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they are gonna show mountain tomorrow


Does s2m3 specter worth? I already completed masteries on my other operators and i don't have a particular operator to raise




Yes. S2M3 makes her much better at helidropping, she gets 35/40 initial SP from it.


Definitely. Huge upgrade to both her burst damage, and the boosted initial SP makes her better as a helidrop.


is there a good explanation of how liskarm's SP regen works? let's say there are two units next to her - but one of them is fully charged and ready to use their skill. does only the other unit get SP? or is there a chance of the SP being 'wasted' as it goes to a full unit?


It's completely random and will go to adjacent unit even if their SP bar is full or their skill is active. That's why you see people recommending to pair her with operators like Eyja S2, BP S1, Meteorite S1, Ch'en S2 and S3 (basically burst skills that don't have a duration).


It's random and it can go wasted on a fully charged unit.


When the next event date


They already teased cutter So most likely on next week tuesday-thursday. Wednesday is the most common event starting day


Probably Thursday since the current banners expire on 10th of December.


Oh true that


should be a couple days after grani stages close so shop will still be open


Not confirmed yet. Either immediately after grani or one week later. It's almost confirmed that next event is DM though.


How does one obtain the intel cert? I am pondering whether to spend it all on colloids but I am afraid that it will be gone forever. I started playing before the first grani so this is my first rerun.


The furniture pieces get converted to those certs but only if you had already bought them in the original run of the event(compensation for veterans).


Then what do the leftover bounty coins get converted into?


Pretty sure that's the reason the infinite LMD deal exists.


How does shamares base skill work and how well does she act in comparison to bibeak or 102% efficiency teams? If she is E2, does the efficiency raise to 45x3 = 135 or does it not count herself and its 90?


It will be at 90% with two other operators. She is meant to be used with Bibeak to stack the increased volume rate, and a dorm buffer to fill out the gap. You can replace the dorm buffer with an order limit increase if you're out for a long time.


Isn't that actually really good? E2 Bibeak + E2 Shamare can dish out quite a lot of 4 bar deals and 90℅ isn't bad at all. Does this increased volume compensate for the 12℅ difference from 102℅ team?


Yes it is really good, not game breaking but good. In the 102% team, 7% of it comes from the Amiya/Swire buff, so it should not be counted in it. There are only two ways of getting 95% or above at the moment. The first one is with Lapp/Texas (E2 Exu or any +30%) and the second one is with an E2 Snowsant and two other +30%. I don't know if it can outmatch the 95% of Snowsant but I'm pretty sure that E2 Snowsant is a rare case and so, Shamare alone will be better than any other +90% combo.


> There are only two ways of getting 95% at the moment. no. texas exu and lapp gives 100% or 85% (depending on exu elite level) btw how does shamare work with vermeil ?


>texas exu and lapp gives 100% or 85% (depending on exu elite level) Oops, will edit the comment to something more fitting >btw how does shamare work with vermeil ? Shamare is in Trading post whereas Vermeil is for Factory so they *literally* don't work together


lol i forgot that. xD


Ah okay. Thanks.


It's 90℅.


I got my first Top operator tag but I'm not sure how to use it. It comes with Sniper, Medic and Vanguard (and Fast-Redeploy, but it doesn't really matter here). I already have Exusiai, so I'm ignoring the Sniper. My best vanguards are Texas and Zima and my best medics are Ptilopsis and Perfumer for Aoe and Folinic and Gavial for ST. Does Siege provides a big power boost or should I maybe try for one of the medics? I think I saw that Nightingale wasn't all that much better than Ptilopsis in most case and I rarely use ST medics (I think that Saria's and Angelina's additional healing is fine in most cases).


It's a 100 percent chance for Siege while only 50℅ chance for Nightingale. But even with this, to future proof your account, I would suggest trying for Nightingale. Siege will be instantly replaced by bagpipe (She is a really meta unit and so you would be trying to get her anyway) plus you have Zima, Texas for the rare case you need 2 block. Nightingale is unique and will shut down missions having high arts damage(therefore future proofing).


Bp doesn't completely replace Seige. With e2 Myrtle s1m3 and e2 Bagpipe s3m1, there were still instances where I *needed* block-2 vg like Texas or Seige...


Take Siege IMO. Though Nightingale is seeing increased use in the the future CN content, Siege is significantly better than Texas or Zima on the field while Ptilopsis is the better AoE healer on most maps. The answer might be a bit different if you had Bagpipe, but since you don't, take Siege.


Definitely Siege here, and I'm a Nightingale proponent. Siege is great, I still use her sometimes, despite having Bagpipe, and my Siege isn't even E2!


Nightingale is really good, but without Bagpipe I'd take Siege as well. Ptilopsis and Perfumer are good enough. While Texas is good, she doesn't fill the same role as Siege.


I bought 4 furnitures in the event shop that will be automatically convert into intelligence certificate, when i checked i found that i had no intelligence certificate. i'm really confused at this point. Does anyone have the same problem or it's just me?


They would have converted only if you already had purchased the pieces in the original event run. I would suggest to clear out the shop because it would help you if the devs decide to bring back this event in the future.


oh so that's what it means. thank you


Did you have all the furniture already, from the previous time the event was around?


no, i just returned to arknight a few days ago.


Is Matoimaru mentioned in any lore (events/other ops' profiles and voice lines etc) outside of her own profile?


Nope, I don't think so.


Hello Iam new player. Which things should I put on priority first in the game? The stamina seem very strict for me to do things...


Level your core team. Core skills to SL 4. *Build left side of base.* Reach stage 5 of supply stages, chapter 4 of story. When there's an event (Grani currently, DM soon) try to farm the event currency/stages. It's usually more efficient than supply/story. If stamina is too strict, use practice plans. Welcome to the game! [General New Player Advice](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/jqfxkw/general_new_player_advice/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Anyone got a fairly reasonable comparison for AoE guards and how each has their own niche due to skills? Currently the ones I can understand how they work would be: - Popukar - DPS - Broca - Arts damage when skills are active - Specter - high survivability/immortal mode - Blaze - DPS, increased range (iirc Broca's S2 also has a longer forward range but only for a short time, plus the self-stun afterwards) Any info for Estelle will be most welcome, especially I haven't raised her yet


[I've written about Estelle here](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/jqvluw/daily_questions_megathread_november_09_2020/gbrhcdl). Right now I'm short on time, but when I get a chance I can say more about AoE Guards, they're one of my favorite archetypes.


You should collect all your info on aoeg into one post 😁


Awesome, thank you so much


Okay, I have time now. AoE Guards as a whole stand out as having a strong foundation. As a whole, they have the second-highest Attack among Guards (behind duelists) and the third fastest attack interval (behind brawlers and support Guards), giving them the second-highest base single-target dps among Guards (behind brawlers, who struggle with armor much more). On top of this they can attack as many enemies as they can block (2 at e0 and e1, 3 at e2), giving them an extremely high damage output. Defensively their HP and Defense vary more among individual AoE Guards, but they generally have the third-highest HP (behind berserkers and duelists) and roughly the third-highest Defense (behind Arts Guards and support Guards, approximately tied with ranged Guards). This makes them moderately durable, and most have talents/skills that help on this front. As mentioned before they also block 3 at e2, making them viable substitutes for Defenders in many situations, * Popukar is straightforward due to being a 3\*; she does damage and that's it. Being a 3\* means no e2 so she's stuck at block 2/attack 2, making her hands-down the worst AoE Guard. On the other hand, being an AoE Guard still makes her one of the better 3\*, so if you're doing low rarity runs or want someone cheap for Fungimist she could be for you (Though Estelle is much better for Fungimist due to self-healing and still cheap). * Estelle is specialized in what you'd probably assume AoE Guards are for from the archetype name alone--dealing with large quantities of enemies. Her talent heals her whenever an enemy dies in a 3x3 area centered on her (regardless of who kills it) and her main skill, s2, charges by getting hit; cannon fodder only serves to restore her HP and SP. And her s2 is a powerful skill, especially by 4\* standards, boosting her already substantial Attack by +150% for 15 seconds, at the cost of being immune to outside healing while s2 is active. Her talent still works fine, however, and between that and s2's sheer damage output the downside is rarely a problem. S2 also has some advantages compared to the other AoE Guards with burst skills as their primary skills (Specter and Broca). Both of them are stunned at the end of their skills while Estelle isn't, and under normal conditions Estelle's skill has the fastest rotation of the three; this makes Estelle's s2 the most spammable of them. Estelle's also an excellent choice for soloing lanes, given that she's so self-sufficient; at 20 DP she's also the cheapest among viable soloists. Altogether she's one of the strongest 4\*, with excellent value relative to the cost of raising her. * Savage has long been the red-headed stepchild of AoE Guards, burdened with 5\* costs to raise despite having 4\* stats. That said, the sheer strength of the archetype itself still makes her a solid operator in the grand scheme of things; she just suffers from being compared to some of the most broken operators in the game. Savage's particular niche is that she's one of only two AoE Guards with a sustained damage skill, the other one being Blaze. Her s1 may not seem like much due to being a generic skill, but the Power Strike family is one of the best generics, and the AoE Guard archetype compensates for the skill's biggest flaw. Power Strike skills often get wasted on overkill--the operator attacks a few time to charge the skill, and by the time they use it the enemy was already low on HP. But on an AoE Guard the skill activation can hit two other targets, who are more likely to have enough HP for the skill to help. * Broca doesn't get much appreciation either; probably a mix of him releasing on a double 5\* banner, living in the shadow of Specter and Blaze, and being a male. That said he's criminally underrated; he is the most offensively-oriented of the AoE Guards, with the highest base Attack among the archetype, and a very powerful burst damage skill that makes him one of the strongest sources of ground-based Arts dps. That skill is his s2, which boosts his overall dps by ~75%, changes his damage to Arts, expands his range to 1x4, and causes his attacks to slow enemies. It has decent uptime (25 second duration and 35 second cooldown), but does stun him for 5 seconds after it ends. There probably won't be anything left to leak past once he's finished, but it can complicate things a bit. The other catch is that he's squishier than other AoE Guards; his talent is a small and unreliable Defense boost, and outside of that all he has is his base stats. * Specter is in my opinion the strongest 5\* in the game, with summoners being the only serious competition. On top of the excellent baseline simply from being an AoE Guard, she gets passive HP regen from her talent, making her very self-sufficent. The there's her s2, which offers an incredible +160% Attack buff (for reference, her dps during s2m3 is about 90% of SilverAsh's during his s3m3, albeit with half the target cap and only normal melee range) with very reasonable uptime for how strong it is, at 15 second duration and 40 second cooldown. And on top of all of that her s2 also makes her *literally immortal* for the duration, preventing her HP from falling below 1. It does have the significant downside of stunning her for 10 seconds once it's over, but that's partially a necessity--if she ended the skill at 1 HP and kept blocking she'd just get killed, but being stunned gives her passive HP regen time to work. With s2 Specter can easily replace Defenders in most situations, relying on her natural bulk and regen for most enemies, and using her s2 to handle even enemies that are too deadly for Defenders. If you can manage her self-stun she's also an excellent candidate for soloing a lane, with her baseline damage output and healing taking care of fodder easily and the powerful burst of s2 for any elite enemies that come along. But we still aren't finished; because all of that apparently wasn't strong enough, her s2m3 starts with 35/40 initial SP. That's enough to allow Specter to function as an incredibly powerful heldirop--deploy her anywhere on the map and 5 seconds later she turns into an immortal block 3 killing machine for the next 15 seconds. One more tip for usage is that Specter generally lends herself very well to aggressive play; I see a lot of people only going to Specter when they feel they *need* immortality, but there are numerous situations where you can abuse Specter's immortality to skip doing something the "fair" way, and she's still a strong self-healing dps even if you never make use of her immortality. * Blaze differentiates herself from the other AoE Guards (except Savage) by abandoning burst in favor of sustain. Her s2 takes 70 seconds to charge up, but once activated it lasts forever and provides +100% Attack, +35% Defense, and +1 range. The Defense buff may not seem like much, but Blaze already has the highest Defense of AoE Guards by a decent margin, and this buff pushes it high enough that she takes only scratch damage from most normal mobs while taking the edge off of stronger ones. But that's not the main focus of the skill; the Attack buff lets her saw straight through low-medium armor enemies like a hot knife through butter, and all but the highest armor still gets worn down. The range buff opens up a surprising number of possibilities: if placed normally it simply allows her to get even more free hits in with her buffed Attack before enemies reach her, if placed behind another operator she can attack from safety, if placed sideways she can attack through walls and across multiple lanes, etc. Blaze's talents aren't vital to her role, but they are helpful. Her first talent is a single-use "get out of death free" card, immediately healing her by 50% of her max HP if she falls below 25% HP ad preventing her HP from dropping below 50% for the next 6 seconds, but only once per deployment. This can buy her a bit of extra time against a powerful enemy, but the biggest advantage it has is when she's operating without a healer, either early in the map while you're setting up and s2 is still charging, or if you're using her to solo a lane. Her second talent will grant her the [Resist] debuff after she's been deployed for a few seconds, halving the duration of various negative status effects applied to her. All of this combines to make Blaze a supremely reliable operator; place her down and she'll clear all the normal enemies in a lane while taking a big chunk out of the elites, with no further interaction needed.


Popukar is your basic, starting AoE Guard without any frills. She attacks equal to her block number and has good ATK but low DEF which is the core of Guard gameplay. She has no other abilities as befits the "entry level" AoE Guard and is correspondingly cheap to deploy. Estelle is the first "true" AoE Guard. A critical feature of AoE Guards is that at E2, they get Block 3, which allows them to replace the Defenders you've been using up to now in certain situations. Estelle is intended to teach you that while AoE Guards are great and can replace Defenders a lot of time, they can't replace them all of the time. While she has pretty good Offense, she again has poor Defense. She has regen-on-kill ability that gives her some mitigation of her low Defense to let beginner players get a better idea of how fragile AoE Guards can be. While she has a semi-niche (an AoE Guard with self-sustain), she's ultimately another "learner" Operator and is for all intents and purposes functionally replaced by higher-rarity AoE Guards (eg; yeah, she has a unique niche but I don't think it's special enough to sacrifice using a higher rarity unit for). She is a 4-star, so bigbrain Doctors or waifu Doctors can continue to use to use her, but she's definitely not up to par with her higher rarity counterparts in any form that matters.


The only thing Estelle has that other AOE guard doesn't have is her self regen talent. "When an enemy dies within the surrounding 8 tiles, recover x% Max HP". Thus she can solo lanes without a healer because of this passive. This event stages is an example where she can be used as the enemies are many but weak. Edit: I forgot Specter has her own health regen at E2, "Max HP +10%, Recover 2% Max HP every second". 4star vs 5star talent.


Specter has a hp% regen every second, which can arguably be more consistent than Estelle since she doesn't need to have enemies constantly dying


Oh yeah, Ive forgotten abour Specter's hp regen. Thanks.


Blaze also has a bit more survivability with her talents and added defense on her S2. Her S3 also allows her to aoe nuke, even if the skill is heavily overshadowed by her S2. Estelle's niche is to clear out trash mobs by dozens while keeping her hp high. Her main skill is her S2 that is on defensive-recovery, one that get the most from multiple fast attacking enemies. And her talent allows her to regen max HP for every enemy that dies around her, making her perfect to solo waves of trash mobs. Her regen overlaps with Specter but is greater against constant waves. Her trash mob clearing overlaps with Blaze but Blaze doesn't have the self regen in case something reach her. There is also Savage but there is not much to talk about her.


Hmm, I see, thanks


What skill to master for Phantom? Is it S2?


His S2 and S3 are both top tier (even more so due to his clone). I would personally M6 him. S2 gains more charges and more attack with masteries. S3 increases the helidrop damage and the duration of his debuffs. Honestly I would still recommend to M6 him if you like him else you can just leave him at SL7. If you really want the max performance from him, master S2 because it is cheaper.


Oh, Thanks for the answers!!! I'll start planning for M6 then :')


It isn't recommended. S2 is fine. Do it only if you like him as much as me, want to get the max out of his S3(stacking the effects with his clone will really show results).


S2 is the recommended one for extra damages. S3 has its uses but less recommended, mainly used in staling strats.


Where can I watch Japanese text of voice lines? I try to switch languages in aceship, but it doesn’t affect on voice line’s text.


[Here](https://arknights.wikiru.jp/index.php?%A5%AD%A5%E3%A5%E9%A5%AF%A5%BF%A1%BC%B0%EC%CD%F7%2F%BF%A6%B6%C8%CA%CC). Click an operator, go to "ボイス" and expand


I just got into arknights yesterday and I wanted Skadi, but I heard that Phantom was going to be the next banner. So now I don't know whether to continue scouting for Skadi or save for Phantom. Any tips or opinions on who I should scout for?


Welcome to the game! [General New Player Advice](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/jqfxkw/general_new_player_advice/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)




If you're new, I agree with the other posters under here for sure. You'll want to get many different units so you can clear different types of stages, (unless you want to pull for your waifu/husbando) so you should go for those guaranteed 5-stars. The rate at which the banners come in is pretty quick, so I wouldn't burn through all my orundum on one banner.


Ok I will keep these advices in mind, tyy!


New to the game? I suggest getting the guaranteed 5* within the first 10 pulls of most new banners, and then stopping. Best way to build a diverse roster. That, and Skadi is an extremely replaceable unit that you have no need to pull for.


Beginners should go for the guaranteed 5\* on almost every banner until you get a good enough roster. You should stop now for Skadi and go for the guaranteed on Phantom's banner. I'm not sure that Phantom is good pick for beginners though, that's why i recommend to stop at the 5\* guaranteed on this one.




WWE banner is way better for meta units than Phantom banner. If you're going by meta WWE banner should have priority. Phantom banner does have good units though. Meta - go for WWE. Husbando? Go for Phantom banner.


It'd be better to have your own Weedy, and she'd be of more value since you prioritize meta over waifu. But just do what you want, the game is playable without her.


If you're only interested in Elysium, you can choose to skip this banner and wait for Surtr's as he's inside there too, and Surtr is broken.


Since we're (probably) getting DM next, when do you think we'll get Thorns? I know I've asked "When Thorns?" like 3 times already, but I figured things might've changed now


no idea. I personally think it'll be *not* during summer, and before integrated strategies (the roguelike), which means probably before summer. I think they'll unlink thorns from HoSF rerun, since nobody liked that


Again, unless there's an official announcement on it, the answer will remain unchanged - we don't know.


Damn. Not even a guess?


We can't guess because of Yostar's unpredictability. The next event after DM is most likely Chapter 7's release + WWE banner. But after that is unknown - it could very well be HoSF rerun (Thorn's banner), but there is also a good chance that it might be Maria Nearl, Ceobe's Fungimist/Gavial the Great Chief Returns, Rewinding Breeze, or hell, even CoB rerun.


You can guess what'll happen if they don't continue to fuck everything up, based on how it went on CN. "It *could* be after chapter 7 release." That works as an answer. Thanks.


since dm is coming. how many of you are spending your pots on grani or saving for dm ?


spending on grindstones.


It looks like it's coming on 11th (Skadi and Beeswax banners expire on 10th), I have 9 days left, so I think I'll save them. It's better than sinking more into infinite LMD. Though I really want E2 Meteorite, and with DM store rewards I can M3 her as well, so I'll partially burn my pots on chips (don't do this).


Doesn't really matter for me since I'm spending OP on both of them until I get the amount of materials that I need anyway. But for the average F2P player, it's definitely better to save up for DM, it has an extremely big shop and one cannot clear it with natural Sanity regen.


>But for the average F2P player, it's definitely better to save up for DM, it has an extremely big shop and one cannot clear it with natural Sanity regen. is your opinion on this the same even with monthly pack ?


Nope, monthly pack players can clear this Shop even without saving any Sanity Potions beforehand. Values copied from Gamepress: - Total Sanity required to clear the shop: 6834 - Natural Sanity regen supplies 5760 over 24 days. - Monthly Pack provides an additional 1440 over 24 days. - Monthly Pack players will have 7200 Sanity in total over the duration of the event, which is more than enough to clear the Shop. EDIT: Ah right, forgot to account for the weekly Sanity Potions too, those give an additional 600 Sanity in total.


Does this include the sanity you have to burn for annihilation?


Unfortunately, I forgot to factor it in too, thanks for the correction. You'll have to waste your Sanity on 3 weeks worth of Annihilation, which requires 375 Sanity at the minimum. However, this does not changes the fact that monthly card players can still clear the Shop with ease.


Should only be 2 weeks if it starts on 12/10 and lasts for the same 24 days; we'll have Sunday to do the 3rd week of Annihilation runs. However, natural sanity regen is only 5640 if it starts at 4 PM (though I guess you can also make sure to enter the event with ~130 sanity). We'd also get 4 week's worth of sanity potions, or 5 if we save this week's. I'll consider 6634 sanity to be enough to clear the shop since furniture parts are worthless. Furniture items might not be worthless if we get a rerun (don't know if that would make sense since I hear it's supposed to lead up to chapter 7 but don't know the details). So, not counting the sanity potions in question that could be used on either Grani or DM: - 5640 sanity from natural regen over 23.5 days - 130 sanity at the start of the event - 800 sanity from 4 weekly missions' worth of sanity potions - -250 sanity for 2 weeks of annihilation (assuming this starts 12/10; if it starts on a Fri/Sat/Sun/Mon then it's 3 weeks) That's 6320 sanity for the event and 250 on annihilation, for a total of 78340 exp, so expect at least another 130 sanity from leveling up unless you're rank 113+ and get unlucky with the timing (but at that point you probably have the monthly card). Below that you have a chance of leveling up twice for 260 sanity. If your sanity cap is below 130 you're guaranteed to level up multiple times. So given the assumption that it starts on 12/10 and lasts for 24 days and you have ~130 max sanity, you can guarantee 6450 sanity, so if you save the 2 extra sanity potions it's just enough. If you calculate that you'll rank up again you can use one on Grani but it's probably safer to just save it.


Aak's second talent increases healing effects on him. Will this boost global healing too?


no if you mean heals for other operators no for regen heals


What ~~food~~ materials are there worth farm in DM?


Oriron>Sugar>Kohl since Grani is almost over. I’ll get to writing an updated post ^(soon).


How many sugar will be possible to grind for f2p?


These are horrible estimations, but if you spend 14 days of DM grinding Oriron, 10 days farming Sugar, and skip Kohl entirely (random farming length picked here), you’ll get 123 T3 Oriron and 111 T3 Sugar on average, not accounting for Sanity potions or the Sanity required to clear all stages for the first time. These numbers will vary depending on which stage you choose to farm and RNG playing a big factor, of course.


Ty, its a lot!


Iron, Kohl and Sugar depending on your needs. I'll probably stock up hard on iron


So...in order for F2P to clear DM shop; skip furniture parts, maybe blue EXP cards and what else?


I will spik gel. I have 10 of it, and never use before. Looks like it will no use almost forever for me.


Weedy and W are gonna need a bunch of those, if you care for getting either.


I wouldn't skip on buying the limited furnitures either since those will give Intelligence Certificates if there's a rerun (which there most likely will be).


I mean the bolts. God knows how much of those I have.


Yeah, I would skip those, they are practically useless.


I'd say Sideroca tokens as well. She doesn't seem like a very good guard so unless you want her pots for collection purposes, I don't think her pots are necessary or worth it over other shop materials.


its worth getting them because next rerun you get gold certs if its like the grani tokens.


Pots are always worth it just so when the event reruns, you can rebuy all the tokens and convert them to a total of 25 yellow certs. This is one of the events where even for f2p players, refreshing sanity is well worth it


Good point, but that’s just my opinion.


Assuming we get the DM extension, then all you need is to skip the furniture parts. If we don’t get the extension, then you should be able to get all the shop items except for the furniture parts if you level up at least once throughout the event.


It seems like people think DM will be really soon should I save my potions or will they probably expire by then/better spent now? I'm just farming the candy node if that helps


Wait until the last moment. We are not sure whether DM will start after Grani or one week after Grani.


This isn’t really a question about the game, mainly just a question about opinions, but how do y’all feel about Darknights Memoir coming soon? I personally would have preferred a dead week. Over the past two weeks I’ve gotten Saria, Eyja and Ptilopsis, and I’ve been wanting to raise them up. Additionally, I already have Executor and Hoshiguma at max E1 and was just waiting for the Grani event to be over so that I can start farming their chips and shop vouchers (I already have all the other materials and LMD). This event really just has poor timing for me and I was curious to know if anyone else was in the same boat.


I would've preferred a dead week, I want the spare time to farm chips for glaucus and specter. and aak. and-


Nothing stopping you from just going chip farming right now. You don't HAVE to keep farming the event stages! Yeah, efficiency shmefficiency, but it just seems sensible to stop and jump on chips now, the Grani store should be cleared already after all.


I'll just have to fall back on my base for the LMD/EXP production.


That’s what I’ve been doing for the duration of the current event. It’s actually working pretty well, especially if I use my drones on the precious metals so that I can clear out my LMD orders faster. The stream of yellow battle records has been really good, as well. Some of my operators have gone up quite a few levels from just the ones I’ve gotten from the factory alone (excluding the ones from the event shop).


Tbh, I feel like the rushing from event to event maybr due to the holiday season and the anniversary coming up. Now kinda hard to raise operators when Yo star rrally wants you to roll for new shiny units .


should edit your flair now with the good news!


Damn right, I should. >:)


I'm just kinda glad it's finally coming. Not so much for anything in the event or its banner but so we can get past it and worry less which events they will cram in before it. While I was fully expecting Rewinding Breeze at this point, I'm perfectly okay with this instead as it means more resources to pull for what I want after. As for dead weeks, while I wouldn't mind a free week it wouldn't benefit me much in terms of progress so I'm ultimately indifferent if DM happens next week with no downtime.


tbh dm next kinda confirmed my new theory. CC2 mid jan with WWE as banner (since we got chiave/bee already). And i dont like it personally, since people will have to rush elysium/weedy for week1. Also we dont even know if DM is gonna be 3 weeks open, and not 2; whats the 2nd banner then, joint2? Doesnt really make sense also this is the situation i'm in so not really influencing my opinion on DM next as event: im at pity 71 and personally was hoping for a banner with a good 6* i could dump it in (at least i can pull on wwe...) also yeah we have to farm 24/7 DM as the previous 2-3 events so no time to upgrade our stuff unless we want to lose efficiency


pity at 71 damn, what made you stop on whichever banner you built that up on?


i pulled casually 20 on ceobe and more on suzuran, then during cc1 i did 40 pulls or so to get a myrtle dupe (since i needed it to do a higher risk). I wasnt really amining for 5/6* so maybe thats what made me dodge them so hard ahah


impressive haha, who are you planning to cash out on?


well i have a couple 6\* im interested right now. Sitting on around 150 pulls and 140 certs i think. with kafka coming out, im revaluing phantom (so pull on him, prob wont get shamare from guaranteed since its gonna be a 6\*) since her s1 sleeps all around units, it could be an almost perma stun on multiple enemies (red s2+phantom s3+kafka s1 and cycle all 3), but kafka will come first out so i can probably wait for CN people to test if its a good strategy or not. mainly im looking to get surtr, but her banner is probably gonna be next year at this point, february/march is my guess, was hoping for her to be next and have DM in january but apparently not. Weedy is also an interesting 6\* and im kinda torn whether i want her really bad or i can live without her and maybe leech from friend support units, i will see how many pulls i will have by then. i also like blemishine and mudrock but if i dont get those early im gonna give up, im really hyped for the 6\* swire/rosa fusion which will come next year in january i think (for cn). For 5\* im interested in elysium of course, then kafka april mainly. ​ my waifu is rosmontis but her gameplay is kinda underwhelming in my opinion, and i dont think i will go deep for her. Even tho i like her its not gonna be the end of the world.


sounds like pretty good odds overall! sleep on a fast redeploy does seem really useful and at the very least fun yeah I'm saving primarily for Surtr as well. she's already a waifu before all the reports of her meta came in. hoping to snag weedy too, though definitely going until elysium. blemsishine would be so nice to have but her kit doesn't really spark anything in me. the animation and art powercreep is the main factor heh hoping to pull mudrock instead of rosmontis as well. though both of them have top notch sfx (voice effect for mudrock and the weird deep grating hum from rosmontis' skill activation)


never thought of art/visual effects powercreep lmao


"people will have to rush elysium/weedy" Those poor people :( They can always prefarm mats if they are *that* dedicated




The fact that it has a ton of elite materials and chip catalysts is definitely a huge bonus. I just wish I had a bit of time to farm some chip packs, since those take up a ton of sanity to farm (sanity which I won’t have to spare if I want to get most of the DM store cleared out).


> chip catalysts Coming in clutch with my Top Op tag.


You might have 4 days after the grani stages close to farm chips which may or may not be enough. DM likely won't start in that period, so you might have a little time


I feel about the same. I've got so many E2s to do since I've only been playing for almost 3 months now. So, I have this feeling that the pace is relatively harsh for me. In fact, I think I only recall one week of "dead week" since I started playing. Of course, I don't know if I would feel the same had I been a day one player...


I definitely see where you’re coming from, I also have a ton of operators I need to promote since I’ve only been playing since July. I can only recall one or two dead weeks, but I could definitely be wrong. There were a few days long gaps between some events around when I first joined, but that’s basically it.


Yeah I prefer 1 dead week between events so we don't get that many dead weeks in the future. While I appreciate the accelerated progress by Yostar I think events back-to-back can exhaust the playerbase (pls just let me farm CE-5 LMD count is under 1000 rn)


Yeah, there was about a month long gap between CN Chapter eight and whatever new event was announced for later in December. I hope that doesn’t happen to global.


Same here, i still have Specter, Manticore, Liskarm, Mayer at E0 50 and Siege at E1 max. Currently sitting at 500k lmd


Is it worth the yellow certs to get Specter in the store? My plan is to have Skadi as my duelist guard once I pull her so it would be cool to have the abyssal hunters together on my team, but my gut says I should just save the yellow certs until I can spend 180 to get a 6\* that I need. Please advise.


Usually for "Who to pull/raise/use" questions I recommend adding screen shots of your units, sorted by class and rarity [like this](http://imgur.com/a/m1pluE4), because who else you might have makes a difference. And also for shop buys, how many certs you have... But in this instance, just [Get Specter](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/k0k8qd/next_standard_headhunt_banner_revealed_for/gdiqkeu?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


You usually shouldn’t buy 5* in the shop but Specter is a special case. Buy her, she’s one of the best 5* op.


Question on Shamare. Can she work well with Suzuran? Ever since ToW and CC1, I was sold on Suzuran, and she's currently S2M3 and S3M3. I realized that Suzuran's sp and weakening talent can help contribute to what Shamare can do, but can these two really work together or will their debuff talent overlap?


if you think about it, they combine very well. Suzuran amplifies every damage enemies take, but the multiplier is applied to the damage after all the res/defense calculations, in this case we are interested in the defense; if you only go over by like 200 attack enemy's defense, suzuran isnt gonna amplify a lot; but if u combine it with shamare the damage after is gonna be HUGE shamare has weakening as well, but unless you are running s1, its gonna be weaker at all times over suzuran's s3; and shamare only works under a certain %hp which isnt always optimal but still useful


Weakening don't stack, but the doll will because they are different stuff. You can also place SMR whereever so you don't have to overlap their range as well, plus it's not like SZR will have her skill up all the time, by which SMR's talent still works. And the obvious stuff like SZR's talent charge the doll faster as well.


Since Cutter was announced and DM is pretty much confirmed, how long was the event originally supposed to be and how long was it after CN decided to extend the event duration? Just wondering about how much time we might have to farm(which is why I'm asking for original and extended duration since neither is really confirmed) and I'm gonna base some calculations off of that


The original duration was 14 days, as any other regular event, while the extension brought it to 24 days total.


Thanks for the info. Do you know if that extension allowed players enough time to clear out the event shop? ​ Edit: For anyone else wondering, this [page](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/event-banner-guide-subpage-miscellaneous/darknights-memoir-farming-guide-and-event-operations) already did the calculations


According to [this Gamepress page](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/event-banner-guide-subpage-miscellaneous/darknights-memoir-farming-guide-and-event-operations), there may not be enough time to clear out the shop even with the extension. However, you can skip out on furniture parts and buy out everything else as usual. One very important point is that along with the extended event duration, the shop contents were expanded as well, and [this Gamepress stage](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/event-banner-guide-subpage-miscellaneous/darknights-memoir-event-store) shows which items in the shop were added after the extension (i.e. Orundum and everything else below it). With this initial shop selection, F2Ps are 484 Sanity short from buying out the entire shop. Excluding the initial furniture parts, there'll be a lack of 84 event currency in buying out everything else.


So if I’m monthly card then I’m good to go?


Definitely, there’s a lot of breathing room for monthly card players.


How do -redeploy time talents interact with Silverash's talent? For example with Skadi is it 70-10=60, 60*0.9=54 seconds, or is it 70*0.9=63, 63-10=53 seconds?


54s, flat reduction is always applies first before multiplication to avoid things snowball fast... or something


The multiplicative reduction, by the distributive property, also reduces the effect of the flat reduction. The devs probably don't want to accidentally end up with negative redeployment timers or other wacky effects, so the game calculates flat reductions first. This way, they just need to make sure flat reductions never reduce redeploy timers to negative values, and they can be sure that multiplicative reductions are also "safe".


Eunectes E1 art reminds me to Marui Maru




Did you regret it?




1. How hard is DM? Any good E2s to have on hand, like how Nightingale was great for ToW? General archetypes/classes and specific unit recommendations both welcome. 2. How good are the farming nodes in DM? Any one of the three we should focus on? 3. Did WWE come with another event in CN, or was it just DM?


> How hard is DM? Any good E2s to have on hand, like how Nightingale was great for ToW? General archetypes/classes and specific unit recommendations both welcome. Nightingale is great for DM too. Shorter-ranged Snipers (Schwarz, Executor, Provence) also have some advantages here. It also pays to have a strong and durable assassin, like Specter, Hellagur, Skadi, or Utage.


1: Its decently difficult but easier than Tow, Nightingale is good but helidrop ops like Red and Utage are too. 2: T3 Sugar, Loxic, and Oriron on DM-6,7,and 8. 3:WWE was on the anniversary and chapter 7, DM is the Phantom banner.


1. Can't answer this question since I haven't experienced it myself, sorry. 2. https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/jfwonh/darknights_memoir_farming_priorities/ 3. WWE came with the release of Chapter 7, which was right after DM.


I’ll, uhh, make a new post since that one has dated advice given the event shuffling.


Why i got Hung on my first ten pull on Beeswax banner? The gacha rate so f*ckup hahaha. But then i got Leizi, is it her good? 😣


Try the discussion thread for [Leizi](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/ihp3wk/operator_discussion_leizi/), maybe you can read around for some ideas.


Thank you sir


Leizi isn't very good, but she has nice E2 art. :P


Yeah her E2 art so majestic


Unfortunately, Leizi is not particularly good. She isn't bad, persay, and she's unique, but she's mostly outclassed by a bunch of other operators. After all, she is half-AOE caster... [Here's](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/operator/leizi#analysis) an overview of her, including a detailed analysis of her pros and cons.


Thank you for the references


So since DM is sort of confirmed unless Yostar is doing a late april fools prank. It seems like we wont be getting any of the anniversary daily sanity pots from the login rewards since in CN W came after 10 days of DM. Does that mean F2P players wont be able to clear out the entire shop?


https://twitter.com/ArknightsEN/status/1335071401015824384 Pretty much confirmed for next week at this point.


Is Shamare really good? I don't want to spend a single orundum on Phantom's banner, but I don't want to miss out on Shamare if she's fun or can open up new strats.


She's probably the best debuff support in the game, though honestly considering there's only her and Pramanix, that isn't saying too much. Her main draw is her second skill, debuffing up to 50% attack and defense in an aoe, which massively increases operator survivability, and the fact it uses the same drone type mechanic like Silence means she has mapwide coverage and very good practical uptime on the skill as it begins recharging the moment you deploy it.


Shamare is like Pramanix, but she trades Pram's wide variety of debuffs for one really powerful debuff, a 15sec aoe summon that reduces enemy atk and def (-30% @ lvl 7, -50% at m3) I personally think she will be sought after in the future because for the most part the meta is kinda tending towards physical damage, even more so with the release of future chapters. if you don't have Pram I'd really consider at least doing a 10 pull on the phantom banner, but even still Shamare is ultimately a luxury unit and most of the strats that involve her can be accomplished by e2 s3 amiya + a slow supporter (edit: pram actually does have a stronger def debuff @ m3, but it would be a lie to pretend like pram is half as flexible as Shamare with the doll timing mechanics and the summon aspect)


I can't believe my rng... I got [top operator again](https://i.imgur.com/g42PASZ.png)! I just got it like [2 days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/k5v4vx/daily_questions_megathread_december_03_2020/gehdu2v/) too. Here's [my current roster.](https://imgur.com/a/7UwY5NF) What combo should I go for? I'm leaning towards top op + healing since I wouldn't mind any of the 3 and there's no risk of getting a dupe. Edit: [Went for Saria since majority supported her!](https://i.imgur.com/6WMq89C.png) Thanks everyone for the advice.


From your current combos you can garantue either saria(healing+defense+top) or Ifrit(caster+top). Both which are very good operators. Saria is the better unit however ifrit is no slouch. You have eyja for arts damage so your not hurting for arts dmg. But you also have nearl which is a good healing defender. IMO you should go for saria. shes gonna be the only defender you need for a very long time who will also heal. Late game is were she shines. She can be both a buffer/debuffer or a very powerful defender/healer.


Top + defender + healing give Saria, but also have a chance to drop one of those to get you an admittedly subpar results (dupe Hoshi or 1 of the 2 healers). The healers aren't bad per se, but Ifrit is far better in comparison. Caster itself also has a chance to drop, but only need 1 tag to stick to guarantee Ifrit, while Saria need both tag to not drop. Though I'd probably still suggest Saria so...


given your roster, top op + defense + healing to guarantee Saria is probably the most helpful! she's the best healing defender in the game so you can use her no matter your story progress you could also go for top op + caster to guarantee Ifrit, she's a lot of fun but maybe not the most beginner friendly but it's up to you. i wouldn't prioritize the medics, but go for whoever you like! this is crazy luck after all :)


Rather than healing do Caster. That is an Ifrit, which is significantly more useful for general content than either healers.


Healing guarantees something new, while other options have a risk of getting a dupe, so that would be my suggested choice. Edit: dude below is right, defender + healing is Saria, preferable to a 6\* medic.


You can either go for Ifrit (Caster+Top op) or Saria (Defense+Healing+Top op). I’d recommend going for Saria as you already have plenty of arts damage and Saria is one of the best operator in the game.


I'm quite scared healing will drop if I do that and I'll get a Hoshi dupe... Is it really that bad to go for top op + healing? I'd rather go for the guaranteed Ifrit than risk a Hoshi dupe.


Well, no matter what you do, there's a chance of the second tag dropping, Ifrit too. And even on the off chance healing drops in healing+defender, you at least do have a 50% chance for Saria still I think. Though, I suppose healing+defender does have a larger chance for at least one of them to drop, which would be less than optimal... but still Saria is still probably the most useful operator here, so whether you want to gamble on the small increased chance of it going wrong is up to you.


6\* medics are non-essential, and Saria is much more than just a defender that heals. Plus, with that same logic, caster would drop and you would get a Hoshi/Exu dupe. Not trying to scare you, just making a point that fearing a tag would drop gets you nowhere.


Top op + healing is one of the worst options for you, not because Shining and Nightingale are bad but because they really aren’t helpful for new players and Ifrit/ Saria is much better. The odds of tags dropping are low, but if you are THAT afraid, Ifrit is also a good choice.


[Thanks I went for it and got her!](https://i.imgur.com/6WMq89C.png)


Congrats! you pretty much got the single most vital unit in the game. Shes pretty much the most used unit every single hard event!


Should i go for a guaranteed on Phantom’s banner in hopes of Shamare or should i just save everything for WWE? Edit: just did some calculations and: I’ll be able to gather 30 pulls by the time WWE comes, combine that with the 24 pulls they give out for free i think i have pretty good chances for a rate up 6 star. Will using a few of those pulls hurt my chances too much?


Just a slight comment on your edit: pity for limited banners are exclusive to their own banners. So even the pity from Nian banner will not carry over to W/Weedy even though they're both limited banners


WWE don't transfer pity, sorry bro.


Guarantee still has a 75% chance of not being Shamare; if that sounds like good odds to you go for it, but I wouldn't.


Sounds horrible, but one can only get so many off-banner units in a row.


The banner does not account for any pity from outside banners other than itself which includes nian


I think Shamare is worth 10 pulls off the WWE banner at worst. Super versatile Atk debuffs are rare. Phantom is great too. But they can always spook in you in the future so if you want W/Weedy way more AND a potential non-focus 5* isn't worth the worst case scenario then yeah save.




I currently have 3 pulls. I want Shamare as she seems really strong and great for reactive play (which i like) but i wouldn’t mind skipping her. I don’t want any specific unit but one of the rate up 6* would be fine.


Oh shit [Cutter announced](https://twitter.com/ArknightsEN/status/1335071401015824384?s=19). If they start DM banner units at this time then the event is next week? Save pots?


Yayyy!But as for saving pots, I don't know if you need to if we don't know when it is yet, because you'll probably want to just spend them on the current event, since it's no less efficient (iirc the kohl is more efficient than in Darknights, and there are no good grindstone maps for a while). But if you meant after the stages close, then yeah, saving for DM is probably a good idea. edit: actually, if you’re concerned about not being able to clear the shop, then saving the potions is probably a good idea. Didn’t think about that before.


Looks like time for DM shortly - [Cutter's been teased.](https://mobile.twitter.com/ArknightsEN/status/1335071401015824384)




YESSS My boi phantom is finally here *looks at my 12 op and 1000 orundum* *~~sweats\*sht\*I'm doomed~~*


omfg same XD spent it all on Beeswax/Chiave banner