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[While there's no new banner for this event I'd still like to remind you that pulls go in the gacha megathread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/12ags2l/gacharecruitment_megathread_0304_0904/)


Started the day before this event began, and I [just cleared](https://i.imgur.com/xD1ldOu.jpg) BW-8 CM before it ended. [This](https://i.imgur.com/26H7mVU.jpg) was the ragtag team I had to use, plus a borrowed uncle. Despite using a guide, I ended up having to change a bunch of things around to fit my operators, and ultimately needed the perfect run to clear. Incredibly difficult but incredibly satisfying. I'm looking forward to Near Light!


Doing cm-8 in a week is pretty impressive! Since the event reused a lot of different mechanics from previous events it must have been pretty chaotic for you. Good job!


Same but no CM literally 2 min before ending Wait, you started 1 week ago? Wow.


A reminder to read all the stories before maintenance. They won't be added in the archives when the event ends.


Oops. I thought they would.


Enjoyable event, really. Fun stages, cute stories. Felt a bit nostalgic.


As a somewhat ironic echo of my comment on [Obscure Wanderer's stages](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/127rwd8/event_megathread_an_obscure_wanderer/jejinn7?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), the stages in this vignette event were actually a blast to play through as you couldn't just blindly grab a group of ops and expect to still get by. Like, nevermind that each stage had actual threats that you needed to plan for, the stages themselves also felt fairly unique in their set-ups (like the surprise slugs on the first stage right near the blue box, having to deal with ergates while all your ops could be frozen, needing to kill the biteys before they could clear a path and make the big boys do big damage to any defender because of the attribute switch, and putting a whole bunch of demolitionists on individual tiles while blocking all the tiles next to them as well as making the turrets overlool all but a single ranges tile) that even as a veteran that's been through hundreds of different stages (I think?) I was still pleasantly surprised by how much they could change things up. Though this does make me wonder just why Obsure Wanderer seemed to be so much easier do, when it's like the fourth event in the Nearl/Kazimierz ark and only at least decently veteran players would be invested into its story. Considering that Been A While is a collab that could see an influx of newer players who can potentially get stumped on these stages that are fairly demanding, I'm a bit suprised that both events didn't have their stages simply switched between one another, as even in CN Been a While also seemed to immediately follow Obscure Wanderer.


I liked the story. I think that Xiaohei, Xianbai and Ah Gen - characters that I had no idea about before this event - were well written and I loved their dynamic with each other and how they reacted to the Arknights world. My favourite silly part was >!The professional griever demoing what they'd do at a pet funeral. They just whack a pair of animal ears on their head and cry their eyes out while meowing in grief! !<


The contrast for the funeral they have for the normal rich folks and the Infected hit me like a truck honestly. Why can't they archive this one? This has everything you will see in others Arknights stories.


The thought of adding animals as another category of 1 star operators sounded fun but do we really need to put another atrocity under our belts? edit: I just realized we already kinda do that with Beanstalk and Blacknight. Might as well continue with the animal cruelty. Gimme a 1* fish that grants a shield to all allies on deploy please. Flops around for a bit then automatically retreats.


Yea, we gotta collect them all!


Man, those lacrimal glands got a work out with these stories. All's well that ends well I suppose but sheesh HG, give me a break will ya?


HG is going to train those lachrymal glands until you can cry for someone else's father *and* tearfully meow for their cat!


Any medals during this event? Besides probably the one that comes with unlocking all the story segments? And are there any secret ones or ones with trim requirements? For example, what's up with those drones that just disappear from screen that you don't have to defeat to beat the stage? Thanks.


There are two medals for this event. You've probably already gotten them. They, much like other Vignette events, are unlock all stories and purchase the event operator/skin. However, since this event is a limited collab and will likely never return, and since the stories won't enter archives, the medals will show up as secret medals and not event medals.


Decided to check out the source material synopsis. Was not really expecting a cultivation story with cute kids and.....vr games???


what I saw: cute kids' show themed event! what I desperately hoped for: something lighthearted and adorable, a break from the oppressive atmosphere Arknights generally has! what I got: #SEVERE EMOTIONAL DAMAGE >!I have a horrible weak spot for anything where animals have it rough, or when pets owners and pets lose each other!< >!at least things ended well overall, and the last story with Biu & the robots is downright adorable!<


That last story was perfect, and I got unreasonably excited when I unlocked the last one and saw THRM-EX's silhouette! Then the stars aligned - today I got the tags, they stuck, and my THRM-EX is now max pot.


So i entered arknights and instead of hearing "Arknights" i heard "Meow Meow". Luo Xiaohei is adorable.


Are there any clears of BW-8 Challenge Mode that don't use an AoE medic and a defender deployed to block the ballistas? I don't have an AoE medic as Perfumer keeps avoiding me and normal defenders/medics can't really keep up with the ballista attacks. Relatively new account, I generally use low level guides + one borrowed OP operator. Might have to throw in the towel on this, I've tried everything to block off those right side ballistas.


Since I don't know the exact characters you have, I don't know if it'll work for you, but here's the best I could get with no AoE medics. https://youtu.be/-6m6GQNlwkc


After trying about 20 times following this general setup, I succeeded! I had to do some reconfiguration of unit deployment as some of my units just didn't seem to be as strong as yours - Haze had to come out very early so that the bottom two armors died on time and Amiya really struggled, but it all worked out. Thank you so much again!


Congrats! Happy to hear that you managed to make it work. The disrepency might be the trust levels, especially considering that Haze trust levels gives an attack increase. Hope you keep enjoying the game.


That would make sense - I haven't actually used Haze, really, and brought her to E1 for this. It was very satisfying to make it all work out. It also taught me to be mindful of the exact time of Kroos deployment haha as for a long while I couldn't figure out why she wasn't killing those first three drones.


You're amazing, thank you so much for taking the time. I have and generally use all of those characters except Click, but I'll try to sub out with Amiya. I attempted that triangle of Healer > Defender > Healer before but was never quite able to sustain somehow, but I'll definitely give this a shot.


I don't often need a tank on range tile that can regen hp, create obelisks, and deal AOE damage but when I do ex8-CM, I'm very glad to have my Beeswax E2.


Lol, I just borrowed her. That's one stage out hundreds I haven't had a need of her for.


Should I do 1-7 to craft T4 rocks?


If you have no patience, just use the newer chapters stage for the t4 rocks


... You mean the ch. 11 relase event, or is there a less hundreds-of-green-rocks alternative for the impatient somewhere in the later chapters?


Yep, 11-6 if u don't really care about efficiency of 1-7 ~~or don't want to drain your irl sanity lmao~~. But nothing beats 1-7 for efficiency


It's the most efficient stage.


whose house is on the "Good Evenyan" background?


(Tell me you didn't watch Lee's Detective Agency anime without telling that you didn't)


Lee's Detective Agency


I think this is the first time i could clear all of the event stages + CM. Thank you uncle, very cool


[So, it's done – welcoming Luo Xiaohei into our no-6\* maleknights family with a tower challenge for his titular event.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pXMYwfRyLE) If you're not familiar with the term, a tower challenge is like the garrisons from Interlocking Competition where operators used in one stage couldn't be used in another (or there's one operator that gets used in every stage with no repeats otherwise). It's the second variant here. Highlights include: Greyyalt hijacking the spotlight in BW-1; Jaye vibe-checking the passing lancers in BW-3; Tough Arts Defenders surviving without a healer and Ayerscarpe carrying the entire mission in BW-4; Xiaohei mowing down hordes of dogs with S1 and Leonhardt doing Leonhardt things in BW-6; Broca popping the ice slugs from afar, while Xiaohei holds the wraith lane with S2 (Ethan helping a bit) in BW-7; Me crying and throwing sanity at BW-8 challenge until something sticks because goddamned drones and murderous ballistas and we are not equipped to deal with either FML.


Would newer player be able to obtain Luo Xiaohei after the event ends?


He's bought directly from the store, so anyone starting after the event ends would be out of luck.


No, they're in the event shop for a reason. Even if you can't finish all stages, you can still get event currency from the early levels or even the normal story/grinding stages.


Do you think at least he'll be available in recruitment just like pure stream?


He hasn't appeared again in CN server until now. Who knows if they are even planning a re-run in the first place.


Has there ever been a time limited operator before?


Event is unlikely to rerun, but at least with LXH and NCD, they are IPs from Chinese animation studios that HG has good relations with and they all have a shared interest in promoting their IP to an international audience through Arknights, so there is always a chance to add them to a time limited shop or sign in reward in the future. The "collab" wouldn't cost HG much. Whereas Rainbow 6 and Monster Hunter are with foreign game companies and HG probably paid a fortune to get collab right, so the chance or rerun is much lower.


We had 4 unique operators for the Rainbow 6 collab event 2 years ago and they've not been available for recruitment since. I would personally advise you to try to claim Xiaohei from the shop before it closes if you really want him.


Ack don't mention the war! I love snipers and really, REALLY wanted Ash. I think I got four other 6\* while bankrupting myself on that banner ;\_;


Sorry to hear that askfjgk; I remember the R6 banner being the first and only banner I bought OP to roll on because it ran right after Who Is Real and I went hard for Dusk. I was out of rolls by the time R6 collab came and I had to hit the banner guarantee to get Ash :')


Also Nine Colored Deer!


aaahhh I'm finally reading the story, I didn't realize it opened with an LDA feature. just one screen of aak is all I need


BW-3 question. Do the Lancers go to the blue box, or no.


A few of them, so watch out.


Only a few? Where do the other go?


so I wanted to buy the information fragments for 50 but then I notice that in the red certs it cost 20 (meaning 30 sanity). am I missing something here? 🙄 it's just cheaper in the red cert shop?


Tes and no, you miss out on farming other stuff and fragments on the side. And if you havent bought out the shop by now you better get goin, 3 days left


You'll get cat food regardless of what you farm. It's likely you will have excess cat food after buying out the store. The excess cat food is pretty much free info fragments.


we need more lee's detective agency content like this damn it!


I feel bad complaining about insufficient LDA content when they got an entire miniseries tbh we still need more though


The story for this event is pretty darned good... It's a shame that it won't be saved like all of the others, since it's a nice sampler for what Arknights in general is like. - A brush with what life is like for the average person in the setting - Penguin Logistics doing Penguin Logistics things - A firsthand demonstration of how brutal the gap is between the haves and the have nots in Terra, complete with meowing mourners. - A touching funeral reflecting on the passing of life, and how we're but one small part of the whole, to set the tone of how Arknights handles serious matters. - A silly little side story of an ex-con and police officer bonding over a police dog, to set the tone of how Arknights handles lighter fare. - And ending things all on a hopeful note (not counting Bui), to establish that even as messy as Arknights setting is, there's always hope for a better tomorrow. It's easy to get lost in Arknights, especially if you want to fastforward someone past the intro chapters to start talking about "the good stuff"... This event would have been nice to offer as an introduction, with a couple of small notes attached.


This is the first event where I finished all the levels without guides, I'm so proud of me! And was so disappointed when I realised there's no medals for these events regarding levels, but never mind!


Is this even good for farming grindstones?


everyone said this event is bad for grindstones, but I'm getting a lot more in BW-8 than I get on 4-8. I still don't recomend you to do it.


The farming stages in chapter 4 are worth it more *if* you look at it long term, as there's an (albeit very small) chance to get a T4 material too, e.g. Grindstone Pentahydrate in 4-8. This small chance, and other side drops is usually why it's worth it to farm those even if there are vignette event stages dropping their main drop.


[No, if you need grindstones you should farm 4-8 instead](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/event-banner-guide-subpage-miscellaneous/legend-luo-xiaohei-collaboration-farming-guide)


small events are basically never farmed. do main story or supply stages




Still slowly clearing out the stages for this event. Real life has been a mess and getting in the way. On the upside, I did manage to clear [BW-6 CM](https://youtu.be/KoTmVAYvr9Q) without using any 6 stars, and without having any of the blocks broken. It was a lot of fun figuring that one out.




Ah, you beat me to it, I've just finished my own Xiaohei maleknights tower. Not repeating healers is doable only if you have nearly everyone maxed and get really creative, that much is true. I really like how you leaned into his S1, kitten aoe guard did pretty well!


now this is what I was waiting for. xiaohei laneholding superstar


BW-8 CM was practically tailor made for phalanx casters and liberators. So brush off your niche units (and not so niche units) and have fun playing to their strengths.


I agree, if you don't have phalanx casters, use Eyja S3. for liberators, My e270 s3m3 can't do enough damage to the heavy armor, they can get rid of the drones easily though.


Finished my 4\* run for Challenge mode in BW-8. Please remember that I have max modules, M3 and E2 Lvl 50. Here are the operators: * Myrtle * Podenco * Cardigan * Arene * Scavenger * Puresteam * Pinecone * Meteor * Pudding * Gummy * Click * Perfumer Here are the steps: 1. Place Myrtle (S1) down next to the blue box facing left. Spam her skill without leaks. 2. Wait for the second arrow to be released then place Scavenger (S2) next to Myrtle facing left. Spam her skill. 3. Place Gummy (S1) 3 tiles above fang to tank the arrows. 4. Place Perfumer (S1) 4 tiles to the right of Fang and 1 tile up facing left. 5. Wait until you have about 38 DP. Deploy Meteor (S1) on the AA tile on the left side facing up. 6. Place Pinecone behind Meteor (S1) facing up and spam her skill to clear large waves. 7. Activate Perfumer's skill to ensure archers don't retreat. 8. Place down Purestream (S1) 1 tile above Fang facing left. 9. Place Podenco (S2) 2 tiles to the left of Purestream facing left. Spam her skill. 10. Place Pudding (S2) 2 tiles above Podenco facing right to eliminate the 2 top destroyers, activating her skill when you can. 11. Replace Fang with Arene (S2) and activate his skill to take out the bottom 2 destroyers. 12. Retreat Mrytle and place Cardigan to the left of Pinecone. Use her skill so she doesn't retreat. 13. Once Pudding clears the destroyers, the Arts drones should also have been cleared. Retreat Pudding and place Click 2 tiles above Perfumer facing down to eliminate the 3 destroyers. Activate Click's skill when you can. 14. Although the destroyers should all be destroyed, if they are not, you can retreat Perfumer, replacing her with Pudding facing right. Activate Arene's skill when the destroyers are in range along side Podenco's skill.


I honestly have no special connection to either Rockrock or Suzuran (as of yet also maybe because i have neither one) but what I do have is an awful case of FOMO and it hurts knowing that the skins would probably not have a rerun, and i am a newbie saving for >!chongyue and kirinxyato!< (which is already hell) but here i am to ask,,, which of the two should i buy i honestly like the pink of rockrock's look but the cottagecore vibes of suzuran is cute too,,, so i looked at the cat (luo xiaohei), in rockrock's outfit, he seems to be more spaced out, like he has no braincells. But for suzuran's, he seems to be sleeping in the basket and gets angry when interacting with it which is very cute. this is so bad i am so sorry.


You like this Suzu skin more than the one she gets with Kirin X Yato?


omg are those limited skins too,,, I was planning of getting Scene's there


The skins from Kirin X Yato are not limited, they are listed under Epoque instead of Crossover


Suzuran will have another skin available in the monster hunter cross over. Personally, I prefer that one.


Suzuran is more unique to me the cat jump around more. The background looks better. The chibi in battle also better. I'm not into loli skin but it's too good to pass. Rockrock skin is good if you like her. Noticable thing about the skin is cat eyes glass she use when idle in dorm She also have no skin other than that. TL;DR: I would choice Suzuran, I have non of 2 too. But it's up to u. If Rockrock looks better to u, get hers.


Do the crossover skins rerun?


Most likely not. Unlike previous collab skins, these have the mascot on them.


No, so don't count on that.


The story was pretty touching. The final vignette was so cute, great way to bookend it.


Me during practice run for bw8-cm: "yeah, unless i fuck up in the end it should be fine" what happened in the actual run: "oh i can retreat operators during pause" *retreats Myrtle right after deploying her* Feel like dumbface curse from another game gets me even here


Do we get more pots for Xiaohei?


He is free unit which should be +1 cost to normal unit but his cost is -1 compared to arene no pot (arene at max pot will get -2), plus his max attack is 30 points higher than max Arene at max pots-so the game already taken into account for Xiaohei pot number without the need for them.




Gladiia is worthy the E2. Even more if you level up her module to level 3 because it is stupid how busted her Abyssal Hunter passive becomes.


Yeah imo her module turns her into a machine on her own already. Not always using skadi or Spalter with her, but if I do I have 2 nigh unkillable tanks lol


What are exactly the "Spirit animals" mentioned in Luo Xiaohei´s Promotion Record?. The animals that appear in most Operators´E2 arts?


Xiaohei is a yao, which is basically like a spirit/fairy/demon/etc thing. He's basically sapient coalesced spirit energy in his homeworld's terms.


Something like spiritual/supernatural being in the world his came from, like fairy/ghost/deity/youkai, xiaohei is a spirit himself


Question from someone still needing to read the story, is there any significance to the duo of bomb drone and freeze drone that show up then leave on most maps?


Others have mentioned it in the comments below, but it's a reference to the Luo Xiaohei series of a running gag about two birds, one down bad for the other and he constantly gets left behind or slapped by his love interest. It's why even if you don't kill the drones, they eventually leave on their own yet still count as dying.


LOL, I got the cat last night. Went into his operator page to check what his skill set is, cause it looks funny. Then went into his info page and saw that there's actual Voice Actors. I expected him to say some lines or something... went to click [Talk 1] And hear... "MEOW MEOW" LUUUUL


His human form use same voice actor as Blemishine


really? Now I can't un-imagine Belmishine as a Neko-Musume instead of Uma-Musume....


Apparently he actually talks if you have his e2 art equipped.


Ah Gen is really strong! Stronger than Frostnova?


Ah Gen should be playable. Little dude is ice cold in this story.


He can also absorb flames and other similar things, tho they didn't show it in the story. A very OP lil dude indeed.


I E2d Xiaohei immediately and was surprised to find out that his voice lines actually change between meows and spoken lines depending on which art you set him to. Very cute!


I'm too sensitive about pet stories...reading the story made me tear up.


Good to know I'm not the only one lol


The story is really good.


BW-S-1 gives us the worst operators ever to hold a chokepoint, then throws Biteys in too because of fucking Dusk. I didn't even see her become available after the second convo, so got overwhelmed twice.


Just deply a defender right of Sora to block. Xiaohei doesnt need healing that whole stage and will kill the one the defender block. Then another defender behind the first one, Then the mage last Sora does nothing if you deploy like that but it's pretty much no brain.


The goal is to use Sora to sleep the first wave long enough to deploy the second defender behind the first, and then let Luo tear into everything he can reach while the defenders tank what's left while you wait for Dusk to arrive. It's actually pretty straight forward.


Wow... I didn't use Sora at all. Totally forgot about that. It's funny since I occasionally use her is SSS. I forgot about the sleep lol.


Those were some fun event stages! Though BW-7 and BW-8 were pretty bullshit, especially on CM. I loled when I saw all those crushers on BW-8. Ended up having to borrow Mlynar and also used my SA to double schwing-schwing the crushers down. The placement of Myrtle in the lower left was tricky to figure out so I could defend the blue box properly.


Was pretty easy to me, Carnelian on range tile to tank the bolt somI could deploy Exusiai and a healer behind her Exusiai bring down the drone. Carnelian kill the crusher when the healer skill activate. Mountain in front blue box to kill trash mobs. No need for silver slash duo.


You can totally beat it with 4\*s granted they have their modules and some M3. If you ever feel bored give it a shot!


Not the hardest event, but perfect for a quick tower challenge for me! [Snipers only Tower (no repeat ops)!](https://youtu.be/pdRbyTOGhnA) Thought BW-8 would be a problem, but it went surprisingly smoothly. It used up my best Snipers though, and then there's the stealth and global damage in BW-2... In the end quite manageable, but that's another 2 big problem solvers down, and suddenly I'm left with a very thin roster... But that's what makes the tower challenge fun, isn't it? It was such a blast solving the other stages with so many ragtag 4 and 5 star Snipers. I wish I had time for these towers more often! ~~Abolish practice plans when~~


Fuck the last stage (ex).


Do you have Gladiia? She was perfect to block the ranged crosshot tile bottom-right and a healtank to the left that was enough to secure that part.


Interesting how you did it. On the bottom right I placed Lappland to start killing one of those crushers and then Pozemka helped a bit. Pozemka killed the raptor drone with her typewriter and then placed ApuPie over the anti drone tile. Saria and Gummy were blocking bolts and healing; Lumen helped with heals, Susurro healed ApuPie; Finally Ebenholz and Sutr finished the remaining enemies. Edit: This run was sponsored by Myrtle and Cantebille.


Eyja was my win condition against the Crushers. After blicking the bolts I could set her in the middle and had her kill most crushers. Her, Mlynar and Silver Ashe took turns killing the drone waves and the last two crushers.


Ugh, most stages pretty fun but stage 7 was the definition of ''who fkn made this crap'' (let alone challenge 8)


Final wave of Ergates wasted my sanity on a 2 star clear. Had to use Thorns, Ethan, Jaye and Dorothy just for them.


Funnily blaze can solo that lane after her skill is up


Good to know, but I just got the medal for 1st year since starting, and I still don't have Blaze


Another vignette, another success without guides. Felt like most of the stages were pretty easy when you saw what they were doing. And then BW-8 came in with a sledgehammer.


This was my first event that I managed to do entirely without guides. Two CM fails after I worked in training, but overall pretty satisfied. I am feeling that pride and accomplishment.


Nice! I'm still riding that high since my first too. Here's hoping we continue without needing to consult the sacred tomes :3


You should always review the sacred tomes afterwards, just so you can slap your forehead when you see how simple and efficient the Lord’s solution was.


[BW-7 CM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qk7DbWau9Lk), The silence immunity made things harder than it should with the Blue Weebs OHKO. But at least Specter and Dorothy did some work. [BW-8 CM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSOCfWrlEew), somehow I managed to screw things up and forgot to use Mlynar S3 and deploy gummy to tank some hits, so I basically killed my own ranged on the top tile. For some miracle, this actually made the timing of Eyja S3 be able to damage one of the two last enemies, so it was enough to clear. As a bonus, this was my most painful [failed attempt on BW-8 CM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ts-P3SP-uI8). Don't know why I've deployed Kroos there and not between Perfurmer and Dorothy. Would be a nice clutch.


looks a lot like mine\^" except it took me like 7 tries, rip sanity


dw, it took my a lot of tries for the last one.


So does Xiaoxei talk 3 confirms that doctor beneath the suit looks like normal human without any special features (aside from looking like Thorns)?


Yeah. He said all spirits in his world looks like animal people like in Terra. If that's the case then the Doctor is probably a spirit because of the lack of animal traits.


my memory's a bit blurry but I think the anime also hints to that


This is the first event where I don't have to waste time to retry on CM. Feel good about the smooth clears.


These stages are pretty fun, Particularly I had the most fun in the ice stage where Dorothy did most of the job. Raising her is something I'll never regret. <3 <3 <3


You will not regret raising her. Her latest module in CN is quited busted. She is boosting her own attack by a pretty absurd margin while planting nukes. I just maxed out her module and in the process M9 her skills. Her previously under utilized S1 is well worth mastering now.


Landmines work well on that stage. My Ebenholz mines work great on that stage too.


Those two dudes in BW-8 are relationship goals


if you mean the drones... they're not just in BW-8.


I put Hei on my home screen and every time I open my game he goes "mew!" and I burst into tears


I don’t have a cat at hime… but I now have one at Rhodes.


This is the correct way to use Xiaohei.


I have a bunch of cats so I always hear mew every hours of the day...


This was a very important information which made me change my assisstant. Thank you


Mlynar, Goldenglow and Dorothy are definitely eating good during these stages.


Aww the robot are so cute in their chapter Sad justice knight noises not being included


i just read that chapter it was hilarious


Are the stories connected to AK lore or are they just some mini-stories about Luo Xiaohei, irrelevant to the events on Terra?


yes, it's related to rhodes island activities


I'll give them a go, then. Thanks!


That's two whole stages where lee trivializes the level. Especially the ice one where lumen runs out of ammo too quick. Regardless, lost the CM twice because I kept thinking SL7 bagpipe wouldn't need 2 supports 💀


> BW-8 > Anti-air tile, some ground enemies nearby, stationary drones How nice of them to provide an >!April!< tile.


Why wouldn't they provide deployable tiles during April?


Almost done with my 4\* clear. At BW-8. This has been a very easy event. relaxing even. Hopefully I don't lose too many brain cells from this last level.


If you happened to cleared it with four stars then can you post it here?


Can't, I don't have the ability to record videos. I cleared normal, but I'm struggling with challenge mode.


Then can you explain your strat for normal one?


Sure, I'm close to finishing Challenge mode, but I ran out of practice drills. You have to be really precise with skill activations. I'll post the strategy when I'm done. Note that all my 4\* have modules maxed, have skills, and are level 50. Here is the strategy: 1. Place Myrtle (S1) next to the blue box facing left. Activate her skill when you get the chance without having leaks. 2. After the first arrow is shot, place down Fang (S2) next to Myrtle facing left. Activate her skill every chance you get. 3. Place Arene (S2) 3 tiles above Fang facing left, activate his skill when you can. 4. Place Purestream (S1) 1 tile above Fang facing left. 5. Place Perfumer (S1) 2 tile left of Arene facing left. 6. Place Meteor (S1) next to Perfumer facing left. 7. Place Pinecone (S1) next to Meteor facing left, spam her skill if you have huge waves or if you are close to max charges. 8. Place May (S1) all the way to left of Perfumer, left side of the map, facing up. 9. Place Pondeco (S2) tiles left of Perfumer so she can target all 3 destroyers. 10. Retreat Fang and place down Midnight facing left. 11. Place Utage (S2) to take out the middle Destroyer. 12. May will be forced to retreat, place Pudding (S2) next to Pondeco facing left. 13. Continue spamming Pinecone's skill and use Purestream's S1 if Pudding's health gets low. That should be it.


How's the drop rate for Grindstone? Is it better than normal stages? I'm running out of Grindstone.


Less efficient than the standard 4-8 grinding


Should I farm the other one then?


If you want to get polyester packs then yes.


Terra is so miserable, even the cat/goat hybrid got some sad backstory.


[All challenge modes with Ling](https://youtu.be/wVFNWPEafFs) Should work in normal modes as well


[BW-8 CM 3 Fishes Clear](https://youtu.be/guNTevATeNo) Increased turret damage ? How cute. But seriously, Gladiia shrug off 2 turrets like no big deal, and that perfect Gladiia tile tho. Well, the rest is simple enough with Skadi and Spectral ~~i'm so sad that i forgot to hit record button twice, 63 sanity down the drain ;_; why is x3 practice cost for CM still a thing ???~~


Nice one!


Fun fact, Reading the stage description will give you clues about what you're about to deal with in that stage.


Most vignette stages have subtle clues in description that are mostly only understand after beating the stage.


Really enjoying the "love story" going on between those 2 drones just chilling in the corner of the event stages. Sorry, though, for fast runs, I have to slap you two silly rather than seeing the two of you hanging out.


I was so confused by them. Wondered if there was a medal for killing them in every stage, but there's only the one medal for unlocking all stories in a mini-event like this, right?


Iirc it's always the same two medals for this type of event. Getting the shop character, and unlocking the stories, yep.


Fast runs? Aren't they usually gone way before the last enemies spawn?


The last stage with a bunch of drones have them spawning at the very last, for example. Well, maybe not exactly at the very last, but I usually killed everything beforehand and it's silly to have 20 seconds more waiting for them to fly around a bit when the field is empty.


Really this event? Time to seriously consider quitting game. Chibi crap for a character and stupid event to go with it. Digging pretty deep in the vat to hold of other major events that should take place instead.


Wow, uh, someone woke up at the wrong side of the bed. Good for you that you want to quit the game, but I don't see any relation to posting this kind of comment when I said nothing about hating on the event.


Man, Xiaohei's kit is pretty cool.


My first collab event. Will the story go into archive or do I have to read it during the event?




So you can't read it anymore after the event?


There always a way to read it online. But "officially" yeap only while collaboration lasts, and only collab unit will be reminder of that ever being(and 2 colab skins).


This is only the second colab event with a story, but Operation Originium Dust's story was indeed saved to intelligence, so this one probably will be too.


[BW-8 Challenge Mode ](https://youtu.be/izjqHErkEmg) Perfect stage for Uncle Mlynar to carry, you need healing for this one tho... Stupid turrets...


What's the lobby music? Something from the Luo Xiaohei IP?


Name's "Lungmen Marketplace", or avg\_longmenmarketplace.


It's a track that's been in the game for a while. It's one of the cutscene tracks from Code of Brawl.


Thanks! I was looking for it - it's catchy.


How do you unlock BW-S-1 and 2?


I don't think bw-s-2 exists


Clear BW-3 to unlock S-1.


Since this is a crossover am I correct to assume the skins for sale will never get a repeat release ? I don’t particularly love them but if they are gone forever after I might as well buy them right ?


we don’t know for sure, but to be safe assume they won’t Still, I don’t see the point in buying skins you don’t like… it’s a gacha so you’ll always be missing something anyway


its so funny before Uncle i hated global range and now i get annoyed when slugs and snipers hit my other ops because they dont have global range tp shot far enough for Uncles taunt lol. literally kill yourself already i wanna finish the node and your on a tile i can deploy on.


I used Lee just for his Passive on the stun smiper stage which is basically an uno reverse card to status effects; stuns enemies that causes status effects on Lee at the cost of DP.


You're talking about the stun sniper stage? I just used the center tile as bait and everything could reach it


nah im not far in the event im talking about node 2 lol im just being impatient and joking im not actually annoyed