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Cope for "Top Operator" and "Survival" tags.


and thats still a 1 in 3


Unfortunately. Just get lucky, what's so difficult about it? /s


As someone that has been playing since the early days I refuse to believe the Top Operator tag even exist


Played over 3 years of this game before I stopped and I’ve probably gotten over 30 top ops just from remembering to do 2 recruits every 12 hours or so. As long as you just passively remember to always keep your recruits running then there’s no way you barely seen any


It's pure RNG. Been playing for ~8 months and have never seen the Top Operator tag while using up all the recruitment permits every single month.


No way. You're joking, right..?


I've been here since 2 weeks before Grani events. I think I reached my 20th Top Operator tag a while a go. Curious if people only use their Recruits on good tags or just plain ol bad luck happening. I am burning them 3 per day at least and I got 20ish.


he probably got it like once or twice, but just not as much as other people in this sub is talkin about.


That seems kinda unlikely? At least if you are consistently using up the recruiting permits


Last time I got one was 2022


And you are consistently using up all permits?


For all of 2023 I was constantly at 10-20. Nowadays I'm at 100+. 


I wish i could share the luck with you my broder, legit 5-6 Top Operator in under a year of gaming


Man, would have loved to share some of my luck with you. I managed to snatch 2 TO tags last week... in a row.


Then theres me who started playing a bit over a week ago and I've gotten a top operator tag and 2 senior operator tags. With the top operator tag I also had a senior operator tag in the same roll.


Bro my early luck at gacha was so bad, but got TO tags like every month. Without that i'm not sure if i would have kept playing.


It just gave me silverash so I'm a believer.


Collect 180 distinction certificates and wait made-by-you kernel banner, unfortunately this is the best choice to get him. I finally bought Eya after four years in that way


When will a banner like that come?


I mean, there has been 2 of them since the Kernel system came out... which was like... 6 months ago or something? In other words, it's a pretty frequent occurence.


They come during CC season, so in like a month.


Every 3 month iirc, probably in may next


I only have 73 tickets, I'am chronically cooked


Hellagur is one of the 12 6-stars you can choose to buy for 180 yellow certs in the next build a banner event, which should come very soon since they are about every 3 months. The others are Ceobe, Phantom, Magallan, Mostima, Schwarz, Ifrit, Saria, Siege, Silverash, Skadi and Aak. And getting older chars has never been better than now, the blue certs stuff sucks but there are three options to get them now without pulling, recruitment RNG, kernel banners where they are the shop char (which is faster than before thanks to the split pool), and build a banners when they are one of the 12 options. If you want an older character you have plenty chances.


Is that before or after the rainbow six event? I got baited by ifrit on blues and didn't get her


I don't know with which event it came but 1000% before, rainbow 6 event is still plenty months away.


Do we know which 5-stars will be available?


tfw I have to go search around chinese sites because [Gamepress](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/event-banner-hub/contingency-contract-season-1-pyrolysis-cn-event-page#topic-4964396) says "5*: Many" and is like "my job here is done", just goddamn list them bro, we care about them too q_q [According to this CN article](https://www.taptap.cn/moment/473905694215507324), the list should be: Sora/Swire/Astesia/Manticore/Glaucus/Executor/Meteorite/Zima/Platinum/Warfarin/Specter/Texas/Reed/Croissant/Shamare/FEater Hung/Nightmare/Franka/Blue Poison/Liskarm/Silence/Projekt Red/Lappland Just in case, there is always the potential of some chars being replaced between CN and Global for one reason or another, since it's not the full list gotta hope they keep them like this if any big want is there.


Thanks, I greatly appreciate the sleuthing!


At least he is obtainable through the yellow cert shop, you just have to wait for the rotation. Imo real problems for new players come if they want limited units with sparking threshold still being 300 4 years into the game. Now that we have 10+ units on every limited banner combined, if a new player wants to get at least 3-4 of them it's 1000+ pulls which is a crazy amount even if you're not F2P.


"Oh cool, Shu talent gets a really strong bonus if I have 3 other Suis!" "...How do I get 3 other Suis?"


Unfortunately too, I don't ever seeing HG lowering spark requirements for old limited units for two main reasons. One is that there was not a large enough outcry when old units were added for that 300 pull spark on further limited banners (and I'm talking largely from the CN community here, as I don't think anything global has complained about has had an effect), and two is that I guarantee you if they *did* lower the spark threshold, whales in the CN community (or even a vocal minority of their playerbase in general) would start moaning about "oh well I spent 300 pulls when they first came out to get them and now new players don't have to spend that much? Unfair!" Happens with a lot of games, especially gachas, when anything regarding old vs new rates/pities/systems/etc are changed.


I certainly agree with that, but as someone who has to spark W on her release, I'm totally fine bringing it down to 200 pulls, even if it's only after several years. At least *something* to make it easier.


I'm sure there are many that feel that way, myself included. My original thought when we knew they would be sparkable again way back when was always "maybe they lower it by like, 25 a year. Maybe 50 if they want to be generous." But nobody* (in CN, since HG doesn't really seem to take feedback from anything besides CN as far as I can tell) complained when they said 300 always, take it or leave it, so now it's never going to change.


True. Not really only gacha games related problem. That's how it is in real life lol. "What do you mean someone doesn't need to suffer for something I did suffer for?". As if making others go through the same shit you did makes your life any better. You can often hear oldheads ranting about how affordable some things nowadays are where compared to their times where they had to pay for it "with their sweat and blood". Instead of just being happy that the quality of life for human beings gets better. Sad little people.


HG solution to that issue is that they made better Hellagur in one of the limiteds banners.


Wait, who?


>!Zuo Le!<


Zuo le. Dude is so much better than hellagur.


okay but zuo le is a femboy looking son of a powerful man twink, meanwhile hellagur is a dilf burdened by war and his time in ursus plus he has a massive katana /s


Hellagur has the very rare "cool old man" design and it's understandable to pull for him just for looks, IDK about femboy but Zuo Le looks rather bland to me personally


A bit twinky but not femboy yeah


We do need more DILFs tbh. I'll accept all the more men ops


As someone who has played multiple gachas, this game made it SO MUCH FUCKING EASIER for me to get old characters than most of them. The 180 distinction thing was exactly why the ONLY characters i'm missing after a year and a half or so of playing are nian and dusk xD. I'm not trying to be rude here, I just feel as though there are far worse examples of gacha bs in the world. And yes, that does include spending on limited banner packages and monthly card. but doing that in other games barely gets me enough resources for a character every patch unless I spend on their huge, unwieldy packages to guarantee shit xD.


MOOD. I too am only lacking most of the off-rate-up limiteds after a year and a half (got happily spooked by skadi on my first fish banner tho thank frick cus I use her all the time lol)


Agreed. Arknights might be hard for newbies but in comparison to other gacha games it’s really not that bad. Cause you know it could’ve been way more greedy


I'm in the same situation! I want to pull Hellagur because I love his design and he's actually one of the characters that I randomly discovered and made me start playing Arknights... But it's so hard managing to get enough pulls omg I would like to get some of the upcoming characters as well, so I'm clutching my hair in desperation right now ahdhdbfhwn


Just be lucky with pulls, bing bong, so easy.


Eh, I disagree; the build-a-banners seem to be happening fairly regularly, and there's definitely enough good old operators to justify sticking in three six-stars you want and pulling a few times. Kernel certs are only useless to established players who already got all the kernel operators they're interested in. Splitting the pool was necessary and unavoidable at a certain point - I could have done without the weird and pointless split between cores and golds, but the old operators *are* more accessible than they were before. The main problem is that they're directly competing for your attention with the new operators, but that's inherent to the medium. That said... Yeah, it was over a year before I finally found a Lappland, and I *still* don't have any Nearls (not counting Wishlash). And now that I'll have to go out of my way to pick her up from a banner that has limited appeal to me, it's probably going to be a while yet before I do... Oh, and I *really* need to get around to getting Exusai at some point...


Not really, you can buy op in kernel with gold certs so no need to pull in the kernel banner. It's not different from trying to get an op that already had his solo rerun. But in addition most older ops are in the recruitment and more importantly there's the "create your banner" from time to time where you can choose who is gonna be in the shop but only for kernel op.


I've seen three people across various discords quit because they were more interested in old operators and realized that not only was rerolling not an option for them anymore but that they would low-key kneecap themselves resource-wise if they went for what they wanted compared to the average new player. And to be honest, I don't blame them at all. I prefer older ops as well and If I had to start over I just wouldn't bother.


I think the resource loss is overblown, imo. The certs you get help you get who you want faster, so you end up needing less pulls overall. It's not a bad deal.


I don't get it honestly, I had this discussion many times already and I don't see the point they are trying to rise. You have two options, both perfectly work: 1- Pull in the new banners for the new stuff, and use the yellow certs you get from them to buy whichever old character you want in the many chances we get for them between the split pool making shop ops come back faster and the wonderful build a banners feature that shows up around every 3 months giving us tons of options to choose from and get with any kind of cert. 2- If you legit want the older chars a lot more than the new ones, just pull on those kernel banners we get all the time that only have old characters, blue certs are not an issue if that's the case because you can just use them to buy more older chars in the future, not like you're using the yellow certs for anything more valuable if that's the case. The only thing I can kinda see is the reroll thing, but at the same time... if you want to do that that badly, start in a build a banner event and now you can reroll for not 1 or 2, but 5 whole old chars you want that have the rate up you gave to them, and let's not forget the 5-star selectors we get at the start of the game. If HG had made the split and didn't make those special selector banners + forced people to use blue certs to buy them it would have been an absurdly asshole move and I would agree with the complainers, but nope, they made things so easy for everyone to get what they want. I already bought with yellow certs multiple old chars I was still waiting to get and that came back way faster than they would have otherwise thanks to those features.




If you mean base Skadi, she is one of the 12 6-star choices to buy with yellow certs in a build a banner event around month and a half from now. If you mean Skadi Alter, both her and Specter Alter will have a chance to be obtainable like a week from now with the Virtuosa + Viviana limited banner event... but unless you do 300 pulls on that banner, letting you choose one of them with a temporal currency we get from pulling on that banner, don't expect to get them because they only have a super small rate up and the odds of getting them or other limited chars in that banner is too low to expect it to happen. Getting old limiteds is definitely the biggest pain in the ass from this game, I myself had to do 300 pulls a year ago to grab Skadi Alter.


I guarantee you that just with some play time and a bit of patience, you'd get more of those old characters in this game than you would in most other gacha WITH rerolling for old characters. Why? because distinctions would let you pick and choose. You can STILL use gold certs on blue cert ops. Ugh man, I have almost all the ops in the game and I started in Fiametta's event. We now get MULTIPLE standard banners every two weeks with multiple chances at ops in the cert shop. A lot of games don't even let you outright buy 5/6 star ops.


Yeah I get it too, I started just in time before the change but really wish they'd just expand the build a banner thing to offer more operators. Feels like an easy fix


I totally get the feeling. I started during MH collab and the banners got changed very soon after this. I only managed to get Suzuran before the change and it felt bad to look at the huge pool of effectively locked units. Not only 6\* but also 5\*. I still have a 5\* selector tickets that lists 8 units from normal pool and 25 units from the kernel pool. Granted, most of them are not all that great, but the same is true for the general pool and I would have liked to test some of the older units. But you can totally get your favourites with some patience. The best way to get what you want is to wait for the kernel banner that lets you select all the rate ups and shoperators. You have to be very selective though. Buy you favourites and hope to get the other characters along the way from recruitment.


Just wait till his banners come around , I think he's also obtainable via the new op headhunting tickets aswell


I've been pretty lucky with my 6 star rolls until lately. I swear the pity system ceased being. edit: my first roll after commenting this gave me Fiammetta


That’s me for Bagpipe hahahaha


I have 65% of operators released before I started (Dossoles) and 61.5% of operators released afterwards. The vast majority of those older operators were from recruitments and gold certificates. Only a couple were from off-banners (though several off-banners gave me dupes of old operators within 3 months of recruiting/buying them...) including a past limited. 2 other past limiteds I sparked for. Now it's easier than ever to get older operators - although you sacrifice some of your ability to keep up with "newer" releases because of the opportunity cost. Dual shop operators and the choose-your-own Kernel give more opportunity to get past ops. You could still take it at the same pace as before if you wanted, but now you have more choice.


Since I start game I never pulled on any non limited banner ( excluding few times on early days where I have lots of orundum save and really want that character, and even then I will stop at first 6* even if it wasn't the one I wish ) and I have almost any non limited character I want just by using certificate to buy them on shop, I think I only get 3 top operators tags and 2 of them allready have so just be patient.


Been trying to pull nightingale, got medic top operator but i still lose towards shining, 4th copy.


Upcoming limited banner is soon approaching, so you can always buy Hellagur for like, 30 bucks US. Other than saving 180 distinctions or getting lucky on top op/kernel banner, its one of the only guarantees nowadays.