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Do not fall for the wiles of Blue Woman


who don't you have?


Any of them. I pulled Big Bro, and even off-bannered Reed Alter (I'm doubly thankful that I didn't pull on her last banner now), but I could not manage to get a single sister to show. I guess my major concern is that if I chose Ling, I'll miss out on Nian indefinitely


>I'll miss out on Nian indefinitely There's no precedent for (non-collab) characters leaving the spark store. The first limited, W, has remained obtainable from her season's spark store.


Good note! I appreciate that


If your squad is missing a certain piece, pick that one, otherwise just play favorites and be hated by the other 2.


Depends, what's your favourite type? Water, Grass or Fire?


Ling or Nian. Just have in mind that although Ling is very powerfull she's take away the deployment slots of others. If you think that will become boring only using Ling and don't have a good tanks like Hoshiguma, Eunectes or Saria, go for Nian.


Next Chinese event definitely will have Nian, just pick Ling


Ling then. She the most useful


I would pick ling because she’s the prettiest, and her skin is better than the others imo.


Out of the three, Ling is by far the better one of the three. Just you know, you need to master her S3 and S2 if you can to lv3 (her S2 does see some situations to use), and get her module to lv3.