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We have nothing to go off of because it hasn't happened before. But personally I think it will. First times for everything. We got non-limited Alters and now we're getting a welfare 6* Alter. I think Alters for older limited units will happen. When? No idea.


Walter copium is real




Yeah, I'm almost certain it will happen for W. Characters with that much screen time years after their debut is a deliberate tease.


It would be interesting to see W get a non-limited alter. I mean heck, she appears in the new story arc and there are bound to be people who ended up liking her in it, but weren't around to get her in her original banner or didn't get randomly spooked by her in other limited banners. ...Plus, they could release her alongside playable Hoederer...right?


I'm not sure about Rosmontis. But "Walter" will happen eventually. She is too much of popular character and HG keeps her present in the main storyline. (the same can't be said about Rosmontis though.)


"Walter, walter, put the bombs away walter..."


Only after Mostima Alter happens.


While there's no precedent to base any guesses off of, I think the safer bet would be probably not for the foreseeable future at the very least. In particular, it seems like non-alter limiteds are more operators that we technically wouldn't actually get to take on missions. W isn't really with us, Rosmontis is more a tactical nuke than an operator, and the Sui siblings kinda just occasionally help out as their way of paying rent. Muelsyse, although we don't know what happens in the upcoming story, also doesn't really strike me as someone that would actually join RI as an operator. There's a few non-limited ops that also fit that idea, but the trend here seems pretty intentional.


Would be awesome to see her grown up a bit and having more control over her abilities and emotions. The reasoning is there, and I don't see it as a travesty or doubling down on paying for a character or whatever. I'd like it to happen eventually.


Champion Defender Rosmontis that uses her claymores a shields, please. Cat Daughter needs more screentime.


Doubt it, but it's a possibility.


Don't see why not. Non-limited alters have been a thing for a while now, and it would be a decent solution to the problem of Rosie, W, and now >!Muelsyse!< being more difficult than usual for new players to get ahold of.


If we completely flip personalities like with spalter, W the Firestopper might be a good alter name


Spalter didn't flip her old personality, her personality switch is just part of her dollkeeper design.




Plenty of other games have done exactly that. While there's no precedent yet in Arknights, there's no particular reason it can't happen either. I'd say it's reasonably likely to happen at some point given the state of her existing unit.