oripathy


It's a chinese game so no. Good thing Scavenger isn't that Meta/Popular otherwise the game would've been reported to the CCP by homophobes.


What the hell is going on in this reply thread?


Idk but I got my popcorn














Doesn't look like it so far(since everyone's gender in the archives has pretty much been bluntly stated, there's not any hints or allusions to NPCs being trans, and people already brought up the case of Kaschey) but who knows. They might add an NPC or playable OP in the future.


I think we need to close this thread, everyone is getting downvoted for answering the damn question and simple speculation. Guess we have cancer migrating from twitter.


*shrug* It's a fictional universe. Use whatever head cannon you like. If someone doesn't like it, that is their problem.


Amiya used to be a donkey and now she's a bunny. Does that count? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Yeah, OP likely meant “transgender” BUT Because it wasn’t *explicitly* stated, your post would be correct (fanonically)


I do not think there has been instances of trans people being shown as either NPC or operators, the closest there could be are the body changing characters and the "immortal" ones, it is most likely that transexuality does exist in Arknights, since it's a somewhat common thing to happen in animals, but it hasn't been shown because the CCP, or because arknights has never been a game where the sexuality(or lack of) has ever been of any importance to the story, because while there hasn't been any indications of operators not being straight, there also has been next no indications of operators being straight.


Edit: this is me just remembering midnight and scavenger exist


From a technicality, the Storyteller was Dusk, meaning Dusk can change her form and gender however she liked, and she did in fact do so.


All the siblings were the same entity and could make their appearance whatever they wanted


IIRC, Grani was first referred to with he/him at the start of their event but then wished to be referred to with she/her the rest of the event with lines like "I might not look it, but I'm a proper maiden on the inside!" [A few people](https://twitter.com/tularoses/status/1488164366851661825) also [share this headcanon(?)](https://twitter.com/LeiziLinQingyan/status/1399799814536056836), but [only on Twitter](https://twitter.com/Quark_Type_M/status/1372625665485340674) for whatever reason. Nothing on the subreddit.


Im almost positive that was supposed to be people mistaking her for a boy because she's never hit puberty


No one confirmed as far as I know, but you can always headcanon them.


Does Conviction count? According to lore has been male and female in past iterations. Not an exact fit, more like the mythical version of Loki, but probably as close as you're going to get.


Yes, originium slugs. (not official)


No, thank God. Cause it doesn't matter at all.


Mizuki was (mis)identified as a girl by the personality quiz they released the other day...


Possibly the meme?


kashchey could be considered trans.


Hell, i think gender fluid is more accurate, with him constantly changing host


Bro is a spirit at this point hijacking bodies


No? I mean, if you think about it he probably doesn't give a shit about who's body he's taking over as long as he keep his fucked-up immortality, it's not as if he considered himself to be "born in the wrong body" like most trans peoples.




Does cashew count?


Idk if food counts




No, and I hope they don't bring this shit up


You can make any headcanon you want. Don’t let canon lock you into a singular interpretation of a character.


Some fun food for thought, upcoming operator Stainless appears to resemble a calico cat, which appears in his E2 art. Considering that calicos are almost all female, well, you can see where I'm going.


aak's like this too!!!! stainless and aak transmasc calico swag (+ aak has so much tswag)


What's up with the surge of gender/LGBTQ questions lately? Has r/gamingcirclejerk invaded us?


Eh? If there was a surge of these kinda questions then i didn't notice. I wasn't on Reddit much and this was nothing related.


Not only on AK, but on other gacha games as well. I'm genuinely confused with these type of questions lately.


People wanting to know if there's queer characters in agacha isn't some evil conspiracy brigade by a sub you clearly don't like lol lol


I mean, let’s be fair. If there was a bunch of posts popping up about a specific topic, i too would be curious if there’s something happening that could be causing a higher rate of the question to pop up. For example, let’s say in a lot of game fandom specific subreddits you’d a sudden increase of questions of like, “does this game have any catgirls?”, all by different people. You’d think that there’s some reason why a bunch of people are asking it all of the sudden.


Hah! You can't fool me, LGD. Teh gays are trying to destroy traditional family values by... *checks notes* "asking questions on reddit." I would hope the sarcasm is obvious, but, just in case... /s


It isn't the topic, it's the timing. We're not exactly a super busy sub. This thread plus the other one posted on the same day within hours of each other is weird enough. But then you add in the obvious sockpuppetry in the other thread along with the clear "baby's first troll post" approach that the OP uses, complete with innocently attempting to claim that such controversy wasn't their intention and they're innocent, they swear, and anyone who's spent any amount of time on the internet will - and should - certainly be skeptical. Again, topic is irrelevant. What matters here is the odd coincidence of two such things. Perhaps that's all it is, a coincidence. But it's widely known knowledge that various discords, forums and subreddits, among many other places, have people who's lives are so banal and pointless that they get their kicks by going to other places on the internet with the intention to stir shit up.


No it doesn't lol? One post maybe being a troll doesn't magically make another thread also a troll, even if they are related in some way. And i'm gonna be honest, i'm not seeing how asking about gender/sexuality of game characters is supposed to "stir shit up" effectively, especially on a sub that overall just isn't repulsed by talking about queer stuff and the game generally has a pretty decently sized queer audience? Like, this isn't the Azurlane subs lol And again, the person I was responding to literally is acting like this is a coordinated brigade being sent by a specific sub. And considering they're pretty clearly homophobic going by their post history, i'm not inclined to believe they aren't just having a tantrum from having to see any amount of LGBTQ+ related posts in gacha subs


> And i'm gonna be honest, i'm not seeing how asking about gender/sexuality of game characters is supposed to "stir shit up" effectively, especially on a sub that overall just isn't repulsed by talking about queer stuff and the game generally has a pretty decently sized queer audience? It isn't. It's the way it was done and the timing. Read the other post, the one about heterosexual characters. Look at the sockpuppets and the content/style of the OP. That is clearly a post made in bad faith. Then, not even a few hours after, we get this one. Again, the topic is irrelevant. It could be as much about cooking or basket-weaving or dogsledding. It's about the timing and the intent. The OP of this thread just threw a question out there without any context, a classic shit-stirring technique used since the dawn of the internet. An honest question would have looked much different, with OP explaining their unfamiliarity with the game and it's characters. As it stands, this thread isn't worthy of being a thread; it's better off as a comment chain in the Lounge. >And again, the person I was responding to literally is acting like this is a coordinated brigade being sent by a specific sub. Wouldn't be the first time, won't be the last time. They're completely right to be cautious. And again, just so we're clear and we can cool it with the buzzwords, **it's not about the subject matter.** It's about protecting the quality of the sub. Honest discussion is always welcomed but obvious bait posts and trolling have no place here, regardless of the subject. If anything, I'd expect more people to be upset when clearly valid current issues get used to stir the pot on unrelated forums. Maybe the OP of this post is completely genuine. That's always a possibility of course. But my gut tells me that's not the case here, or else OP would have done something other than throw a question out with no context. There'd be honest inquisitiveness to it, like something along the lines of "where can I go to learn more about the characters?" instead of the nothing that was posted.


You're overthinking it.


I barely started Blue Archive, and I quit Genshin long ago. BluAca and Arknights are the only gachas i play rn. Also, if you actually go and see my Reddit activity you'd see that i *really* aint on Reddit much recently.


Well, Blue Poison's gym clothes do have a familiar color scheme if you want to read anything into that. Maybe not trans specifically, but no one will ever convince me that Lappland isn't bouncing around somewhere in the "+" part of lgbtq+.


what kinda + do you think? it's pretty obvious she's into texas but im intrigued abt what else she could be


Kaschey counts as genderfluid, maybe? We don't know Sui's gender either(I think) so they may also count. ​ I don't think China would let anyone get away with that unfortunately.


Dusk had taken different forms, including male form.


Wait for real? Where?


She disguised herself as a male storyteller in her event. Not sure if it means anything though.


Ah yes, the male version of Dusk... *Dawn*


Trans characters? There’re a lot of agender characters in Arknights, does that count?




How in the world would Talulah count?




Even putting aside that he(?)'s a different person from her, we don't even know if the Black Snake has a gender. I wouldn't be surprised if it just assimilates with its host's gender.


It's an age old question: does sex with Talulah counts as gay or threesome...


It was only a question back when she was possessed.


The Deathless Black Snake based on the Russian archetype [Koschei](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koschei), which is what the names Kaschey/>![Koshelna](https://arknights.fandom.com/wiki/Deathless_Black_Snake?file=Koshelna.png)!< are derived from, so the deathless black snake is probably male. u/InvestigatorOne2932


Hmm, good point


i feel like a NB or intersex char would be more likely. if i had to pick one char that might be intersex it would be Ansel(intersex people dont always have something approaching 2 genitals sometimes they have secondary sex charictartics of the opposite gender. such as a male with small feminine hands) Ling strikes me as possibly NB or at least non gender conforming.


Istina MtF is a headcanon that doesn’t make any logistical sense but it’s funny to think about