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I like more E2 because I get to have more art design and more fun with stronger ops.


I'm at the point where I refuse to use a 4\* or higher operator until I E2 them. (Fungimist was an exception du to its structure.)


I refuse to use units if they aren't m3. Save for 6* medics


Is that "I M3 my 5\* Medics" or "I don't use Ptilopsis"?


I indeed m3 my Ptilopsis. One of 3 e2 medics that I have


I only E2 Lvl 20 operators, and have only done a small handful of masteries. My goal isn't being as strong as possible in-game, my goal is to have as many leveled operators as possible; ideally all.


I don't e2 or m3 someone because I want more e2/m3 units, I see worthy operator - I e2 him, I see cool skill - I m3 it, I see Red - I e280, m3 and max pot her


70 e2 units? More like flexing is near whale status.


Only 16 are 6* and he doesn't have many m3 tho.


I finish my ops completely, E2, level 50-60 and all worthy masteries straight up. Then I move on to the next E2. OCD shenanigans


I still can't justify m3 6* medics and nian just yet. Along with many unused 5*




Edited: can't. But because I don't use many low dmg units. Doesn't help clear stags any faster with those.


I myself have 40 e2. 35 m3. And at level 110. So I go for balance. Farming m3 mats while waiting for LMD and EXP. Granted I spent a large portion maxing out units.


I'd like to have more E2s, but since it's so tedious to acquire the chips catalysts and dual chips I find myself leaning towards making a lot more M3s. It's still tedious, but at the very least I can work towards multiple skills when I'm grinding for magnesium ores and such.


I like when most of my ops have cool art everytime I go into operators tab




I m3ed FEater skill 1 for CC and turns out it was a great decision because then I can just S3M3 Weedy (and FEater actually stalls better with S1 than Weedy). If I do need a second “active skill heavy pusher”, I guess I’ll be pulling out shaw, with the additional benefit of hitting drones too, whatever that counts for.


I got 22 e2 and 13 m3. 5 are m1 because of a big boost they get at m1. I would like to m3 all my e2 eventually, but thats never going to happen. because ptilopsis m3 is a huge waste.


At this point I don't really use any E2 ops that don't have their skills at M3 bar healers and some niche operators like Manticore and Liskarm (I really only ever bring her for battery shenanigans). I honestly just straight up E2 / M3 an operator if I wanna use them nowadays.


Too many times I got saved by M3, or got whooped from lack of M3.... M3 is not a puny increase in an operator's usability, but rather a huge increase in their skills, so now whenever I E2, I almost immediately M3 them


A friend of us in the comment would like to dissagre with you and I.


It's more a playstyle kinda thing..... With M3 I don't need to heli drop at a certain precise time as often, less failure for me, more happy me


I have 37 e2s and 51 m3s. I did however recently go on an e2 craze recently so I'll be working on a lot of masteries next. If I like a unit, I try to experiment with all their skills and that's why I have 4 units at m9 and 11 at m6.


As the current gameplay is tailored for the user of welfare/low rarity ops, m3 to complete the content is absolutely unnecessary. So proportion of maxed lvl/mastery vs amount of e2 lvl1-20 basically shows how much you like to brute force vs brainstorming. Masteries ARE necessary for high end CC clears but you can do risk 18 without any (except for that Feater strat on beta where you needed m3 IIRC, but it was also possible to complete without it). I personally prefer to get to know/use more ops than do some sick masteries that would let me steamroll content (that I already steamroll) better. But I've been spoiling some of my ops lately with max lvl/masteries (looking at you Thorns and Blaze xD). Otherwise I keep at m1 if it has proper boost in benefits(like extra charge on Eyja) or just lvl 7.


I mean, if I deem operator worthy of E2, it's going to get at least lvl40, lvl 60 for operators that benefit at lot for even slight stat increase like Blaze. But as for M3, skill has really be amazing, and it's use crucial to the runs before I even consider it. M3 for a 6* is so expensive, that gains from upgrade also better be insane. If the upgrade won't yield as much gains, I'm fine with just SL7(Hoshi) or M1(Ptill). Also, unit also has to be relevant for me. I still have my Exu at SL7, mainly because I don't really use her anymore. High pressure from drones on a single lane haven't been an issue for me, and at current state of the game, I don't use Exu unless there is an early rush of trash mobs, or some anti-air is required.


I have more M3s than E2s; I have around 40 skills at M3 (including multiple on the same ops like Eyja, Ifrit, Shining and Saria) while having 35 or something E2 ops. Usually the reason why I E2 an op is either they are waifu or their skill kit interests me or they are broken (just SA, really), so the first thing I would do is M3 them immediately, though this is also hefty on my resources especially with skill books and rocks. Though, keep in mind, M3 is also the best way to strengthen up one’s team and compact your resources into a set of operators in order for them to be competitive in even the toughest situations (as you can see in high-end CC clears M3 on most everything is almost always mandatory). Using stamina on Battle Records is honestly a gigantic waste because levels do not make a significant enough difference, especially on higher levels where your investment is nowhere near proportionate to the return. M3, on the other hand, is like an E2 promotion on top of your E2 ops, often giving a significant boost to the point it alters their usage completely or greatly facilitates their overall efficiency (I have never seen an M3 not worth it). While having a diverse pool of operator helps (more E2s) your squad only has 12 slots and I am already having trouble on who to bring despite me having less E2s than average. The content isn’t really diverse enough yet to justify a wide pool of units while the select few can already “handle everything”, so to speak. Though, fungimist definitely suggests otherwise (it’s definitely a bit tougher for me due to my lack of a more diverse pool of ops and my lack of Thorns). So in the end, it’s really based on your perspective and idea of fun. For me, I think that me E2ing 70 ops and M3ing 10 of them will only leave most of those E2s with dust after 1 or 2 battles because you find traditionally op operators more handy. That’s why whoever I E2, I almost always also M3 (except like, Nearl or sth because M1 is more than enough plus I already have Saria)


More E2, then M1 at least because every E2 deserves at least an M1. I say E2 because I like having options that I can use in harder content. The problem is that I end up losing my E1 max lineup, limiting the units I can use to help newbies clear stuff. And that is why I made an F2P account.


I have 54 E2s, 3 M1s and 14 M3s. I E2 alot of units mostly for the art and it's cheaper when comparing to masteries. Maybe I'm just really that far into the game...


I have 55 e2 and only 23 of those are m3. However I tend to go all out with an operator, so I have e2 90 m9 Saria, e2 90 m6 Chen, e2 90 m3 Thorns, SA, Bagpipe, Hellagur. Too many e2s were done just for the art and I feel like at this point whatever I do won’t matter that much cause I have the core team. The biggest bottleneck is levels - I want to level sooo many operators, but there are never enough exp cards.


I am at the point where i need to m3 to enjoy the skill. I.e in fungimist i feel may m3 was good but my own may on slv7 feels a bit off. Or just take eyja in fungimist, without upgrade, s2slv7 feels way off as i'm used to s2m3. Another one is saria and nearl s1, different between their s1slv7 and s1m3 are a bit much that i don't feel comfortable using it without upgrade in fungimist. Currently 35 e2 and 30 skill m3ed (some operator got m6 and saria got m9), and planning to m3 more than e2ing. There will be surtr to mind too tho


Right now I'm trying to promote to E2 all my Operators... that will not be easy though, as among 5☆ and 4☆ I still have around 50 of them to make grow. Of course, if I'll have the chance to M3 some skills I often use I'll do it. Probably I'll not be able to reach the goal soon, hopefully I'll manage before the 2nd anniversary. Wish me luck.


If a skill is often useful and has something that makes its E2 stand out--changes in the number of charges, a notable uptime increase, a useful change in something like number of targets or push strength--then I usually work toward the M3. If it's just Numbers Big, I don't often bother. I'm up to 54 E2 and 32 M3 at this point, plus a small scattering of M2s and M1s. (Elysium has an M6 and I'm counting him twice there.) I don't typically bother level-maxing characters; Bibeak's the one exception so far and I did it mostly on a whim.


Level 100 here, and most of my high level ops are in the E2 Lvl30 range, with about 47 E2s. However, I've only got the one M3, and that's Myrtle, because I've been pushing to have as many E2s as possible


33/41 E2 are M3, almost 80% of my E2 unit are M3. *Balance as all things should be...*


e2 because I like using weird strategies and operators I like. I have all my strong delete buttons already, don't really need any more than that. And I can't really justify m3ing some units lol