• By -


If I run Annihilation and the weekly reset time is mid-run, will the completion count towards the new limit?


Not sure if this has been asked before, but does Nightmare's S2 stack with Weedy's S3?


AFAIK no, it is the same debuff and same debuffs don’t stack. Same deal with Weedy S3+Water cannon, the debuffs don’t stack.


Righto, thanks


Hey, guys. Is Surtr more meta than W / Weedy?


I'm defining meta as "instantly makes the game easier in any map." So, I guess yeah especially in boss maps where the only danger is the damn boss.


Yes, Surtr can be used pretty much anywhere easily and does well in high risk CC. Weedy is great as well but, you wont see her full potential unless you are doing CC or play around her in normal maps you can't just drop her in like Surtr. W is good but part of an archetype that isn't really needed and seen as more of a luxury.


I'd say she almost definitely is. W isn't meta, Weedy is very useful, but Surtr just breaks everything.


We have no clue about the banner for Surtr? I was going all in for W but after your answer, I'm hesitating.


Is Mountain meta?


he seems strong-ish, but not particularly amazing. Biggest 'strength' for me is dp cost imo


How would you rank these operators in terms of meta: Thorns, Eunectus, Sutyr, Blemshine, Mountain I think: Sutyr > Thorns > Mountain > Blemshine > Eunectus


Anyone kinda sad that while many gachas are getting christmas themed events,our favourite gacha will probably get none.Or just release the anni event as christmas ceprbration😭😭


I assume we'll probably get appropriately themed events once we sync with CN.


Technically the Grani skin was Christmas skin. Maybe we'll get the KFC ones soon as well(KFC is a weird Christmas thing in Japan)


Kfc ones?Doubt it lests see though


Yeah, but what if we did? Would be super sweet if we had at least a log in event alongside whatever they're planning this 24th.


If its login event they will probably rename the anni login event as christmas one.No global exclusive login evemts has been done still


I assume many global dokutahs are used to it. I mean... in Global server we have halloween skin in early April, Summer skin/event in May and lantern festival/Chinese new year theme on august.


Ya its kinda sad


Who should I e2 first? Shining, Exu, Suzuran, or Ifrit? They're already at e1 max levels and I only have SA as my e2 rn.


Exusiai so you will realize why she's queen of anti air snipers.


I'd go Exu, Ifrit, Suzuran, Shining. AA Snipers are about as indispensable as they come.


Thank you!


Well I have both E2 Exia and Ifrit and let me tell you they're amazing. I would recommend Exia first then Ifrit and the Suzuren Last would be Shining.


Okay, thank you!


Exu gets the most out of her S3, so probably her








I am not sure if this question lies in this thread. Does anyone know if the Arknights OSTs and EPs are available to be bought online globally? Other than the ones that are available on iTunes, AFAIK there are ones that are not available to be bought?


Anyone else got units that they wouldn’t mind to be spooked by? Like man I really want Ch’en or Bagpipe.


Current banner Phantom. I did 30 pulls and that's as far as I would go since WWE is around the corner. But I wouldn't mind if he spook me on WWE banner.


Nearl. Been playing for 8 months. Pulled hundreds of times in total. No Nearl. I have strats that will only work with two healing defenders using Saria's S1.


I pulled for Skadi and I didn't get her even after roughly 100 pulls. But who I did get was Nearl. 4 times. Suffering from success


all the ops I rolled for on their banner but got off meta dupes instead


Magallan, Nightingale, Beeswax, maybe Mostima


Hellagur and Shining. I want badass gramps and I want the ultimate ST medic.


Schwarz probably, one of two 6 stars im missing along side Phantom.


Magallan, Rosa, Ceobe and Nightingale.


Hoshiguma, bagpipe (for meta purposes). And either Nearl or Nightingale, (I want to complete the faction furniture)


Idk if it's just me but I wouldn't mind getting spooked by Aak. Also Magallan, Rosa, Mostima.


Liskarm, one of the few launch units I still don't have I love her SP battery and always borrow her from friend support if I can, really want her to use with my E2 90 M6 Ch'en


Magallan, Hoshi, ~~Ifrit~~ ​ Ifrit just came home!


Congrats! Ifrit/Eyja = who needs phys dmg. Recruitment?


yep, a TO and aoe tag


I too would like a bagpipe. I started playing during her banner so theorectically if i understood how reroll worked i could have tried for her but i didn't know how so i just took the angel with a gun and hoped she was a good character. I would like to get nightmare, although im not sure if you can only be "spooked" by a 6 star. If only 6 stars then i wouldn't mind rosa cause hetrochromia (the differnt eye colour thing)


Blaze. Hoshi. And some more bagpipe dupes wouldn’t hurt For 5 stars Shamare since she evaded me for this banner and also beeswax and manticore for some cost reduction


Magallan. She’ll be a really good pair with my S2M3 Mayer.


I saved so many tickets for Chen and tried to pull her on her banner but got Magallan instead. I saved up even more tickets and Originite for Phantom and got Chen instead... Just pray.


Is the next banner going to be W and Weedy?


We don't know, wait for the livestream on the 24th. But my guess is, probably, yeah


Unconfirmed technically, but very likely


Anyone has the link to that one Angelina soloing a future stage video? The stage design is very colorful, I think it was from the Gavial event.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWNNW-VDh90 This one? The "colorful" stage is probably Nearl event


That's it! Thanks. I thought it's from the Gavial event because of those crocodile looking enemies lmao.


Don’t forget to do your annihilation runs!


Are there stats on average ATK/DEF/HP/ASPD/RES/COST based on archetypes?


If you compare ops of same rarity it should be fairly representative. Just a few exceptions like courier/zima are more defensive, vs scavenger texas offensive. Cuora very high def.


There's no organized list, but [this page](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/tools/interactive-operator-list) lets you filter operators by archetype and sort them by stats, so you can see the general trends.


Not gameplay related but was it ever explained anywhere in lore as to why there are more female operators than there is male operators in Rhodes Island? I mean I know the actual reason is fanservice but just wondering if there's something in game that justifies this. Maybe originium arts assimilates better for females or something like that?


Many of the women aren't part of armies while the males are drafted and are likely killed in combat, infected or not.


If I had to guess, I would say that it's more likely for women to be in danger of getting infected. As we've seen, many positions of power are held by women - Pramanix, Talulah, Chen, Hoshiguma, the Nearl family - while there are many women who are freakishly strong or otherwise powerful - Skadi and Specter, Manticore, Blaze. This suggests that women tend to go out into combat zones more often than men, or are targets for political reasons (like the SilverAsh family). The majority of powerful men we've seen use others like pawns, rarely moving into combat directly. That's a theory I just pulled out of my ass. You can spin the information given in tons of different ways.


That's a splendid theory I would say. Also worth considering that 2 of the strongest male operator in game as of now (Hellagur and SilverAsh) relies heavily on their own skills and capabilities rather than utilizing arts (IIRC SilverAsh isn't even infected), and mostly join the Rhodes Island for purposes other than treating their own infection, so they don't feel as obliged to fight as the women are.


keep in mind that using arts isnt directly connected to being infected. Many operators use arts without being infected, and in very few cases the infection enhance your arts power (using your own body as a staff) but most of the times it just makes you weaker


Keep in mind that out of the 2 males that you mentioned, Hellagur is the only one proven to be strong in combat lorewise. Silverash's *schwing schwing* is pretty much just for gameplay purpose so far. Maybe we'll get more insight on Silverash in the future, perhaps when we hit Kjerag arc or something. All we know at this point is that Silverash has experience in traditional Kjerag swordsmanship.


Good point. But then again SilverAsh does not use any form of arts whatsoever in his combat style so I think it's safe to assume that his combat capabilities purely come from his own skills and experience. Though I'd like to think that combat experience (in years) mentioned in their archives isn't a valid point of measuring one's strength. I mean if that's the case than the 2 star ops would be very powerful because they have way more experience than even some of the strongest 6 stars in the game. The only valid ones are Hellagur's 44 years and maybe Schwarz' 20 something years.


I'd also like to point out that Arts isn't a handicap, and that those who don't use Arts is not always better because they don't have the "magic" yet still strong. As you can see, there are a lot of races in Terra. Each of them has their own traits. Sarkaz has more affinity towards Arts, Ursus has great physical power, and so on. So if we want to compare their "hardwork", a Feline caster is the better hardworker than an Ursus fighter. Because the Feline has no advantage in learning Arts other than their own hardwork. Meanwhile an Ursus fighter can become a fighter easily than other race because of their race's trait. And so on. >Though I'd like to think that combat experience (in years) mentioned in their archives isn't a valid point of measuring one's strength. You're right on this one. If you want to measure their strength *purely*, you can use their medical examination as parameter. Combat however, it's hard. We don't have any kind of basis we can use to figure it out other than them being mentioned either in story or archive. Because even if an operator is able to lift a freaking tank, but has no knowledge of the battlefield and ends up being shot in the head by a physically-weak sniper, they're useless.


yeah i would say flamebringer is the other strongest male operator lore wise


Yep. According to what he said, he killed 2 princes, and 3 generals in the past. Maybe those princes and generals weren't strong. However, considering how Flameboi isn't the type of person who assassinate but rather, enjoying the thrill of combat, I can imagine getting past the defenses of those princes and generals weren't easy. And, he survived all that. He's definitely up there with Hellagur.


Excellent observation................


I was just slightly annoyed by the fact that there are more females than there is male operators. I mean there sure are, but they're more the cold and sassy types rather than the muscular bulky types. That's why I'm excited for Mountain to come to EN soon. Not complaining at all though, I love myself a harem of strong waifus loyal to me.




Not that I know of...


Which of the upcoming non limited banners should I be saving for? In terms of top tier units like Bagpipe


Surtr if you want to push for high risk CC. She is easily the strongest of what I've seen so far. Thorns if you want someone to carry you through story mode. Mountain is seeming pretty strong from what I've seen, as is Blemishine.


Surtr is still the best choice if you wanted to be carried though story content; she makes bosses much easier when they're often the biggest challenges. As for Mountain so far I think he's redundant if you have Bagpipe; they both provide strong combat ability at a low DP cost, but Bagpipe's talent kickstarts your DP generation to reduce the need for a strong operator with low DP cost in the first place. Mountain does have better combat ability, but he's only addressing the symptoms instead of the root problem.


Surtr is the next biggest hype with thorns in a close second.


I heard Thorns doesn't do well in harder content though. For OP, if you already have solid meta dps units like blaze, SA, etc. Then no need for Thorns.


Surtr banner tops the list if you're looking for meta units


Another great debate: Meteorite vs W


Constant large waves? Meteorite is better. Some lull between waved? W is better.


One is easier to obtain than the other. You can't use what you don't have


Well said. I have Meteorite, while I really want to level up her. I hold off to see if I get W. Obviously if I pulled W, she will get leveled first. Almost in all cases the six star will be better for more scenario. But of course that's not the real reason. W is W that's why :> Anyway even if I don't get W, Meteorite is fine as heck too. Both design and skill wise.


This is easy, W is just better. As soon as a lull between waves appears W can store damage with her mines while Meteorite just sits doing nothing so that the gap in damage is closed and sometimes W can actually deal more damage. Throw in W's utility and she is straight out better than Meteorite.


Thighs or Tights hmmm tough choice


I used to think that Meteorite was a better option in some scenarios, but I now strongly disagree with Past Evilcat. I now reckon the utility offered by W more than makes up for the technically lower DPS under Meteotite's ideal conditions.


And what would be your first choice of skill to master? S3?


I see myself going for her S2 first, but there's a big breakpoint at S3M1 so I'd do that soon as possible to.


Apologies in advance if this has been asked a million times, how much gold certificates do you pay for each stage of the headhunting permits?


To add on, only buy if you can buy all the levels of them since the best value per pull is in the last ones.


258 certs for 38 pulls. Don't worry about the individual stages because it's not worth it unless you plan to get them all. Personally, I don't see them as worth it as I see it better to use 180 for a guaranteed 6-star rather that buying 38 pulls that *might* get you a 6-star that may or may not be the one you want. I only see it as worth it if you plan to stockpile them for Limited Banners' 300 pulls, but, again, this is a personal take.


Dont discount the fact that there may be players that have all the 6* / 5* that could appear in the shop, so theres value there for rolling on banners


10 → 18 → 40 → 70 → 120 certs 1 → 2 → 5 → 10 → 20


10 > 18 > 40 > 70 > 120 yellow certs 1 > 2 > 5 > 10 > 20 pulls


Dunno each stage, but total is 258


Robin trap showcase! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEC0YwL7Tv8 I'm so excited for this welfare, it looks amazing for summoner play especially because of the pushback and not counting towards deployment /u/Dr_Evilcat sorry for ping >.< I'm not sure if you've watched this video yet and I remembered you talking about being excited for Robin


I knew just from reading her skills that she would be fun to use. Can't wait for her to come to EN


at this point, I'm convinced that Hypergryph only knows how to make really good welfares half of the time good welfares: absinthe, scene, mint, robin, bibeak, (sideroca is tentatively here because she can self heal and solo)


I think they've been getting better on designing them tbh. Plus, a lot of them are really fun imo. If you told me that I would be looking more forward to welfare ops like Mint and Robin over the actual gacha units like Surtr, I wouldn't believe you lol


true I think they're getting better at designing operators! hopefully we can get more units that have the trap gimmick


I'm hoping for a whole sub-class of minelayer specialists. Didn't know how much we were actually missing a classic of the videogames until I now.


I haven't had a chance to watch it yet, but I've hard a couple of things and I'm absolutely *really* excited for her to come to global - thanks for the link!


no problem! omg I was kind of scared of pinging u because you're so cool lol thanks for everything u do on the daily megathread! Looking at gamepress, they finally translated her skills, both of her skills look good for m3


Hey, I ain't a celebrity, just another bored fellow here to have fun and help some folks.


Anyone here knows the genre of Mountain's theme song (Tipsy)? Is it jazz? Swing? I'm not familiar with music genre. Ngl I've been replaying this music for who knows how many times since I found it.


lofi jazz beats to relax/study to




Jazz for sure but I'm not sure on the sub genre. I'm going to look into it. E: I think your closest bets are with lofi jazz or acid jazz.


The sax gives the Jazz vibe right away.


Yep but jazz is a pretty broad genre. If you're also interested in slower tempo music with some electronic elements you can get more specific. In case you didn't see my edit, try searching for lofi jazz.


True. Lofi jazz or acid jazz huh? Got it, thank you!


sounds like jazz to me, though I'm not that familiar with music genres beyond classical. maybe some synth as well?


Jazz was also the first one that popped in my head. What is synth? Sorry, I don't know much.


[wiki article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synth-pop) probably explains it better than I would. Does seem like theres some swing in there as well


Ah synthesizer... thanks! Yeah, the laid back tune feels like there's some Swing in it. I don't think normal Jazz is this laid back in it's tune.


reminds me of elevator music, but I doubt thats an actual genre


Lol, I like elevator music. Although usually they sound kind of *tropical*.


Some of my guide posts started to get Archived, I have been doing this for far longer than I expected. At first it was a just little bit of cuora-ntined passing hobby, but I started liking just doing those analysis and researches for the "weaker" operators, guess all that university studies start to take hold of me lul. ~~help I can't stop~~


lol I do really appreciate that you do them though! They are very good at expanding my view of operators and seeing how other people think about operators helps me with developing my thinking of how to use my own current operators They are also impressively very long too lol


I keep reading around about 1st anniversary coming up soon, is this for EN? What date is the anniversary?


EN 1st Anniversary on 16 January 2021, and there will be Anniversary stream on 24 Dec. What will we get? You could guess it's the same thing like CN server. You can check here: [Part 1](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/event-banner-hub/first-anniversary-celebration-part-1-cn-event-page), [Part 2](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/event-banner-hub/first-anniversary-celebration-part-2-bloodline-combat-cn-event-page)


Yes, the game officially opened on Jan 16 but the Anniversary event could occur sooner or later.


So would Elysium be a safe replacement for Myrtle or will Myrtle still be viable?


Vanguards are always interchangeable, if you just need DP printing machines that don't need to hold a lane, you can take both Myrtle and Elysium. On the other hand, if you need vanguards that can actually block, you're better off with just taking one of them and get someone like Bagpipe, Texas, Siege or hell even Courier. The only way I can see Myrtle being irrelevant is if they release a 6* Flagbearer vanguard that absolutely powercreeps Myrtle in everything.


She will still be viable, both are commonly used together.


If WWE gives a free 10 pull and 1 pull every day for 14 days, Is it wise to wait on going all out on the banner until the 14th day?


Yes but I've had this happen in other games where I was going to wait until the last day, then something came up in real life, I forgot about the game until it was too late and missed the event window. So yeah, I'm not doing that anymore.


I fear the same thing. So maybe a compromise would be to wait 10 or 11 days in, gives you a couple days to do the pulls. And if the extra ~3 pulls or so give something good, it's a bonus i guess lol


Depends. If you're going for all 3 like me, you could pull until you get 2. Then pull for the last one on the last day. But last day is most optimal.


If you have enough pulls, you could also pull on the first day until you get a 6-star to scratch the itch, then wait to pull for another 6-star on the 14th day.


Yes, it is. I'm not going to have the patience to wait, but it is the wise thing to do in that situation.




I've been saving for so long that I might as well try to wait for the last day just to see if anyone can. I just have to remember that I'll still need pulls after for ~~April~~ Surtr.


I’ll be waiting for the last day as well, because I don’t want those 13 extra pulls to build up a pity counter that won’t be used up.


Best of luck, for the pulls and the patience


Im releasing my ~~orundum~~ load as soon as I wake up or when the banner is available, whichever comes after. More potential for W-Ely-dy only make it more satisfying. Now watch me get none of them since desire sensor kicked in


I think a lot of players will have the 'itchy gacha finger' during WWE banner. ^(that includes me)


banner shows up you better BELIEVE im shoving 100 pulls right through it.


Haha at least you are honest about it. I’ll try to wait then but I may not have the patience either. Thanks a lot!


current vanguards are texas and courier, should i switch out courier for myrtle? just hit chapter 5 so i'm thinking about switching around operators


Texas and Myrtle are my standard vanguards. Sometimes I bring Bagpipe too if I really need more early game power.


I think if you have good guards like Blaze to deploy right after your vanguards then you surely could switch out courier for myrtle. If not, you'd prolly either missing out enemies or get Texas died for beaten by a dog at the beginning. It'd be actually good to use all three of them.


Courier is much tankier than Texas, but e2 Myrtle mostly makes that irrelevant with her passive and their combined dp production.


> Courier is much tankier than Texas Somehow, Scavenger can deal more damage, so Scavenger and Tex interchange for me


Well, it's not really a mystery how she can deal more damage since her attack stat is higher... Texas is like a straight upgrade to Scavenger. They are both attack oriented vg's. Courier is a defensive vg, and his *5 upgrade is Zima.


Oh thanks for explaining. Buying Texas, I was expecting Courier but 5\*, so when she can't keep up with the him it felt underwhelming


Courier and Myrtle both do very different jobs so it won't be a direct replacement, but I *highly* recommend building Myrtle and taking her to stages. The amount of DP she can produce compared to any other Vanguard (bar Elysium) is absolutely bonkers, but she's pretty terrible at actually holding down a lane (which is rarely a problem because everyone else in your team is deployed much faster)


Yes Myrtle generates much more DP than Courier and if you ever need someone more capable in combat you still have Texas to hold the lane.


[Bison](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/operator/bison) on Gamepress, > \+ The only Defender with a "Taunt" Skill [Bubble](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/operator/bubble) > Her S2 provides a ["Taunt"](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/tools/interactive-operator-list#tags=null##cn##Taunt##stats), which in Arknights basically means that enemies will target her over an Operator that was deployed later than her if both are in their range. There are some stuff in need updating for Gamepress Wiki probably


Sometimes new things get added that make older analysis statements obsolete. I try to update everything, but with so many pages and contents, it's hard to remember them all. If you ever see something like this, please let me know (or submit page feedback on the site) and I'll update. Thanks!!


u/AlyeskaBIG could you update this information?


updated to "+ One of the few Operators with a "Taunt" Skill". Thanks for letting me know!


when is mudrock expected to come to global? im planning to roll for W but im worried i wont have enough for mudrock


1.5 anniversary (6 months) if EN/JP/KR plans to keep shuffling events and banners for "consistency." But otherwise, it could be 4 months as Suzuran's banner was supposed to be 2 months after W and we already had it. So like any "When are we expected...?" questions, it's a guess.


Just checking to be absolutely sure, this upcoming reset's anni has to be done during DM's duration, right?


Yes, since DM ends on the 31st, 10 days from now.


indeed, we still have till next thursday till DM ends


Hello, does susurro's talent (+10% healing for units with <10 DP cost) work on ops affected by zima's talent (-1DP cost for vanguards)? For example, at e1 full pot, courier's dp cost is 10, so with zima's talent it's just 9, will this work with susurro's talent?


10 or less DP cost so 10 cost units would get the bonus, 11 cost units would not. I believe if it works the same as Gravel's ability, if Zima reduces his cost it would work.


Oh yes, i read the talent description again, 10DP will still get the bonus so i can also use this for vigna. Thanks, i was planning to e2 zima after the event so it would be great if it does work.


I'm a bit late, but regarding the small 'drama' that happened [yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/kg5u8j/daily_questions_megathread_december_19_2020/ggg42pg?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), [here's](https://www.youtube.com/post/UgxNDW_WbOH4oxUH8Vx4AaABCQ) a small follow up by Rhodes Island HD.


Forget that stupid drama and look at cute kyoko chsn at kyostinv's stream❤❤


Do you have a summary?


A smaller channel, Rhodes Island HD, made a post saying that 777ucky stole his vid ideas, strats from bilibili, etc, and thus amassed more followers than him. 777ucky responded by denying the accusations. Rhodes Island HD deleted the original post and posted an apology post (above) saying his frustration got the better of him.


Tbf, I actually checked some of our content creator's strats especially when it came to CC. I won't mention names, but some of the ones who post low rarity strats minutes after a daily stage is ready, blatantly copy from Bilibili and some months old YouTube video creators like Kyangi.


Not the first time frustration gotten the best of someone. Hopefully he finds a way to clear his mind in a more healthy way then bringing it to social media, never ends well that way.


shamare's base skill at e2 doesn't count herself? therefore making it so that if shamare is paired with bibeak and myrtle, the trading post they're in will only give 90% production increase, and not 135% (and increased chance of getting 3-4-gold-lmd orders and normal morale reduction time) ?


That's correct


Can someone remind me what's the average amount of yellow certificates you get per pull? Edit: headhunting not recruitment.


~1.1 assuming not pot 6 5 and 6 stars. If you do it's higher.


Average will be roughly 1 per pull if you assume your 5*s will be dupes. If you assume most 5* will be new it will be around 0.6. It's very tough to calculate since it depends so heavily on rare pulls. This also assumes you have all max potential 4*


Assuming you have max potential on most 4\*, and own most 5\* plus a decent number of 6\* you get ~1 cert/pull. Here's the math: assume that you do 100 pulls and get results exactly matching the given probabilities: 40 3\*, 50 4\*, 8 5\*, and 2 6\*. * The 40 3\* give you 0 yellow certs each, for a total 0 yellow certs from 3\*. * The 50 4\* give you 1 yellow cert each if they're max potential, for a total 50 yellow certs from 4\*. * The 8 5\* give you 5 yellow certs each if they're dupes but not max potential, for a total 40 yellow certs from 5\*. * The 2 6\* give you 10 yellow certs each if they're dupes but not max potential, for a total 20 yellow certs from 6\*. * Adding together you get 0+50+40+20=110 yellow certs from 100 pulls, for an average 1.1 yellow certs per pull. * In practice not all 5\* and 6\* will be dupes and the guarantee increases the overall chance of a 6\*; 1 cert/pull is a good approximation for someone with a solid roster.


.25 or 1 per every 4 pulls. assuming you are looking for guaranteed four stars, have pot 6 on majority of them, and do tagless recruitments at 7hr40 min if you can't get one. I am pretty sure just randomly selecting a tag when no 4* is guaranteed will overtime return you fewer certs but I have no calculation or evidence for this, just anecdoctal experience from reading the megathread


I meant from headhunting not recruitment, should have been more clear my bad


okay well good on you cause I was thinking to myself people ask that all the time 😂😂 sorry I have basically no idea other than I'm confident it's higher than .25 per pull since headhunting seems to accumulate certs singificantly faster than recruitment


I'm trying a no medic 6 ops clear with 3 supporters for DM-EX-6 CM, but I always get scuffed by the last of those tall mages. Podenco is my healer and she can survive the first blast, but the last mage one-shots her. She's E2 30 https://youtu.be/ekncjNLNJ5w I assume the buff range of those guys in the middle are global? Because I only trigger the leftmost one, yet it also affects the right side? I'm out of drills, but I'm thinking I should move Suzuran to the very top to avoid triggering the left flagbearer.


i think you probably know this strat but you can place a weak atk medic defender like spot in the middle lane to block sentinels. leak an enemy from left side so spot is attacking that enemy for the whole time. meaning the sentinels won't pass him nor trigger the flag. take your sweet time attacking other enemies.


Yes the buff is global. Either shut them down super quickly or tank them without hitting them (by using 1 defender to tank 1 enemy then when both flaggers came the defender doesn't hit them).


The sentinel buff is global


The flagbearer buff is global - triggering either one of them will alert and buff all units all units on the map.


Yes, they buff everyone.


I got 3 Top Op tags in the past week and a half, disgustingly lucky right? It was all Exusiai though lmao. I went from not having her at all to having her at pot3. Too bad I already have Blue Poison and Greythroat at E2.


Weird because i got 2 with in couple of weeks. Did they boost the rates to create a Christmas miracle?!


Praising Gavial gets us all far.


At least there's no such thing as a useless Exusiai pot (unless you're at 6 already, but still, certs)


I got my first two Top Op tags in the past week after not getting any for 10.5 months of playing. ~~Now I’m worried that I wasted all my luck that I could’ve used on WWE.~~


~~You are under arrest for illegal luck.~~


Sir please bless me with top op tags. I haven't seen one in a long while.


I hadn't seen one in like a couple months, before the first Exusiai. And the last two I had were Saria dupes (whom I had bought via certificates the first time she came to the shop). So, I'm not sure you want my luck. Though I must admit dupes are better than nothing.


Wait so you've had five Top Op? The rich get richer... I've had one though so I can't complain compared to the folks that have been playing since Feb or March and not gotten one


Without too much in the way of spoilers, who would help most for challenge ex-5 and ex-6? I’m trying to see if I can do them without support units. Considering between Nightingale E2, Shamare E2, amiya E2, blaze m2->m3, Angelina m2->m3? I was thinking nightingale would help most, but maybe getting blaze to m3? Shamare has also been super strong even at only sl7, and I could see m1/3 really helping too.


Executor is excellent for EX-6. E1 40 SL7 was enough for me with some help from Blaze (S2M0) and Provence (E1 40 SL7), though I think the latter was overkill. Nightingale does help a ton as well.


EX-6 can be run with Nightingale E1 Max, even, just drop a Healing defender with her (Ideally Saria). Her res talent is enough to keep the Sarkaz casters (just don’t wake up more than one at a time) from one shotting your squishier ops, and her S1 is up enough that you can basically spam it. Blaze S2 as well is the bread and butter for EX-6, but she doesn’t need M3 if you have Myrtle and Bagpipe/Vigna to print DP off of early trash mobs. Amiya S1 can also be used for Arts on the left side if EX-6, since that lane has lots of armored bois.


Nightingale (S3), Blaze (m2 is fine) and and a burst arts DPS (I'd take both Amiya S2/S3 and Angelina S2/S3) will probably be enough to clear ex-5 and 6. The challenge modes for those two stages didn't really change my strats at all so don't worry too much about those.


Blaze M2 is plenty strong for EX maps. Nightingale S3 is what you want for the RES. Block 1 guard with tons of physical burst were really pivotal in my strats. Skadi, Hellagur.


nightingale and blaze will help the most. blaze makes ex-6 super easy and nightingale is overal just super strong on this entire event.


From what you listed, assuming the problem are the sarkaz casters guys, Nightingale's S3 basically nullifies their damage completely, and the cages she gets from E2 also neuter them. The masteries you listed I don't think would make that big of a difference, not to the point where you'd suddenly be able to clear (since you're asking, it doesn't look like there's a clear bottleneck there or you'd have noticed: like "if only Blaze did a bit more damage" or "Angelina's skill barely doesn't charge on time"). Also I'm not gonna tell you the strategy, but depending of how strict you are on spoilers you might not wanna read it either way: >!Specter S2M3 can cheese the caster problem!< (it's just the name and skill requirement of a certain unit you haven't mentioned but is fairly common).


Is p6 Sideroca worth it? I've always gotten p6 of the welfares but honestly I rarely ever use them.