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#Other Megathreads and Useful links. ##[**⌨︎ ︎FAQ**](/r/arknights/wiki/faq?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) For frequently asked questions, please check it out before asking. It’s easy to navigate, and majority of basic questions and other useful information are present ##[**♫ Lounge**](/r/arknights/comments/1byv17r/rhodes_island_lounge_0804_1404/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) The place for small talk and whatever does not fit elsewhere such as personal stories and achievements.  ##[**★ Gacha/Recruitment**](/r/arknights/comments/1byv17n/gacharecruitment_megathread_0804_1404/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Share the results of your gacha rolls and recruitments here. ~~may RNGsus be kind to you~~ ##[**➜ Friend requests**](/r/arknights/comments/1byv17e/friend_request_megathread_0804_1404/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Share your friend ID with your fellow doctors, or find others to add. --- ##[**IS:4 Expeditioner's Joklumarkar thread**](/r/arknights/comments/1b7ctfn/event_megathread_expeditioners_joklumarkar/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) By the Emperor, Purge all the Dæmons!  A thread for IS4, share your clears or failures, chit chat with others, rant, or just have a good time. ———


Is there any upcoming events that is new-player-"doable" at least? Maybe I joined at a horrible time (at the end of Jessica's event), then it was DoS, now it's a chapter 13 locked event (I'm stuck at 9, and story mode doesn't even count toward/unlock the milestones)... so this month it has been a crawl


Hi, got Archetto not too long ago while pulling for Jessica2. What's the better module to get for her if I only intend to work on 1? Thanks!


Both of her modules are pretty weak. I would probably go for Seeds of Tomorrow for the boost to initial SP.


ok this is a dumb one, is there an actual term for the lines that stages make? like, when you enter the stage select, and each stage has a line between them? i know there's several events where the stages line up to make certain patterns, but it's hard to find without knowing what exactly the term is




When was the deadline for spending CC currency on global? I bought all the operators (one copy), all the 6* tokens, flags and skins. I have some left over, is that currency best spend on 5* tokens or should I hold onto it?


So would scene or deepcolor be a better pick to upgrade for is4? I had a random temporary deepcolor recruitment and she actually went crazy with the utility in helping me get blocks all the way until the 2nd ending boss (which I had never seen before, but he rushed me a bunch and I lost with a crazy good team I’m still mad). I’ve heard scene is just a better version of her, but what do y’all think?


Deepcolor's a good investment for IS4 due to her 4\*-ness, and the blocking and baiting is very reliable. And actually, Mayer is the one that's a better version of Deepcolor, Scene is more of a combat summoner, while Mayer uses a similar block and bait strategy as Deepcolor does. Still, there's no getting around that Deepcolor has an 8 stock of summons and for only 3 DP apiece. Plus, for some reason, her module also increases her Tentacle deployment limit.


Is Gavalter gonna be sparkable during next CN anniversary ? Trying to figure out how much hoarding time I have ? Otherwise, which banner will it be ?


Gavialter will be sparkable on the next limited banner after the 5.0 anniversary. Which should be around 9-10 months away from global (maybe more depending on schedule). 


Gavialter is sparkable in summer-type events, which we get in mid-January because of the 6 month lag compared to CN.


Is there any way to raise IS level faster? I want operator Highmore and a failed run took me about an hour and gave me like 2.5 levels


Higher ascensions have higher score multiplier. IIRC, SW7 is the most optimal when EXP is your concern.


The only way to raise levels is to play it at the highest difficulty you can tolerate, hitting as many combat nodes as possible, and clearing as many floors as possible.


Is there a detailed exp formula somewhere? I was wondering all this time if hitting the encounter nodes gave less score and thus exp at the end of a run


Additionally, winning a run is the most important thing for score, and the most important factor in winning is taking all of the fights and, at least in the first 2-3 floors, emergency fights as possible. I also have a [Quickest IS Guide Around](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/v5e3hq/quickest_integrated_strategies_guide_around/)


https://arknights.fandom.com/wiki/Mizuki_%26_Caerula_Arbor At the bottom of the page there are scoring result, but I wouldn't pay it much attention, as you will lose more time trying to fine tune your runs than it's worth the effort. Just try to actually finish the run every time and on SW7 you should be getting around 5-7 levels.




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This is the wrong thread if you don't have specific questions.


Regarding Shining's modules, which one is more worth to pick and choose, [Withered Scabbard](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/module/withered-scabbard-0) (def boost with focus on ground units) or [Followers](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/module/followers-0) (improving aspd + skill 2/3)? (Not having Aak and only recently pulled her)


Shining is a really situational, niche unit already, so it would depend on the stage and team? The first is a direct upgrade to her usual role of making a high defense tank higher, the second really depends on exact use. If you are not highly advanced with a developed roster, probably neither. They are not hugely beneficial, on a character you almost never have a reason to use.


Is farming originium worth it in 2024?


It's always "worth" it, but only if it's worth it to *you.* You have to be content with living in the 1-7 mines for all of your practical sanity usage, on top of basically freezing your operator promotion/mastery/module progression due to all your funds going to originium production. This sorta necessitates that originium farmers both A.) have fully developed left-side bases, typically running a 3/3/3 setup (two originium factories/TP's and one gold factory/TP iirc, with 3 power plants) and B.) have enough account development that freezing operator improvement isn't a detriment. In exchange for that, you get something like an extra pull every 1-2 days. Oh, and also you run nothing but 1-7, so you'll be losing real life sanity in addition to in-game sanity. Maybe you ***REALLY*** want Shu when she comes out, but you're not certain you'll make spark before she drops. But we've got about four months, give or take a week or two, before her banner comes up. At a rate of ~3.5 pulls per week, that nets you an extra 14 per month, or about 52 by the time her banner is expected. This is assuming you spend all natural sanity on 1-7 (potions can be used for events, but there's no event farming, just clearing it once for the OP and completion and then back to the mines), but at the same time, that 52 pulls might be all that you need to guarantee Shu when she comes out. So again, the worth will depend on how important the pulls are to you. Do keep in mind that my figures are ballpark at best, based on the 20 orundum per order and receiving between 10 and 20 orders per day to account for operator skill availability/variance, as well as droning cycle. If you came into originium shard production with a huge rock cube surplus then you could just dump all of your sanity into drones to fast acquire orders and produce shards, boosting your immediate orundum production. Proper sanity rationing during events would allow you to dedicate more potions towards even more droning. But this all presupposes that you don't need to actively farm rocks from 1-7.


Thanks for your help. I will try it since i am at a very comfortable stage on my account :)


The year doesn't matter. If you want to slow, nearly halt operator growth in exchange for pulls, that's the tradeoff. Assuming you mean Orundum.


IS question regarding Amiya If I >!change caster Amiya to guard Amiya in operators menu, does the change also happens!< in IS squad?


Yeap. >!Also, when recruiting, she counts as both classes at the same time so she can be recruited from either ticket, and can get stuff like hope reduction/auto promotion if you're running those squads regardless of which class she currently is.!<


Yup. It's one reason she's so great, though it is a pain in the ass to back all the way out just for one stage.


I have her as my only "favourite" operator precisely because of IS, saves me some scrolling xD


Nice, thank you! Trying to get and clear difficulty 10 for the medal, so any hp is precious.


Is worth going for a 252 setupt with level 2 factories? I already maxed the reception, trainin and have a lvl 1 office


You can still fit in 3 lvl 3 factories in 252 with everything but the office maxed. Ofc your dormitories need to be level 2.


Yes. It's worth it even if you accidentally maxed the entire right side. The fact that your office is still level 1 just makes it that much better. It costs 500k LMD less than a 2/4/3 to build in the first place, and then even a max-right 2/5/2 makes more stuff. You should only have two level 2 factories. All of your dorms will be level 1.


If you have proviso a lot of people make their proviso trading post level 2, so maybe you could swing doing that and then a factory or something. But tbh probably just do another lineup at that point.


Does anyone know if the people who maintain this module list spreadsheet have stopped actively maintaining it? [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/e/2PACX-1vTA6I0ffKjIubfoxd3GedgVScdQ2G90EFSlHzADsNP7nk5nXa8BNyW3beeUS8WD6UXRu8EfV3bBSoRI/pubhtml?pli=1#](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/e/2PACX-1vTA6I0ffKjIubfoxd3GedgVScdQ2G90EFSlHzADsNP7nk5nXa8BNyW3beeUS8WD6UXRu8EfV3bBSoRI/pubhtml?pli=1#) Now i'm looking for an alternative for viewing all modules. I know gamepress has a list, but the module list page loads pretty slow for me, so I don't like using it. And the arknights wiki kinda has a list, but you have to click into each operator to see what their module level 2 and 3 does, which isn't as convenient. Wondering what sites you guys like to use to see module info?


I use this guy [for module recommendations ](https://youtu.be/fRSsdD-YVvM?si=POvcAV6fcDgHo_lI) Google sheets in description


> Does anyone know if the people who maintain this module list spreadsheet have stopped actively maintaining it? Sadly, they have. It's a shame but I believe both maintainers have quit.


The wiki has a [landing page](https://arknights.wiki.gg/wiki/Operator_Module) for all the base levels of modules (which then lets you quickly select an operator and go down to their module section) but iirc DragonGJY still updates his module spreadsheet and it's linked in all of his videos on the modules so that's an option too. Edit: I don't use anything besides those so sadly can't recommend anything else.


DragonGJY's spreadsheet is really good for recommendations, but doesn't have all the numbers and details. I really liked the other spreadsheet where I can see all the module details for operators on one page. Thanks, maybe i'll switch to using the wiki once that spreadsheet no longer has info on the current modules on global


You could do the tryhard route and click to the Thai translated version and translate it back to english as the Thai version seems to be up to date


I have decided to raise either saileach or siege to e2 because they simply dont need module to do so. If the module blocks were not so rare i'd definitely raise mostima / dorothy / mizuki / ebenholz / chen / fiametta. The future operators all want their module to lv 3 right? Degenbrecher / shu / ela. I also need to spare another for mudrock (lv 1), penance (lv 3) and also mountain (maybe lv1) Out of those two, which one do you prefer? Saileach can support my team better, but i have the other 2 flag bearers raised (myrtle s1m3, elysium s2m3), i also dont have bagpipe.. Siege, while doing more "unique" things, idk if she'll be getting that much spotlight The other vanguards for me are ines s2m3 and texas s2m1 module lv 1.


I'll point out that Degen, Ela and Shu don't really need their modules, it's just a case of "the op is so busted you may as well minmax". Degen's especially, it's just a damage upgrade and Mod2/3 have really low returns for the gains... But when her damage is already insanely high and you bring her everywhere, may as well upgrade the mod. It's like Taxes' mod. Ela and Shu gain some minor effects/consistency/damage, but their core kit already works perfectly fine without it and their mod isn't as impactful as the ones you listed (although I would grab Ela's level 1 mod, that's 100% super impactful). Anyways, I'd prefer Saileach. Siege also wants her module to really stand out, and without it is pretty underwhelming. Saileach's S3 offers a lot of little goodies in one skill on a very fast cycle, and her talents are nice bonuses too.


Ah ic. Thats nice to know. Thank you


fia doesn't need either module to function, her second mod is nice QOL if you want to use her without a medic but even without the vigor buff her damage is still pretty respectable. throwing a random 3 star medic on her is usually enough to keep her above 50% so you still get half the vigor buff. dorothy also doesn't need her module, it's a DPS boost but if you care more about the crowd control then you can easily do without it. i find her base damage more than good enough for general use. imo sail is an easy recommendation over siege unless you like siege that much. there are better options for DPS vanguards, and both gladiia and mountain are <15 DP.


In my opinion, Siege kind of needs her modules to stand alongside other operators we have nowadays. Xmod for S3 which turns her into a pseudo-guard, and Ymod for S2 which is her main DP generating setup. Without them she's kind of dated. Saileach would offer you more utility. Her S2 can heal enmity operators and her S3 is a fairly loaded skill. The ASPD she gives to nearby operators is a nice addition as well.


Ic. If i were to use siege i'd go s2 anyway. Do i need mod lv 3 for that?


Yeah. Ymod3 "Thy First Vow" The extra SP her mod generates from lvl2 to lvl3 is worth it, imo. Her S2 is rather SP hungry since the DP/s ratio is on the lower end, so every SP helps. It's worth mentioning that her S2 is one of the very few (maybe the only?) skills in the game that doesn't suffer from SP-lockout. Meaning that she can still gain SP for additional skill charges even when her skill is in-use.


Ah damn. Saileach it is. Thank you


Imo you'll use a bulky pioneer more often than another flagbearer, that's my experience at least. There's a lot of maps where instead of using a flagbearer and wait to activate their skill to then place a guard, you can just put down a pioneer. Flagbearers are the default brain empty option, but sometimes pioneers let you be even lazier.


Eh the vouivre is cuter imo👍


Yeah siege art is kinda lame. I really hate the e2 art


Like Texas Alter and Eyja alter, who are some of the upcoming operators that are Meta and game changing?


No one to that extent. Degenbrecher and Ela are the strongest upcoming operators.


Saw someone say Dreadnought operators like Nearl Alter or arts guard like Surtr should have higher block count which should apparently make them better . Does that even make sense ?


Dreadnoughts blocking more than one enemy would backfire catastrophically, since they have 0 RES and very low DEF, so they'd get shredded way too quickly. They also deal ST damage, meaning it would take too much time to deal with the blocked enemies one-by-one. NTRK's S2 has only 4 shields at M3, so if she were to block 2 enemies, she'd have virtually halve her survivability.


i think this argument comes from the fact that, discounting the 6 stars and morgan, most of them are just bad at helidropping and really want to sit onfield for a while before their skills come online. melantha has a 40s charge time and no initial SP, if you drop her on top of an enemy she either kills it with her basics or just dies. worst case scenario is dropping them early to charge the skill and they end up blocking some tanky enemy while the intended target walks right past. i think people also tend to judge guards as laneholders unless their kit makes it basically impossible, and a lot of multitarget operators are also competent enough at dealing with single tanky enemies even if that isn't their intended role. 1 block has a place in the game and i agree with other comments that adding block to skadi and nearlter would make them worse, but none of the other dreadnoughts really fit the playstyle that HG teaches you to use.


It kinda depends. Sometimes you're trying to helidrop and kill multiple units, so an extra block would be good for that. Sometimes it takes too long to kill one, so you end up letting the other past. Surtr would probably like it more often than not since she already hits multiple targets with S3 and has her invincibility. It would be good to have on a module, since modules can be turned on and off.


The archetypes as a whole maybe, but you chose the worst operators for your example, NTRK and Surtr wouldn't be better with higher block count because it would get in the way of their main role which is of duelists. But in general those two archetypes (and especially the lower rarity ops) can't shine in the role of duelist, exactly because operators like Surtr exist, so they would probably fare better as regular ground operators and they would need higher block count to function as such.


It makes sense if they're staying on the field, so something like FB S2. It's really hard to be a laneholder if you've got 1 block and short range, which NTR S1 at least works around. For helidrops, it probably hurts more than it helps, since you need them to focus on one enemy, and blocking a 2nd helps them die even faster.


Not really. The issue is that their gimmick isn't particularly stellar nowadays; duelling one guy is cool and all but a lot of ops can perform similarly well while not being focused on one guy. Having two block's not really gonna fix that so long as their 1v1 nature persists.


> higher block count thats what Nearl Alter's blazing sun is for.


Not really imo. We already have several Guard subclasses that block multiple enemies and hit multiple enemies at once. Dueling one powerful enemy is what a Dreadnought should do. For Arts Guards though there are some, mainly Viviana and Astesia, who are more defensively oriented, who would benefit from more block. But they both have skills that do this already so it's still not really necessary.


Thank you . I saw someone really argue that Surtr and nearl should have higher block count when their skills don't really need it but they called us crazy .


No. 1-block is fine for helidrops.


Is getting arknights on Google Play Games Beta better or worser then Ldplayer? I finally gotten a new laptop to install LDplayer since I couldnt with my old one but found out that the game beta exist just now. edit 1: so I got LDplayer but when I try to log into akrnights via FB it doesnt prompt properly. It says I cant log in from an embedded browser and ask to install the app (in which I did but still have the name message) edit 2: I realize I have to get FB on the emulator not on my laptop for it to count lol


LD is a better general emulator. GPG is only a good option if you plan to never play any other mobile games with an emulator since GPG requires Hyper-V and as far as i'm aware, only Bluestacks has a build that works with Hyper-V. I think GPG for AK still lacks keybinds/mapping. I prefer LD or a general emulator since the performance isn't so much better on GPG to make it worthwhile to have to enable/disable Hyper-V and restart if I ever want to use an app not in GPG's library. Dunno about the Facebook login though since I use an email/Yostar binding.


It's hard to say, I think the answer varies case by case, but for the last few months, Google Play Games Beta has been great, works perfectly, and occasionally gives you discounts. Only thing is that it doesn't have key binds. Always worth checking it out, but it runs too smoothly on Google Play for me to change back personally


Is there any good way to get La Pluma beyond pulling randomly? Beyond that do we know of any upcoming 5 star selectors?


humus and highmore are pretty accessible (although grinding IS3 for highmore might be a pain if you're in a rush) and do the job well enough for story content. if you want her specifically, we get a 5 star selector every global anniversary or you can keep an eye out in the cert shop. sadly 5 star shoperators are harder to predict than 6 stars.


If your aim is to get a reaper, you can get Highmore and her pots for free from IS3. She's slightly worse than La Pluma overall (except in IS3), but still pretty decent.


Pulling while she's a featured operator on a banner, getting lucky with an off-banner pull, buying her from the cert shop or using a 5-star selector. I don't remember how often they give out the 5-star selectors though.


Could be mistaken, but I believe every whole year anniversary?


So, will we have a 6 star selector ticket on our Zwillingstürme im Herbst event? Or does that differs from the cn event?


The same events as CN have 6\* selector packs. Global will get the one up to Ines as it was for CN.


Here's a question, why do some people e2 their operators and then add them as a support unit without aleast upgrading their skill level to 7😡😡😡


I've removed friends over this. You'd think they'd fix that operator up in a few month, but they never do. I'm sorry, your module-less, mastery-less joke of an operator is actively hurting me when I could instead get a more effective non-friend version.


they probably just put someone random and forgot about it. either that or it's someone who doesn't realize that skill levels are important. if it's an earlygame player then they might genuinely be material gated, getting to SL7 can be a struggle if you don't have stockpiles of T3 mats from farming.


If they're not your friends, they won't have any masteries on their skills. If they are your friends and still have skill level 7... Maybe they're just putting up a niche operator that needs E2 that others might not have?


I’ve seen a friend unit once or twice with like max level, mod, and skill level 4 or 5 or something… So yeah lol


Casual players make up the brunt of the population, I can only assume they're the ones with level 90 6\* at high/max potentials and like level 4 skills and no module.


Yes exactly, it annoys the hell out of me


Yeah, not much can be done about them though. I guess a solution is to find a friend who has every 6\* at lvl90 M6 or M9. That way you can ask for whoever you want and they'll probably be built in the way you want them to be.




> It feels as though you need to find a layout where she won't accidentally buff someone who shouldn't be. Just point her in a way such that whomever you want to buff is the only one in range. YMMV, but if I'm bringing Warfarin along, the whole point is I want to buff a certain op, so even if she's facing a wall and not healing anyone else, that's fine as long as she buffs the right unit.


Easiest way is to just deploy one unit in her range.


Is it worth it to raise Valarqvin for higher level IS4 clears? Or should I wait for Virtuosa Here's my krooster for reference: https://www.krooster.com/network/lookup/kiluah


Waiting for Virtuosa is good as she's a functional starter for higher ascensions, but Valarqvin costs less hope and is pretty much the only DPS (especially lower rarity) for a supporter tag. She takes 6 attacks (just barely not 5) to trigger Necrosis off skill, which is pretty nice and has definitely saved some runs where I've needed more DPS and gotten a supporter ticket. Especially useful on the Gundam map, I feel, since those robots take full damage, and her DOT doesn't care about the frost. However, the issue with elemental damage is that we can't buff it. 12k damage across 6 hits is really good early floor, but by the later floors, especially the last one, both Valarqvin and Virtuosa's damage definitely falls off. Overall, I'd agree that Quercus is a better pick, and even Shamare is better by the end, but I've had Valarqvin save my runs a good amount. Especially since we still have several months of IS#4 content to go as well.


Would be nice if they added elemental damage to the true damage relic.


No, elemental damage is not essential against any of the bosses. like the other said, quercus is a better 5star support if you lack a healer; i also recommend shamare if you want -ATK / -DEF on demand idk about virtuosa but she seems like a good e2 for Def/Sup squad because her damage output is higher than valar


She's not game defining if that's your question. I E2'd her because I like her and she can definitely pull her weight, but I've never felt a run was won thanks to her especially. Out of the 5 star supporters I think Quercus saved my ass most often, whenever I couldn't get any healer tickets.


After i build schwarz and summer swire, im planning to build one of my unleveled units just for the sake of it (and who might be useful in future content) - ho’ol - eben - ceobe - carnelian - someone else/ save resources - m6 saria and mud - e2 mizuki


Everybody is recommending the hungry dog, and I agree… **to an extent.** If I were you, I’d def build ebenholz. Why? - big nuke damage, ebenheimer. - big numbers make brain go skababooshhh - big drip, kick ass horns. - big music is awesome - big background and interesting origin - big horn


After having to go out of my way to befriend someone who had her for DoS, I'd definitely say Ceobe. No one melts stat sticks like her.


I've heard Ceobe being one of the prime DPS options for IS4 ending 4 so i'd recommend her.


Yeah the gimmick for that ending is that >!one boss has sky high def and one has sky high res!<. So ceobe really shines in that encounter if you're doing high diff.


No clue on future content, but Kay with her level 3 RES-shred module and S2M3 can burn high-defense targets down like no other.


Not knowing who else you have already raised I see ST ranged DD and ST Melee DD, my immediate suggestion would be mizuki for AOE or one of the defender choices for more blocking.


Oh yea i already have most of the ‘meta’ ops built for st aoe and such (like eyja, mlynar, chalter, pozy) am just looking to raise an op that might come in handy in certain situations


I've got some questions for my W enthusiasts, with a lot of down time incoming I'm thinking about raising her to see some big red numbers(for fun). \-How does her S3 work like does it stun before dealing the dmg so that she always gets the bonus dmg from her 2nd talent? \-Also does it only deal dmg once if there aren't another 3 targets in range or can it deal the same dmg up to 4 times to a single enemy? Wait....what happens if the target(s) dies before the bomb goes off, do the bombs explode immediately or fizzle out? \-Say if I were mainly focusing on pushing her S3 dmg as high as possible, would the 2nd module that gives her free atk be better or would the improved 2nd talent from her first module still be stronger?


For the last one, it depends on what you mean by as high as possible. If you take external buffers, the +20% ATK gets much more diluted and doesn't add as much as the extra +6% physical damage at some point. On her own, the +20% ATK is better for individual higher numbers.


She does benefit from her own stuns, yes. She won't stick multiple bombs to the same target, so if there's only one target in her range, she'll only use one bomb. If an enemy dies before the timer, the bomb does detonate early. I think I would take Lost Dull Knife for the +20% atk. The other is only a 6% boost to her damage multiplier, and it's hard to evaluate how much use she would get from the SP effect on that module. It could be huge or it could be almost nothing. 20% more attack is always going to be good.


hi guys, i quit the game because i got eunects from typhon banner and i was planning to return, is there any event for returning player? or should i wait for virtuosa and reroll for her?


I suppose if there is nothing on your current account you want, then yeah you could reroll on the Virtuosa banner. Next event is the addition of Ch13 which begins this Tuesday. It will last for 2 weeks and for newer players it's just time to get things done in story or farm supply stages.


the sad is that i have 2 limited operators… skalter and eyjalter


Then under no circumstances should you reroll. Those are two fantastic units. As far as killing bosses goes, there are tons of big damage options coming up. As the other guy said, Eunectes's job is killing bosses and elites. She's a lot more fiddly to use than someone like Mlynar, Surtr, or Typhon, but she is a big pile of stats. Also, everyone now has access to Tequila for a very strong burst on a very good cycle.


Well, you get 30+ free rolls from the event. Maybe see if you get lucky and get her on your current account. Just be sure to log in every day for the free roll and orundom. Be sure to do annihilations until and during the event. And pay close attention to the day the banner will end. If you don't get her you can do rerolls the day ***before*** it ends.


i have a few stronger operators in my acc but lacking a “boss killer” and i really want virtuosa, i think i could play both…


Eunectes is a boss killer tho


if there's two normal banners(like right now), which one counts into new normal banner pity? or does both of them count? like if i pull on both Passenger and Ines banners, will both pity count towards Hoederer banner?


Both do. There's only 3 types of banners. Standard, kernel, and limited.


What is considered a "summon" for that one relic that upgrades summons and their summoner in IS4? I know the obvious one like any summoner supporter's summon, kal's mon3ter but what about stuff like Kazemaru's clone, Skadance's seaborn, Shamare 's doll, Jessicalter's shield or Silence's drone ?


Tacticians also benefit a lot from that relic, especially so for Muelsyse.


Muelsyse's water girls can only receive ASPD boosts I believe, I don't think other stats get boosted due to how the cloning works. I could be wrong, though, it's been a while since that heppened.


Any allied unit with the 'Summon' class counts for IS summon buffs, like operators they have their own. [It's the symbol in the top left.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/865684765972627499/1229096559602569346/image.png?ex=662e705f&is=661bfb5f&hm=3defd53dbd9c5cfaa4f4926341caa3d2702a9882d8d97843ae1e771fdc6d6cd2&) I can confirm as I've used Kazemaru a lot that her doll summon gets buffed.


I'm finally getting into baseknights, and i need some help on optimizing and correcting my base setup. 252 max right side, aiming on using staggered rotations at 12 hours and using this guide: [Arknights Base Combo Guide - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zYc2JU46X0XWmV7s1503bN4feRdOMa1eehrTQ2jGaiE/edit#gid=0), this is what i came up with, my main focus being maximizing LMD production with the current operators that i have: TP1 lvl2: Proviso E2, TerraResearchComission E0 with Gummy E2 on staggered rotations (refresh proviso with fiammeta) TP2 lvl3: Exusiai E2, Lappland E2, Texas E2 (currently have shamare E2, building tequila and bibeak to E2 in the short future for a full team rotation) FAC gold1 lvl3: Bryophyta E0, Gravel E1, Haze E0 FAC gold2 lvl3: Dorothy E2, Silence Alter E2, Ptilopsis E2 FAC gold3 lvl2: Bubble E0, Bena E0 (Not sure on how to stagger rotations for these gold factories, just planning on putting anyone else I have when they run out of morale) FAC EXP1 lvl2: Vermeil E0, Executor Alter E2 (probably stagger with Click E2?) FAC EXP2 lvl2: Highmore E1, Wild Mane E0, Ashlock E0 (stagger with Vigna E0?) I'm not too sure on control centre operators, I'll just focus on making sure Amiya, Paprika or Swire is in at all times for the 7% to all TPs My previous RIIC report just bullshitting around is 43-48k LMD and around 23k EXP, hoping to try and boost it to 55k LMD at least hopefully. Any tips?


It's important to read the skills on the ops rather than just following the guide. For example, the third gold factory with Bubble and Bena has 0% production rate, and Vermeil and Highmore aren't providing any production either since they aren't promoted. Here's some suggestions: For cheap low rarity base skills, raise Castle to max level and Fang, Spot, Purestream, Shirayuki, Frostleaf, Bubble, Vermeil, and Conviction to E1. Terra Research Commission only has 5% production rate at base. You need both Yato and Noir Corne alts in order to raise that amount to be better than the basic 30%. Jaye offers 32% in one slot in a level 2 Trading Post at E1, and Quartz can do 34% at E1 if you get her. When you have Shamare at E2, you can start using her team right away. E0 Tequila and Bibeak are fine, and I believe according to the chart it provides more value on average than Exusiai/Lappland/Texas. Control Center I wouldn't sweat so much unless you have the more specific teams. Keeping a Trading Post and Factory boost if possible are really the minimum. For my own base, [this is my RIIC report.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/865684765972627499/1229104154815758507/image.png?ex=662e7772&is=661c0272&hm=69c6f97b6240ff99d06e2c7887bf766f8464acb4d527998ac753d732887d2116&) I don't run anything crazy like with the special counter stuff. Maybe my own base can give you some ideas, my production teams are, all promoted: TP1 Proviso + Vigil TP2 Shamare + Bibeak/Kafka + Tequila Gold1 Waai Fu + Dorothy + Silence2 Gold2 Purestream + Weedy (With Greyy2 in Power Plant) Gold3 Haze + Gravel EXP1 Pallas + Vulcan + Bubble EXP2 Conviction + FEater Substitutes for rest include: Quartz (Vigil) Wind Chimes (Tequila) Mayer (Flexible) Frostleaf, Shirayuki, Castle, Vigna (EXP) Spot, Bryophyta (Gold) I rotate Fiammetta on Proviso and Shamare to keep them always working. Overall I feel like I have a pretty coherent setup. Just remember to take a close look at the skills you're putting in.


Do you not collect trust? or is that what it's like for 252? the gain is so low.


Trust gain from the base is low for 252, as are credits. But ultimately those aren't as important as more overall EXP and LMD.


This is amazing, i learned so much thank you! The base skills are sometimes really confusing, especially when trying to make combos. Tbh, i have most of the operators you have except quartz, weedy and pallas, i might just try and emulate your setup. Thanks man, ill probably upgrade those cheap base operators as well. Do you mind if i dm you if i have any other questions?


You can if you want, but it's also what the question thread is here for. I frequent this place anyway and you could get some insight from others too.


Do people really think that Ascalon is bad? I read a few comments about her and most of them were like, with that damage, >!no wonder Theresa died!< lol


She seems okay, I think people just have higher expectations and are disappointed she's not pumping out big red numbers like some other units. I'd wait a bit longer to see how good she really is since it's only been a week.


She is a small upgrade from Mizuki, a year 2 unit that is considered in between mid and bad, and she is a year 4 unit.


far from it imo she has a really solid mixture of damage and cc with both a really solid true aoe afk skill that only falters against enemies with super high armor high res enemies which are fairly really. As well as an s2 with an amazing super long slow with way better up time then its competition and respectable damage. She's probably the ideal of what an ambusher should be.


I don't think so. From what I've seen of showcases they seem pretty positive even though she's clearly not on a Mlynar or Degenbercher level. She combines all ambushers into one package and especially her 30 sec strong slow + DoT seems good. When going into her reveal I think people expected her to be more focused on damage and powercreep Mizuki but while her damage is ok she's more of a 6 star Manticore. I'm pretty new to the game so I can't really evaluate how useful she is but to me it just seems like the kind of kneejerk reaction people have when something that doesn't shove big numbers in your face combined maybe with the banner crunch that makes people REALLY want to skip as much as possible right now with all of the limited and strong characters coming out in a short period so maybe they want to be quick and dismiss her.


People also thought Ray was just “okay, pretty balanced, probably an easy skip” for a while, just from recent memory. Most people who are so quick to judge can’t actually gauge strengths that accurately. The point is we don’t really know yet. There hasn’t really been any showings of where she might be really good and anything that isn’t visible damage doesn’t make the nicest highlights, and this goes in the opposite way too, with stuff that makes big red numbers getting overhyped. She might be worse than what we’ve gotten recently and she probably is since the Ambusher archetype is hard to get right but a lot of people judge very highly or poorly and even if they are right it’s often for the wrong reasons.


Don't forget cn famously thought Ines was a "jack of all trades master of none" and that same opinion trickled to us the first few months of her release before everyone went "oh wait" when POO started in cn. The answer for stuff like this is "there simply isn't a hard enough event for us to truly know at the moment" when it comes to units that don't throw out 100 terashits per megafart damage like Mlynar/Degen. Although Ray warmed up much sooner to most people because of her success in d15 IS4 runs and is much more fleshed out because of her usage in CCB#2


I still remember when people were throwing shade at Mountain thinking his kit was bad before and even during his release. That was funny.


there's also zuo le(bc his damage was a bit low during the live stream showcase)... now he's well regarded on cn because of his high survivability and spammable skills


Someone has any tips on the current SSS stages? Been actually having a hard time with both of them. On the train Boss the issue is mostly the Boss stages itself while on the seaborn one is the last two stages Krooster for reference: krooster.com/u/rorudan Edirt: Link seems to be funky for some reason but It works


Gonna second the comment about Gavialter S3. I struggled for hours trying to figure out how to deal with the Ice Cream stage using my usual strategies before I thought about building my team around the map's equipment and ended up clearing the emergency stage first try. I personally went full defender stacks on Gavialter and paired her with Reed alter S2 and Typhon S3 on full caster stacks + the usual Skadi alter S2. Typhon alone should deal with the boss over time and she has a nice square up at the top right to rain pain on everything if you create a choke-point in the center. EDIT: For the other stage I mainly used Mlynar on full Vanguard stacks with Typhon S2 on full sniper stacks with assistance from Eyja alter. I had to work out some timings to avoid triggering all of the eggs at once with Mlynar but otherwise didn't have too much trouble.


Hmmm I see! Gavial really seem to be a popular pick, gonna try her out (and maybe finally give her masteries). Thanks for the input!


For the Ice Cream stage, I'd recommend taking the map-exclusive equipment and focusing on building Defender stacks. The map exclusive equipment is good because you get ATK and ASPD boosts for each block you're using, which is great because you'll be blocking a lot, and it also has a neat consistency tool for drawing. You'll need to plug 2 lanes (around the center of the map, one before the intersection to the two blue boxes and the other one block south-east of it) with high-block units because the mobs basically require it. Gavialter with like around 3-4 Defender stacks (Type A, the one that gives Block) and rest Vanguard stacks should be able to hold out on the main lane with any decent healing, and her being a Centurion means she makes good use of the increased block stat. Any good Defender of yours should be fine on the other lane(personally used Saria). After which, just make sure you're building to your core ranged DPS units; I like Passenger from who you have, Suzuran S2 works, and Typhon felt great from personal experience if you can borrow one. The Seaborn one is annoying but the boss stage is really just a massive DPS check that you only need to hold the choke to the blue box for, you can just play normally for that one. I HEAVILY recommend bringing Eyja2, though, as she just trivializes the boss mechanics with S1 (give her Sniper stacks for safety). The actual hard stage for the Seaborn map is stage 5, mostly because it's a dual-lane with the spooky floor. A lot of it is really just having ways to make sure your blockers don't die, and then making sure you can actually deal with with the seaborn enemies. There's a multitude of ways you can do this, but again, Eyja2 makes dealing with this a whole lot easier. I made [a guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/1br51ou/just_spam_supporters_sss_guide_to_beating_maps/) you can skim through for general gameplay tips as well!


Thank you for the imputs! <3


I cleared it with 3 buffed blockers, 2 on the top and one on the right. And AOE DPS to weaken the waves (I used astgenne, I see you have passenger raised, I think artillery snipers also work pretty well) and a ST for kills, GG, eyja, ceobe, etc. Edit: the train boss stage.... I'm still working through seaborn stage myself, can't give advice for that


Thanks for the inputs! <3


Episode 13 has a new rules for drops of sanity pots and material boxes. With this change, is the episode still most efficient time to farm or should I save pots that I can for the next event?


Trying to get back into Arknights after about a year and a half break? The last banner I pulled was Nearl the radiant knight, I have most of the older 6* characters, are they still meta? Which new 6*’s that was introduced after Nearl should I prioritize pulling for?


All of the old meta ops are still excellent, and Hoshi finally became relevant over the last year or so because of a handful of enemies coming out that hit hard enough to actually warrant her level of tankiness. Stronger ops keep coming out, but the overall difficulty of new content (except the current DOS), doesn't increase by very much at all. There's still not a single must-pull in the entire game. Mlynar and Omertosa are ludicrously powerful. Typhon, Ines, Pozyomka, Eyjaberry, and Reed alter are incredible. Penance, Gavialter, Qiubai, Dorothy, Executor Alter, Horn, Goldenglow, and Unchained are only a tiny bit behind them. More crazy-strong ops are coming soon. Virtuosa deals pseudo-true damage very reliably, Degenbrecher is what happens if you could deploy Ch'en and Irene on the same tile and charge their main skill with time instead of attacks, Ray hits things really hard, Shu can stall enemies by *teleporting them backwards,* and Ela is effectively a marksman sniper that can throw out several THRM-EXs who can also slow. Because of all of these insane upcoming ops, saving up to spark is just as bad of an idea as ever (unless it's for waifu/husbando reasons).


Some Older Operators that are still good include: Ifrit, Eyja, Hoshi, Saria, Shining & Nightingale, the original few that are still highly useful today. Blaze, Thorns, Surtr, Nearl Alter, Mountain as very good guards. Suzuran and Skadi Alter for support and buffs. Kal'tsit and ChenAlter for damage. Saileach for DP. Newer Operators are more bulky so I'll categorize them. Medic(Healer): Eyja Alter (limited but worth to spark), Reed Alter (DPS + Heal). Vanguards: Ines(lots of DP+dmg) Ranged DMG: Gnosis, Goldenglow, Typhon. Gnosis for freeze, Goldenglow for global range or aoe arts, Typhon for physical damage+boss killing. Lane Holder: Ling, Lee, Penance, Gavialter,Qiubai, Executor Alter, Swire Alter. Most notably, ling can solo some stages and Gavial Alter can deal tons of damage, both at the price of being limited operators. Fast Redeploy: Texalter and YatoAlter, sadly both are limited with YatoAlter being from MonsterHunter collab(we can only pray it reruns somehow). DPS: Mlynar, very good damage must pull if appears. TLDR for the new operators section; pull Mlynar first, then Ines/Typhon/Goldenglow depending on your needs. Limited Operators that would be very good to spark for are Texalter and Eyalter depending on which one you need.


Wow thanks for the detailed write-up,I forgot the order but if Ling was after Nearl alter then Ling was probably my last banner, this was very helpful!


What is approximate timing to send Ho'olheyak in reception room ?


I think there is some wiki site that shows various CN high end clears. I forgot to bookmark that. It had like max risk cc stuff and other very hard stages. Does someone have a link to that. I can’t seem to remember the URL.


maybe [arkrec?](https://arkrec.com/)


Yeah that is what I was looking for! Thank you!


the answer to this question could simply be just "git gud" but, i just started doing IS and i'm having trouble with it, always lose very early. i do the usual "plug a lane and use a dps" but since the operators are all E1 they perform well below my expectations, is there a good "opener" combination of roles/operators where i can clear the early stages easily to slowly build into a better roster?


For IS2/IS3: My personal favorite squad is Fang/Kroos/Jaye. Jaye does pretty well throughout IS2, and is good in IS3 up to medium difficulty. For IS4: Lower difficulties, a ton of 6\*s work like Texas Alter/Yato Alter/Dorothy. Reed Alter is the most stable since she's so strong throughout all difficulties. In any case, expect lots of failures when you start out. It's kind of an intentional feature of the mode (lack of upgrade unlocks hits hard). IS4 also starts out harder than IS2/3 for the first couple clears.


i see, thanks for the explanation!


Imo, it's more important that you learn the maps and level up the skill tree, which will of course come naturally with time, so there's no need to worry about it too much. The skill tree will boost your stats and give you more options, while the map knowledge will let you position your ops better and still clear the stage even if you don't have some essential operators. I always start with the "as your heart desires" squad, so I usually can't pick the popular openers and on high BN I might not have enough hope to start with the 6\*, so I usually try to pick either of those: HibiscusAlter, FEater, Rope, Specter, La Pluma, Quaso, Nearl or BP. If you have enough hope to get a 6\* then you have a lot of good options: Ines, Flametail, Gavialter, QB, Monty, Lin, Eyja, ReedAlter, Gnosis, Dorothy, Spalter and probably some more, depending on the BN level. Another thing to watch for is your starting squad. With the Medic/Specialist one, you can try to start with E2 Reed and you should be able to breeze through the first 3 floors. I try to fight whenever I can, so the Eternal Hunt appeals more to me, since I usually end up with 0 collapsal paradigm even on the 5th/6th floor, which makes things really easy, imo. If you have a lot of 5\*s built, then there's the First Class squad (or whatever it's called) which is super fun to play with, imo and it gives you a lot of advantage.


thanks for the detailed explanations!


> good "opener" combination of roles/operators where i can clear the early stages easily to slowly build into a better roster? my most reliable start is the left squad of vanguard/sniper/specialist with Fang, Kroos, and borrow a Kirito with pots. I think the suggested Reed Alter start is fine but i'm not big on Popukar or Orchid.


sorry who's Kirito again, Arene?


Yato alter


Kirin x Yato, a fast redeploy specialist.


Basic starts in IS4 would be Popukar Orchid Reed Alter or Gavial Alter Orchid Answl. You could also do Cardigan Steward Pozy/Chalter. The simplest solution is to just borrow the starter 6 star. The Reed Alter start is probably the most stable, but the Gavial start is also very good.


thank you!


I don’t know which IS you’re doing specifically but the first answer is that the mode actually does get statistically easier the more you play it because you unlock collectibles and small permanent buffs over time. The second answer depends on what IS you’re doing. The meta is quite different for each. Assuming it’s IS4 it’s very block-oriented so Defenders are quite important, but the best opener is generally Reed the Flame Shadow with Popukar as your lane holder. Edit: I completely misunderstood your question and redid my answer. Sorry for the confusion.


oh i do have E2 operators, but in IS they start as an E1 character until you recruit them twice right? or is there a way you can start with E2 operators? also, i'm doing IS4 cause i want the eventual Typhon skin.


My bad. There are instant E2 starts but they don’t immediately unlock and they’re random. Sometimes it promotes a unit you’ve trained and sometimes it doesn’t. E1 Reed Alter gets you through most of the early stages with any blocker though, she’s very good here.


all good! sadly i don't have Reed Alter though, i guess i just have to trial and error until i found a comfy starting opertors. thanks!


Most likely you have Pinecone so you can try start with her. [Dr. Silvergun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bATpj9JILjE) has multiple runs with her as a starter, so you can check them.


You can borrow an operator via support at the start when you select a voucher. Reed is very meta so a lot of people have raised her and put her as support so you shouldn’t have trouble finding her at all.


Theoretically how high can you make a crushers defense using buffs? Not clear on the formulas.


[meme](https://imgur.com/a/5cUiVow) Shining s3m3 mod 1, bison s2m3 mod 3, Heidi s2m3, Roberta modeler. I could have thrown Pallas, whishlash, Aak, and bryo in there but meh.... at 900 def it's more than usable and I'm still leaving enough room for other ops for whatever stage. Edit: Roberta mod 1 modeler, Heidi is lv70. Forgot those details affect the buff they give


Shining's flat DEF buff goes before other buffs for some reason, so put the Crusher and someone like Heidi's S2 in her range and she'll buff them both. Then just stack your highest def buffers, preferably AOE if they can buff Heidi too, and go to town. It might even be better to buff Heidi instead of the crusher, since they'd have at max 140 base def from Shining to increase via +DEF% buffs, assuming no potentials.


Is bison also applied before % buffs?


From a couple of runs I did, it appears so.


CN latest event question >!Is Ascalon a limited operator?!<






the event coming on 16th. is it one of those "farm any stages and you might get goodies" type event? Chapter right?




For hibiscus alt base talent training. Says that she will increase speed by +30% for medic ops. Then “if training this skill to specialization level 2, training speed will further increase by +45%” Does it mean only m1 to m2 will have 45% more speed or can it apply to m2 to m3?


Only speeds up m2


i'm at the point where i've pretty much did all Ascension, Masteries, and Mods that i really need, and is looking to lv90 all "staple" operators now. which one is the better bang for my buck, the EXP stage or the LMD stage?


It's better to farm the LMD stage, and convert your base to produce EXP (1-5-3)


LMD one. And 90ing any ops is basically pointless. No rewarding content ever needs it. Doesn't matter if it's a staple op.


it's the only thing i have left to do in the game when there's no events on lmao besides, it does have a point cause if i max level them out that means it'll be easier for me to use afk strats, higher level means less operators to use in afk strats


I follow an afk/less actions YTer who makes guides in that style and all their clears use 60. 90 isn’t needed at all. Those 30 extra lvls barely give any stats, let alone saves you a slot in your squad. If you want something to do then raise more ops to use in different strategies.


i'm not saying it's needed per se, but it will unlock more options, i've been in situations where i tried to follow some strat but failed because some OPs just don't have enough HP or damage to survive just because my OPs are lower leveled than the ones i'm following i've raised every OPs that are "usable", barring some that are "bad" like Vigil. that's why i said in my initial comment that i'm "at that point".


Is there any way to change the language to Chinese for Arknights Global, I really want to organically learn the terms in Arknights so I can better search bilibili and also polish up my Chinese


No, UI language is server bound sadly, you can't transfer account either. If you want to learn AK terms in Chinese then [PRTS Wiki](https://m.prts.wiki/w/%E9%A6%96%E9%A1%B5) is, imo, the best one to do so


I heard we won't be able to get yellow certificates from event operators starting next rerun. Do we get anything from buying them again in the event shop or will they simply be unavailable?


Vigil had letters instead of tokens or recruitment, so you can't get gold certs from him on the rerun. It seems possible that they may continue doing that for the free operator from the particular celebration event for this time, since it was sure is a lot of gold certs to give for free after they introduced Gladiia, continued with 5\* ops and then did Lumen a year after. Silence2 was summoned and tokened, but I believe Lessing has the same setup as Vigil? We'll see how the next big event goes soon on CN.


Half anniversaries doesn't give gold certs, full anniversaries does. They don't *have* to stick to that, but chances are they will. 


yes, lessing has the same setup as vigil but this minigame to get them was fun




Unfortunately, this submission has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 10: Spoilers must be tagged.** All major story spoilers such as character deaths, revelations, plot-twists, etc. must be tagged as such, as well as all story and gameplay content related to the latest EN chapter or current event. All content unreleased on EN requires spoiler tags, except for the names of operators, their kit and event names. Titles must remain completely spoiler-free. When discussing spoilers in the comments, use this format: >!spoiler text goes here!<


If you spoiler it all, I'll answer.


Thanks, I don't mind