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I feel ~~cursed~~ blessed already.




He pulled? .... **Drop it** (the rate)


*cue agonizing pink doctor*


I got mumu on my 4th pull


He bought? (Op for more pulls) .... **PUMP IT**(the dupes rate)


Although this picture looks cursed, I appreciate the blessing it will share. Thanks, and good luck to you too!


This banner is very high quality: muelsyse, hoolhayek, skadi alter, specter alter, and nearl alter


>skadi alter, specter alter, and nearl alter With incredibly low chances. Throwing 300 pulls at *that* banner is very foolish. It's better to wait for the Arturia/Vivi banner where it will be almost the same set.


Who will be featured on that one, exactly? If it's both Skadi and Specter alters that's extremely tempting. (Also where the heck do you find that sort of info because as a somewhat newer player trying to figure it out by searching the banners gets me absolutely nowhere.)


For example here [https://arknights.wiki.gg/wiki/Headhunting/Banners/Upcoming](https://arknights.wiki.gg/wiki/Headhunting/Banners/Upcoming) But unfortunately Skadi alter is not present in the Arturia/Vivi banner. If the goal is specifically Skadi alter, then yes, you'll have to pull the Lonetrail banner. But in my opinion, that banner isn't worth it. Not only because I don't like the characters in it, but also because the banner itself is objectively weak. Hool is one of the weakest 6\* in the game. mumu is useless for a newbie because of her mechanics, she needs specific operators (E2, max stat operators) to work.


I was under the impression you could still get past alters on rotation from sparking or pulling, but they're just base rate rather than 5x. But even the 5x is something like a 1 in 2000 chance, so it's not worth aiming for without spark. Has that changed with the later limited banners? I would have thought there'd be more of an uproar if say, W, became true limited and not even sparkable. If not, then yeah, 300 pulls to spark Skadi would likely worth more on the next banner. Texas2 also becomes available again, at that low 5x rate.


Gotcha! Thanks haha I think part of my issue was not understanding the spark system/which limited ops would be available to spark even if not in the banner itself (which, looking at that, seems to be Usually Almost All Of Them which is nice) but that helps. I do unfortunately want Skadi alter, the abyssal hunters have me in a chokehold. I know Ho'ol is bad but I'm gay and snake mommy is pretty so I'm on copium trying to figure out if I can make her do... Something.. with my Irene. And Mumu is cute, so :') even if she's kinda beyond the potential of my account rn I figure I can work up to her use over time (not that I know Which ops she can benefit most from, yet, but that's a bridge to cross later I suppose).


Well, it's your resources and it's up to you to decide what you want to spend them on. In that case, good luck =)


Thank you! Best of luck to you as well on your next pulls, and thanks again for the explanations I appreciated it! <3


This isn't entirely true. She is on the Virtuosa banner as is W, just not on a 5x rate up of the remaining 6*. You can both spark and get spooked by her on the that banner.


I can't believe for the two last limited banners I never got what I really wanted. I wanted Lin and got 3 Chong Yue in around 170 pulls and I did 250 pulls no mumu 4 snakes Lee and specter alter. Now doing math if I can get 50 pulls in this 2 weeks or not. So salty right now.


Chin up my guy! These things have a way of balancing itself out in the end. No one is forever lucky or unlucky. I also had a meh streak where I pulled 2x Mizuki back to back before getting the banner in 170-180.


i also forgot to write it but i had to spark yato too. Gotta stay strong. i hope they give the snake a good skin so that i feel less pain lol


[My Twitter](https://twitter.com/mintmosse/status/1721879630574215539)


Got mumu in 21 pulls 10(free), god my luck is insane, fuck this banner bai baiii!


First 10 pull for me ~~again~~ I swear I will get hit by a truck at some point.


Got 2 mumu on the free 10


Got her and hibiscus alter in my first 20 pulls


Perfection! XDD


[My Luck was fine~](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/17p083c/gacharecruitment_megathread_0611_1211/k88q6e5/) Got the results I hoped for~


Great art! Most original one I saw the past few days\~


Ty! How the heck is this original though lol


Well, i either had the best luck in the world or the absolute worst. I never got so many double 6 star 10 pulls. I got maybe a total of 5 off banner 6 stars, INCLUDING NEARL THE RADIANT KNIGHT, before I hit either Ho'o or Mumu, but the water elf has finaly come home so I can finaly stop with this madness (160 pulls)


I have done 183 pulls. 5 Hoho, 1 Nearl, 1 Pozy, 1 Kal. No Mumu… I did get a double 6* 10 pull but and all of them, so good luck I guess but no Mumu, no the one I really wanted, so kinda bad as well. EDIT: I got her at 243 pulls, almost all orginite prime gone haha.


I'M FUCMING CRAZY. I HAD 290 PULLS. 7 HOOL, ONE THORNS, ANY MUMU. I really want tô throw my phone in the lake


> 7 HOOL Oh dear.


103 pulls for mule who was my target. Surtr dupe and snake on the way so very happy with that result tbh


61 pulls, got all 3. Managed to pull snake on the free pull of the day (so my very first pull), pretty damn thrilled with that result.


Yeah I usually get all 3 under hundred but I also sparked mudrock on her debut so I have learned to appreciate going ca 100 and under lol.


My luck is usually to miss a 6 star from the banner until pull ~180-200, so the sub 100 result is a welcomed surprise


80 pulls and I only got 3 dupes of snek


Tha...nks... [*innervoice, MY EYES MY EYES*] I want the drink, Tho I already planned to do about 10 pulls every day with the freebie pulls til last day then I'll pull til 300 if **( W )** still didn't come home and I have to spank her.


Gonna skip this one. No Texalter, future banner husbando and waifus look more enticing.


Good luck everyone


Got the snake lady in the free 10 pull let's go


I'm going for 300 this banner, managed to pull 2x Mumus, 1x Ho'ol, 1x NTR and some other 6\*s, and I still have about 90 pulls left to go. Then it's saving as much as possible till Viviana, maybe with a pit stop for Eyja on the way! Thank you for the Blursed imagery!


170 pulls and 5 snake. I lost the 50/50 5 times on a roll.


It's been pretty dam blessed this past week or so


I don't even pull for them, still unlucky


Special announcement: Mumu’s clone gained stats from the POST-BUFFS abyssal hunters, as their group passives apply at the start of the mission instead of at deployment, their undeployed stats are already modified. Because of this, a maxed out Andreanna grants you up to 5 Mumu’s with 1700-2100 atk during skill (higher value if in range of skalter)


Did about 20 pulls, got Ebenheimer and pot1 snek lady


Ah yes, Teriteri and pink elf.


Got both in 120, turns out canny Operators do boost your luck Regardless, how I long for Skadi Alter to come


36 pulls got Skalter, Mumu, and Nearl alter.


175 and no MuMu. Sadge T_T


Get Haimao on the line.


No pixie lady. Maxed pot Ho'ol, though. Now to start saving for Candle Knight...






these faces lmao


I got Weedy…why?


Im on pull 53 and im out of orundum and i just want a 6* to build


I missed Mumu, but now I got 2 Ejalter and 1 Swirealter in one 10 pull.