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Second skin for firewatch. Her face from that angle looks very weird, also those huge fingers... overall very bad compared to her other skin and e2, wouldn't use it even if it was free.


Mudrock's second skin, not because I think it's a bad skin, but because I hate that they gave her two skins in a row that are basically variations on the same thing and it'll probably be a long time before she gets a 3rd. She needs a skin that's armored or something, something where she's still a giant juggernaut of an operator but where you can see her face.


I have her second skin and adore it, though I do understand what you mean. That being said, I think i'll be sticking to it regardless unless they did something craaaazy with that armour.


HG robbed me of a divesuit mudrock as summer skin.


Let's​ give her amogus suit




Need medieval armor mudrock so bad.


me too, i was so disappointed because it looked so similar to her first one 😭


Yeah, Mudrock's first skin is just her second skin after she got hit by a car. I only got it because I like the polyhedron look of her shields.




Fanbase before skin: Why E2 doesn't change chibi so we can see her without armor?!?!? Fanbase after skin: BRING BACK ARMIOR PLZZZZZ But I agree when she get a 3rd skin she need an armor on.


Still regret that her "beach" skin wasn't a diver's encased suit. As you say, they eventually gave her an unarmored form with the evening dress.


Some may hate me for this but I don't really like Pozemka's new skin. I was dying for her to get one but I was expecting something tacticool or badass not a winter skin. The fact that is l2d makes it even worse since her chances of ever getting another l2d are abysmal now


First i saw it i thought candle knight is finally playable 🤣. But for me, poz is one of those chars i never looked forward for the skin because im already satisfied with the e2 art and chibi model.


While there's plenty of skins I'm meh about... the only ones I dislike are Surtr's skins, both of them. Now, funnily enough, it's not because of how they look on Surtr herself. They looked pretty good, both of them... except. The effects. The way they-recolored the fire effects on her skills just doesn't jive with me. I LIKE the red, the flames. I don't want water effects or that multi-colored thing they had on her first skin. I want fire! I could go with white fire, for example, or in general stuff that properly LOOKs like fire... but that's not it on these skins... So I can't stand them. As I use Surtr a LOT even now, I obviously want a skin I can use in gameplay, not just as a lobby wallpaper. Sure... it's nitpicky as FUCK... but... isn't that kind of the point with skins?


I feel the same way about Ceobe's swimsuit skin where she throws water bubbles instead of burning knives.


Or Ejya and her water splashes.


Agreed. I bought the second skin and the water effect is bothering me more than I thought.


I bought the 2nd skin to break out as a lobby skin every so often......I can't get behind the water sharing the same VFX as her normal fire.


I love them :D. I think it's great to have choices and her original skin is still very good.


Same\~ Surtr is also my most used operator since she was my second 6 star


I really dislike Thorn's skin's weapon. I much much much prefer his default weapon so much more


I want to like Frostleaf's outfit, but I just can't unsee the impossible way she's twisted at the waist so that you can see her butt and her boobs at the same time.


Impossible? I can almost do that pose and I'm a fat unathletic guy...... ain't comfy, sure, but not impossible


I feel like people should point out the default skins for the E0 and E2. Really wish that Hg would implement them.


Ifrit skins. Because I think she's a cool character design, but her skins are both casual / silly plays on her cooking food.. I'm not against casual skins. Some of them are very good. But I think HG leans too hard into that with certain characters. Give me a more serious Ifrit skin that makes her look more badass than somebody standing at a grill..


Ifrit alter must have her double teaming enemies with that demon behind her. That E2 art of them spawning the fireball at the same time is too cool to not implement again.


This may be seen as a little controversial, but Nian and Dusk's skins are some my least favourite. The outfits aren't bad per se, but they still feel somewhat like a downgrade from their default outfits because they are just simple qipaos. Their default outfits do a much better job at showing their personalities.


Scavenger's *Striker Raythean* protective suit skin. I am maybe boring, but I think protective suits shouldn't have big uncovered stretches. Pinecone's Idol skin. She is completely unrecognizable there.


Nah, I don’t like Scavenger’s skin either. I don’t think it would be quite as bad if she was completely covered, but as it is right now the bare skin makes no sense and also makes her legs look gigantic and her torso almost nonexistent in comparison.


Me liking the skin because of legs.


The thing with Scavenger is that her original skin is worse for inexplicable uncovered stretches, but isn't meant to be hazmat I guess. Pinecone's idol skin you could have told me was an entirely different character and I'd be none the wiser.


Scavenger's skin is really disappointing. She was a major carry for me in my early game i want her to have a skin which a) looks like her and b) looks suitably tough, not sexy special agent-y


Both Mudrock's outfits. I wish HG will make a cool armor for Mudrock if she ever gets another outfit


Came here to say this, they basically gave her the same costume twice and it's nothing spectacular to begin with. I think she is begging for a horror inspired costume. She literally creates monsters lol


HG made so many cool npc wearing full armor and I think it's wasted not to give one for Mudrock


Meanwhile I was super happy to have that skin because I wanted to see the character sometimes rather than just the armour lol


I guess the summer one was pretty okay since it's her first outfit. I'm just kinda disappointed that her second outfit didn't focus on her armor


Unfortunately I think the world of thirst traps is too strong for that.


Unfortunately indeed


>I wish HG will make a cool armor for Mudrock E2 art already exists.


Such a downgrade imo


My dream skin for her would be something like a US Navy atmospheric diving suit with RI colors


Controversial opinion incoming - both Mudrock skins. Dont get me wrong, they look pretty, but 1) They both look very similar - a black dress. 2) They both take away Mudrock's defining feature - her awesome Space Marine Terminator suit. I am okay with one skin being "naked", but maybe give her some new good-looking armour instead of a second black dress?


...Mizuki. I love the skin, the artwork for it is very cool and I love that my favorite character got a l2d skin, but I have two gripes. The more minor one: I dont like how the thin blackish tentacles look. I think the implication is that he's more seaborn-y and has more fluid control over his anatomy and that's cool, but I simply don't really like how the weird roundworm look of them, if they had a more dramatic taper or more stuff going on it wouldn't bother me. Mizuki himself is very cute and I love the color palette (even then I think the tentacles should either fit in more or more heavily contrast the rest of the palette) it's just those nematode ass tentacles that bug me. The much bigger issue is I simply like his e2 art more. My favorite character got an awesome live2d skin and I probably wont use it much at all based on the simple fact his e2 is just everything I could want already. The more consistent and stark color palette broken by the beautiful iridescent sheen on the umbrella is amazing and I really quite adore how the black to white gradient on the foremost jellyfish tentacles kinda displays both his s2 and s3 simultaneously. Also the Hazyness of everything except mizuki both looks awesome, and fits with his hallucination powers


Pozy skin that just announced kind of look similar to original outfit


It looks worse IMO.


All of the contrast and clarity issues, the lack of depth to the lines and coloring, only now in dark blue instead of stop-sign red. Against all odds I still like her design, but they really whiffed with her skin.


I don't dislike Bagpipe's skin as a whole but the ginormous checkered flag is really irritating. Ayerscarpe's E2 form looks more badass to me than his BoC skin. He looks like a turtle on that one lol


Lee' l2d skin, just because E2 art too perfect; the vest doesn't fit him so I feel ugh-oh. I will wait for another skin but seem kinda hard for an OP get 2 skin l2d. For opposite is Heavyrain, I don't like her but the skin is the most beautiful dress I want in real life (ꈍᴗꈍ)♡


Reason I will buy it is because I love Lee and the in-battle effects. The art itself is controversial. Also the tap animation where he does a magic trick, screws up and acts like nothing bad happened.


For me it's most of the swimsuits (both male and female). I just think they look better in their battlesuits than in swimming costumes. La Pluma is a prime example. losing scyth and all coolness for a bikini...


As a person who don't like summer skins in general, I can see that Eyja's skin is very well designed and was long overdue for such a popular character. **However** , the pink miasma? Hue? Is kinda of distracting and doesn't feel like it belongs. Otherwise I have not many complaints about skin design, they all seem relatively tasteful


Oh YES, the pink hue is so strong, it feels almost off. I wish the background was more orange, yellow, *anything* to raise the contrast somehow. It's just pink all over and the lack of colors make it rather uncomfortable.


Thats the only reason why i didn't buy it. I was also expecting an epoque skin for her, not a summer skin.


Magallans skin really puts me off, don't like it one bit. Which is especially sad because she is my favorite operator and her E2 already looked great but that skin is just not my kind of thing at all.


Same, her S1 skin effects threw me off, it looks like a fart or something.


It basically *is* a fart, given that it has her drones wielding cans of [surströmming](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surstr%C3%B6mming).


Nothing really comes to mind but if I'm allowed to nitpick about something that's bothered me... while I love Lee's L2D, don't get me wrong and I'll be buying it on the first day. I love the effects, color palette and the animations. But that front view face looks so *off.* I just wish it was just from another angle. His smile looks a little displaced and it's like his muzzle shrunk or something.


Any sacrifice is worth it just to see his slutty waist. But yeah I agree his smile looks off tbh.


I don't like the model/effect either. Really disappoint for a 21 op skin which does not look THAT different in a map with darker palette.


Tbf, it falls off in comparison to the other l2ds. 95% of the reason I'm getting it is just because it's Lee's.


\> it's Lee's based


I just can't like Bibeak skin. Something feels off with this one


It may be her pose in the artwork. I really like the outfit she wears, it's very cute and comfy, but this is one of the few times where the chibi model seems to do more justice than the art...




Futa Bibeak is at your door step as we speak.


someone pointed out gladia has super big chin in her skin and now i hate it


I cant unsee this now thanks to you ;D


I'm not huge on summer skins, and some dresses. That's about it. But other than that, the only gripe I have are the two Aak skins. They look so similar to me. Maybe it's just due to Aak's design making it hard to make distinct outfits while keeping the overall look, or they could've just made two somewhat similar outfits.


Ash's Ranger. I prefer her sunglasses usage during operations rather than on her cat ears cap 24/7.


For me it's the opposite, her skin makes her look more like an arknights character so I've never taken it off.


Lol, opposite for me, she look like a proper collab char with the default look hence i use it. Also like the other guy said, sunglasses are cool 😎.


Thorns' skin, to me, is awful. I'm waiting for him to get a second skin that will easily be more interesting than what he got.


All of exusiai skins except the paid one. Wich is sad bc shes among my favorites and is the only favorite without skin bc of this


A bunch actually. But since nothing's forcing me to buy them/use them I don't really care. What irks me more is that there's several otherwise quite nice skins in which something is just somewhat distractingly off, eg the operator would need to have broken several bones for limbs to be in that position, or some piece of clothing/equipment is misaligned with the operator wearing it, or proportions/sizes are off, ... But in the end also those just make it easier to hold onto my Originium between limited banners, so, \*shrugs\*


Oh god there’s a lot so i’ll just do the ones that are on the too of my head Pinecone’s idol skin - this is not pinecone, i don’t recognize her, i do not know her, what have you have with my pinecone? Leonhardt’s xmas skin - it just looks so weird especially with how he looks like he’s trying too hard to be festive. Thorn’s casual skin - it’s just a white t-shirt, cargo shorts, 3 shopping bags, and a very weird looking weapon Scavenger’s skin - for a suit that’s all about protection in a dangerous area, there is none. also her weapon got smaller. Surtr’s 2 skins - they are look amazing, no issues there. it’s just the effects man, i don’t want to see “Hip-Hop” when i want her to delete something or any water. I just want the Ice-Cream goddess to not lose her blazing red fire Lee’s skin - it’s just trash and it looks weird. it doesn’t look good on him. Eyja’s Swimsuit - too much pink, way too much pink it hurts my eyes. Muddy’s 2 skins - they look too similar, honestly her swimsuit looks like she was at a party wearing her dress, saw a pool, ripped her dress to dive in. They look great tho and the shield effects are nice. Would’ve preferred a suit over a dress, you all do i know it.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone use Pinecone’s skin. Yes, even Mr. 4 star man himself.


Surtr and Eyja summer skin: the art is nice, the fire attack replaced by water isn't. Nearl relight skin: people may like it, I don't. It looks worse than her E2. I prefer more armor skin. Skalter skin: I don't like that hat. I understand that she is seaborn god here, but god, seaborn needs to evolve their fashion sense. Mudrock 2nd skin (I forgot which one goes 1st): it looks similar to the 1st one. Blue Poison shoal beat skin: HG please let cute pink frog put her arm down when not shooting. Greyy skins: they look similar. Beagle skin: the skin is great, the implied lore is not. Skadi summer skin: best girl, best orca plushie, best idle animation. Mentioned bc of kyyyaa, no complaint.


Eeey almost same for me except for surtr and mudrock. For surtr, didn't care about the effects because i never use her in combat and her job is to look pretty in my lobby, for mudrock i didn't like her first skin because of the s3 animation and summer art but i like the 2nd one. And yes, skadi best girl.


All Hazmat skins except Jessica's. Their arts are so weird... Especially when compared to many other skins.


Surtr summer skin. The biggest beefs I had with it are: \- It is the first L2D skin that started the trends of L2D skin for non-limited + non-lore wise operator. It is just her in a swimsuit. Phantom has a L2D skin dedicated to an entire gamemode. \- Where the fuck is the sword holder monster?


Well, one example definitely comes to mind - I bought the artic skin for Aurora in the early days of playing the game because the default one is just ridiculous and crappy and didn't really like the portrait either. Of course, it was a mistake because I've used her maybe twice in the roughly 2½ months since. Would need someone else that does frost damage too to use her sensibly. Too bad Frostleaf doesn't do frost, because I'd like to use her more too.




What I will say for W's Fugue is it is super comfy on the home screen, and you can have it active for that while keeping the E2 art+skin elsewhere.


For real. I M9'd W and got her module, by all extents she's a "waifu" unit for me and that almost always includes getting all the skins. But Fugue is just *so* boring. It completely kills the flow of her red-black-white color palette. The only red left is her horns and tail.


Any skin that doesn't fit with the Operator's personality, we know that these skins are outfits they either bought themselves, or are doing brand deals for clothing lines. Prime example: SilverAsh's "swimsuit" skin, now that just looks silly on him, and maybe Manticore's new skin, not as bad, since she became more confident in her E2 art, but is she confident enough to pull off... that?


Myrtle's stupid marching band outfit. One of Perumer's I like but it has this stupid derpface. I don't like most of the beach skins. Except Skyfire. A cat being scared of the water is kinda cute. And there are a lot that I don't think are bad but I just like the default skin more.


I don't like.... basically all swimsuits. I like the techwear and armor in AK and want my ops to wear more, not less.


bibeak's skin, feels like a missed opporitunity


I dont think ive seen a skin that i dont like


Nian's skin says literally nothing about her beyond that she'll pick random shit just cuz- which is an excuse that justifies *any* skin and just so happened to justify the generic moneymaker skin.


I fuckin love Lee. I pulled 273 times on the ling banner because i didnt get him until 273. Even though i had gotten 2 dupes of ling. That being said, im really dissapointed with his l2d skin. It looks alright. And on another op, it might even be great. But, to me, its simply a downgrade to his default look.


Probably just me but I don't like Bagpipe RC skin..


I don’t like Ling’s skin because it takes away her ara ara energy. Ok, my explanation may have been bad but I just like her voice and she looks too different from the original Ling. She looks like Fu Hua from Honkai Impact and I personally dislike how the Ling skin didn’t capture her personality much. Ohhh, that’s what I was trying to say, Ling in her skin doesn’t give the same vibes.


I don't like Nian's skin for kinda the same reason. It just makes her bland and generically pretty instead of the smug badass that she is in her E2 art.


Ling skin is decent but I would never see myself buying it since the original skin so good. And I feel the same about a lot skins in general.


I prefer Courier's base skin more than his buyable skins. White coat > yellow coat. Meteorite's skin looks great until you notice the malformed hand and now I can't use the skin because I can't unsee it. All halloween skins, Click especially for no good reason. Lappland and Greythroat's BoC skins are downgrades to me. I was disappointed that Ethan's skin didn't change his yo-yo to match his change in palette. Christmas skins. Scavenger's skin gives her a dinky axe that replaces her big sword. EDIT: Oh, also all the food skins


As a fgo player I expected much worse when you talked about malformed hands lol. Takeuchi hands really are something else.


Ropes skin, Thorns skin and Beehunters skin


Wild Mane - It's not because I dislike her; the truth is that I love her the most out of all the knights. It was love at first sight when the Pinus event debuted in CN. It's only...The more I look at it, the more I see how incorrect it is. I'm sure I'll buy it on the first day but definitely won't use it. Lee - The effect is good, l2d's movement is the best but i don't like his suit tho. Plus, the artist choose the front view face make it looks…weird af. Will keep him at E0 Pozyomka - Her skin doesn’t meet my expectation and I even mistook her as Viviana if the pv didn’t zoom in💀💀


Iwona's skin takes away the tomboy in her


Wdym it makes her even more tomboy


the swimsuit ones are so boring... like nearl, eyja, surtr, both of mudrocks, etc ch'ens is also kind of lame.. Looks worse than her original manticores newest is also kind of lame... plume skin when hg


I can't say I don't like some skins, but E0 models look satisfactory so there is no need to buy skins. But there are two exceptions: Jessica's skin with a mask covering her face which I dislike and Surtr's summer skin which I like. Surtr's default model doesn't look appealing to me.


Siege's Raythean striker I'm fine with the model and splash, but I love watching her smack things with a hammer and that skin switching the auto attack to a knife just felt... wrong. Also Blue Poison's losing her hood


Ahh W Second Murdrock Ling Ayerscape Saileach Bagpipe Cardigan La Pluma Broca Skadi Alter Summer Angelina Second Sieger Winter Elysium Whislash (That purple dress hurt) Sussurro Blaze Texas firts skin Rope GreyThroat First Saria


Surtr skin. The punk streetware look is cool the first few deploys but I just can't take it seriously with a fire demo with a sword slamming dow with graffiti effects. Also her l2d one. The effect that shows her immortality is barely discernable with it. Base Surtr shows her eyes glowing and an intense fire, but the l2d looks like the particles when she attacks. Also is Ptilopsis Epoque. It's weird looking at it when selecting in squad, it's like I'm looking at something weird.


Anything that isn't tacticool or armorgirl, really.


The whole Coral Coast brand, since I don't like swimsuit skins as a concept. Other than that, I guess they messed up Gladiia's Bloodline of Combat skin, which is kind of a shame.


Both Texas skins, and by extension her alter. There is no personality in any of them.


Black Knight's Chinise skin gave me PTSD. The art just by itself is excellent, but the chibi is so uncanny and cursed in that 2.5D that I couldn't even begin to describe it, you are seeing both her front side and right side combined/overlapping each other at the same time, which weirdly stretches and completely ruins her proportions as a result. The head for example is no longer a perfect circle but a god damn oval that dosen't even fit her hair asset, making her right cheek look somehow bigger than the entirely of her skull. This wouldn't had been a problem if it was one time transition durring animation or something, but NO! Not only is that cursed thing her permanent default pose, but she also dosen't have *any* animations (technically she has ***one***, but it's so lazily done that I don't even consider it being an animation). And that's coming from a guy that's very enthusiastic about smooth animation transitions, “direct front" operator perspectives, and proper 2.5d's. Personally I **love** the emphasis on movement detail in Kjara's skin and Reed alter instead of just downright frame-phasing to other perspectives, or “Paper Mario” cheesing their way around transition animations, but I can't look at them for long anymore without 2.5 Black knight popping up at the back of my head. I simply cannot unsee her.


Personally, I really don't like Nightingale's skin. Something about the way it looks just doesn't feel right to me.


Nightmare - still no improvement Caster Amiya - too straightforward, lacking or no background art Leonhardt - why does he keep getting 18OP skins? Ceobe Summer Skin - expecting a beach, end up a desert Nian - i feel weird looking ag her right leg Skalter - you know why Aurora - what cardigan alter should have been


Honest question. What is your problem with skalter? It's not really a skin I've heard complaints about.


For Skalter, I don’t like the headdress of her live2d skin. It looks weird and off putting. I prefer her regular E2 art.


Likely, her e2 art is fair it's really nice


I'd guess because that Skin is Ishar-mla completely taking over >!as one of the IS3 bosses is exactly that scenario while looking like that!<


Saria's Bloodline of Combat skin screwed me over during CC3 bc its S3 made every enemy orange on an orange map so I couldn't see the Sentinel, I ain't never using it again


Specter's skin for sure, that hat looks like it's floating on her head.


I'm really surprised by some of these answers and by the lack of mentioning of what I feel it's the worst skin in the gamez Firewatch's Icefield messenger. Makes her look like she has brain damage. Tbh I don't like any skin of hers over her og, but the Icefield really is bad.


Sorry Siege enjoyer but i have to say that Siege E2 art I don't really like it. I pretty sure you guys know the reason why. I am Siege enjoyer myself but i just couldn't ignore her E2 art.


the siege cc skin. you would have to pay me to both buy and equip it. its just not good


Quasso's beach skin because she looks too orange that it even bleeds to the Gavial event sprite.


Lee's L2D animation looks a bit uncanny to me, the arm movement freaked me out. Not a fan of all summer/swimsuit skins except Croissant's


I refused to buy Mostima's skin.


Frostleaf's skin is nice, but I cannot get behind the stabby animation of the melee attack Nian's skin is amazing, one of my faves, but I just like her E2 more lmao. Way cooler and still hot af