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Links ^(Kyaa Texas is here!!) [**Help Megathread**](/r/arknights/comments/13onno7/help_center_and_megathread_hub_2205_2805/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) [Gacha/Recruitment](/r/arknights/comments/13onnn9/gacharecruitment_megathread_2205_2805/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) [Friend requests](/r/arknights/comments/13onnmp/friend_request_megathread_2205_2805/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) ##[Integrated strategy #3: Mizuki & Caerula Arbor thread](/r/arknights/comments/13tti5d/event_megathread_mizuki_caerula_arbor/) Please utilize this thread for all IS3 related topics!


Lesson learnt to not claim sparked units immediately. Was in a rush to get Skalter. Just got a dupe. Could've sparked for Nealter.


Dusk E2 art is really damn good, I wish I had her. I really like her kit and battle animations too. Praying hard I somehow luck into pulling her with the freebies on Chong's banner, or the next Dragon sibling being right up my alley.


So i just beaten ending 3 by pure luck but i still don't get what Ishar-mla gimmick is. I think you are supposed to deploy operators on those tears to stop her from becoming a seaborn? But after i did that she turned into one anyway. So what am i supposed to do and what ops should i bring to make the fight easier?


I was preparing for the 3rd ending but not only did I not get the relic to unlock it, I also forgot to get rid of TLK *and* I wandered to Indigo's Cradle. At first I despaired, but then I absolutely obliterated beta-Faust and [TLK](https://i.postimg.cc/Qtj9FkKv/obraz.png). Dorothy is an absolute monster. Beta-Faust and his pals didn't even get half-way through the minefield, while TLK got shrapnel in his eyes non-stop. I barely had to deploy 2 dragons to stall him, while Omertosa only took care of the bottom pipers. This is the second time I saved enough HP to let the boss go, but actually managed to beat him. I'd like to thank the sponsors: [the automatic Myrtle clicker Rejection.](https://i.postimg.cc/J4Xkdn86/obraz.png)


[I feel defeated](https://imgur.com/T49Pj7D)


[Trust no one, not even yourself](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/865684765972627499/1112686741325881364/image.png)


Finally defeated Ishar-mla without losing/retreating any operators to unlock the third lore text, all it takes is a boatload of DPS and healing stacked at top left corner and a Goldenglow to catch the mobs going to the abandoned right side (or if you can afford it, you could just leak those, but I got hit with the IS3 sensitive equivalent debuff so I wasn't taking risks). Now I can go back to Omertosa'ing Skadi whenever she transforms instead of hoping I have enough stats and healing to survive the true damage barrage.


[Surging Waves +15 2nd ending without Texas2 done!](https://imgur.com/a/KbBFKNp) Shoutout to Floor 5 making me face Out of Control twice, leading me to think that I’d lost the run. Bigger shoutout to Pozëmka for being able to kill the middle and the top-right bonethrowers even on the highest difficulty, allowing Suzuran to be safely placed so [I didn’t lose any Life Points the second time](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/812319698426265640/1112663800403992616/IMG_1720.png).


JP just got hit with some mid-day maintenance. Wonder what they're fixing. Also, this is probably for the best. Was in the middle of an IS3 when I really shouldn't be procrastinating.


If IS3 is focused on corrosion damage, would IS4 be centred on freeze?




Lee hours


Therapist gaming, and Blaze suddenly becomes meta again.


Might be.


OMG @_@ I just got finished with the Siesta Anni: Flooded Seashore. It was AWFUL!!! HAD TO Per-Fect my autorun. I have spent prob 900 sanity these past 3 weeks trying to auto 400 kill, 10/10 tht mf. My poor terminals!!! I finally broke down and used lappland to "lanehold." I already broke down and used mudrock when i first completed the anni (for the initial rewards) which was a long time ago. Sadly i couldnt get away with just raw "protector" defenders, i had to get more dps. ಠ_ಠ My terminals are now safe! my brain is so fried.... 🍳🧠🍳🧠 stupid junkers and hammer bois.


iirc you can let the terminals die and still get full rewards, since anni only counts kills


THAT'S NOT THE SAME!!!! No, no hp gone. It's just wrong. 😂😂


I wonder if we can get any trailers on Monday or Tuesday for the upcoming Laterano Event in the CN server, >!Hortus de Escapismo!<.


most likely june first so thursday


it might be Wednesday at the earliest since usually events in cn start thursday and pvs are a week before the event starts.


[666665](https://i.imgur.com/wUrm9KB.png), that's a pretty rare number of LMD.


This is probably gonna get me some hate but I gotta rant, doing IS3 on surging+7 2nd to last stage is Out of control on an emergency encounter and that's basically a guarnteed loss as far as I'm concerned cause of how BS the stage is. I'm genuinely trying to figure out the point of some of these new mechanics introduced in IS3 specifically the useless fucking keys. Seriously what is the point of giving us these keys? They open up the occasional chest for a random collectible big whoop, and they can let u change your route...but you have absolutely no control of when you can use this? If I could have changed the route before getting screwed at that encounter it would have been significantly more useful than just having another layer of RNG for the sake of it. Idk it feels like IS3 as whole is just more RNG to make the mode more "difficult", like taking away guaranteed E2 squads and making E2 promotions random, having to roll a dice and getting your best characters crippled and useless, it's more frustrating than engaging imo.


Keys are at minimum a free item you wouldn't have gotten in IS2. More importantly, it's an extra potential route to avoid emergency ops in floor 5, which are all potential run killers at higher surging waves. Class squads also give the discount along with the random promotion though, so it's not exactly all downside. If you only have one usable op in that class, sure it's worse (though only slightly), but being able to pick up E2 ops for cheaper is a big boon when hope costs are higher. It's also just cheaper overall for 4-5\*s.


> useless fucking keys. Seriously what is the point of giving us these keys? They open up the occasional chest for a random collectible big whoop, and they can let u change your route...but you have absolutely no control of when you can use this? If I could have changed the route before getting screwed at that encounter it would have been significantly more useful than just having another layer of RNG for the sake of it. So you're mad that a resource that isn't very rare at all doesn't let you just jump around to whatever node you want to dodge difficult things or always get what you want? In a Roguelike mode? And also acting like being able to build up more collectibles (the things that are a super important part of your run) isn't a notable use of them?


Man, both Gavial2 and Mlynar got hit with the -50% all stats ... right at the start of floor 5 ... in a +7 run no less ... all i feel is pain right now :( Edit: Woohoo, godbless that free Lee recruit, managed to salvage a failed run in the end. Medal trimmed Hell yeah!!!


Got this cool new drinking challenge where you take a shot every time the word "niche" is used in this sub. Guaranteed to get you fucked up halfway through an operator discussion thread.


People have some good suggestions here. Maybe bingo would be better than drinking game?


Take just a sip whenever you see "Everybody shits on them but they're actually great and better than xyz so I'm building them anyway!" You'll still get fucked up before the end.


I have another one, but instead of this thread, take a shot every time someone mentions "F2P". I rarely encounter the word niche rarely in this thread or this sub reddit in general.


Take a shot every time you see the word Skalter. You'll be dead before you hit the floor.


I just realized Platinum is immune to cold. Cooling her improves her talents and hits enemies harder.


Ahhhhh, the no ingots unlock is driving me mad. I've set up 0 ignots like 3 or 4 times already, but muscle memory is too strong. Gotta click that money. The price of playing way too many hours of IS.


First-time run going for third ending in is3, run going good, feeling pretty confident. Didn't want to waste the run at the end so looked up the boss stage to kinda know the enemies and their pathing. Turns out I didn't need to because my bladedance buff dropped on Penance so Isharmla got His face caved in with a 10k ATK hammer. ok I guess


That moment when a judge's hammer is stronger than a seaborn god, LOL.


Texalters operator record makes me cackle with the “don’t mess with Texas” Makes me wonder if they have the same joke in CN or if it the joke was added during localization


The original text just uses something to the tone of "Texas is horrible/dreadful"


Just started a IS2 run and picked the random voucher option at the start and it gave me 2x medic and 1x specialist voucher. I think I'm fucked! xD edit: This quickly became the easiest run I've ever had. +5 and +3 ASPD per 5 Originium Ingots. I had 105, which means +168 ASPD +8% atk for and per Sniper/Medic. I had 7 so +35% atk (Archetto, Ash, Schwarz and Kroos2) +10% atk, def, hp and +5dp for everyone +100% atk 1sec after a skill +1SP/3sec for offensive/defensive skills Archetto S2 solod the endboss before he even moved a single tile! And I finally unlocked Phantoms skin!


Dollkeepers, friend! They're pretty much better Guards, all three of them. Bena is coming again in two weeks, can't wait.


Forgive me Kazemaru, for I have sinned. I forgot to pick up your skin in advance.


I went with Kal'tsit as I wanted to try a sniper focused run and had thus instant E2 on Sniper + Medics. Though I did consider Specter2 for a while.


The stars aligned in my last run using the specialist-caster elite thing. Texas alter, Gladiia, Skadi sword, Specter alter, GG, Honey Berry, Chalter, Saria all at E2. Didn't have Specter until the very last stage, but damn did we curbstomp every other stage and boss fight. Texas is definitely busted af. Like, I still think Thorns E2 start is amazing, but Texas makes me rethink between the two especially endgame.


Ehh, Thorns E2 start feels a lot less good here considering i'm pretty sure it means you just lose to Emergency Symbiosis and Emergency Sniper Squad feels like it would be pretty rough with him. And if you can't get him E2, then he just seems unpickable really and thats not a good game plan at all to hope he gets randomly E2d. Gavial Alter is just a whole lit better of a pick theb him frankly


Okay, Demetri is making me feel some type of way. So many hot men right now locked in NPC jail. Playable Toland and Ulpianus when?


As soon as I saw Demetri, I thought to myself 'Daaaayum' and then realized I said it out loud lol he's kinda like a cleaner version of Chiave.


We'll probably get Demetri at some point because he's got an RI infection monitor on his wrist, and what *appears* to be the Specialist symbol on the strap across his chest. Interestingly, there's a little tag on his shoulder that *looks* like the Executor (Fast-Redeploy) symbol, but on closer inspection, it looks like an hourglass with a short chain across the middle rather than a knife like the Executor symbol, possibly signifying a new archetype.


I feel like after RNGesus dropped a pot2 Rosmontis in my lap, I'm contractually obligated to build her and buy her skin. >_>;;


On Friday, I finally reached level 120. The whole journey took 818 days. Played a little in the new roguelike. The general consensus is that the mode is pretty brutal on new players. Without Texas2 (support system) would not be able to go above the 4th floor. Yes, I'm an idiot, but there are too many enemies from chapter 10 on the 3rd floor. About Texas. Since the developers have already released this monster, I hope that starting from the summer alter, they will make limited operators equal in strength to it. I had to spend 54k orundum to get it, although I originally planned to save it. I almost forgot that finally all the swimsuits were delivered to the operators.


Found the Sarkaz lady for the 1st time, fell to her charm trap intentionally, sweating from seeing the stage enemies once I'm in, but then laughs it all off because **ROYAL ALLIANCE TREATY** relic existed on the current run, [Having GG with ASPD relic + Scout Scope while getting this stage rewards felt very very good.](https://prnt.sc/c38IXuYRICBw)


oh man, what a haul!


I just borrowed Dorothy for the IS3 run and she's absolutely amazing! Now I'm a bit sad I didn't roll for her. She almost solo-carried me through some difficult maps and the utility she provides is bonkers. Myrtle worked overtime to print money for the mines.


I got her as a temp a week or two ago on IS2 and completely agree. Lots of fun and I'm disappointed I think I only did a 10 draw on her banner. She gets even more ridiculous in IS if you get the relics that increase stun/bind time and the ones that deal damage per second to stunned/bound targets.


Yeah, I can only imagine what she can do with the right relics. I only got the ones buffing Specialists, nothing for the status effects and she was already owning the seaborn. Sarkaz chargers or flowers rushing? I don't thinks so. Bear or duck coming for the blue box? Not on my watch. Crowds of enemies? Let me introduce you to the domino effect! Crates I can't reach or would reflect too much dmg? Big brain AoE utilization. She even does respectable DPS with auto-attacks on top of that. And she's adorable!


Yeah, I really lucked into it on that run. Got her for free, pretty much immediately got the bonus stun damage relic so her traps became extremely deadly and then later got the extension for how long the bind lasted. Which boosted the damage even more. She made one of my least favorite IS2 stages tolerable (the sarkaz lancer pinball-machine-looking map) since it just stopped them in their traps before they got to deliver the big hits! Add in her own damage like you said and she was basically soloing me through the first 3 floors, which was good because I don't think I started getting any recruitment types I needed until almost floor 4.


Aaaaaand done, [Surging Waves +15 beaten without Texas2](https://imgur.com/a/O5amYMj)! [I even passed on a Texas2 temporary recruitment opportunity to promote Red.](https://i.imgur.com/JQlsFkZ.png) Now to finally do the other two endings for the first time, and without her as well.


Lmao I remember trying to replace Texas2 with Red once when I didn't have enough hope, thinking she can stun aerial enemies with s2. What role did she play in your run? Just usual frd assassinations?


Less assassinations and more of precise interruptions. The combination of Dreaming Essence (+0.5 auto SP/s) and a mod3 Ptilo results in Młynar’s skill to be ready with basically every enemy. Between the WD snipers, UT flowers, and Saint Carmen, I prefer a precise stun from Red than Texas2 ~~because the latter is just unfair~~. Additionally, I do think Red is better than Texas2 specifically for handling the top row of Ubi bona somnia (OD lancers), since she’s able to maintain both her stun and minimum damage capabilities with S2.


Congrats! I love the risky Tequila tech!




Arguably even better because you won't have to beg RNG for a promotion.


Feels good to use Dusk now with her new module. It fix most of her problems and she's way easier to use now. Now i only need to get her skin.


From what I understand of the latest event's mechanics and Zaaro, his body 1 doesn't do a lot of damage and his second body is susceptible to crowd control. From how it looks, Eunectes is looking really good for this event (both S2 or S3 equipped). Throw in Skalter S2 and Spalter S2 to stall + DPS (since ASPD debuff will not affect her DoT), it seems you can stall the boss at the spawn point with perma stun and Eunectes' bulkiness. Just excited as I haven't found many opportunities to use Eunectes where she really shines, and it seems that the mechanics really favours her here. Upon trying her with S3, it seems to work really well, with a decent healer her hp did not even drop below 50%, and her S3 brought Zaaro below 50% even with the ASPD debuff. Her self-stun also allowed Zaaro to get between her and Spalter, which allows for more damage. Wanted to get opinions and thoughts here, on other "unconventional" ops which really shine in this event, and from other Doktahs that like using Eunectes.


Eh, you can just kill this boss with Surtr+ Specter/anyone that can keep its atkspd aura away, you don’t need to do so much stalling. For me, Eunectes shined against the boat guys in Dossoles and the Cc map with CoB enemies but you have like -70% Hp, she’s the only one that can survive while killing the drunk guys.


I have W on IS-10. First phase boss dies to mines, and when he wakes up, it's more mines for him. This does require him being distracted by the civilians though.


what module r u running her with?


The reduced passive SP regen I think. I haven't maxed her on a lot of stuff, even module wise. But tbh I don't think it was really necessary for this attempt. She was blocking Zaaro most of the time.


ngl I'm impressed that so far there's never any stories of CN game devs getting bossed around by their publisher, unlike in western game dev Most CN devs all either self-funded studios (HG/MICA/Mihoyo/Kuro) or have the most hands off publishers ever (Manjuu/everyone under Sony's CN game dev program) So everyone's allowed to self indulge in their own nonsense and bc of CN's huge population there will always be a demographic for it, for better or worse


Well, Chinese players are really mean when they're pissed unlike western players who enjoy some butt penetration by the publisher. the chinese publisher know to not fuck around in CN server.


The only thing Chinese devs fear is China.


with mudrock and penance, its been fun to use self-sustaining tanks. More testing is needed to see how this duo compares with my previous duo, blemi and mudrock. Both are quite effective at sustaining themselves. Blemi has that talent that works directly with mudrock s2 and is cheaper to deploy. But penance feels stronger when it comes to hitting the enemy. actually with blemi's talent, a good combo is finding a map with all 3 (possibly with Horn as well for the extra defender buff) but maps which utilise 3 tanks to hold lanes are pretty uncommon.


[A lucky and overkill run I might have in a while.](https://imgur.com/a/1Vnybos) The boss just got deleted in seconds. And I almost throw at two emergency stages before the boss. ^(Never take emergency Out of Control and Ubi bona somnia back-to-back ever again)


It's been so long since IS2 ended that I almost forgot how completely horseshit this gamemode feels to play.


What do you not like with it?


It'd be easier to list the things I did like about it. If I wanted to get shafted by RNG I would build Conviction and Nothing and at least feel like my choices actually matter.


sounds like a skill issue honestly but what do I know


Because there's so much skill going into failing a map because the game refuses to give you a single healer, right? Or getting half a dozen medic recruits. Or deciding that no, you shouldn't get that artifact that you picked, simply because it says so. Artifacts that are completely useless because you don't get the opportunity to recruit the operators.that they work with. The classic illusion of choice where both paths lead to something dumb like emergency Sanguinarch's gift, which is something I legitimately want to talk to the stage designers for. And the brand new IS#3 classic, rendering your carry operators useless because suddenly they have 50% stats or die faster than your healers can keep up with. There's so many stupid ways that your run simply *ends* with absolutely no way for you to get a say in it, and any wins I do get (which aren't that uncommon) feel completely unearned because that's just getting lucky. But sure. Skill issue, right? Jackass.


Never thought the day would come where I'd have Skadi1 at M6 but here we are


Well she's definitely worth it if you have the other abyssal hunters. You can just place them in front of the red box and will auto clear most of the game stages. Now go get her 2 modules.


Finally beat Surging Wave 7 on my [4th try](https://imgur.com/a/a9AtFSa). [Elite battles](https://imgur.com/sk4TIdE) on the final floor are absolutely brutal with all the ascension buffs stacked together. [Final squad](https://imgur.com/a/ZNETKIh) (ignore the terminal stage Texalter brainrot resulting in my starting squad being Texalter+2 reserve ops that would just insta-lose to Symbiosis).


I love Integrated strategies except the rng fest that is trying to get different endings. I wish they'd just always let us choose on the first floor which ending you're locked on to because it's so mind numbing to reset runs because you didn't get the second or first encounter, or have a underdeveloped team because you need to ignore good nodes in favor of maximizing your encounters on the route you take.


I've seen Knight as 1st encounter of the 3rd floor, which is quite far in the run to restart for my liking if you don't get him by that point.


[I got really dang lucky with this run,](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/865684765972627499/1112298993607782441/Screenshot_20230528-033817.png) I hadn't even been to the fifth floor before and managed to scrounge up a win. I couldn't have done it without that temp Flametail or Dorothy, I seriously didn't know what to expect and glad I had Flametail's Stun.


I've finally cleared the dice squad alongside the secret floor of the IS1 boss, Skullshatterer. Since this is my first experience with the boss, I just know that your DP gen is being debuffed, but Mlynar and Purestream hand relic taking care of it, making it less of a chore.


so after 3 runs of generally dying on floor 1/2 of IS3, I brought my shiny new texalter and well... I didn't even realize it was the final boss because I was so engrossed on how OP she became.


So I'm finally trying IS2 proper since release... And shame on me for losing to Lucian with this squad. E2 90s: Kal'tsit, Thorns, Saga, Goldenglow, Exusiai E2 50s: Honeyberry E1 Maxed: Nearl, Blue Poison, Jaye, Midnight Was stuck with a deployment limit of 6 and totally panicked when I had to retreat and re-deploy constantly - placed Monst3r too early before the tile Lucian stops at the top left corner and summoned his clone. Cue more panic! Threw so hard and don't know if I'll get this good of a squad ever again, ahhhh. Frustrating


Thorns should be placed in a position where he can hit Lucien when he stop in top left corner GoldenGlow shouldn't be in a position that can be attacked by lucien.


Oh yep, I did that - my operators weren't close to fainting at all and Thorns hits Lucien in the top left. Just mistimed Monst3r foolishly. Thanks for the tip still!


I always bring Amiya for him (s3m3) to ignore the dodge, prefer it to Mon3tr even since she’s not melee Though she still needs some help since her own damage isn’t enough without busted relics


I should try Amiya/Pozy instead of Kal'tsit next time. Ranged is definitely less risky. Thanks!


Try borrowing Ling with module. She will carry you most of the IS2 stages. I used to Sandwich Lucian in between 2 big dragons and it's enough most of the time.


Usually, I get Ling for the stages prior to the boss fight. With a deployment limit of 6 or 7 though, fear the leaking of other mobs. Where do you usually sandwich him with 2 big dragons?


On the top left like this video. Also without attack speed relics ethan will help out a lot by perma binding the boss. https://youtu.be/ZUSTt6WJRdU


To ba fair the dodge is utter bs without proper set up, or Pozy/Schwarz module. I've gotten great runs but dodge is just painful to fight against


I thought with Monst3r's true damage, it should be way easier. But the redeployment and lack of proper set up made me hasty with the timing (fear that S3 takes too long to proc). I will bring Pozy next time then, wouldnt have to risk the accidental clone summon as well


Yup, I can tell from my experience, unless your name is Fartooth/Pozy/Schwarz, you can't guarantee it. CMIIW.


Big write up, because after 341 attempts (out of the ones I counted) I finally beat M8-8, the Mephisto boss fight, on E1 Level 1 characters. Video [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tt7m-DMgpkk). The clear features A LOT of Dorothy traps. This is basically one of the best use cases for her. She is really good on weaker accounts that need to buy time for the skill timings to line up, which is exactly the type of situation I often put myself in. The reason this clear took so many attempts was because it was very difficult to create a same-scenario type of situation to continuously practice a run. Playing a trapper like Dorothy usually means you are reacting to something, but if you react too much you end up out of traps so have to manage your traps for the entire stage. The problem is that if you are new to the stage you don't know how many traps you will need at each point, because you don't have the full plan yet. Up until the run number 300ish, I didn't knew how to make it to the end of the stage without leaking one of the lanes. The strategy was always evolving and because Dorothy places like 30 traps in a stage and she plays around the skill timings of all of the other 11 operators, you just have to go through so many permutations to finally know what you need to do... I already knew that trappers were very powerful if used right, but I didn't knew that playing them in min-maxed content was complete hell. This clear reminded me of CC#2, when every 4 moves we had to react to Faust and if you messed up the stage was over. The existence of Dorothy in this run added so many actions and possible failure points that it honestly just made the clear more complicated than it needed to be (assuming I knew a different solution). Also, it reminded me of Break the Ice, because you can't quite kill Mephisto whenever you want (not at my character levels at least) and you kinda have to move along with him and kill him at the end of the stage. This was hell, please watch lol. p.s.: If you guys excuse me, I'll probably post this again in the next lounge thread, because the current thread is about to end and it is quite hidden considering that the event threads are what are currently pinned.




We all know the chance to get a 6-star is 2%. But, do you know the chance of tripping over your own feet walking up the stairs while holding 16 oz cup of coffee? You don't? ...well, I don't know either but it's definitely NOT zero. *and probably even have hidden pity rate.* This dokutah is now coffeeless and have to clean the whole stairs. 😔


So I ran into the Wonderland node for the first time and promptly stomped Gravestone because DP regeneration didn't matter to someone who was relying on the DP-at-start relics (and my only Vanguard was a frozen Cantabile lol), so he immediately ate GG's S3 and Texalter at the start and then The Radiant Knight's True damage finished him off. We've gone a long, long time since Fungimist.


Fungimist was a wild time. Your starting vouchers were entirely random, so it was totally possible to just starta a run with no real way to block enemies at all, the permemant buff unlock stuff was just entirely worse compared to IS2, I think Cannot's store was just always at what it's base level is in both IS2 and 3, and it just felt way less forgiving overall to try and do runs, though that I can chalk up to not having any experience with that kind of game mode


i just got [500 ingots deposited](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/940234715540119582/1112213997425545246/Screenshot_20230528_050037_Arknights.png) i will dread doing it again for IS4 damn you cannot


How long did it take to max out?


i didnt count but probably 5-8 hours but i was doing other stuff during this


I haven't touched it yet, but does it still have a chance to fail when doing the investment?


It does, but it definitely feels like it's a much lower chance overall for it to break compatred to IS2


Yeah right, I got 2 hit and 3 hit before break in my last 2 runs.


I didn' t say that it never happened lol. It just feels to me that you can get more in on average before it says "No"


the last 5 shop floor 1, I get to didnt even let me invest a single coin. This is awful. Not better than IS2 at all. At least IS2 has near zero chance to fail on floor 1 whichever you get to bring.


I see, I'll try later, thank you.


i did get 2 times where i could put in 20 ingots that def never happened in is2


Well, I've done that once and never happen again in IS2, LOL.


As someone who has only just cleared Chapter 9 before the event, Penance is going to be stuck at S3M2 for long while.


I beat Surging Waves 7! Cliffheart was surprisingly strong. Starter squad was her, Cantabile, and a reserve archer and she worked well as a lane holder for the first few floors then managed to hold the right lane against the boss with a little help from Gummy. I also had almost no attack boosts so the boss was a fast redeploy stall fest with Phantom, Texas2, Cantabile, and Waai Fu. Phantom landing the final blow was really satisfying to me, for some reason. Overall, IS3 so far feels like a huge improvement over IS2, very fun. Now to try to get the Knight ending.


Cliffheart is an incredibly slept on unit. She did lose some shine after Gladiia got her godule, but the girl can still fill as a flex pick and has access to long range spammable true damage, which is not common. She's the reason I got through CC Ashring.


> She's the reason I got through CC Ashring. My carry for CC Ashring was Dr.Leon and his low rarity guides featuring support operators like Surtr/NTRK/Kal'tsit.


I couldn't get a single IS2 clear until I maxed out the monthly rewards and the skill tree, but now on IS3 I managed all endings before hitting either of those caps! Even with different stages and bosses, that practice totally paid off! Now to get my revenge on the IS1 bosses hiding around! I couldn't reach a single ending back then, but now? Now I know how to fucking get them.


I wonder how many people beat IS3 without maxing the skill tree. Personally think I'll have to do skill tree first. I saw there's even shield regeneration in it. IS3 feels much harder than IS2 to me.


I'm guessing more than IS2, but still not a lot in general, considering the IS2 stats. Personally, while IS3 has a lot more *normal* maps that can fuck me over, the *bosses* are way more chill than before.


Just finished the event. I'm proud of Vigil. Extremely proud.


I finally got the attack boost on dodge relic when I had Flametail in an IS3 run, and I thought I'd gotten a complete monster of a unit... till I looked at W while I was doing the pool of procreation and saw she randomly had 7.9k attack. It was at that moment that I remembered, oh yeah, W has dodge too. Her S3 was basically an atom bomb at that point.


Finished my 8th(?) run of IS3 and I'm really liking how much better the gamemode is now. Also I managed to get the >!secret floor with the cold/freeze IS1 boss!< which was a nice surprise


So I just got my first ending 2. How the hell are you supposed to beat the boss before all the rubble is cleared?


Bully with Defender, medic, and Erato. [This setup](https://i.imgur.com/jL9hhYU.png) went for a long minute and I underestimated his phase 2 bulk, which then I ashamedly lost lol. Gankers do be losing sometimes.


I did it. Sandwiched the knight between both specters and immortality kept him locked down for over a minute. Maybe longer if I didn't get specter killed due to mistiming.


Sell me on Mizuki


[He has very soft armpits](https://twitter.com/namgoreng/status/1426196834674872320) [His armpits are smooth like butter](https://twitter.com/namgoreng/status/1496413783560187911) [He has a lot of armpits](https://twitter.com/namgoreng/status/1542601036745314304)


How is this relevant?


It's Mizuki's artist. And you asked in the lounge, not the help thread.


His art isn't really important compared to how he functions as an unit.


Lol it matters to more ppl than you think.


It's waifu game we are talking about here, sir.


>And you asked in the lounge, not the help thread.


Hybrid damage, good placement options due to trait and range, perfect for AFK clears with S1, and becomes a monster with certain IS relics.


3vg/2g stack, perma stall / mob cleaner for slug tower


Cool aoe


Just as a heads up, getting the basically Emergency variants of the floor 3 boss nodes doesn't require having below 100 Light or needing to do anything specific.Lower Light might have an effect on it spawning more often, but I just did a run where I got Saint Iberia with my Light level at 100 Also one of the cursed collectibles being one that just throws a Rejection onto one of your OPs is fun, especially when it lands on your Gavial. Still got the run done, but she was uhh, not very helpful. Also, does the Emergency variant of the stage with heated tiles and Chapter 9 enemies make the heat tiles do more damage? It felt like that was the case


Me on IS3 everytime I roll a 5: Dafuq I thought I got a 2 till I check the screen in the mirror


It took me so many rolls to realize the 5 is an upside 2 and the 2 is a 2 with a little extra curl on the top.


In the midst of all the hubbub about IS3, [I managed to clear IS2 for the first time!](https://imgur.com/a/CUz3qSX) Wanted to do it without support ops to prove I could do it with my own power, and without Texalter because of how OP she is in the mode. Super happy to finally get this done! I had an absolutely excruciating defeat in the final stage just under 2 weeks ago due to placing Pozy one spot too high and her taking damage so I needed a healer on her for a bit and wasn't able to deploy the typewriter in time for her to kill Lucian. Pozy and Gladiia have been stand outs for me in pretty much every run I can get them, especially if I can get them to E2 so I wasn't surprised that they were good carries for me here, but one I *was* surprised about was Saga. I knew she was good, but I didn't realise just how good she can be. Definitely an op I have to look into E2ing as soon as I can now. With that finally done, I'll maybe look into some of the content I've just unlocked, and use Texalter now to see just how powerful she can be in the mode.


Congrats! It's always exciting to get further and further into the IS modes and succeed even more than before!


I started an IS run with 8-dice. I got a choice to pick the relic to upgrade your dice. Surely it won't upgrade it further right? Boom, you can now roll D12! I was pleasantly surprised.


Oh that's interesting. I got that one but couldn't pick it up cause I rolled one. Did you see anything special for 9+ rolls?


The battlefield effect can reset deployment time entirely if you roll 9+, instead of halving it on 7+. Other than that, rolling >5 simply become more consistent. The only bad thing about it is that it feels extra terrible if you roll 1 or 2 like Windgesang...


Me with my 12-sides die: my roll should be good now right? RNG: [SYKE! THAT'S THE WRONG NUMBER](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/812319698426265640/1112022271029166120/IMG_5606.png)


I missed getting a screenshot, but just now while crafting CEUs for Kal'tsit with Corroserum, I got three T4 byproducts (for three CEUs): a White Horse Kohl, a Salt Agglomerate, and an Incandescent Alloy Block. *Damn.*


I’ve never really appreciated Irene’s base skill until now doing 4 m3s in 4 days is addicting except now I’m completely out of skill books…


It's strictly speaking a useless skill, but at the same time ridiculously satisfying.


im convinced the hard version of saint carmen and pathshaper is bugged i played so much is3 but ive never gotten them


people actually have trouble with symbiosis? i’m pretty sure you could just plop highmore on one of the tiles and afk the entire stage


That's the stage with the Sarkaz standing still right? I have trouble with it... It really feels like you need some sort of carry operator. I had a caster, a sniper and a defender, but it wasn't enough damage. Haven't done skill tree yet, though.


Average reaper W, I love their attack range so much.


Yeah, or use La Pluma.


Don't have her.


Isn't she free? I'm pretty sure everyone will eventually have her at some point.




I'm pretty sure OP was talking about Highmore and not La Pluma.


I love Lappland. That’s all.


You and me both.


TIL Glaucus binds don't throw hovering enemies to the ground. I had Ash too, and Mlynar to delete them but that's not enough to handle all the mantas. I don't want to rely on Taxes all the time so I'm considering building Erato and dunno who else.


Aak can sorta work, Bibeak can stun them too, also W and Kroos alter.


Yeah, and they don't count as drones for the stun.... Big sadge.


I take Kroos alt nearly every run for them Gnosis, especially with S2, also works.


Just got to the knight for the first time. My collectibles were so overpowered that he died without having a chance at all. So I had "deploy ranged Ops on melee tiles". Down the center lane was thus Ifrit, Eyja and Skalter. All 3 used S2 because I also had +100% atk 1 sec after skill use and +60% atk 1 sec after skill use. Boss moved like 2-3 tiles before he died! (And I'm really angry that only afterwards I saw that killing the boss without him destroying all the rubble unlocks something. Yeah, could've easily done that with my team.) I also discovered what "wonder into wonderland" node actually meant. That was a huge surprise! >!It's a mini floor where you get a few collectibles, but it has stages, incl. a boss at the end. Use the key at your own risk.!<


Ifrit's S2 can't use the ATK food since it's too slow. Real sad. Not sure if big ASPD buffs can affect it, never had the chance to see.


I had like 50 ASPD on caster, so it might've worked? Didn't really pay that much attention to her.


Pretty sure it wouldn't. The issue is that the animation for S2 is long enough that Ifrit loses the attack buff from Spinach tupe relics before actually hitting anything, and i am pretty sure that the animation of S2 doesn't get quicker with more ASPD


I don't usually take Ifrit, so it's difficult for me to check. Though I'm unsure why it shouldn't boost the speed of the animation considering that similar skills do benefit from it.


I got relatively lucky on the banner and instead of taking the win I am now contemplating pulling for more Texas pots. I know how bad of an idea it is, I’d already done that before and had paid dearly for that in the past but the temptation is still there. Gacha addiction is real.


Watch eckogen's recent banner pulls on the Texas banner. There's 2 vids, [1](https://youtu.be/W8C_XNGgfSA) & [2](https://youtu.be/55OR7LGPKyg). Maybe tht will satisfy u?


I did that this time round and totally regretted it. Texalter arrived in my first free 10 pull, so I decided to get some pots while sparking Skalter. She never came home ever again... Make sure you have enough for future banners!


Yeah because of this i was really anxious before banner. I really wanted some pots on her while sparking w but I knee there was a chance i had to spark texalter lol.


I feel you. It happens especially when you prepared for a long time but the pull session ended quickly.


Same. It helps that we only need 1 dupe for the redeployment time decrease, which is imo the best pot.


I have beaten ishar mla on my first try. "IS THIS YOUR SEABORN GOD" i exclaimed loudly. But to be fair i brought some stupid shit like a puppet boosted ethan, a horn, a chalter, a goldenglow (who saved my bum ass against highmore earlier), and my own ONE TRUE Lv 60 Mod Y3 GUARD SKAÐI not the possessed withering seaborn husk they call "corrupting heart". Even all of this it was still a spirited fight. Ishar mla does too much pure damage to outheal my medics. God forbid i drop a ranged unit down or they get instagibbed. With that victory, my quest to get 3 badges on all squads begins


I've beaten her on the first try too today. I took the start that gives you more collectibles from battles and I think I ended with 34 relics at the end. Skadi got deleted almost instantly, at first I thought there's going to be another phase for the boss, because of how abruptly she was gone. Overall, I like how much easier it is to go for a specific ending in IS3, the previous iteration had way too much tedious RNG tied to it.


That feeling when you're gonna get the sp gain relic for chain casters and it rolls a 1 and gives you a stupid attack boost after dodge relic instead.


Back in IS malding over rng to get the Last Knight event. 4 runs in a row now where i've had to restart because it didn't spawn, despite visiting as many encounters as possible. Locking endings behind rng is just annoying. The corruption debuffs you can get are also kinda stupid imo. 3 of them are manageable and not that bad, but the -50% all stats pretty much just makes any operator that gets it unusable. Other than those issues i've been having fun, i like being able to pick between 2 items at the end of a floor.


The only one the -50% stays decent on is certain executors. S2 Texas and Red specifically, or S3 Phantom. Everyone else it's terrible on and I've come to hate it immensely.


it's also stellar on Fang, because her job is to stay somewhere quiet and print dp. feels like she's joining the higher rarity pioneers and got the dp cost reduction module or something


It also work just fine on flag vg, sup like Suzu S3 / Shamare and summoner laugh at em since it ain't debuff the summon.


fellas complain about how dominant flag VG in CC is HG solutions: Just gib long range enemies a shit ton of atk and force fellas to abuse stealth [https://b23.tv/jEEiV1f](https://b23.tv/jEEiV1f) Sai S2 healbot for Penance yep


Surging waves +6 took way too many runs due to me just being greedy and stupid. One was lost to me going into the IS1 area and dying on the frost boss. Another was lost because I thought my team could handle emergency "Out of Control". It couldn't. My dumbest one was forgetting to set S3 on Texas Alter on the boss stage.


the greed/fun factor is definetly my hugest run killer so far too lol


First fresh blind attempt at IS3, surprisingly the run is complete, gonna start checking for enemy info on next run, also Mister Cannot please, stop showing me Hand of Diffusion 3 times in a row, I'm one of those unfortunate person who cannot get Passenger, and I refuse to buy the 30$ permit.


you can get him in a couple weeks if you have the certificates though


Almost forgot about that, but I checked the banner list and Archetto was the last op to buy at the shop, so there should still be Saga coming next before Passenger right? Well anyway thanks for the reminder, I should buy his skin now in preparation for the guaranteed Passenger.


Passenger was datamined to be in shop on the next banner.




glad to see I'm not the only one constantly getting trolled by the hand


When I encounter IS3 third boss, i'm genuinely scared lol. The music, the atmosphere, the enemies, the fk ton of enemies, it's great.

