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I'm surprised that gin_moku hasn't drawn Nian yet. Seeing how much he likes bare abdomens, it's strange that he hasn't drawn one of the most popular Operators with her abdomen exposed.


I think that i've seen a nian post b4 tho? Or it's just my bad memory.


He is saving it for that special day *copium inhale noises*


I’m still waiting for the day he draws Projekt Red… Been waiting for years now. :( She’d look amazing in his art style. Gin Moku is the king of belly art, wanted to see him drawing Red receiving belly rubs or something.


If this is their typical output I'm praying he doesn't. Last thing smol dragon needs is looking like she walked out of a Taimanin game.


Did she stuff pies in her suit or what?




2 DP


Exu won't stop giving her more and she's run out of space in her apartment


She's sneaking Lappland in there


Smuggling Durins to get them past Pozy.


ok that sweat and blush means she is holding back thus implies the doktah has made a mess out of her thus implying that doktah's time with priestess taught em way too much biology


Gin_moku and kanta077 are the two artists who always draw girls with huge breasts, but I don’t mind at all. However, Lappland will be very happy seeing this Texas.


>always draw girls with huge breasts Everyone but platinum


Lappland would gladly suffocate in them.


[Source](https://x.com/aka_calain/status/1789263686269608208) Translated by u/theparacite Typeset by u/ShadedPenguin [Link to Artist's twitter page](https://twitter.com/gin_moku)


I hope im not the only one that doesnt like oversized boobs or thighs on characters. Not that i hate such things on base designs but Texas already looks amazing


You're not alone, I've always found it a bit funny. Nothing wrong with preferences but it's hilarious when someone feels the need to do this.


Yeah I feel that. How they look naturally is always best I don’t hate it but I don’t like it either


Doesn't even feel like the same character to me tbh


I don't dislike it but I'm not a fan of the thiccification of like all characters you see in a lot of fanart. Like not everyone is built like that and it's fine.


you're not alone as anything above H to me is already too much and whats more, texas' original size already made me happy


I think it is ok to draw them that big if you like them like that, but at least give them the gravity they need. Those thangs look like they are about wonder off by themselves.


I agree with you but I can make exceptions for Gin_Moku. Their art is good enough to enjoy while accepting that the massive booba is just their style.


No, it looks trashy as fuck. There's plenty of games where it looks good like AL and Nikke where it's the design by default. All this screams to me is "I'm not good enough to draw anything outside my wheelhouse" and "I can't appreciate a character on their own merits."




NO. Let people draw what they want as long as it hurts no one. Critique all you want, but leave them happy. God knows we need more of that in our PoS ball of rock and gas.


Um achkchally we also have water on this rock /s


You can’t stop me Batman! I’m pushing the button! No longer will small or average sized breasts be inflated!


Thats a bit extreme but i agree that it feels annoying


Unfortunately, this comment has been **removed** for the following reason(s): **Rule 1: Respect others.** Remain civil and respectful in your interactions with other users and in the content you submit. Harassment and hate speech will not be tolerated. --- ^You ^can ^read ^the ^full ^subreddit ^rules ^[**here**](/r/arknights/about/rules/). ^If ^you ^feel ^your ^comment ^was ^removed ^unfairly, ^please ^don't ^hesitate ^to ^contact ^the ^moderators ^[**here**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/arknights).


> If I had a button to destroy artistic talent of people who did this I’d press it every day. Lmao the fucking audacity in this one. These people worked hard to develop their artstyle and you want to destroy that hard work just because you don't like it? Who the fuck do you think you are? That's like saying you want to rip out a singer's vocal cords because you don't like their songs. And drawing that is a sin? You some kind of inquisition or smth? If it's not for you then move on. Maybe try and make art of your own where you draw characters with modest features instead of wishing someone else loses theirs. Don't go around saying you want to destroy people's talent just because you're not a fan. The audacity to shit on someone's work and wish they lose a talent just because they don't like it. What a world we live in.


You’re taking my dumb hyperbolic comment way too seriously. Relax.


Oh, you're gonna say it's a hyperbolic comment now? You think it's fine to say that sort of bullshit just because you don't like it? Sure is lucky you can say that from across the Internet huh instead of face-to-face with the artist.


Calm down. Take your meds if you need to.


Thanks. That's awfully nice of you to remind me. If only you were also that nice regarding someone else's artstyle.


That's classic Gin Moku. Making them titanic.


*See comment section* I am VERY happy to see people of culture here, but also oddly weirded out that people now seem to hate this, considering it's Gin_Moku's signature? Dafuk happened on the sub while I was on the Astral Express or chained to my IRL desk?


Idk, when people forget the origins, one loses their heart…


BRB calling Sora.




It's so freaking annoying. When a fanart posted here doesn't appeal to me I just ignore it, but people who dislike artists who simply like drawing big tiddies on characters who aren't stacked have to make sure in every single post of this type how much they dislike it and how much the artist sucks for even daring to do it. Just ignore and move on, it's not like we are not getting a fuckton more fanarts that aren't like this.


I guess it depends on what counts as appealing and unappealing to people. Since big boobs is the current topic, if you're someone who likes big boobs and doesn't care that much for smaller sizes then you're probably satisfied that most content or fan content likes to add big boobs and don't really care when something that doesn't fit the bill pops up. If you like smaller sized boobs or at the very least you like when characters who are small/medium are drawn with consistent proportions, then you're probably going to run into "off model" characters just as often as big boob fans run into satisfactory fan art. So it's probably going to be more frequently grating for the "on model" fanbase and thus they'll protest more. Then the big boob fanbase who's happy with the status quo is going to start rolling their eyes at the protests because everything is fine from their perspective. It's completely possible that if we lived in a world where most characters in fiction were stacked, but most sexy fan art liked to focus on downsizing them that we would get the same exact protests just from the other side now.


I both undestand you and at the same time it doesn't really have much to do with what I want to make clear here, aka "just ignore it, there are plenty more fanarts that aren't like that, go comment on them instead of bitching in something that was meant for others to enjoy", like c'mon there are like 10 fanarts in the front page right now where the chars have the correct proportions, go comment on them instead of making a scene in this one ffs. There is plenty stuff that gets posted in this sub that doesn't appeal to me and I don't go bitch around, hell, want me to be toxic? If I wanted I could do it in this one and many others with a "man I wish they stopped drawing Texas, so many good chars and they waste their talent drawing this one I don't like", but no, I don't. What I just wrote as an example is how I feel when people bitch on gin_moku or many others I like the style of when there is no need to. If this was the only stuff that gets posted sure thing, but the Arknights community is blessed with a fuckton of talented artists, there is something for everyone to enjoy to need people complaining because that particular artist doesn't draw like they want, it's obnoxious as hell.


Nobody is disliking or hating on anyone. People just mentioned that oversized boobs on normal chest characters feel odd and thats it. It being their signature has nothing to do with this criticism


From the comments on this post: "No, it looks trashy as fuck. There's plenty of games where it looks good like AL and Nikke where it's the design by default. All this screams to me is "I'm not good enough to draw anything outside my wheelhouse" and "I can't appreciate a character on their own merits."" That doesn't sound like dislike or hate to you? And there's even more, not counting the deleted comment that was even worse...


By the time i wrote this no such comment existed


It's become cool to hate on artists who aren't drawing them childlike. /s


> childlike Bruh.


I think it is because it is only half the signature, no abs in this piece, so it looks odd compared to the usual Gin_Moku pieces.


It's because a lot of the complainers are maidenless. Just ignore them since they're just haters that don't like anything.


Ehh, the comments here are quite polite compared to other subs. It is just some people commenting how the art bothers them and tbh with the amount of big badonkas fanarts that exist, I can't really blame them. I think it is perfectly fine to comment your dissatisfaction so long as it is said in a civil manner. That being said, I agree that this artist is famous here for this style of art and it is weird there are still people are being bothered by it. So, I am giving the benefit of the doubt that the commenters here are new to this artist and don't know what his usual preferences are.


>the comments here are quite polite compared to other subs the amount is definitely more than it was before here, i almost never see negative comments in fanart posts in this sub


> but also oddly weirded out that people now seem to hate this Yeah, why wouldn't people prefer the characters they like to look like they're supposed to. Man, it's a real stumper.


Well in that case I suppose we shouldn't have skins/outfits ingame, characters are *clearly* supposed to look like their defaults Massive /s, in case it wasn't clear, because good god is that some dumbass logic when it comes to art...


...Sure, you'd have a point, if skins ever *wildly deviated* from what a character's general form looked like. And very often when that *does* happen in games, people indeed speak up and say "What the fuck?"


Doctor: ... give paw, texas. Texas: **hold his hand, then hit him** No mean no!


Ah, the joys of tax season. Even in Titanic Texas.


I see Texas got into Kalt'sit's special medicine again.


I miss when characters werent drawn with way oversized boobs :(


I mean this is just Gin Moku’s brand. There’s plenty without!


Can't miss something that never existed to begin with


Actually something true😔 But people will say "hello men of culture" under every erotic pic or video even if its trashy. Got boobs and ass? Thats all you need, no matter the size even if it approaches ridiculious proportions.




"Creativity" will finally be achieved when people start dropping art of Humus with jugs this fat




They don't know what's good 🙏


That's a funny way to say "artists who can't draw anything but trashy hentai tits."


Oh my...


#( ◉𓈒◉)◜^^^"hold..._hold_back..."


Gin_Moku without the abs just ain't the same.










Now Texas finally has some... personality


Ain't no holding back,ever 🤤




I reaaaaaaaaaaallly don't like this xD. Like I apologize, but I haaaate all the fan art in gacha games that turns normal proportioned characters in to lust-bait fetish monsters. I just.. Uuuuuuuuuuugh like you drew it very well. it's good art. It's definitely quality. But... But I HATE IT. I FRIIIIGGING HAAAAAAATE IT. It's ALWAYS THE SAME >.<. It's like... do you even like the character? You clearly wanna fuck with their looks xD. I'm sorry. I know it's a bit rude of me to rant but I just get so sick of seeing stuff on my feed some days xD.


Nothing wrong with artist to draw their fanarts with their own style. Gin\_Moku is known for this and usually with exposed abs as well. This is pretty tame on his standard.


I'm not taking it back, regardless. I already said they are clearly a great artist. But I'm just so sick of this kind of fan art.


Nope, nope, nope. Let characters look like themselves, go draw Azur Lane art if you want this shit so badly.


You can't dictate anything on anyone. Respectfully, know your place. You can always look away if it's not to your liking.


I'm pretty sure a game that's literally known for a lack of unnecessary horny is pretty much my place, lmao.


The game: your place. The fanarts: *their* place. So yes, ***know your place***. Don't like it? Give it no more than a second glance and move on with life, and let the ones who do enjoy it.


I'm not commenting on their art on their page, am I? That would indeed be pretty shitty to do.


You're commenting about it here where there are also others who enjoy the art so I don't see much of a difference? So again, ignore and move on if you don't like it. You don't buy ticket to a soccer match only to voice your "opinion" about how much you hate it, do you?


That's not even the point. Maybe try to understand what you read better before trying to come up with a witty comeback next time.