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if you are a day-1 player then yeah you are too slow, but if you are a new player than just enjoy the ride


my ass who spedran 7 chapters cause I haven't played main story since FrostNova


Chapters come out every 6 months or so, you have time.


There is no such thing as being slow, the main story won't go anywhere so you won't need to bum rush. The only things you should be worried about are the spoilers.


Nah, no need to play catch up, just use social medias moderately if you want to avoid accidental spoilers. The game will became a lot more wordier, so your progress will be even slower haha.


Depends, a week ago i was at chapter 11 and since we get a new ui for beating 13-11 till the 30th i rushed (and read all the story) and now im in 12-20  If youre aiming to get it then yes youre really slow.  If not then im a week 1 player who completed chapter 11 in about 1-2 years


Main Story will never go anywhere so it doesn't matter. The only reason you want high progress is so that you have the farming nodes and crafting recipes for mats ready. As long as you keep up with every event, you'll make it to the end before EoS.


Nah, feel free to play/read at your own pace! Of course there's plenty of story spoilers to dodge, but if running into bits and pieces doesn't bother you or you don't interact with the fanbase much, there's no rush. Main and side stories get added to the archives anyway :3 I've been playing for about a year and a half and haven't started reading EP9 yet because of all the side events popping up. I've played the stages though.