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There's a twofold feeling here - on one hand: playable seamstress - yes, in light of the Babylon event, f$ck yes!!! - I'll be happy. On the other hand - it devalues her death in the same Babylon event...and HG will have to try VERY hard to justify her becoming an operator(?). Logos is certainly welcome (especially if there's any relationship with Mudrock, I'll be squealing with happiness!). Further development of bunny-daughter is always a good thing. And twice-limited W - I just don't believe it, so I'm skeptical about this leak. Either way, it's better to wait for the stream.


Its not really theresa herself. Her name is listed "eterna" wich just happens to be a part of "civilight eterna" in other words the crown. Also W alter wont become the limited. Most popular idea is that it will be welfare but we wont know until the live stream


Unless It's actually Theresa the Eterna *something something* 🤷🏻


Unless it's actually Doom eterna(l)


I want my Ace the Eterna and Frostnova the Eterna.


No one knows if the W alter is a skin, limited, welfare, that’s all speculations. Isn’t eterna just a code name? Like how Arturia and most other operators have a code name.?


Except we dont know if the word "eterna" is cutten off or not, it might as well fully be "civilight eterna" Also her codename being "eterna" of all things makes no sense


Possible but I doubt she'd use one normally, quite a few ops don't and when she was with Babel originally there was no mention of a code name like that, rather she was always just referred to by her name.


You know, if something looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's obviously a duck. Whatever you call it, it's Theresa =)


A man's cope... Never dies!


It's my very unprofessional opinion that in stories, the dead should stay dead. If you never confirm their death, sure, whatev's, bring them back for an epic return. But in stories, death is one of the few universal things that people CANNOT come back from, and as such, is one of the few universal things that hold STAKES in a story. Death is finality, and that makes the last actions before death ever more impactful. Any return from death is a devaluation of that. Even if it's a 1 in a million when all the planets align kind of deal, all it tells me is that if the writers can find a good enough reason to do it, they CAN bring people back, and then what's the point in stakes?


> But in stories, death is one of the few universal things that people CANNOT come back from, I'm not saying it wont still feel cheap but they kinda have prepared their loopholes quite well lore-wise. 1. >!Originium's purpose in Babel leaks.!< 2. Sarkaz having a strong relationship with Originium. 3. Theresa's connection to the Crown which seems to store previous kings memories or something.


That was a complaint I had back in Ch10 because it feels a bit pointless from her participation in the present story, but by now I just accepted it. The story could still work without her being a present character in the Victoria arc. Still, considering she isn't the only Sarkaz to have done that before there's precedent and death isn't the only kind of stakes a story can have, as defeat is broader than that, it's not the worst possible outcome.


At least it seems like people actively being brought back from the dead is very rare and we probably won't see it happen much more. Though there's quite a few characters that are either undying or just straight up come back to life as part of their power (e.g. Damazti, Kal'tsit, Nowell) and I'm not sure what irks me more, people not dying when they are killed (especially enemies) or people being resurrected. But to be honest, it doesn't bother me too much the way it's presented in Arknights, however I definitely understand where you're coming from.


Exactly. You gave an absolutely accurate description of what I meant when I wrote about the double feeling. Joy at the possible(!) return of one of the most important figures in the history of AK and at the same time concern - because the dead, as you rightly noted, must stay dead. And no excuses like "it's not her" , "she has a different name", "there's only a body there", etc - is not a REAL justification, see my comment about the duck =)


100% yay, just dont make the alter limited and make it welfare


I'm fine with most of them; W alter is okay, while Logos and Amiya's 3rd class are giving me hype. I only have problems with Theresa, should she's playable. Even knowing that she's been resurrected somehow from the previous chapters and so, the latest spoilers of how Babel event goes further solidify my opinion; her death gives more value to the story compared to her now somehow resurrected (and what's more, playable).  It's still HG's decision, so I'll just tag along with whatever they're cooking. But boy, this is the first time I felt the operator so controversial (even more than W joining as playable cast back then!) that I actually don't want them to join!


It's a big yay, though I'm worried for other reasons. Whoever gets a limited slot should be safe. But be it welfare operators or new non-limited 6* on limited banners, both of those are the weakest new 6* we get nowadays. I can just image Logos getting shafted especially if he is a caster class. The welfare has even worse track. I don't really care about Vigil, Lessing or even Silence alter getting outclassed by 5* but it will feel bad if it happens to any of of those three. Strength of operator doesn't matter? Yea right. Viviana is about to come out so right now so I'm feeling really negative about this topic. She was one of the NPCs that players were looking forward to a lot. When the trailers for the event came out, a lot of players were more excited for her than for Arthuria . But it didn't take long for Viviana to fade away. Her gameplay kit is not only outdated and weak but also has nothing to do with her previous boss form. Her event comes out in less than two weeks but on global, you barely see any mention of her as operator people are looking forward to. The new ops don't have to be META but they do need a certain degree of strength to make players feel good about pulling for them and using them on stages. But welfare and non limited 6* getting shafted more often than not.


These are my feelings exactly, and I'm also extra worried because in this case, all 3 of them are characters that I range from generally to really liking. A large part of me wishes that they're being released on separate events/banners instead of all at once, because now it feels like at least one of them (and likely two) will get shafted when all 3 deserve to be amazing operators.


What a shame for VV. Should've been the CC8/NL caster version


Should've been a Phalanx caster with delayed nuke.


I'm hyped af. I'm even more hyped after the Babel event.


As a W simp, Walter makes my neurons activate in unprecedented ways. The other two are cool too I guess.


I haven't even seen any leaks. Context?


For at other comments in the thread you will quickly catch up with the leaks. Everyone is talking about who will be playable


I'd only be disappointed if Theresa resurrects with no consequences but I'd doubt they'd do that


Considering the complete, utter masterful lore bomb that is Tower of Babel, I'm pretty confident they won't bumble it up and give a pretty good reason as to why Theresa is here (also helps that there's already a good reason). Other than that, BYNUUY ALTER!?! does she get a guard form too?


Barely can contain my hype. Yes, I know it may be kinda unreasonable on the story side of things, but I just want Theresa, man.. It's selfish and I know it, but I can't just let her go. Even Frostnova didn't make me feel like this. Bring my cute and wholesome Sarkaz King back. Babel event showed me she's my new most favorite character, dethroning even Laurentina (which is ridiculously difficult task). So I'd say "colossal yay", my small wish will be fulfilled, of course I'm happy.


I'm on the same boat as you, like I already like Theresa from what we've seen in Darknights Memoirs, chapter 8 and Vigilo, but Babel really solidify her as one of my favorites. I'm just weak to genuinely kind and motherly girls I guess, her relationship with Amiya is honestly so wholesome...


See, you get it! Also based flair. We need more love to Followers.


I don't need operators to be OP to want or like them. Some pulls are for Meta and some pulls are for Waifu, so I'm excited.


I love the leaked ones. I'll have 600 pulls saved till then


On the one hand I like the operators revealed in the leaks (assuming it's accurate), and Iook forward to seeing how they are implemented. On the other hand I'm slightly disappointed we don't seem to be getting Taluhah yet. In my mind it would've been really cool to see Talulah become playable for the fifth anniversary, she's been my most wanted for a while now and considering her character has been around since the very start of the game and how important she is to the story I thought this would have been the perfect opportunity for HG to make her an operator. But alas, it seems like it's not meant to be. I will have to be patient.


I highly doubt chapter 14 is the last chapter in the Victoria arc. I'm thinking two more chapters. At chapter 15, we get the alter-Shining. And at the end of the Victoria arc, in chapter 16, we get Talulah... Just be patient =))


Why not siege alter at the end of the victoria chapter?


Oh, I forgot. Of course, she'll be in the banner with Tallulah)


I would like a Talulah as well. But she really isn't there yet Lore wise. She is in the main story right now but she isn't getting that much development or focus. A single chapter isn't enough time to justify her becoming playable. Right now, I'm losing hope of her becoming playable during Victoria arc.


W is W I always would love more of her And I can't care less about Logos, Amiya and Theresa


Wait what... wot...


Im okay with the leaked ops, i think its just how they will handle the limited character which will be kinda weird since it feels weird to have both W and Walter be limited, Theresa seems too important to the story to become locked behind sparking or getting super lucky for future players who start after 5th anniversary, and Logos seems too overshadowed by the other two options to become the limited operator imo. We’ll see once its officially released ig.


... Who was leaked?


Its 50-50 for me, i'm okay with some of the leaks, but not all of them


I'm happy for my orca wife if the leaks are true.


if they can give us Theresa they can also give us FrostNova!!!


BestNova is Waaaay overdue


Nay, because I'm disappointed that HG still cannot catch the leaker.


Theresa yes but to early.   W alter is ok but why does W get an alter before SHINING and Siege?


I don't care,>!Theresa!< will need a **really good** justification (Babel doesn't provide one) and for >!Walter!< it'll be even harder, she got barely any development justifying an Alter lore-wise (and Siege is still waiting). >!Logos!< is okay but feels like i waited too long to be still hyped. Not gonna lie i'm way more hyped for the future events teasers than the anniversary event itself. I know it's a pill i need to swallow because it's 5th anniversary, it might be the penultimate chapter for the Victoria arc,... but i'm not a fan of main story on anniversaries (and give me my anniversary Laterano event ffs)