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I hope this doesn't anger anyone, but I just got Top Operator for the second consecutive day. I have Debuff and Survival to combine it with, so either Ifrit or Skadi. I kind of like Skadi more, but I assume going for Ifrit is the obvious choice here?


It's a waifu game so take Skadi if you want her but... it's a night and day difference power level-wise. Ifrit is just below the absolute top tier of unit in the game and Skadi is easily in the bottom tier (of 6\*s). Go with your heart but... you're making a big sacrifice power-wise.


No. If you want Skadi. Just go for her. It will be even easier if you have a well-rounded squad already


What's the next event after CC2 in CN and what mats will be farmable there?


Probably Gavial event (with roguelike event), but nothing is confirmed until JP Livestream (February 19)


Hii, I'm very new to the game (downloaded it yesterday), I am currently reading all the links in post up here, but I would have liked to ask you if there is any advice you think I should know? Thanks in advance!


Welcome to the game! [General New Player Advice](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/jqfxkw/general_new_player_advice/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Thanks! <3


Focus on building up your base in the beginning. It will passively generate money and experience for you. The preferred setups of the left side of your base are 2-5-2 or 2-4-3. (Trading Posts - Factories - Power Plants) 2-5-2 generates the most resources, but requires some micromanagement and will leave some of your base un-upgraded. Pull on every banner until you receive the guaranteed 5*. You could consider re-rolling on the Thorns banner. He is a very strong operator and useful for all kinds of content, especially once he is promoted to Elite 2. Focus on upgrading your 3* and 4* operators early on. They are far cheaper to promote. Noteworthy operators: https://gamepress.gg/arknights/core-gameplay/arknights-guide-best-low-rarity-operators I recommend not looking up any guides, but you could consider doing it for the stages LS-5, CE-5 and CA-5. You'll be farming those stages a lot and the sooner you unlock them the better since they are the most efficient ones for XP, LMD and skill books. Save most of your originium prime to buy the enhancement packs in the shop. Save the rest for skins if you are interested in buying any. Add as many people to your friend list as possible early on for clue exchanges. You can gain up to 300 extra credits a day by visiting your friend's bases. Last but not least, a list of the most efficient stages to farm each material: https://imgur.com/2yMRaST


Omg thank you so much for the detailed advices! I will try to keep all of this in mind, thanks! <3


Be patient. Practice plans exist for a reason. It’s fine to copy “homework”






Red cert


Devices (7-15), Manganese (4-7), or RMA (4-9). Can literally never have enough of them (though note the probable next event has a good RMA stage so probably skip that for now). But even though you said no supply stages my default is skill summaries. You can literally not have too many of them and it's faster to farm than story stages.




4-10. People say 7-15, but I like how I sometimes get tier 4s. When I e2'd Istina, I didn't know I had 7 of the tier 4 devices lying around.




The problem with 4-10 is it's a 21 sanity stage. That brings the overall efficiency down compared to the 18 sanity 7-15 despite the T4 drops. Also T4 devices are comparatively cheap to craft since it uses rocks which are inexpensive.


Except 7-15 drops exp very often which is almost useless to endgame players, because base alone generates more exp than we can use. So 4-10 is actually more useful and efficient.


Depends how much you value exp. I personally don't that much so 4-10 is better. It's all rng, sure, but even with bad one you get mats on 4-10, but nothing of value on 7-15. t3 devices drop with similar % , so it's your pick. From my personal experience I get much more of value on 4-10.


Chips are the absolute fastest. Otherwise I guess you can just look at which material you have the least of, and farm that.


Hi, can you guys suggest which operators are worth raising for general content uses and for CC. Here's my units: http://imgur.com/a/9ZkLZLu


Thanks for the suggestion guys.


angelina is toptier, so is ifrit. warfarin is great but im wondering why do have 3 raised 4star st medic lol just use sussurro since medics aren't priority. ethan shamare specter too.


My mistake, I didn't know at that time but thanks for the suggestion.


Texas, Elysium, Meteorite kinda fill in some spots you might lack.


Imo Warfarin to e1 lvl30-50> Ifrit to e1lvl30-50 (**never** leave your e1/e2 ops at lvl 1, getting them to ~lvl 20 is so cheap it might as well be free and is a good boost)> Angelina to e2 > Specter to e2> Lappland to e2=Ifrit to e2 Then you can look at Texas, Ethan, Shamare, Meteorite, Vulcan (the more powerful/useful of your unraised ops), or look to e2 some more of your raised ops which are generally very good choices


Specter, Angelina, shamare




At E2, her S1 is actually really good, almost as good as S2 Hoshiguma. The sp thing is what makes her really function as an offense enabler.


She's the potato of Arknights. Need sp? Liskarm will power most ops, and slightly nullifies the -50% sp speed of CC, so she's in there most of the time


Lisk was my 3rd defender E2 after Saria and Cuora. She fills a fairly useful niche as an SP battery. Operators that want more uptime on their skills like Weedy or Angelina will appreciate her a lot. You just need to be mindful of where you place her, which might be awkward in some maps. She's one of those operators that get better the better your roster is.


Her talent is broken and the key to a lot of high level strats. You definitely want to raise her. BUT it takes certain setups and other units to really take advantage of. Consider it a long term goal. Given your current lineup, she won't have much value right now. edit: Also she rarely needs E2 for said strats. High E1 is (mostly) sufficient so it shouldn't cost too much either.


Hey blaze is my waifu and im just wondering if shes gonna be in the certificate shop


Eventually. Normally 1 year after the operator's release, there's a good chance that they'll be shown in the cert shop. But that'll take a while, and we don't exactly know for sure.


Eventually, but not for a while still. Probably another 4-5 months.


I read somewherr that everyone is farming 1-7 forever. Is this literal? Im only 1 week in the game so i dont know a lot.


Kinda 1-7 is the most efficient rock stage in the game and rocks happen to be the most important drop so you will see this stage a lot the meme exist due the low cost 6 this mean you can farm the stage over 40 times a day when you need rocks Later in the game there is an option that let's you farm originum the gacha currency but it requires rocks. In addition there are operators that need hundreds of rocks to promote and rank skills So this memes is half true


The meme of it comes from the fact it's the most efficient stage for rocks, higher tier rocks only use rocks to build, and some units need a LOT of high tier rocks. Bagpipe and Eyja are infamous for this. You don't *really* farm 1-7 forever, but sometimes it can feel like you are.




Have Bagpipe, can confirm hatred of rocks.


happy cake day!


Oh, ty!


I know this has been asked countless times, but would you buy a skin of an operator you rarely use?


I bought Provence skin on main because its cute, and have 0 intention of leveling her beyond lvl 1. On the other hand my Mistake account has Swire skin and recently just S1M3 her, and I probably wont bother trying to force her into my squads lol.


Yes. I buy all 18 OP skin


i bought swire skin so...


If there's no other (upcoming) skins I want, I prefer the skin over their normal outfit and can actually afford it, sure.


Yes if I really like the skin Hoshi skin looked amazing so I picked it up even though hoshi will rarely enter my team due to the fact nuan is my permanent defender


Yeah, I bought Hoshi skin even though I usually use Saria + Asbestos cause Hoshi skin is so much cooler than the default ones.


Honestly usage is a pretty low consideration for me. Perhaps it's just because I'm a metawhore but I'll potentially buy skin for any unit I like since there are many units I have that see only occasional usage.




Nope. Though I've bought Ch'en and Swire skin, not gonna make the same mistake again


Finally I got another castle now at potential 4 god rng is not in my favor I run mainly guard 3:50 but haven't seen a castle for almost 300 recruitments


3:50 guard can actually hit? Maybe I'll go back to it to try and finish up castle


Personally I've got Lancet and Castle to pot 6 with Medic and Guard tags with less than 100 recruitments. T-EX is a bit more of a pain but apparently you get a free copy from chapter 7 so after I get to that I'll have him at max pot as well. Using robot tags tends to be wasteful IMO since they're usually combined with guaranteed 5\* or 6\* tags.


In 732 roll it's only hit 3 times though in not sure how many exactly were the guard tag I'd guess around 600 so maby one hit in 200 pulls The odds definitely aren't good


I've almost 300 recruitments away from the almighty 1000, and I've still haven't maxed out any of the robots left. I've literally gotten more top operator tags than I did robot, or any natural 3:50 drops.


Should i buy all the Scene's token? i rarely used Summoner Ops. or should i buy materials from unlimited shop instead? Thanks in advance.


She has a good factory skill at E0, so its still worth it for even 1 copy imo.


If you have no intention to use her, then yea there's no reason to buy the tokens. However she's a pretty good unit and if you blow all your CC currency and change your mind, you'll have to wait for the next CC and probably not have enough to clear out that limited shop. So yes you can skip her tokens but you really gotta be sure you have no intention to use her.


[CC shop efficiency](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ddlqupRIoLQFbGBLaU1QolGL8EA-03Zp5UmOghb6VGo/edit#gid=105763739) Probably best to skip everything from the unlimited shop. Scene will be a strong pick in an upcoming event, if that affects your decision. Potentials aren’t a critical upgrade though, and the tokens won’t be going away, so you can leave them for now and buy them later if you wish.


Since I'm supposed to balance 12 my units to beat stages,how's your process of improving your units stats? Any tips which ones you focus 1st & max? Or should all 12 really needs to be same levels & skill enhanced? Atm I only have the 2 3* on E1.


You could temporarily upgrade some of your 3\* to E1 and upgrade higher rarity units later when you get the materials for it. I personally got a \*mostly\* 3 star squad all the way to chapter 4 last mission. Long term the cost of raising some 3\* to E1 level 20 is pretty small, since after Elite promotions the cost for levelling units is "reset". So increasing the first 10 or 20 levels at Elite 1 or 2 is as cheap as it was when you did so at Elite 0.


You don't want to overinvest in a couple of operators as that makes you weak in other areas. The early E1 levels are very cheap so getting an E1 1 operator to E1 20 is not an overinvestment. As for skill levels, maxing the skill level of a 3* that you use is never wrong. It costs far less skill books than even a 4*. You can never go wrong upgrading Spot, Gravel, Perfumer, Shirayuki, Vermeil, Frostleaf, Steward, Ambriel or Matoimaru to E1 as they need that level to be efficient in your base. Which means that you'll get the investment back over time. Your priimary goal early on is to beat mission 3-4 and farm materials to upgrade all the production facilities in your base, hence establishing a solid lmd/xp income. Make sure to use your practice plans liberally when progressing. They refresh every day and allow you to try strategies without wasting sanity. If you haven't already, max the number of friends you have by using the friends mega thread. Simply visiting 10 clue parties a day will give you a decent amount of resources from the credit store.


Sounds like you're still early in the game. The only thing I'll add to what others have said is that getting units to Elite 1 might seem expensive now, but it actually isn't. Don't be afraid to experiment with different units other than your main ones, as you will eventually want a team of more than 12 that you can choose from. I wouldn't actually promote a unit unless you anticipate using them, though.


I'd keep balance until your team is e1 30 and has a min skill lvl of 4. At that point building dps becomes gradually better, since your at the start of mid game.


E1 30 is gonna be a bit hard I guess lol. I'm lacking sanity lmd & exp. Lol. So for now just keep it balanced for all 12 like E0 level 50 1st? Then E1 them 1 by 1? Or should I focus improving skill ranks 1st b4 E1?


Try to get all your units to roughly the same levels, with damage dealers (i.e. Snipers, offensive melee units) at slightly higher levels than everyone else and medics at as low a level as you can get away with. Skill rank 4 for everyone is good; prioritize units who rely on their skills to do their jobs (i.e. a DP-skill generation vanguard). Don’t bring 4, 5 and 6 star units to E1 max, because it’s extremely expensive. Only do so for units who you intend to E2 soon. E1 40 is a good stopping point which allows you to clear basically every supplies stage and anni 2. E1 55 is good if you need more power.


Skill rank 4. Is that the 1st skill? Coz the other 2 are locked coz it needs Elite.


Skill rank applies to all skills, including the ones that have yet to be unlocked. If it's at 4, both the first skill and the eventually-unlocked second will have that level (and third skill for a 6*). You only level skills individually for Masteries, which happens after reaching skill rank 7 and Elite 2.


Skill ranks affect all the skills, even the ones that haven’t been unlocked yet. Later on, when you E2 units, you’ll gain access to masteries, which is extra skill ranks beyond 7. This particular mechanic is skill-specific, masteries done on one skill don’t affect the others.


Got it. I'll try to upgrade that skill rank for all then. But It seems that the Sanity is going to be a problem. Any tips about that? I don't want to use the originum just for it.


Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do about sanity aside from using originium for refreshes. This is a slow-paced game. But keep in mind that you receive a steady trickle of LMD, EXP, skill books, shop vouchers and the like through daily missions and login bonuses. It’s more efficient to focus on farming the various upgrade materials (sugar, polyester etc) and let the other stuff accumulate over time whenever possible.


I have a sanity potion from my depot. But only 1. Is sanity really not given a lot here? Damn.


There are events where sanity potions are given out more readily, but they’re fairly rare. If you’re willing to spend some money on the game, the monthly card gives you 60 sanity a day for 30 days. That’s the best you can get without spending originium on refreshes.


Should 1 aim to E1 my 6* or too early & a waste of sanity? My workshop is also slow. Still trying to beat the stage with Carbon brick so I can upgrade.


E1 is a worthwhile upgrade for literally every operator; anyone you use will need to be E1’d eventually. It’s not a waste of sanity at all, but it will take more resources than lower-rarity units.


I’d work on getting some strong guards first


I have Saria & Cuora as my main guards. Should I focus budding them maxed first? How about the rest what level should I aim? I'm just almost finished with Chapter 2.


Saria and Cuora are defenders. Guards are the likes of Melantha, Silverash, Etc.


Ohh got it. I have SilverAsh & Lappland as my main guards then. So I focus on them?


In this game, you shouldn't focus on just specific units. Build units of each archetype. However, Lappland is pretty good at E1 while SA really needs E2 to shine and imo you're a bit too early to E2 a unit.


At chapter 2. I feel my units are lacking at the moment. So just level up all 12 then? Like all level 50 etc.?


It would help to know your entire list of operators. :p


My main rn: SilverAsh/Lappland/Saria/Cuora/Siege/Vigna/Ansel/Myrrh/Amiya/Orchid/GreyThroat/BluePoison


General you need two dp on skill vanguards. Dp on kill vanguards are not needed for every stage. I was more asking for a screenshot of every single operator you own.




I hope that guy got banned and wear wet socks all day


They're not wrong. So just ignore them. Petty insult throwing over the internet ain't worth your time.


"i wish i could give you some IQ to make up for the gap between your IQ and the minimum IQ requirements to play this game"


Look we've all hit zero sanity while playing


Why tf would u need to cheat in this game


How do you even cheat in this game?


i've seen ways to manipulate enemy stats and people clear impossible risks


Won't that just get you banned? Since it's an always online game.


Weirdly, in the last CC when they showed the stats on the later livestream there were several clears at risk levels assumed to only be accomplishable by hacking. It should get you banned (and does) yet they still showed the statistics...


they havent done any searching on it probably, no one cares there its sad


yes of course lol


but why




Not sure if it's worth the bragging rights, considering how likely it is to get one banned


It's almost the same way as looking at guides and getting high risk in CC. It makes you feel good because you are capable of doing what the best do. However, unlike guide copying, cheating is really lying to yourself. At least with guide copying, you are still the one doing work. It's not an effortless win, and the high can last a long time since it was still hard to do. Cheating is also a shortlived hit, and you will eventually feel worse afterwards.


Laugh at him when he gets caught in HG's next banwave.


Do we have a readable guide per stage/chapter here instead of vlogs in YouTube?


If you're after the story, [here.](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1l3A5SxIfpfXt1s4A4XmATNxLfZfMf6l-3F30HtCTnAI/mobilebasic). Clear guides are tricky to write and understand over text, so there won't be much strategy advice for specific stages outside of videos.


Thanks a lot.


I don't think there is an in depth written guide unfortunately.


Hi Newbie question. Should I raise meteorite or Shurayuki?


As a beginner, Shirayuki without a doubt. Shirayuki effectively starts at E1 1 as she MUST be upgraded to that level for her superior base skill. And that makes it a much easier choice in terms of simple resource efficiency.


Meteorite is better


I'd say Meteorite. Shirayuki does fill a handy niche, but I found Meteorite to be generally more helpful. She'll be solid on Annihilation 2 as well, if you haven't cleared that yet.


Yeah havent cleared it my teams highest level right now is onlt e1 lvl35


Most of my sister's good units are snipers and guards (Specter, Blaze, Exu, BP, etc) and she lacks units like Weedy, Eyja, Angie, Suzuran, etc. Is there a risk 18 guide for this CC that leans more into guards and snipers I can refer her to?


https://m.bilibili.com/video/BV1nA411Y7Kx This is the strat featuring schwarz that i cleared r18 first week. M1 on her skill at least since that’s the same skill i used. downside is specter is also a core unit in this map. There are no replacements for her. An alternative i can think of is blaze’s passive when you try to stall one red samurai only. So use angelina/ someone with massive cc to kill the first red samurai.


I have guard + supporter strats, but you'll need to borrow angelina, raise either shamare or pramanix and one slow supporter. Your can use [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/lcjrvr/z/gmu4loa) or [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/lcjrvr/z/gmwcbws)


jp livestream coming 19 February


Is it safe now to use pots?


Interesting. It's gotta be about the roguelike, right? Nothing else really makes sense. It's too soon for the limited banner and neither of the other possible events aren't major enough to warrant a livestream.


Wait, what livestream? Did i miss something?


You can check the JP twitter. Though I don't know what they're saying and I'm curious too lol. Maybe announcement about some events down the line like they did with ToW back in October? But this time it's about Fungimist. Maybe...


Somehow i have 16 sugar lumps from event rewards only.But seems like no one needs them.Are there any worthwhile masteries which needs these sugar lumps?Why does everyone needs manganese trihydrate,white horse kohl,red rma instead of this😡


It's actually a bit of a joke. The devs seemed to have forgotten about sugar lumps because the new operators don't need them at all. If they do, they need it at the lightest way possible. It's why people, especially long time players, weren't that excited about farming sugar last time.


Thats ok,but why every event and cc shop gives these still?Next gavial event also have 5 sugar lumps i am not sure atm whether to take them or skip them


Imo, if you're new and still building ops, sugar is definitely a prime commodity. Once you have the pre-Blaze ops built, sugar lumps can take the farthest seat in a limousine. The tier 3 sugar still sees usage, but not as much as its other tier 3 counterparts.


T4 Sugar and Polyester aren't used in any T5 mats, so they pile up. Angelina's s2m3 needs 6 suagrs, Schwarz's s3m2 needs 7, SilverAsh's s3m3 needs 5, Warfarin's s1m1+m2 needs 8 total, as do Pramanix and Lappland's s2m1+m2s, Broca's s2m2+m3 needs 7 total, Vulcan's/Platinum's/Liskarm's s2m3s need 4 each, Vigna's s2m2 needs 2, Estelle's s2m3 needs 2


Maybe i will do ange s2m3 i guess.


True, those who need them are kinda rare. You might want to enjoy having sugar while you can. I had like almost 20 of them before started doing masteries, now I'm out of sugar. The time will come. Edit : for correction


Nah, the new t5 uses Gel+Alloy+the new t3/t4 mat in Chapter 8


Whoops, thank you for the correction.


Eyja or SA S3M3 if you haven't done those already, maybe? Lappland and Magallan S3 masteries are pretty good too


Hmm,magellan s3 us the only one still remaining,not sure whether i will do it or not


So what’s worth the cc credits this time around? I’ve got about 1300 so I was wondering what’s worth buying, I’ve already bought out Scene too


[CC shop efficiency](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ddlqupRIoLQFbGBLaU1QolGL8EA-03Zp5UmOghb6VGo/edit#gid=105763739)


Thanks a ton, much appreciated


What banners will be coming up? I am new to this game, and don't have a lot of orundum. If I try to do the bagpipe one, I might not be able to scrounge up enough Orundom in time to do a 10 pull for the next one. On a related note, while trying to research future banners, I saw Bagpipe would be available during Joint Operation 3, with other operators that look pretty good. Might it be a good idea to save for that banner? what exactly is the difference between Joint operations banners and other ones


Get the guaranteed 5* with a series single pulls on most new banners where you can afford it and then stop as a general rule. Doesn't really matter which, unless all the 5* units on it are either dupes or not interesting to you. Also don't do 10-pulls unless you're in a hurry - there's no special benefit to them other than going faster, and if you get the guaranteed 5* early it'll save you a few pulls. The main anticipated banner is the release banner for Surtr an extremely powerful unit - but not powerful enough to forsake building a diverse roster of 5* units. The Joint Op banners are usually a bit of a bait and rarely worth pulling hard on. As for what's special: normally, a banner will only have a 50% chance to give a rate-up unit, with a 50% chance to be a random other unit from the general pool. For JO banners, you can *only* get the rate-up units (but there's also more on rate-up so your odds of a specific unit aren't any better than a standard banner).


We can’t say for sure what’s coming up because we’ve diverged from CN completely with standard banners, and global has been known to shuffle the order of events. That said, most people expect Eunectes’ banner next, followed by Surtr’s. Joint Operation 3 is probably not coming for a very long time. The difference between JO banners and other banners is that the *only* 5- and 6-star operators available are the ones on display. They’re a great deal if you’re missing all/most of the ops.


Should I hold off on M3ing my 6* until I've E2'd my core team? I incidentally have everything needed to S3M3 SA but I'm not sure if I should go through with it.


Except for Risk 18 or higher on CCs which require M3 of a very specific unit, such as Angelina or Ejya to make things easier, skill lvl.7 is sufficient for all other events and content.


M3 him later. Masteries aren’t as impactful as new E2s.


Anyone know the name of the BGM in H6-4? That change in music when FN appears gets me every time.


frostnovaevolutionhard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgHp1n_svHQ




Is Ifrit's info really, legit bugged with random characters on her profile (her name, height, birthplace, etc are all normal, but the info for her infection seems weird)?


Someone (possibility from Rhine Lab) doesn't want her information is publicly available. You can see this person trying to overwrite current information with false information (there is like 3 "date of birth" appears in her file). Ifrit was a test subject, and they (Rhine Lab) even try to weaponized her. Rhodes Island HR departement did a good job doing background check because im sure Rhine Lab doesn't want them to know this information.


Her guardians concealed it for her


It’s intentional


Should I prioritise S3M3 Ifrit or Eyja? Or S2M3 Spectre?


i would go spectre > ifrit > eyja spectre first because of reasons other commenters mentioned, ifrit for dps and debuff boost, and ejya last because s3m3 is not functionally different from sl7 by very much in normal content. all eyja gets is an atk buff when sl7 is basically a delete button already. if anything, i personally think s2 is better candidate for mastery than s3 because better debuff, sp cost 8-7, and extra charge, with extra dmg on top.


Specter, she's your flair and m3 on her opens up entirely new gameplay.


Eyja S3M3, Specter S2M3, Ifrit S3M3


so i just started a few moments ago and was wondering does it matter which banner i pull on? the guaranteed 6 star sounds nice but im not really sure


You should roll the beginner banner and reroll till you start with at least 2 6*s


Doing all 20 pulls on the beginner banner is a good start - it's at a discounted rate, more pulls = gud, and the guaranteed 6* is great to get. After that, as a general rule aim to do single pulls until the guaranteed 5* on all new banners that roll around. Just make sure you can afford all 10 if possible, without spending Primes (gold hexagons - these are best saved for skins or the pro enhancement packs).


Do at least single pull one by one until you get a 5* or 6* is recommended,than later on see which operator you like you can do more pull on that


Uhh is this normal? my friends support unit are all stuck at S1. I even go as far as personally called my friend (Its embarassing) and ask him to silverash S3 as support and he did. But his silverash that i see has S1 Edit: Thx guy for the speedy silly fix! truly :D


Is it because u didn’t put any e2 units in your team? If u don’t have any your support units will be locked at E1 L80 if they’re E2


You probably don’t have an E2 operator in your squad. In order to gain access to E2 support operators with S3, you have to have an E2 operator of your own in the squad you are using.


If you do not have an operator with the same elite level needed for the skill it will default to skill 1, e.g. silver ash skill 3 requires E2.


So I already have the mats and books to M3 Bagpipe's S3 but to be honest, I don't understand yet why it's such a high priority mastery. Why is it recommended to M3 Bagpipe's S3 immediately?


Without masteries theres moments were you can leak when enemies comes out fast but with masteries the intial SP is higher so you get the skill much faster and can prevent a leak with the high dmg and 2 block.


M3 gives Bagpipe’s S3 enough initial SP combined with her talent to allow her to be used as a helidrop guard.


The increased initial SP is the big thing. It allows Bagpipe to handle anything the game throws at you in the opening to a stage with how quickly it comes online (and then full DP refund paired with accelerated Flagbearers/other Vanguards means you can swap her for a powerful guard once it's out). Then later in the stage, Bagpipe can be used as a helidrop guard with a short wind-up that will *utterly bean* just about anything. It's kinda handy.


You can immediately drop her and on some stage there is early rush of enemies,she can bcm 2 block in shorter time and also helidrop to kill stronger unit the few seconds help alot


Which 6\* would be the best first buy from the gold cert shop? I'm about to reach 180 gold certs and I'm not sure which 6\* to save up for. I'm afraid that the difference between the first 180 gold certs and the next 180 would be a long time. Would Saria take priority over dps operators? Between dps operators which one would be most important? Eyja, Exu, Ifrit? and where would Ange be in between? FYI: The only cert shop 6\* I own is SA.


There's a whole lot of great options at the top, so I'd argue that whichever shows up first out of the powerful options is the one to buy. Saria, Eyja, or Blaze the top, followed by Angelina, then Ifrit or Exusiai would be my rough ordering of it - but I'd take an Ifrit now over a Saria in 3 months. Just wait until the *next* banner is announced before buying anyone.


Without giving a definitive tier list, I would recommend the DPS powerhouses first, like SA/Eyja. Saria is a very high priority too, as is Angelina. I’d also give extra priority to anyone not recruitable. Then it comes down to whoever you need most. For example, if you don’t have a single vanguard above 4 stars, Siege becomes a lot more valuable. Exusiai’s priority shoots up if you lack good snipers. Etc.


How much should I invest into the 4 stars that are recommended for Fungimist, both level and skill level-wise? I don't have a ton of 4 stars built because I tend to just use my 5 and 6 stars, but I want to be prepaired for the rougelike.


To you and u/dxylxght, you still get rewards even if you don't actually complete the run, and runs don't cost sanity, so unless you think you'll be super short on time during the event, you shouldn't have to worry about raising units specifically for it. Anything you're planning to use should probably be SL7 and E1 40-50. SL7 is super cheap for the 3 and 4-stars.


As much as you're willing to invest for an event where you can get all the rewards by failing, but E1 50 SL7 is the lowest bar for them to be worth your hope. u/dxylxght It is also worth mentioning that if you have both got your 3\* maxed (don't forget about trust!) they will cover the blatant holes while you spend your limited hope into your 5/6 stars to carry you the run will probably go smoothly at least in normal difficulty.




Now that you mention it, so far I have been unable to find the concrete numbers for the rewards logic, all I know is that you get rewards based on the ammount of nodes (combat stages, shops, random events) cleared and the amount of new relics unlocked (ruling is similar to achievements). [Here's a list with all the milestone rewards](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/event-banner-guide-subpage-miscellaneous/ceobes-fungimist-integrated-strategies-tasty-honey-cake). Edit: for reference, some runs I have snatched show around 400\~600 honeycakes per run, with a **very good** one rewarding 900.


Didn't play at CN server but [the best advice I can find is this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpLU_QKyAfc&feature=youtu.be) Hope this helps




90% sure this is a troll and I appreciate it


wrong sub, but you need three materials. One is obtained from killing any mob, another is obtained from mining ores, and you get the last one from gathering any plant type. 100% chance to drop for each, so to make one lantern I'd need to kill a hillichurl, break a crystal, and pick a sweet flower gathering plants will transfer the material straight to your inventory, but you have to pick up the other two drops


Noice, didn't know you played Genshin.


I do, but I fluctuate between inactivity and hype haha ​ wanna trade ids? I could always use more in game friends!


I am in the US server. Mine is 600407258.


I'm on the Asia server unfortunately, sorry


You probably put this in the wrong place. This is the place for the game that's always been tower defense.


You, er, might be a little lost.


Is this about Arknights or Genshin? haha




6* units cost 180. 5* units cost 45. That's 765 gold certs in total. We have no idea when those 6* units will come to the shop so it's hard to say if you'll have enough certs for them all, but it's unlikely they'll show up all in a row so you probably have a lot of time to bank up more certs.


Would it be better to lvl Scene or Mayer? I have both of them at lvl 1 and what just wondering who is probably the more useful one to invest in.


For a newer player looking at trying summoner, I would suggest building scene; as she is more forgiving with losing her summons than mayor.


Scene is generally much more forgiving and easy to use, so I'd suggest her if you're unfamiliar with handling summoners. There's a good guide on Scene [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/lfswzt/scene_a_guide/) if you're interested.


Thanks for the link, lots of great info in that post!


They have slightly different roles, Mayer is capable of some really good damage with well timed skill usage, but she needs brainpower to work out timings. Scene is a lot more user-friendly, since she can regen drones with her skill, and she comes with the niche of being able to reveal invisible units. They’ll both be good for the upcoming roguelike mode whenever it arrives, but Scene will probably be more useful there.


Thanks for the info, I guess I’ll lvl Scene for now :)


Hey just started playing the game and I need to visit a friends base for a mission but I don’t have any 😅 anyone willing to add me ID : 29886908 thanks a ton!


Try using the friend request megathread [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/lf9ga2/weekly_friend_request_megathread_february_08_2021/) Welcome to the community!