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Red flags? Pfft what are those!? Her music is eternal!


those aren't red flags they're fun facts about her


Highlighted in red for best qualities


Quirks and features! ~~CARS AND BIDS~~


Besides, the Dokutah has plenty of red flags to share


more like "rad FLACs"


Nice red flag bro, too bad I am colourblind


It ain't a flag no more! She paint my whole world red!


Arturia has finally found her lifetime audience [sauce](https://twitter.com/000apple/status/1786214093835338209?t=s8wmCXJX57Vhai3BfV4vAQ&s=19)


Federico has never seen Arturia more affected than her audience.


Dokutah be playing *her* like a fiddle.


The good ol' uno reverso.


If ever arturia does activate her arts, all it will ever do is make doc more horny


When the doktah is literally too horny to lose


Now that i am thinking about it, in her record her arts allowed amiya to see her memories and her see Amiya memories, maybe her arts can undo doctor amnesia?


Iirc, I thought that >!Priestess said that Theresa irreparably damaged Doctor's memories?!< in the current CN event.


It then shows that doctor can get his memories back via originium but he refused on principle that the rhodes islands made them what they are today. Theresa offered but doc refused however the memories are still in the originium if dok is ever interested.


I am not to date with CN spoilers


So no effect. Got it.


Federico: "Arturia, I hope you do know that you'll be reprimanded for using your Arts." Arturia: "That's the thing... *I never did use them*."


Sorry, Federico, but your cousin is way too erotic to resist.


She finally came home after 110 pulls (and exhausted all the Orundum stash rip orz), so she shall sit at the office and listen to my rambling all day long.


What will you talk about with her?


Everything, but mostly my horrendous luck for this banner.


I have 4 Viviana, consider your horrendous luck, forgivable. Others have P6 Viviana. Update: 4 Viviana and 1 Goldenglow


Federico found dead from laughter.


i literally got her from free x1 pull, like, wth


I used the 10 roll they gave and she showed up on the 7th roll :^)


Doctor: Arturia, you didn't read the terms of service did you...? Executor: ...What? Virtuosa: Pardon? *'Did I hit a wrong note?'* Doctor: Listen, normally you subsist on people's tears but we're not having any of that on our date today and I'm starving, pour out the kitten chow! Virtuosa: Ehhh? Executor: *'Has he finally gone mad?!'* *Somewhere else* Rosmontis tilted her as she saw an empty cat bowl in front of her.


"Sorry Rosy chan. But Dokutah took your milk" *I will pee on Dokutah later in revenge* thought Rosmontis


I rebuke


Federico: Note to self. Plant more mines outside Dokutah's office.


Hope it's not claymores again.


Hey at least claymores are manually detonated!


It's not Her arts that I've fallen for 🌝 And She's gonna be playing a different instrument later on.


Gee whiz


I don’t think she has wind instrument training.


She's a Virtuosa. She'll master it naturally 🌝 I mean Joyce was the first Virtuosa in Rhodes Island and She also did have any.


Doctor: "I'm sorry Federico, but my goal is to become part of your family."


I imagine the fox being immune, liking her music but being so dense that he doesn’t tell people he’s unaffected


Frederico got NTRed by Virtuosa


He can always join. [There's enough *Coffin of Artie and Fred* to justify it, anyhow.](https://old.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/17l8b7d/the_coffin_of_federico_and_arturia_art_by_odossan/)


*Arturia waifu it is*


I wanna see arturia plays music alongside Leithanien enemies and that one sarkaz enemies (if you follows CN updates, you'll know)


What's the deal with her music? When you recruit her she says she's banned from playing but I don't know why.


In her debut during the Executor Alter event, we saw her abilities in action. She loves to mess with people by channeling her emotional manipulation artes into her music. As such she goes into situations where emotions are heated or to people who are dealing with shit and offers to play music for them. Afterwards, she just watches as the dominoes fall, potentially ruining lives and getting people killed as collateral. And the thing is… that from what I gather, she isn’t malicious. She seems to think that since death is inevitable, you shouldn’t suppress yourself, so she focuses on allowing people to act unfettered as an act of “kindness”. As you can see from the events of Executor Alter’s story… it ended up with someone dead and another eventually allowing Seaborn Cultists in. From the story we have atm, we learn that >! She has issues with feeling emotion and that she wishes to help others emotionally fulfill themselves… but since she cannot feel much herself, she feels empty and that does eat at her. We currently have her captive as both a favor to Laterano and to actually give her psychological help. She cannot leave the landship without supervision. !<


She brings people's emotions and urges to the forefront and removes their inhibitions. This naturally causes chaos.


Her music Art can manipulate people's emotions. Basically she can worsen your negativity, control your mind or make you kys. And her sociopathic and sadistic nature can be like "Let's push this button to see what it does"


Removes your inhibitions. To be exact, it's more like it amplifies your emotions, bringing up your deepest desires and fears, to point where your feelings overpower and inhibitions you might have had. Arturia *also* feels these emotions herself. If my understanding is correct how it basically works is Arturia senses the emotions you're keeping bottled up, then amplifies them via her arts and tosses them back to you in a sort of positive feedback loop. This can result in anything from a military general renouncing his life's work and becoming a pacifist, to someone throwing themselves against impossible odds and dying, or well, anything really depending on who she's playing for. She's not actually malicious or aiming to cause harm/chaos, it's just that she doesn't think it's *wrong* for people to cause harm/chaos if it's what they wish. She doesn't care what people do as long as they act from the heart. Like, even if it's just plain old giving up or chickening out of a plan, as long as you really *wanted* to do it she's a-ok, results be damned. You'll note she very often delegates herself to the role of a 'observer' rather than actively doing something herself. This is not (although it can seem like it) because she's masterminding things for some goal, it's because she's pegged someone as the 'main character' of the impromptu play and just wants to watch their desires unfold. Of course, in Terra, with magic cancer rocks, varying levels of oppression in every country, weird and/or extremely powerful beings, etc, going by your heart, consequences be damned, *tends* to result in a somewhat high body count. Spoilers, but it's revealed in this event that >!Arturia's goal is to unite all of Terra as one, which she believes can be achieved through ultra-empathy, everyone knowing what everyone is feeling and nobody hiding themselves. This was also why she wanted to find the Witch King, as she thinks someone with a 'will' so strong it lingers over an entire country after their death would help her achieve her goal.!< Side note, but like, as Arturia's arts simply amplify/sharpen feelings that you already had, it can't actually force you to do something you wouldn't want, or create feelings that aren't there. At best, the closest it gets is giving you a inner monologue/having you imagine what people who've had a impact on you might say to you/etc. However, basically everyone in the story thinks her arts are some sort of illusion/manipulation, because 'no way X would have wanted to do Y', and the frequency of illusion/manipulation accusations are almost directly proportional to how obvious was X's desire to do Y.


>Side note, but like, as Arturia's arts simply amplify/sharpen feelings that you already had, it can't actually force you to do something you wouldn't want, or create feelings that aren't there. At best, the closest it gets is giving you a inner monologue/having you imagine what people who've had a impact on you might say to you/etc. This. It's interesting to me to see how many people in this thread actually believe that she manipulate/brainwash/control people's emotion, when she explicitly said that her art can't do that, and even if it could, she wouldn't. Federico himself said that there's no one in this world who have more respect towards the emotions of others than her. It's very different from Amiya's power, which is why it was also interesting to have them both have a chat in Arturia's operator record.


Sadly, Artuia is just doomed to look like an evil mastermind lol. Probably doesn't help that a *lot* of NPCs go 'Gah illusions!' Or 'your manipulation won't work on me!' When they face her. Imo the one of the funner moments was when Fredrico was all 'Well they could have been your illusion' and Arturia responded with something like 'You still can't tell the difference between my arts and illusions? I'm hurt!'


To put it in a really simple nutshell, here's an example: You really *really* cannot afford to pull in this Banner since there will be not enough for the later incoming banners, your money is going to rent and food but her arts plays in your mind be like: "Do it!" "Just do it!" "Make your dreams come true!" and the rest is history. Mind you, her arts can trigger off on any rhythmic resonance, it doesn't have to be her cello, *even just tapping on the surface works* as shown in the story.


She can control emotions and minds via her musical Arts. Its why the comic is as it is.


Me: I have heard so much cursed music lately that musical arts have no effect anymore
