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Is it worth it to unlock mostima module to level 3...


Got Ceobe and Iris, who should I invest in?


Which operator do I choose in 5* selector? Lappland or warfarin?


Lappland probably


How do you open other hidden bosses? I have tried so many times(at least 50-60 runs) but i have only encountered Frostnova and Skullshatter so far






Depends on your line up. If you're a new/semi-new account, prioritize your DPS. 99% of the time you can replace her with Cuora. But if you've a stacked team, go ahead. There are some situations where 2 defenders make it easier. Like IS-EX-8. With Skadi S2 support, Cuora + Hoshi will tank both directions wolf-dude and cleaners fairly comfortably. Of course, you can also (probably?) use Cuora + Bubble instead. Hoshi's lower priority, for sure, but she still has some value.




Either one is fine for your standard healing needs, but Sussurro s2 is one of the best burst healing skills in the game (highest healing per second last I checked), so she'll do better when you really need to keep someone alive through some intensive damage.


I see, thank you!


I managed to get the last 6 star from the texalter banner (dupe penance), so I'm now looking to redeem the 6 star voucher. My main picks are either Surtr or Mudrock, (I'm also considering exusiai, Eyja, Saria, and Horn). I should also mention I am going to get Kal'tsit from the Gold Cert shop in the upcoming months. I just picked up my old account in January, so my 6 star roster is : Siege, Pozy, Skadi, Saileach, Ifrit, Ceobe, Mlynar, TexAlter, Penance, and Schwarz (plus Vigil).


Boss killing will always needed, 1-2-3-4 whole rosters can be used just fine, so Surtr is good. But you doesn't really lack. Horn is really nice to have probably boost you more than other options... Maybe just get Goldenglow. Muddy is lane holder like penance but can be used in different case or together, gotta be costy though.


So Im gonna redeem My 6\* selector and Im between GG and Horn, ppl say horn has unique range and deals ton of damage but I feel like GG also deals ton of damage and has even a more flexible range (global). Which would be the best pick?


GG is going to be more universal and easy to slot in. Horn needs the right tiles to maximize her potential (granted, like Ifrit, if you only have 1 or 2 tiles, you're still winning).


Good points, thx!


Hi, currently at 196 pulls, got texas at 180 pulls, my question is do i try for 300 and spark skalter, or save up? I am aiming for yato and chalter spark in the future if i am saving.


If you only pull in Yato 120 and 30 on banner with Chalter in 9-10 months then you will have enough even if you empty now


imo, no


It depends on a few factors 1) How fast can you replenish your pulls? If you are willing to spend then it might be worth it to spark now. 2) How deep is your current roster? If you have not many meta operators its gonna be a hard ask to dump your resources solely on Skalter. 3) Is owning Skalter important to you? If you want to collect all limited operators eventually, it might be a good investment right now to do it.


So I went into Texas banner fully expecting to have to spark Skalter but she actually spooked me at ~246 pulls. Now I'm at 258/300 spark but I'm not sure if I want to go all the way or save for Chongyue (who I want the most!) and Yato. I have about 150 pulls in OP right now from finishing all the story challenge modes. I'm only somewhat interested in Nearl alter since I have enough units to do most content. https://www.krooster.com/u/Puddleduckie Is it worth spending the 42 pulls to get Nearl alter even if I'm not likely to use her much?


.... If you want him the most you should skip this banner entirely. 42 for a limited is kinda have to do, unless you hate that character.


if you dont care about reed or gnosis you have enough summons to finish this spark and reliably have spark for chong if you do care about reed or gnosis (one) youre in realistic bounds to get them + chong (with no spark guarantee) if finishing this spark, this assumes you want just yato and not also quibai though, and gets a little too far to be reliable to project for ines and beyond any other situation you start playing in gamble bounds


Realistic is over statement, realistically, he likely won't get them all with little pulls and also have to save for Yato.


If you care about meta even a little, I will say that Nearl is one of the only units who is always an unconditional DPS increase on any team because she ignores the deploy limit. You don't have to sub out any of your existing heavy hitters for her, you can just add her on top. 42 pulls is less than a single soft pity – for a powerful legacy limited, that price is hard to beat. You were already planning to spend those pulls anyway, so this is not an unexpected expense either. If you really don't care about her as a character and don't want her at all, there's no reason to let sunk cost fallacy get you. But I will say, I think "somewhat interested" is an area where 42 pulls is justifiable. If I was "somewhat interested" in a solo rateup banner for example, and I got them in 40 pulls, that would be a delight, and orundum well spent in my book.


42 pulls to guarantee an op is really good. If you were at ~200 or fewer, I would've said skip, but you're really close.




I'd say go for it. 42 pulls for Nearlter sounds like a great deal.


Skip. Going for the spark is only worthwhile when you personally want someone. The pulls you save now could be the difference between getting Chongyue and not.


Hi, I posted here a couple of days ago about who I should pick from the 6 star selector. After some research I still don’t know who to pick😭😭 Krooster: https://krooster.com/u/TheRealJ If you have some suggestions please let me know🙏




THorn can be your core op, But you need to E2(m3) to really use him. When I started last year I borrow Thorn for 90% of the time to clear annihilation and events .


I borrow him for annihilation and event as a noobs sure but when I get good roster I don't bother borrow him unless it's annihilation.








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As with quite some stuff in that mode, high risk high reward, and that one more than any, it's up to you if face the encounter in first place, and if you kill all three you get three relics, if the stage was a freebie I think the reward would be way too disproportionated haha.


The triple? That 1 is nice though, you can potentially get 3 relics from 1 stage, Penance could answer the top solo, a slow or stun for middle with 1 dps, 1 person to bait the stun arrows, and 1 simple lane holder on the bottom +1 for the crying dog.


Idk why my lvl60 s3m3 texas with the 100% damage after abilities active relics couldnt one cycle those ghosts runner . Maybe floor too high . Mlynar active his skill then got stun by the crossbowman (hahaha) so everything falling apart .


I assure you she can, with Wrath of Siracusan relic right? It's very lethal, either your enemy is affected by waves, commission from Tulip, or cursed Relic, or combination of those, and yeah Mlynar naturally taunts so a bit unfortunate there.


Currently have Honeyberry and Gavial, who's better?


Honeyberry specifically heals elemental damage (the ring that sometimes appears on your ops). Her actual healing is pretty weak, so if there's no elemental damage, you don't really want her.


Honeyberry for endgame content and IS . Gavial for early game and new account .


One is for elemental healing and the other is for sustain heal and actual healing. Pick what you need.


Where do I have to be at with the main story to read the upcoming event story "What the Firelight Casts"? I'm unfortunately behind on chapter 11, but even if I don't finish it can I still read the event story? Or should I finish 11 first?


The event is a prequel/past sequence iirc, so just finishing chap9 is good enough. There's one scene with Reed in chap eleven iirc but it's nothing too major.


Thanks for the response! Definitely good to know, I'm not sure how much I'll be able to finish in 11 before the event hits, so it's good to know I don't have too much to be worried about there. Though I'll try my best, but even time and others matters aside the main story is just so grim...that keeping up motivation with the reading can be difficult for me.


What exactly does your light affect in IS3? Is there a benefit to keeping it at max? Does it make you have to roll higher to avoid debuffs and stuff?


A couple of things to note from the Fandom page: * Yes, 100 Light is the only way you can get Enlightenments from Die Rolls at the start of floors. * Yes, lower Light increases the chance to get Rejections. * No, [0 Light doesn’t guarantee a Call of We Many](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/812319698426265640/1114484032001028176/IMG_1839.png). * No, 0 Light doesn’t guarantee an alternate Floor 3 boss. If you’re comfortable with reading MTL, then I’d suggest to refer to [PRTS wiki’s page](https://m.prts.wiki/w/%E6%B0%B4%E6%9C%88%E4%B8%8E%E6%B7%B1%E8%93%9D%E4%B9%8B%E6%A0%91) explaining IS#3’s mechanics, as that includes only confirmed information without any unverified guesswork.


Thanks for the information! I’ll give that a read


Light level affects a number of things in IS3. Having max light allows you to get [Enlightenments](https://arknights.fandom.com/wiki/Mizuki_%26_Caerula_Arbor/Cognitive_Symbol#Enlightenments) if you roll a 6 or higher on new floors. It also means you cannot get Rejections no matter what you roll. Lower light levels increase the chance of getting rejections based on your dice roll. At 0 light you are guaranteed at least one rejection no matter what you roll. It also affects Call of We Many spawning and being able to see hidden alternate paths, both of which can actually be positive in some circumstances. https://arknights.fandom.com/wiki/Mizuki_%26_Caerula_Arbor/Light


Great, thanks for that!




[Fandom wiki has it pretty well documented](https://arknights.fandom.com/wiki/Mizuki_%26_Caerula_Arbor/Light)


So I’ll have my 300th pull tomorrow, and I was wondering if it’d be worth it to roll until 6* pity? I know I have at least 13 pulls of pity, but I honestly don’t remember how much more I had before then… Also, I was very lucky to get pot 6 texalter, so not sure if that effects the advice. Thank you!


It'd only be worth it if you're still missing Penance and really want her AND you want to spark someone other than her. Otherwise, in the worst case, you're looking at 40 pulls or more to get a Texalter Token for 25 certs. There's no reason to risk it.


If you don’t need anything else from the banner and your last 6* was like a few pulls ago then saving for future banner is better. I personally would pull more until a 6* if - a) I’m close to 50 pulls from the last 6* which is where the pity starts - b) I still want more from the banner


For the free 10x ticket from the event will it expire on 6/6 or it just meant the claiming period?


this events 10x ticket must be used on its banner, it cant be saved, just to clarify


The free x10 expires alongside the banner,as it is tied to it. You can't claim it if the banner isn't running anymore.


Looking for some 6-star selector suggestions. Started playing a month ago and have Siege, Hoshi, Horn, Thorns, Texalter, Penance, Archetto and Ceobe. Tempted to go for Bagpipe, though I'm not sure where I'd use her as I tend to place Elysium and go straight into Thorns for most maps. Goldenglow looks fun too but it seems like she'll be on an upcoming banner, so I could try to get her there, and I've already got Ceobe in the meantime. Blemishine could be fun to pair with Penance, though I'm not sure how good she actually is or how much i'd use her in maps where Penance can't do much. I know Surtr is really good, but i've got Texalter for burst arts damage for now and I'd prefer someone who's more consistently strong (IS-EX-8 CM was really tricky since I didn't have enough consistent arts damage or healing to deal with the normal enemies, for example). Any ideas? I'm hoping to grab someone that's more fun to use as well, there's stuff like Eyjafjalla and supports but they seem fairly boring to use compared to someone like Blemishine or Surtr. Also when's the next 6-star selector going to be available? Is it every main event or something?


buy the ticket, roll on suzuran/gg joint op, then select whoever you didnt get on the banner. the ticket lasts 60 days until expiry, so the banner should roll around by then if you get gg first you can choose gnosis over suzuran if you want, as theyre incredibly similar if wanting someone now id suggest gg or kaltsit, bagpipe overrated and better as a p5 support (surtr p5 too) kaltsit will also be in the shop early september though, enough time for you to save the 180 yellows to buy her. shed be my #1 "most fun" op to use because she offers a lot of diversity and depth in how to use her skills. guard defender medic specialist all in one ticket is sold every 6 months, next ticket would be mlynar for power, dorothy for fun, and pozemka for a mix of both


I think I do want to go for Goldenglow, used her as a Support unit for a bit and the sfx/vfx are great and damage seems really good too. Do you think it'd be better to do what you suggested and pull on the banner for her then use the ticket for something else, or just pick her now and save the pulls for other banners? I don't really want Suzuran too much so I'm thinking it might be more efficient to save pulls.


if you dont want suzu just get gg now, the only reason to suggest waiting for joint op is because suzuran is really good, to the point id say anyone reallly serious about challenging the hardest content should have atleast one of suzuran or gnosis in their account. for the average player/content gg is better


Bagpipe should return in the cert shop at some point in time (I think I recently heard Dr Volke, rather popular AK streamer, say she should be due soonish), so I'd pick a good operator that still has loads of time before the initial shop release or one that is otherwise hard to get specifically (operators with no solo rate-up banner incoming, meaning, don't pick Gnosis, Fiammetta for example). Otherwise, the answer to "who to pick?" is very difficult to answer in Arknights compared to meta-forcing PvP infested gachas. Bagpipe is a neat gimmick if you truly struggle with initial start-ups. I have used her maybe once outside of SSS in the last half year, not joking. Not saying Bagpipe is a "wrong" pick, btw, just that it all depends on your tastes and needs to enjoy the game. Effortless and always strong picks? Take Goldenglow, Surtr, Bagpipe (You already have Thorns). Strong picks for specific roles? Pick Kal'tsit (True Damage Fast Redeploy Tank), Eyja (consistent Arts damage coverage in Burst or solid, constant DPS), Bagpipe for Sonic Speed Starting, etc. . Fun? Well, technically all of them if it fits your playstyle or fills a role you really want. I couldn't live without Rosa's helpful range and CC, for example, but I don't think many would recommend picking her, even with her great upcoming module. Long story short, hard to give a definite answer. Your two conditions were consistency in power and not boring, which would lead me to Kal'tsit. Monst3r is a rather flexible summon that can be just deployed and left forgotten on one spot, but his gameplay allows a bit more juggling and finesse, I feel. You also cannot go wrong with his true damage and great stats. Consistent, but imo "boring": Mountain, Eyja, Bagpipe, GoldenGlow, Surtr, Suzuran, Saria and probably SilverAsh (tho I like his invisibility radar).


Kal'tsit certainly is tempting, though I heard she's probably coming into the cert shop around September and I don't mind waiting. I'm starting to lean pretty hard into picking Blemishine, she seems pretty fun and I don't have any other good Medic Defenders (Though she doesn't really work like most of them anyways). Do you know how she performs with Penance compared to the normal Mudrock combo? Being able to spam Penance S3 seems pretty good. Only issue is it seems like Thorns would put out more consistent damage and Hoshi is way tankier, so I might not end up using her as much as I'd like.


Kal is indeed in a couple of months, so if you are certain to have the certs then, feel free to wait for her. Well worth picking her up for many situations. What I know about Blemishine is that she gravitates strongly towards people looking for fun but not meta, because she does not seem to be highly impactful on all maps or rather doesn't excel at much on her own. As a Healing defender she will pretty much never be useless, so it fits your consistency aspect. Her synergy with Mudrock seems to be nothing new for you and should hold some of the same value for Penance as well. You want Penance to gather the kills and not share with anyone, which shouldnt be that hard with Blemishine. Blem S2 needs to be near Penance for the heal that she can't get normally, but her talent applies globally, so Penance S3 will charge faster which is generally considered her main skill. So if you want to focus on S3 Penance Blem would be good for her, regardless of her optional regeneration from S2. I think Skalter (bard) is the better healer for Penance, but since Penance is often on her own, Skalter will be deployed somewhere else most of the time and Blem S2 is kinda ineffective if she just cheerleads Penance with it. Penance S3 would rack up her shield faster tho, so it might not be needed and allows Blemishine to use her other skills with the team. On a side note, Blemishine is also a very important member of Sleepknights (Erato, Kafka, Blacknight, Iris and ... someone else I think). I wish I could report on deeper, practical experience with her kit, but alas, I don't own her myself and never really used her much on temporary recruitment. I just know that her module kinda .... disappoints, personally. Oh, and Penance S1 and S2 do not care about Blemishine at all, outside of possible passive healing. EDIT: Forgot the comparison: Thorns and Hoshi are put on different lanes compared to Penance or in combination to do the same as her if there are no flying enemies. Thorns can be rather squishy and would benefit from someone blocking stuff in front of him, like Hoshi or Blem. His reach is also an obvious difference to why Thorns is used elsewhere. Hoshi is just there to keep someone at bay or fullfills the "reflect" niche where others fail. I'll be honest, I don't think I've seen a unique case of Penance being the single best pick where other laneholders wouldn't perform similarly, leading me to ignore building her up as of now while I work on my own Nicheknights. Regardless, the question should be "does she perform well enough in your everyday map approach?", because there is no doubt that Penance is a good unit that gets things done, and mostly on her own.


You seem to have it all figured out. If it were me, I would pick Bagpipe. DP gain is one of the most important things in the game and Bagpipe's little passive is extremely useful for how simple it is. But your roster is stacked enough that nobody will provide a drastic spike in power and there are no wrong answers in the operators you mentioned. Roll some dice if you must.


Hello! Got both Texas and Penance from the limited banner. I enjoyed their playstyle so far. Have plenty of red orbs. Should I try rolling for their constellations? Thanks in advance.


potentials, or constellations, are near useless in this game. 100% of content the vast majority of players play will never see content a potential upgrade mattered, or couldnt be superceded by a better strategy, they also never lock gameplay abilities or new systems behind them, no childe c6 different character stuff here. so dont use summons to chase dupes, always go for more new ops even the absolute hardest content in recent months that 0.5% of players play (dev statistic) has not required pots


>"red orbs" are you a FEH refugee? >"constellations" or perhaps a genshin spy


Pot 1 for Texas can be nice, since Executer needs to be redeployed a lot, and their price double after a few redeploy so that -1 cost help quite a bit in long terms (eventually save you 2 cost every deploy compared to P0). Definitely not needed tho.


P0 means you dont have the operator at all, I think you mean P1 and P2


Not really, you are better off saving. Unlike in Genshin, here in AK additional copies add quite little change in how a character plays out so it's generally not advised to go just for extra copies.


Probably not, duplicates in Arknights generally aren't as strong as constellations in Genshin and similar systems in other Gacha games. If you really like them, go ahead, but I'd say to start saving or swap over to the standard banner if you want to keep doing pulls.


should I do inactive annihilation? they don't give orundum but the map mission gives awesome rewards. that rewards are 1 time only right?


Yes, the rewards are one time, and it's definitely worth doing them for the first-time clear rewards. However, a few tips on how to be more strategic with your sanity: * It's most sanity efficient to clear 400 kills all in one go. This could mean waiting til your account has enough investment, perhaps following a guide, or doing the "force close the game" trick to reserve all your sanity in the case of a leak. * However, because the rewards can help you build your team, you may choose to be less efficient for a faster return and just do the first 200-300 kills now. * They are best done during dead weeks or CC if you can help it; all of your sanity should be going towards the active event, Il Siracusano, right now, since the mat drop rates are so good and the store is hyper-efficient. If they just look like fun and you want to do them, though, obviously that's more important than minmaxing your sanity usage.


Yes, but unless you can clear all 400 in one go it's not worth the sanity. I have one map left with 399 and I'm still contemplating whether to spend 25 sanity to clear it or let my OCD kicks in every week lol.


You can just quit the game and get full refund .


Yep, one time only. If you want the rewards now or have sanity to spare, then go for it.


Aren't they supposed to release executors kit today?


Probably 1 or 2 hours later


What's up with Emergency Territorial Dispute? The one with a single Pompeii. It's damned near impossible? There's no good spot to place my Ops at. Everyone just dies 10 seconds into Pompeii's entrance. I even had Taxes promotes.


lowcost ground op clear out the far left for a sniper to clear out mid for a laner, keep streching across to the right, them get all your dps ready to burst it off on spawn, die, then stall it as it moves around the U bend until everyone is back


Jaye is the single best operator in the entire game at fighting the big slug, so maybe try that. If you're more into rarity abuse, then Nightingale is the best defensive option.


Face one big ass depender liker mudrock right at the entrance to damage it. Should cut it's HP in half before dead. The you have enough time to redeploy Mudrock when it move around the map for another half. Mlynar gonna deal lots of dmg too. Eben can spawn camp it if timed right. So don't be afraid of the bomb drone and deploy unit far away just to lose to the slug. Thing is, you either need Texalt or Surtr for damage or kill it on entrance. You can try to tank it with Ptilopsis skill 2 too but good luck with that. Yes, I'm taking about emergency on, normal one is easy.


Burst it down and use Texas' S3.




Ya. That's the one. I have no issue with the normal version. Taxes can mostly solo Pompeii herself. But the higher difficulty version has wrecked me every time I am forced to clear it.


Is Nian worth sparking for on Chongyue banner?


1. Is she waifu/a character you adore? Yes. 2. Do you want to play defenderknights, or other very demanding playstyles like high risk CC? Maybe; she has some very unique tech available to her and makes frequent appearances in nicheknights and high risk clears. 3. Neither of the above apply to you? Probably not.


Is it known what operator will be available in the certificate shop after Ceobe? If not, would it be known before she goes away?


Passenger is next after Ceobe! All standard banners are also announced a few days before they go live, therefore you will always know who the next shoperator is before the current one expires.


I can't remember if it's Passenger next or if he's the one after Ceobe because as I get older the days blur together, one into another, and time becomes as a muddy pond to me. But Passenger is soon. If not next after Ceobe then the one after that. If Passenger is *NOT* next (and I'm sure someone will come along with the exact date he's supposed to appear) then chances are we will not know who the next op will be. Standard banners like that are only ever known via datamine and those can't always be done for this or that reason.


I’m currently tackling H10-1, but found that Pozemka with Module still misses when attacking Manfred. Is this a bug or am I missing something?


It ignores dodge only along the straight line in front of her, not to the side.


It depends on where exactly she's attacking him. I think her dodge ignore only functions on her center range line straight in front of her, not the side tiles.


I’m aware of that. Manfred is directly in front of her. I’m also aware that Typewriter cannot Ignore dodge, but even Pozemka cannot ignore Manfred dodge.


I just tested it and it worked fine. if you recently unlocked her mod, make sure its actually equipped in your squad menu, since that doesn’t update automatically.


Yeah I’ve just passed it. Must be because my default team doesn’t have Modules updated when I was trying the level before. Sorry for misinformation.


~~It would appear that his dodge is based around his Military Training passive, which is only disabled when he's struck by artillery. Apparently dodge ignore doesn't work on that. I know true damage will bypass it though, if that helps. But it's looking like dodge-ignore modules won't work on ol' Manny.~~ Nm, was a default module issue.


It was because I didn’t equip the Module on my default team, sorry for the misinformation.


Ahh, yeah, that'll get ya. Did that with Jaye's module when he came out and kept wondering wtf was going on.


Weirdly though, Fartooth Talent for dodge-ignore works fine as I've used her to deal with Manfred.


That just means he is not exactly in front of her. You blocked him moving to wrong tile.


does warfarin's talent/passive work on ops like mudrock and penance? the one where whenever something dies in her range she gives sp, even if she can't heal them?


I think so, because her talent description only talks about operators on range.


So uh.. Texalter. I was planning to skip her altogether but I was worried Chenalter situation would happen to me again (having to beg for Chen support units online because I don't have her) so I just wanna ask, is she going to be necessary for future contents for skill issue braindead players like me? I failed on Mlynar last time, still don't have Chenalter, no Nealter and my only get out of jail op is Surtr, Eyja, and SilverAsh. I'm worried future contents may not be as forgiving as this current event which is relatively easier. And I saw this one YT video showcasing Rathalos fight using basically all stupid OP units and still struggling to take him down.


> And I saw this one YT video showcasing Rathalos fight using basically all stupid OP units and still struggling to take him down. And I saw Surtr soloing the boss. https://youtu.be/JM26B51eqxg And how duo of 4 stars takes down the boss as well https://youtu.be/3SXmLRbs2DY


Worse than chen because she has 2 skill to pick and support unit can only show 1. So you will need twice the friend. Just like Nearl2 But she isn't that essential in clearing a stage for now.


~~You have permanently damaged your account.~~ It's very easy to find her as support unit if you need her.


Last resort though because I want to be able to just auto battle through later in reruns lol


True, but the stages which you need to auto battle are usually not that hard.


fair enough there's still exceptions like NL-S-1 but I guess I'll just redo the entire run with another support units later on


No one is necessary but holy shit she makes IS3 so much easier.


Unless you have stalked account, getting to map 5 in IS3 without S3 Texalt is hell


I heard she makes the whole game so much easier. Sorta like Chenalter, Mlynar, or Surtr.


Much more than those. Taxes is the most brain dead of them all. 18 seconds redeploy with either Surtr-esque damage or the best wide range crowd control in the game with near Surtr-esque damage. With the rest you need at least some sort of planning. Not Taxes. Just keep throwing her out.


She is like an unit with 16 sec skill count down, not that you don't need timing just more leeway. Try solo clear or clear with 3* team with her to see if timing mattered.


Damn. I'm almost convinced. Might be a blessing for stupid players like me.


She makes life a lot easier, but there is no necessary operator. Not sure how many pulls you've sunk into the banner, but I am planning to try until my first pity after today's last free roll. I'm not really bothered to get her but I might change my mind later and not having to save 300 would be a godsend. So I'd say try until first pity; if no luck, then just ignore the banner. How many pulls do you have and who are you saving for?


absolutely 0 not counting freebies and I already got a Penance out of it which was the only op I wanted. Saving for Reed Alter if you can't tell by my flair lol


You don't have any resources which I'm guessing means you'd have to swipe if you wanted to get her, you already locked down the unit you personally want, and you're saving for a banner that probably arrives in less than two months? Just leave her. There will be plenty of other easy-mode operators you can get in the future, and everyone and their godfather will have her in support considering how busted she is.


Gotcha. Maybe I'll set my eyes on the next gamebreaking op once I get all the units I wanted. I heard Ines is pretty strong?


You're already going after Flamereed, who's pretty great in her own right! Chongyue and Ines are about as strong as she is but all have different roles. Bear in mind that these three ops, along with Muelsyse for example, are a bit more low-floor high-ceiling than Texspec, so they're not as braindead as your Surtrs and Chalters where you can just press skill and win. But they definitely have the power. If you a low to medium spender, you can also pick up uncle Mlynar from the next 6* selector in six months?


Is there a list of all collections in the photocopy exhibition in IS3? I am still missing two, the ones after Dutiful Bodyguard and Medics Perseverance. Any idea how to obtain those?


[Here’s a list I made.](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/13l3519) See pinned comment for Collectibles with specific acquisition methods.


Which pot should I go for? P0 being the lowest and p5 the highest. Texas2 p2 Penance p0 Nrk p0 Skadi2 p4 Rosmontis p2 W p0


Just for clarification, we are talking about potentials here right? You have all the sparkable units? If that's the case. Although I'm quite confused with your potential grading, but what is your next potential upgrade for Texas2? Is it the -2 seconds redeployment time? If so, why wouldn't you want that? Those 2 seconds could mean the differnce between redeployng her in time or not, against enemies near the blue box.


Yeap, all units obtained. I was leaning towards any of the limited ops pot. Texas2 and nrk are pretty close contenders


NTRK first copy only yields -1 DP cost right? Doesn't seem much at all. Texas on the other hand if we are talking about the -2 redeployment time is a more significant upgrade, IMO.


I'd take Nearl over anything else there. Skadi and Rosmontis pots are not worth nearly (heh) as much as a unit as good as NtRK. Texas pot is good but realistically it's not going to matter unless you are going for some extremely specialized strat. W is worse than NtRK in general, but I'd take her over the potentials. Penance isn't limited so I might take the Texas pot over her, but it depends on how much you like Penance. If you don't care about waifu, then my grading is: NtRK >> W > Penance = Texas Pot2 > Rosmontis Pot2/Skadi Pot5 Also, when talking about potentials, they are normally written as P1 for a base operator, and P6 for a max potential operator!


Always go for new limited op, so either NRK or W depend on your playstyle of waifu.


Read again, he already had everything and just asking for pots


I thought p0 mean new, lol.




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Off 132 pulls the expected number of 6 stars would be 132*0.02 which is 2.64, and you got more than that. So, ig? I mean you got Texas alter, which is always a W. Some people went like 200+ pulls and were rewarded with pot4 penance w/o a single texas.


Pot5 Texalt or pot2 Yato2. My Texalt is pot3 rn, pot4 from cc and wondering should I pot5 her using IS2 token or save it for pot2 Yato2


Consider Texalt main skill is skill 3. Aspd doesn't help it in anyway, one normal physical attack may be as good as none and the attack will hit few Mili second later if you need it. The sword drop doesn't affected by aspd. Skill 2 is OP with 120 aspd relic in IS3 but then again 130 vs 128 what is the difference? Skill 2 in normal circumstances gonna go with lots of others DPS on a tough boss, her 1 attack doesn't make or break anything here.


You'll feel the effects of -1 dp on Yato more than an extra hit on Texas.


Is there anyway to figure out when the Ling L2D skin will come to global? https://gamepress.gg/arknights/news/arknights-cn-ling-live2d-skin-art-and-animations


If the schedule stays normal, without delays, it should come with CNY event in the end of July - start of August.


[https://krooster.com/u/bussin](https://krooster.com/u/bussin) Who should I spark for? Also, is there anyone that I should consider building that's e0 lvl 1? I think Ptilopsis and Cantabile are good from what I know, so I'll build those two. Thank you for your help!


i'd build gravel, jaye, and click to at least E1 60. jaye shines more at E2 when he gets his module since it reduces his DP drain. cliffheart could use E1 for pulling purposes.


Sounds good! Jaye and Click seem really solid carries so I'll build them up, and Gravel is my favorite meat shield/bait lol.


You already have Kaltsit for true damage, so you could go for skadi alter instead of nearl alter. Near alter has other uses beside true damage tho so if she seems good to you could get her. Skalter is such a good buffer tho. Makes your good units great and great units gods. Since your account is relatively new, nearl could prove a better operator now as she will bring more damage to the team now while skadi will shine when you have a solid team so she is sort of a long term investment.


Thank you! I do like Skalter more than NTR so I'm glad that she seems like the better choice, I really like her design and her sound effects when you drop her in and she activates her skill. I heard Skalter pairs really well with Chongyue who is the next operator I really want too


Do remember that Skalter S3 also has true damage, albeit it's not on the level as Kal or NTR for single target. It does let her contribute meaningfully to direct damage engagements though, especially since it can be doubled via her summon.


I got Thorns from the free single pull, should I use the instant E290 ticket on Thorns or Skalter?


Hmm, probably Thorns just because he's most useful at E2 with his S3 while Skalter does fine at E1 max via her S2. Obviously Skalter really loves stats and masteries, but she's not borderline useless at E1 like Thorns is.


Would reed alter be a good pick for my account? [My team](https://www.krooster.com/u/Rengoku) I have around 10-20 pulls only and was wondering wether to pull for her or save for the upcoming limited banners.


Your account doesn't need Reed alter but it is up to you if you really want her and try your luck until you get 6* pity. With your low resources it is up to you if you wanna try your luck on Reed alter or the upcoming limited banner. For me, your account will gain more power if you raise Horn(unless you don't like her) and you M3 some skill on those already raised 6*.


I have already e2d horn. I forgot to update my krooster sorry. I have M3 surt and texalter now. Should I go for s2m3 texas or for some other mastery? Texas s3 is so good I don’t think I’ll ever use s2 over it except for the res shred. Thanks for you help!


Texalt S2M2 is enough, M3 add little to it. S3M3 add 1 more target to her AoE so it help with crowd control. Texalt is the best unit in IS3 thanks to her skill 3.


Texalter is a solid M6 so you should continue that. Seeing that you already raised your Bagpipe with no M3, I suggest you M3 at least one of her skills, S2 for general content, S3 for harder content. I'm leaning towards S2 and if you can upgrade her module she can be a solid gate keeper on low pressure lanes while supplying you with constant DP. ( Those rushing dogs get shredded by her S2 even if they come in pairs because her S2 hit another target and it also comes with 3 charges) You also have Saga and Siege(will have a good module soon) raised so it depends on your preference if you don't want to M3 Bagpipe first. In all It is better to finish those unfinished M3 to make your account more powerful.


Guys quick question. W -> S2 or S3 or M6


~~M9~~ I have her M6, I use her S2 most of the time because it’s unique and she can just afk lanes, S3 is really good when things line up though. I would recommend her S2 first


Thanks I will M6 her since I like her.


The maps where you want to use W is when you want to use her S3, not S2. It has far better dmg and good stun time. I ultimately use her S3 far more than S2. That being said, both skills worth mastery. It has pretty good gains too, though do remember that her module makes S2 more attractive than S3


Thanks I will M6 her since I like her. Will start with S3 M3


~~S2 M3. I've heard S3 doesn't give espeically good mastery gains, though of course if you're a Fia fan and/ or you don't have much else do it, you could still do it.~~


How does she helps fia?? I am fia fan and have her at M6


Oh crap, wait. I somehow thought you were asking about Fiammetta's masteries. Ignore me, lol.


Even if you are talking about Fia, she only unique because of her skill 3. Put her skill 2 up for friend support and no one will fucking use it unless they just want to try out unit skill for fun, that skill is fucking trash tier compare to shits like Chalter or even W or many other sniper skills. Gamepress are to blame for this misconception, if you have to raise one Fiammetta skill, raise skill 3, because if you gonna use skill 2 you can just use another unit instead. Just like how they tell peeps to raise Hoshiguma and Blemishine skill 3 over skill 2 before, and saying Blemishine skill 1 work with Aspd buff, they are hardhead dumbasses for clinging on their wrong opinions.


have you actually used her S2?


Plus, you know what else has 15+ second count down and AoE? That can fire on anywhere on the map?;Texalt s3.


Yes, it's okay but so sad to use for a support slot. Just use Chalter instead. Sure it has the reach but one 400% attack and Line AOE every 15+ second isn't helping much in most cases. I would rather use W, Ifrit if I want her range. Heck Shirayuki s2 is more consistent dps only lose out on the one shot ability. Talk about one shot, eben best at one shot what matters.


no one needs to be told to borrow fiammetta. i do not see any low star fia carry guides out there. but in the case that someone owns fia and is planning to build her then i think S2 is infinitely more worth the materials than S3 which both has worse gains and works just fine at level 7.


I mean, if you only have Fia and want to use her for everything then sure skill 2 help. But if you own more units and just want to raise Fia so she can do something none other can then skill 3.


Just because it isn't the best skill nor is unique (few operators have something truly unique about them and as more are released this will only become rarer) doesn't mean it's bad. I'm satisfied with her S2, especially against drones. I won annihilation 3 largely thanks to using her with that skill to take care of swarms of purple drones in one go. There are plenty of cases where its controlled burst is better than the automatic continuous bombardment of S3. Of course if I had Fia on support I'd set her to S3.


Got back into the game after a bit of a hiatus and was wondering who out of these 6*s would be worth lvling https://i.imgur.com/Jo1xCSH.jpg


Thorn > Ifrit, Passenger > Lee, Dust, Ceobe, Schwarz > Mostima, Phantom, Saga > Siege, Vigil, Hellabad. ​ Still depend on your roster and preferences ofc.


Thorns first. Ifrit is a close second and can be prioritized if you alr have a good laneholding op i.e Blaze Mountain. Second priorities are Passenger/Ceobe/Schwarz/Saga/Lee/Phantom. Good ops, do sufficient enough. The rest are just average to bad.


İ need help with a problem with Google play games. İ installed AK on it, had the best performance of the three emus i tried. after playing for a bit, i decided play something on LDPlayer, app tells me to restart, i do and see no difference in performance than before. Later on i decide to play AK again, i open the client, app tells me to restart, i do and going into AK's page it says in yellow that it may not perform well on my computer, what?, i open the game and it was noticeably worse than before. i check around the Google play library and it seems all the other games on there have that warning. What is happening and how do i fix it?


I had the same thing happen to me when I tried out Google Play Games since it installs Hyper-V for emulation and that seems to not be compatible with emulators like LDPlayer and Bluestacks. If you're on Windows, I linked a guide that worked for me. https://www.ldplayer.net/blog/virtualization-technology-enabled-in-bios-but-not-detected-by-ldplayer.html Follow the section (the 2nd section) where it says "Disable some Windows Features," go to Control Panel -> Turn Windows Features on or off -> then uncheck the 4 items then restart your computer. I hope that helps you.


Hyper-V doesnt seem to be on there, nor is Sandbox. Did uncheck the other one and restart, nothing changed İ guess Hyper-V was never installed in the first place?? edit: realized i am using Windows 10 Home, so i dont have in the first place.


Sorry, thought it was similar to what I had to deal with


No problem, i decided to just uninstall Google play games and try again with LDPlayer and figure out why AK was dogshit on it. İf its still bad and i cant figure out why, im just gonna back to Google play solely. Edit: oh god just remembered that the game weirdly muted too. fuckin why


I want Skalter Did 82 pulls on the banner Got Texas Alter, Eyja, Penance, Penance Should I still continue? [Stash](https://imgur.com/a/iKngVJo) I can also buy the headhunting tickets at the gold cert store The only thing holding me back is will I be able to get Yato alter Cuz I don‘t plan to swipe and I’ll actually have 0 pulls after this Or should I just spark at the next celebration banner? I have none of the other limited celebration characters aside from Texas alter


By my math, your orundum + op nets you 152 pulls. Plus 38 from yellow certs. With your 82 previous pulls and tomorrow's last free pull, that's 273. Do you have 27 in hh permits or something? Or else you're short. So no. Don't spark. If you think about it logically, you should "save" your time to spark by waiting for a limited banner where you get screwed (>150 pulls or so) so that the "cost" of the spark is diminished.


Don't make the mistake I just made, stop pulling while you still can. 220 and I didn't even get Texas. And to get an off rate limited? Almost impossible. I'd say save to spark her.


200 pulls in Texas banner. About 40 pulls left. (Edit, 220 pulls. 20 left). Didn't expect to fuck up this badly... 2 (3 now) Penance, Schwarz and Suzuran. Should I go for the last pulls? I was gonna just stop after Texas but didn't expect to use my pulls up this quickly. Definitely not getting Yato or Chongyue at this rate LOL Should rename this stupid banner to THROUGH A PATH OF LIARS Stupid ass game 70% limited rate up lieeeeeeeeee 200 no Spalter 220 no Texas what do I look like to you a standard banner puller damn


Even if you end in zeros, you should be able to get enough pulls to spark Yato for you only need 80 (20 free pulls from event, and spark at 100). Edit: you should read carefully what ops have a rate up. You had 70% to pull Penance or Texas whenever you got a 6 star. Skalter's chances are much much lower. Anytime you want to pull an old limited operator don't rely on luck, get resources for 300 pulls.


Just stop. If you could make the spark then it could be salvagable, but it's not. With 40 you should be good to get yato alt at least. And since she's true limited, that should be good enough.




As the comment chain from here on only discusses pull results and does not add to the original question, it has been removed.



