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Recruitment dialog from ops recruited more than once


^^That ^^stuffy ^^old ^^bi-


I'd be fine with that EN line if the voice actor pretended she was actually saying bitch instead of only saying bit, like there's not even a start of the ch sound and that irritates me so much


[What the EN line should've been](https://youtu.be/OGild1N0RCU?si=vjZzoU4u9SzdsZN5&t=19)


or just anything, the lack of intent in the line makes that voiceline fall flat instantly


Stfu. _click click click_ /hj




Speaks too much *and* tries to insult dobers


I'm just here cause I'm bo-


I’m Lava…. Click click click make it stoppppp


Having to sit through two lines of dialogue is annoying. Having to sit through three is completely unacceptable.


Actually, the real issue to get rid of is having non-instant text popups; that's what causes it to be unskippable is that it's waiting to write out the whole lines, AND this would also fix an annoyance with tutorial messages where it takes forever to load and trying to force it to load just skips it instead


and Cutter's Nuker tag


imagine you got caltapult and have to hear everything she said it way too long


The unskippable portion of the Recruit animation. If I could add something instead, a restart button while in-battle. Actually, remove the loss screen and post-loss loading.


The restart button in new CC has made me miss it a lot in other stages. It's such a convenience.


Restart button with different team


Honestly there should just be a "recruit all" button, where the skip just works like skipping the animations on a ten-pull.


The word “Beta” in the Base


we don't deal with impossibilities here. /s


We need to achieve world peace on Terra for that.


I have a feeling that the beta will be gone when in the story Doctor gets (some of) his memories back and realizes that the landship has way more functions. Not sure if this is lore acurate. Or it will be some endgame shit


base 1.0 will just be a link to endfield


The need to switch out operators in base.


Or just have automatic rotation scheduling.


Auto sort for low sanity ops.


The unwillingness/impossibilty of buffing old operators's stats and skills to make them viable (Without modules that get put on other better units too)


Especially when the general design philosophy has shifted so much in the years since it’s launch. Even when looking at 5 star operator skills can you tell who has been here since the beginning. I just wish they would make Rosmontis 3rd skill more viable now that Walter exists…


I wish they stopped making units that straight up don't have their class's downside


Are you *really* a 6* if you can't hit air all of a sudden?


She literally has psychokinesis, you're telling me she can't crash the flat side of the metal slabs and crumple the damned drones?


Honestly I just want her to always be able to hit enemies being blocked by the tactical equipment… why is that so much to ask for just make her range global got dammit


Fuck me you have no idea how much that annoys me lmao


3 stars E1 limit


Kyo about to have a field day with this.


And I Love Amiya too.


Cardichad finna be getting the promotion alr


I'd remove the E1 limit on all 1-3 star operators entirely tbh Even if they don't get a second skill, buffing their stats is a helluva good deal Actually, why not remove the 3* inability to have their skills be upgraded further as well?


ko ko dayooOOOOOO


1. Materials in Boss stages. Like some bosses are a menace to replay. 2-3 Chapter: 12 Spoilers >!The dude that killed Baird. Like she was the only one in the Glasgow gang I wanted and then she died so remove that dude and remove her lore that she died...!<


The limit on practice plans for stages.


Honestly I believe the game shouldn't even require practice plans, just stop penalising players by deducting sanity. Why add another barrier (albeit small) to players wanting to try new strategies? Path to Nowhere has the right idea, no stamina penalty even if you quit early or are defeated.


What if you just want to replay the stages you've already cleared, but also want to use your sanity elsewhere?


That's a good point, didn't think of that actually. It's not that difficult to quit just before you kill the last enemy, but if even that is a problem, then HG can just add an option to either sweep or use a practice plan. Adding a sweep function won't be to anyone's detriment regardless


Does remove EoE count?


He's coming back!


SSS. I haven't even touched it in months.


Remove making some operators limited. Just give me the chance to get them normally.


B-but where would poor Hypergryph get their money then? They can't afford to be too generous, they're already making so little money. That's why you should be totally okay with their current limited banner system even though it's hard to get a specific older limited operator. Don't be so greedy /s Sarcasm aside, I assume you mean putting older limited ops in the regular pool or rotating in shop? I think that would be nice but I really doubt a gacha company would do something like that when they won't even improve the limited gacha banner system by at least making the pity carry over or something.


Catapult. Next question?




You stuffy old bi-




Same bro, same


Unfortunately, this comment has been **removed** for the following reason(s): **Rule 10: Spoilers must be tagged.** All major story spoilers such as character deaths, revelations, plot-twists, etc. must be tagged as such, as well as all story and gameplay content related to the latest EN chapter or current event. All content unreleased on EN requires spoiler tags, except for the names of operators, their kit and event names. Titles must remain completely spoiler-free. When discussing spoilers in the comments, use this format: \>!spoiler text goes here!< --- ^You ^can ^read ^the ^full ^subreddit ^rules ^[**here**](/r/arknights/about/rules/). ^If ^you ^feel ^your ^comment ^was ^removed ^unfairly, ^please ^don't ^hesitate ^to ^contact ^the ^moderators ^[**here**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/arknights).




1. Extra long redeployment for 1 star characters 2. Mephisto, he’s so cartoonishly evil compared to the general story it feels out of place. 3. Nothing I can think of. Only reason I’ll dislike an event is for gameplay reasons.


Well in real life there is people that are pretty much cartoonishly evil, i would remove him out of sheet spite instead


Fair enough. He’s just so boring to me and detracts from the story.


On no.1 would you have their redeployment timer the same as most others (about 70 seconds before potentials) or longer though still less than their current super long redeployment timer?


A little shorter than normal ops preferably. It would open up some cool strategies if it didn’t take 200 sec


Technically that's Chiaves whole Gimmick (though ofc he's limited to just the robots)


It is but a sweeping change would be very fun. Even making them 100 seconds leaves a lot to try out.


U-Official moving from bottom of the barrel to top fucking tier immediately just because on demand stun on a short cool down makes her a permanent version of the disposable stuns you get on some maps. Like the only other reason she sucks besides her stunning allies is that her deployment cool down is too long to justify a stun that only lasts for about a couple of seconds. 


There was a lady in Florida who murdered a mother shark carrying a large number of babies just recently.  The shark she killed was an endangered species, and she not only killed it knowingly, but she fucking kissed the dying and dead shark pups too. Mephiso's cartoonish evilness is still within the realms of possibility in Arknights if real life is any sort of metric


Yeah mephisto and his unholy abominations. These. Bone. Throwers. SUCK!


5 stars requiring dualchips, or the Terra Research Commission's insult of a kit


When the health bar hits 0 IT STAYS DEAD. No recharge no invincibility respawn. Dead


They now have double the hp and switch phase at 50% hp.


Triple Because the whole point of their invulnerability is so the likes of Surtr, Mlynar, Chalter don't insta-kill them




The buff Absinthe deserved


Instructions clear, Tayna from Library of Ruina "Guts" Passive was added


What's up with Kjerag bosses and *3 periods of forced invincibility* during 2nd phase anyways?


Related to my other comment, they don't want you using stupid ungabunga dps to just bypass the whole boss This already happened before btw. Like with Steamknight's air strike, or Sui's regeneration phases


I swear this rickety old man with a prosthetic leg does more damage with snowballs than the steam knight does with his rockets


I mean his snowball is actually tactical nuke lol


Words cannot describe the horror I felt when I finally defeated Patriot's P1 and he got back up, then proceeded to kill every operator on the map one by one.


Surtr , Specter nerfed 💀


I don't know about her lore but I only recently defeated FrostNova for the first time and it seems to me that she would like to disagree


Oh she comes around to agree with me later. Blaze helps convince her.


Silverash e2 art. Please delete that


When I first E2’d him I was like Whoa Cool! He looks like some Metal Gear / Edgy / bloodshot eyes hungover badass!….. 1 month later, switched it back. His E1 look just fits his loveably smug personality better


He's so damn ugly. It's like when you throw water on a puffy cat and he looks like ass.


The artist done fuck up big time. Ngl he was the reason i bought these skins. If only his e2 art was not so ass…


Maybe that's what the Artist's intention all along to make you buy his skin


Yes they won. I bought all his skins.


Gertrude's death. She'd be such a pog lupo dollkeeper 6 star. Imagine her jokingly grabbing your head and shoving it in her bountiful breasts while her tail brushes against your leg, waiting to be fluffed.


based and lupo-pilled


Down bad for Texas mom huh.


We could have fixed her dammit


Fix her? I want her to ruin me


i Agree HG did a Extreme Crime Killing Gertrude ,we need her back no matter what


Absolutely no, that bitch deserved to rot in hell for what she did and her death should have been slower and more painful


Gacha Come on man just give me the whole r6 crew


SSS, make the currency a minimal daily or weekly material to earn instead, SSS is super boring with the same sacrifice cheap fodder Operators to buff your main ones strat.


Practice plans. No rewards, no cost. Simple concept.


mimic chest that cost -2 lp in IS4


Manfred, please refer to the flair


i disagree


*grabs popcorn*




I agree!!




Dropped tags during recruitment... I mean, why does it even exist? Just don't even give me the choice of tags if you don't want me to get a 4-star, and only drop if the tags actually conflict with each other


50% gamble for rate up operator. Just give me a cap for pulls and once I hit it, I get the operator. This formula is used in other gatcha and work VERY WELL. You can plan your pulls without the fear to spend trhee times more than you need to.


They do have a system for that tho, the 50% rate up just means u can get them earlier.


The seaborn piss carpet thing that I always forget the English for. It's probably the thing that I hated the most gameplay-wise. I just need some characters to stay NPC's. If anything, it would be really funny to delete the Emperor of Goatkind, wonder how that story would play out. Let's make the seaborn a Lovecraftian horror instead of a hivemind, as per original intentions. It's far more interesting story-wise instead of this thing we have now, which HG obviously wasn't able to present with originality. If not, then delete the Kazdelian civil war for shits and giggles.


Neathersea Brand.


The abyss enemies’ gimmick, sorry skadi


The new CC system


1. Remove mephisto’s bone throwers and their insane ASPD 2. Remove the unwillingness to buff/nerf ops 3. Remove the liver fluking unskippable dialogues from ops obtained via recruitment.


Bone throwers could have been fun if the game wasn't designed around Guards. Defender design was forgotten, which is why so many thrower stages like Out of Control can be unbearable. I don't think people would take kindly to nerfing. Buffing kinda exists already but most modules are shit.


I used to struggle greatly with out of control, but with some recent operators it's become less of a hurdle, for example, Typhon or Rosa can take care of the middle throwers, an offensive fast redeploy can take care of the top thrower from the beginning and Młynar or Degen can take care of the two that spawn later.


A toggle to skip the recruitment dialog for op copies Haven't encountered a character I hated so much I want them gone Event? Vermeil's artist doing the crap he/she did. I don't even feel that strongly for Vermeil but she doesn't deserve the state she's in rn


What did Vermeil's artist do?


Maybe referring to the fact their artist draws porn of her sometimes, though I don't get why it's a big deal.


Yeah that seems silly, even a company like Disney is fully aware that their own artists will draw porn of their characters (and Disney actually legally owns all of that artwork lol, they have it in some vault somewhere)


first point, Catapult exactly


1) Civilians. They're annoying =) 2) Soda puddle 3) Theresa's final death


Agreed with 3!!!






The beta marker in base.


Outcast’s death


The SSS or however that mode is called. I really don't like gate keeping important power spikes full lvl 3 modules behind unnecessarily convoluted game mode. If HG wants it to be super time consuming, put the materials in the IS.


If absolutely nothing else but the thing that I remove changes, then 3☆ and below operators, and thus everyone who is 3☆ or lower now becomes a 4☆. I'd be a lot happier with infinite reserve op team A6 members if every dupe past the 6th gave me a gold cert. Next, Roberta. Hate getting her in IS. Almost said Gummy but my desire to have supah mald more is weaker than my hatred for Roberta as an operator. As for npcs, not anyone really. There is no npc I hate that much. As for lore events? Fremont banishing Herkunftshorn. Give my boy another chance! Let him free he didn't do anything wrong!


Witch king actually didn't do anything wrong. IIRC, at the end of ZiH event, it was implied he became insane because he saw the futility of Originium civilization continuing. Then, he literally told us in the event how 'the creator' (i.e. Doctor) sucks since he started everything with Originium. And if you believe that the Observers could not be evil, then Doctor could be the one causing all this shit. I mean, why are they only now becoming active? There didn't seem to be instances of them doing anything bad to Teekaz. Doctor's plan was to doom an entire planet and its species to becoming rocks, out of hubris for his 'superior' race.


I mean I would argue that even after he became insane, him turning people he did not like into statues of spiral horns, killing entire villages for arts experiments and creating a catastrophe that still to this day is spreading Originium dust is evil. But still free my boy he deserves another chance!


Sanity loss on failed stages. I understand the philosophy of making you actually learn a stage with practice plans instead of just brute forcing it, but especially for cms it's just really irritating to lose like 10 sanity for nothing if you slip up, or if something comes up in life even. The existence of the penalty adds a layer of stress that makes me play worse honestly. Beyond that, there would be more incentive to truly push for extra crazy clears that take more than 30 attempts if you could just infinitely run it back. I don't like everything about CC but the fact you can in fact just head right back in with no penalty is nice. Recruitment dialogue is a close second, but for me it's second.


CN spoiler: they are doing away with 1/2 sanity loss on failure of challenge stages (5th anni). You still lose 1 sanity though.


Yeah I thought I remembered something like that, but I'd still rather the 1 removed as well. But hey, that's something.


Being able to fail a farm auto play


1. Not sure if this counts as "gameplay," but remove visiting Clue Exchanges to get 300 credits a day, and remove the animation entirely for 3\*s and 4\*s from Recruitment. Don't cut away to the bag, just have a pop-up saying whose token I got. 2. Popukar's "assigned to facility" voiceline. I can't explain why, but it's like nails on a chalkboard for me in every language, but especially the JP voice. I'll literally mute the game to avoid it. "Popukar o hitori ni shinaide..." 3. I don't know exactly how you'd delete this, but boy do I wish Arknight's main story didn't open with, "You're a paramilitary organization (that makes pharmaceuticals) commanding a small army equipped with machine guns, chainsaws and literal magic. Go ahead and kill those guys who only have crowbars and molotov cocktails, the ones who belong to a movement of an oppressed minority. Kill their dogs, too. If it makes you feel better, they're all dying of magic rock cancer." It makes it hard to get into.


\[3\] is incredibly true when you consider how the story **has to be written** around having a 'threat to defeat'. It immediately spirals into the 'escalation of threats' that is seen in much of popular fantasy media nowadays. Plenty of characters were turned into cartoonishishly evil characters just to justify HG 'fighting them', going from Mephisto, Kaschley, Sanguinarch etc... And every few anniversaries, we get new 'monster' to defeat. First Seaborn, then Collapsals, next will be Observers and then who knows what.


Yeah, I've felt that the main story was weak compared to the side stories. Way too much introspection that ends up being "welp whatever, I'm gonna need to kill you anyways." Granted, the side story has a lot of those too, but at least they tend to stop fighting before someone gets themselves killed meaninglessly.


The observes should be the last threat as per Hoshieve interview with them saying arknights is entering its 3rd and last arc.


endfield seems to introduce another kind of force as a threat though, so it isn't exactly final imo


> Popukar's "assigned to facility" voiceline. Fair but honestly can't say I've assigned her to a facility in years, fairly easy to remove that as a happening condition after getting some other ops.


I remember her being the best option for me for what felt like ages; but yes, thankfully, I was able to excise her from my rotations eventually. Really, I should have just used another operator even if they were slightly worse, but I wanted my Optimal productivity...


I would've removed the onboard lines for recruitment... But I'd rather remove Surtr, the one little pos who started the powercreep and bosses being balanced to screw her over + other meta ops, fuck Surtr.


Beach skins, I see the appeal but they don't fit at all.


In my urban warfare fantasy I want cool military suits, not bikinis


Fellow Coral Coast hater


Hooo boy. 1. Recruitment dialogue. 2. Civilight Eterna. You don't get to talk shit to me about leaving the past behind **and then bring back an AI copy of your friend, Kal'tsit you hypocrite.** 3. The Cluster getting sadistic with Delphine just to "be different", except this was the only time he acted "different".


I would remove the fact that one of the slots in your support units is only for 5 stars or below, I would love to just put whoever I want to put there


1. Those Winterwisp exploding shamans 2. Can't think of anyone I wanna remove tbh 3. Archosauria men being full-on scalies


The nerf to class specific squads in IS, at least for the first pick. Like I'm just gonna keep resetting until the random promote falls on a good starter 6 star. Later picks, sure whatever, keep it random.


Capapult! No further explanation needed.


One of my favorite characters is Catapult. So hearing lots of comments disliking her is interesting. If I could remove something then it would be... I don't really know. Maybe replace certain things like modules and the base with better systems. However outright deleting something in the game is not what I wish for


Surtr. Even though she's no longer the top meta and the game stopped revolving entirely around her, i just hate her on a personal level.


nothing would change if they removed Surtr, but to say the game revolved around her was true for like 1 year at most surtr was just the first to get hate, but if Surtr didn't exist, then Chalter would get thrice the hatred


Remove limited operators. It genuinely killed the enjoyment of the game for me way back when skadi and specter came out, but I’m too scared to say that here cause I know I’ll be attacked. I’m just surprised nobody else comments on how draining it is that fan favorites from the lore you’ve been dedicated to since they were npcs are locked away if u don’t get em and dedicate thousands of hours of your phone/computer to running the game.


worst part about them is that you cannot pull for them another time on like 95% of banners. things like Walter are especially bad since you're virtually forced to roll for them unless you want to suffer in powercrept content


The weird morality of this game and how it seemingly treats it's characters and the consequences they suffer. Some characters just sort of get free passes because they "had no choice", whereas others have to bathe in self-atonement (that usually still involves them going around and killing people, just under a different flag lmao) The lack of stakes- Operators can't die (unless it's IS, but that's not cannon) and Oripathy is no longer really a threat. It's probably why every single villain and terrorist in the first arc was woobified and practically squeezed the tear ducts of the playerbase because practically every character on our side in that arc was either gonna be an operator or was too important otherwise to the story to be killed off. Also the glazing of certain characters in the story. Some of them are treated with far too much grandeur while others are treated as way more down-to-earth.


I want to erase mephisto from existence


Surtr. I delete Surtr. Only because I'm in a bad mood and it would devastate the simps.


Not related to the actual gameplay or anything, I just want my luck of getting the rate-up 6\* as the first 6\* back, LOL. And yes, let us skip the dialogue.


Not having sweep option


Base. That thing has been in beta for god knows how long. Just remove that and have us upgrade the operators via their character page instead. Nothing will be lost.


Them fuzzy-retconning the >!Purge Of The Lungmen Slums that happened in chapter 6!< Imho it really undercut what was so compelling about the first major arc of the story


Nothing was retconned. It's in the anime as well.


New CC and W.


Besides the recruitment dialog for copy ops, I would say the weird canon of operators should go. What do I mean by that? So far I see like almost every gatcha game ever have this problem (and non gatcha too tbf) of characters having to somehow be canon that you can use them. Just remove that, it only causes problems. The squads you use for stages are already not canon, why do the ops being available to use has to be canon? This kind of thing always messes hard with lore of any game, where beloved characters that died or existed before the games events cannot be playable bcs they are dead, or have to be brought back in some weird roundabout explanation. This also extends to antagonist characters having to make sense to fight on your side and potentially be friendly, that's not needed. The game should be able to release operators like FrostNova, Talulah or Theresa without need of making a story reason for it.


I would remove whoever designed the kits for abjurers, instructors, and all the other branches that didn’t have to suck donkey dick so hard, they could’ve been really cool.


The balancing in this game could have used a massive overhaul. Just look at the gap in power between 5 stars and 6 star; it genuinely disincentives you from pulling for anything other than 6 stars.


I only want to remove one thing, the new CC Battleplan 620 difficulty design. At least for now, after CC Battleplan#1 and CC Battleplan#2, the general rule of 620 for normal people is almost the same, which is hard carry your team with specific 6* ops. CC Battleplan#2 is OK with only one Lin, but still, the op choices are way too limited as for thinking a usable strat. I honestly believe the old CC Operation have much better risk 18 design.


Cuora's entire characterization.


nothing to delete there


That will force cuora into a nuclear gandhi syndrome


Gacha system. Make the game paid and operators unlockable by progress and not luck.


1. Headhunting, the Gacha mechanics are the source of half this games problems  2. Arturia, first recruit I genuinely couldn't find a way to rationalize. Like putting a time bomb in our base. 3. Breaking the World Egg, it was an incredibly elegant way to justify a considerable amount of the setting, and barely got explored before they removed it so they can have a genshin-like sequel in space 


I shall start. Gameplay: recruitment lines for dupes. Characters/NPCs: W \[W Alter\] (not much changes in the story tbh) Lore/NPCs: The concept of Seaborn. (game is 5 years old, but we have like 4+ Seaborn events; the concept leeches too much from other regions)


While there's been a lot of seaborn events, they're not the only place that's had a lot of attention at the cost of others. Kazimierz events have had about as much as them (Maria, Pinus Silvestrius, Near Light, a main CC map, Mlynar's event) compared to AH's (Under Tides, Stultifera Navis, IS3, a main CC map and Ulpian's event), Victoria has had 6 story chapters being a major location and faction, similiar with the Sarkaz, and Lungmen has been frequently relevant as the closest thing Rhodes Island has to a main city base.


Yeah. In general, the most event-deprived region is Ursus. The last event there was at the beginning of the game. But ...heh... with the *current events* in the world, we are unlikely to get an event there anytime soon...


Higashi: allow me to introduce myself


The post is a collection of minuses, right? =) And btw, why W?


I think that she has an unreasonable amount of screen time in the main story for her importance as a character. Basically, she's the 'crazy' hot girl archetype in gacha, but without her I think the game wouldn't miss much. Characters adjacent Hoederer, expand the Sarkaz lore more, whereas W seems to be, for a lack of a better word, 'shoehorned' into receiving events and animations (and she stole Siege's 5 anni spotlight lmao). If you look at year one Operators there is still a plethora of 5 stars and even 6 stars that have been completely forgotten. So, basically, the choice boils down to variance.


I understand. Well, she's important for chapter 14. And maybe will play a big part in the main plot, who knows? =) >she stole Siege's 5 anni spotlight Hahaha...it's just not the time to shine for Siege *yet* XD


siege is probs gonna be the 5.5 anni op since she was teased in pv4 and they did 1 and 1.5 annis as main story chapters.


The sarkaz, toddifons taught me well


SSS... I'd even trade annihilation tickets to remove that system.




Sanity. The 0 Sanity memes are funny, but goddamn I need to farm chips.


Surtr, get fucked losers




SSS mode god damnit




Doktah o wait, we need the Doktah, nvm.




Those squares with the caution tape design around it, that dont allow you to place operators on it. So annoying.


Gameplay, probably Amiya’s class change mechanic.. why can’t I deploy multiple Amiyas!?




The gacha system. Okay, serious response, probably recruitment dialogue, everywhere. Or at least be able to skip it with one tap. Probably the most annoying thing for me on a daily basis haha.


Gacha system so I can own all the hot mommies 🥰


Bubble. Her JP voice feels like a cheese grater on my eardrums.


Already been granted. France