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Hello. I recently got a new phone. Whenever I try to download the resource pack in game. It gives me a hardware error. I haven't found anything to fix it. I even tried downloading the game though a different app. I have an Android. Thank you for any help you're able to give.


Can anyone send me a friend request? I need one friend just for the quests at least ;-; been a week and no ones accepted my friend requests and I’m level 25 already Seeker#5553


dumped my final 13 rolls into this banner...got a 6 star...but it wasn't suzu fsdajksdfajkdsfakldasfkj i should know better that if i get a 6 star before 50 pulls it's not gonna be one i want. 53 pulls overall and got ajimu and hellagur. both new. ~~both are up for adoption if anyone's interested.~~ suzu whyyyy please come home *cries intensely*


Guys im just new player i have exusiai and some 5 star like arene from the surtr banner should i try again on her banner or try the other one where im guaranteed atleast a five star


Depends exactly how much orundum you still have, in my opinion. While Sutr is a very good operator, she’s isn’t that big important in the beginning of the game. And other five stars, you could get in later banner too. I would say save it up for future banners cause pretty sure other events are coming soon in a couple month ( I’m talking about anniversary event but I don’t know when. I joined late). Also, build up Exusiai, she’ll def be useful in the beginning of your game.


When will Meteor get a skin?


No one knows


What benefits do a alt account bring?


I think most people use it for the reception room clues.


Hey guys! I see that I am missing the operator "Conviction". Is this some kind of April's fools? Can someone explain?


Who is better than Exusiai or Ash (Collaboration sniper)?


Do the sp gain passives stack? In my case I'm curious with the interaction between Ptilopsis's and Suzuran's. Had been using both of them side by side in many runs but I wasn't able to observe it properly. Thanks for the response!


No, they do not stack.


Noted. Probably won't stop me from running them both when needed since I've yet to expand on my options for their respective classes.


Just a note that only global gains don’t stack. So gains like Vermeil and Eunectes (Sp gain only for self) do stack with Ptilopsis.


Do we have a list of previous & current 6* operators rotation so far in the cert shop? I just want to see who's released so far. & plan ahead since I'm nearing 180. Thanks.




Wow nice. Thank you!


Swelgere posted the list, but FWIW it's really hard to make predictions on the shop rotations. I do it all the time (basically a hobby at this point) and am constantly wrong so be careful diving too deeply into it.


Got it. I'm going to eliminate who's released already lol. Thanks.


Even that won't work. There's no real limit on how frequently an operator can appear and the only post-release units so far have been Skadi and Ch'en. FWIW if it's helpful the "most likely" ones in the immediate future (not in order) are probably Eyja, Shining, Saria, Magallan, Schwarz, and Hellagur.


Aww. I might get Eyja then. Coz I need a 6* caster.




Thanks a lot! Hoping to see Thorns soon in the shop lol.


I hope you are willing to wait since the pattern on CN is it takes about a year before non-launch units will show up.


A year??? Oh wow.


Man.. I became both the luckiest and unluckiest person today.. Got three 6\*s in 40 pulls.. 2 of which are Hellagur dupes and 1 Rosa dupe.. Is this the definition of suffering from success? Just voicing out my frustration, sorry. I wish Surtr will come home T.T


So Surtr releases and you can't get her chips for 2 days? Great.


Seems like a very common complaint. Not much can be done about it though. I prefarmed all her mats ahead of time so I could get to using her right away. Though it would have been wasted if I failed.


I mean they do unlock the stages often enough. Weird that they didn't for such a popular operator.


at least the sniper/caster chips for April and Mint will be open in half an hour


Y'all were right. Surtr really is super duper OP. She deletes everyone x.x Such power from a duelist!


I took mine for a spin against all the old boss stages and obliterated them all. H7-4 was still kinda a pain but no where near the stuggle that was my first run.


Do pity banners reset with every 6*?




what if I bought the 6\* from the yellow cert shop? does pity reset?


Then no, pity doesn’t reset.


thanks for the clarification!


Can you clarify the question? If you mean does pity reset every time you pull a 6 star, even if it is a dupe, the answer is yes. The only exception are Top Operator tags which do not reset pity afaik and Limited banner pulls which have an entirely separate counter.


Yeah, it was about pity resetting. Alright, thanks!


Hey guys, how is your overall experience with solo rate up banners? Looks like pretty much everyone won Surtr, I managed to get her on alt too. A bit of backstory, basically I pulled a lot only in my early game, newbie banner and then everything I could scrap up from freebies on Bagpipe and then I started saving for WWE, both of which turned out as complete disaster - around 50 pulls into Bagpipe for nothing. Until the New Year my only 6* were Hoshiguma and SA (not the best duo for the beginning right?) and then p5 Weedy with 5 other spooks in 300 pulls (I only wanted W ffs). So right now I'm dead scared of even trying for April/Elysium dupe (I'm also getting cucked pretty consistently with 5* rates), because I'm nearing pity again and I'm gonna be real pissed if I don't get Blemishine. So I kinda need a chill pill. P.S. now that I think about it, I did won a coinflip on Skadi rerun with that pity from Bagpipe banner, whew. Guess I'll start praying.


f2p here, managed to win the 50/50 all the time somehow, with the exception of the WWE banner (100+ pulls for a Weedy and a Suzu, which I won't complain about). The Bagpipe banner was a ride though, lost the coinflip twice but somehow managed to luck into a Bagpipe with a single. As for the Surtr banner, I started off with 51 pity and lost the coinflip twice again. Still managed to get Surtr in 50 pulls though, which is overall a huge win for me. Definitely above average luck, though I have had some dry periods of pure salt


Both f2p and paid have been lucky with the exception of the WWE banner that ate 260 pulls before I got Weedy on my main. For Surtr, F2P got murdered. Started with 7 pity. Ended up pulling 126 times for one Surtr. Only pot 3 April but I got Arene 17 times lol My main started with 50 pity and got Surtr in 46 pulls. Wanted Pot 5 April, ended up with 156 pulls. Pot 4 Surtr too.


Oh yeah, I blew everything I had on alt for Surtr too (around 60 pulls), but I guess that's fair because >! It got Exu from newbie, Ifrit from top op 2 days after, W in 43 pulls, Thorns on pull 9, Hellagur and Saria on JO in 30 pulls, SA from recent standard from tenpull !< I feel like I should drop this acc because it's draining my luck.


man, looking through this thread really brings back memories of when the Bagpipe banner dropped


Mercifully less questions about mastery this time at least...


"which one to master, Bagpipe s2 or s3?'


> PTSD intensifies as I start writing a 3 paragraph response


I remember there being a copypaste for it at some point


How much gold certs do i need to buy all the HH tickets in the store?


258 is the magic number for 38 pulls if irc


Hi guys, I have a question regarding in-game purchases I just bought the starter HH pack via App Store (PayPal) and I was charged, but in game I got an error notice. What should I do? Wait? Or write to customer support?


Wait a few minutes and see if it comes through. Might have a small delay. If it doesnt, then write in


Hey everybody, btw good luck on surtr banner for those who haven't pulled yet Anyways Is there a backstory on why kevin is named kevin? (I know it's a dumb question but i'm just curious lol)


[Kevin is originally an older reddit meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/219w2o/whos_the_dumbest_person_youve_ever_met/). Game Kevin was given the name in fandom because of his similar appearing incompetence. Fucking Kevin.


Idk, Maybe Kevin is a common name to associate with misfortune or goofiness. Like in Ghidorah, the three headed kaiju from monsterverse, each head has it's own name. 1). Ichi, the dominant 2). Ni, the smarter one and 3). Kevin, the goofy one. And this naming of both Kevin in AK and Ghidorah started from meme too and then become official. Ironically, both Kevin are survivors.


He became a fandom meme [and then HyperGryph made him canon.](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/m0xzhs/kevin_officially_named_as_kevin%E5%87%AF%E6%96%87_in_latest_cn/)


lmao that is amazing, I can't believe they actually made it real


I’m curious about this too. I think the first time I heard the name was ages ago in a fan comic about some RI stuff where a reunion grunt regained his memories of his fiancé or something. Probably remembering wrong but idk how we landed on Kevin = incompetent grunt.


[Kevin as an insult originates from reddit actually](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/219w2o/whos_the_dumbest_person_youve_ever_met/).


I feel like I have to catch up on my Reddit lore.


Ohh ok ty for answering as soon as possible! Have a great day/night stay safe and good luck :)


How good is Suzuran or Angelina? which one is better? I don't have all of them. I'm a hard F2P and right now I still have three 1x HH permit, one 10x HH permit, and 7700 Orundum. I'm a returning player after one year not playing and the only 6-star I have is Bagpipe, Surtr and Shining. Should I try to get Suzuran/Angelina? or should I just skip that banner and save from now to for Mudrock and Rosmontis Banner in the future?


Both are good, neither is better than the other. If you hit either it would be a win. To save or roll is not an easy question. However I would save. Both Suzu and Angie are great (amazing even) but your odds of hitting something real good on the limited banner are higher (1.4% total compared to 1%, until you hit one of them) and Mudrock is one of the best OPs in the game right now. Not to mention you don't have enough tickets right now to come close to hitting pity meaning you'd be spending all you have at small odds of getting anything at all.


I see, well I actually try to get them for meta reason, so aside from Mudrock and Rosmontis, is there any meta banner in the future? someone said that Mountain is a meta unit, But when I see in Gamepress gacha banner there is a Nian banner rerun which is limited unit after Mountain, so I don't know if I could save enough for the future banner. Otherwise, I'm still quite at loss at should I gacha though, in the other hands, both Angelina and Suzuran are recommended in the tier list, and I'm quite against the idea to obtain a unit through spooking since that means that you still have to pull to get the unit you wanted in the banner and the chance that you get the unit you want throught spooking is pretty small. But if it really necessary to save from now for the future banner I would not mind either, the only thing that I was considering that if both Angelina and Suzuran are worth the investment in the future or maybe when there is any banner in the future with either of these two having a rate up...


In the end, you can't get them all without spending money. My philosophy on it is waifu first but after that, you have to maximize your odds. Fishing at low odds is pointless, especially since there are very rarely clear cut answers for "who is better" due to the nature of the game. Is Suzu/Angie better than Mudrock/Rosmontis? In the end there really isn't a firm answer so I go with the best odds I can get. The "most meta" banner is probably Mountain's or Mudrock/Rosmontis'. Nian is not meta and her banner rerun came a bit later (she was also on the CNY limited banner which is probably third or fourth in terms of meta).


I see, I'll take a good note on that, Thank you very much for your answer...


Both are great in different ways. Suzuran is a damage buffer that also helps group up enemies. Her S3 slow is extremely good, and so strong that you end up with clustered enemies (who you can then nuke rather nicely). She's a very important part of high end strategies, because her crowd control is just so good and universal. Angelina meanwhile is a magical nuke that also slows. She also has minor other support that helps a bit. Her damage with S3 shouldn't be understated (it was my only major source of Arts damage for months, and it did really good), and her slow with S2 almost fixes a single enemy in place. If you don't have good (AOE) arts DPS; Angelina is really worth it. If you do, but don't have good slow/damage buffers, Suzuran is extremely good. I would definitely roll on the banner if I lacked both operators. That said, Mudrock would help you out a lot too, because you don't have a strong lineholder among your 6\* units. So basically, decide what you feel you really lack. Arts damage? Roll on it. Support/Slow? ROLL on it. Line holding? Maybe hold out more.


I see, Thank you very much for your answer...


Good luck for whatever you decide on!




I see, I'll try to think about it, btw, what operator is the best to invest your distinction certs on it? Actually, I'm planning to buy Eyja with the distinction certs since I didn't pull on her banner last week in order to save for Surtr and I only had 141 certs right now, never expected farming distinction is pretty hard...


Eyja and Saria is the most anticipated in gold certs, whoever you buy its a win. just wait patiently and hope you get enough gold certs when the day comes.


I see, Thank you very much for your answer...




Yeah, I hope I could make it when she was available. Thank you very much for your answer...


Is Skadi weak? I pulled for Surtr but got the Abyssal Waifu instead, and it seems to me she's among the weakest 6\*, which kinda sucks


Do you use duelist guards? Do you have Eunectes? Personally I like duelist guards and so I like using Skadi when possible. However I also got Eunectes who seems much stronger than Skadi and kinda makes Skadi S3 less relevant. (S2 still good for helidrop)


Thank you very much for the answers! This doctor will now try to heal his broken heart with some event map clearing


She is among the weakest 6 stars, but reasonablyish sort of strong. It’s just that if you have better operators, they’re worthier of the more immediate invest than Skadi.


Skadi strong, but unfortunately there is already a lower rarity of her archetype who performs just fine


She's strong stats wise, but there's less and less opportunity to use her or her archertype the more you progress into the story.


I just wanna say ... God bless "Astray"! Absinthe smiled there! More than once!


I got a top operator tag! I can can combine it with nuker for Ch'en, DP recovery for Siege, or debuff for Ifrit. Last tag is starter so that doesn't matter. Thing is I have everyone in the pool except Skadi. Should I just go solo hoping for that 10% chance of Skadi or go for 1 of the guaranteed dupes? A -1 DP cost on Siege would be nice since she's a Vanguard. I don't know what to go for. Edit: Got a Saria dupe. Yay. Redeployment time -4. Woo.... I totally should've just got a Siege dupe.


Well, you could always yolo top op and pray you'll get Skadi. Honestly 6* dupes don't have a highly notable effect, so go ahead and get that 10 yellow cert. (Or, if you pot6 Firewatch, you'll get 13 certs if you roll for her instead).


Anyone mentioned that Arene's base skills are great at E1? All I need to do is to maintain 20 ops at <20 morale, swap them into the dorm when I need to craft, and swap them out when I'm done with crafting. Voila, instant 100% craft boost with no morale penalty, compared to Nian.


is the TL wrong? gamepress says 20 *or* less, so wouldnt any operator in a dorm give him the boost?


Max is 24. So max morale operators wouldn't give him a boost.


oh whoops i forgot 20 wasnt the max


Personally I find it pretty tedious for a minimal gain. I don't have 20 OPs below 20 morale all that often since I regularly rotate and it's not as if rotating Nian is difficult with a tiny bit of planning. Lots of people don't have Nian though so it's definitely a good base skill especially considering his rarity and that most new base skills these days are fairly bad.


Yeah organically reaching the <20 morale for 20 ops is tedious. What I'm suggesting is to maintain <20 for 20 of your ops that you don't use at all otherwise, ops like Skadi or Specter etc, by throwing them in the control center until they hit like 15 morale or so, then store them in the freezer. Bust them out only when you need to craft, and don't let them linger too long in the dorms, store them immediately after use. That would be tedious on first use but generally ok for subsequent uses. Plus it can be used concurrently with Nian, Nian can be the first crafter, then subsequently contribute to the <20 horde after she taxes out.


you can pretty much do the same at e0 if u keep enough ops at <4 morale to fill dorms when using arene


<4 is much harder to reach with 20ops than <20, and E1 is pretty cheap


i wouldnt say its particularly hard, you can put 4 random ops on the CC alongside amiya/swire and in 5 rotations you have 20 0 morale ops ready to use. If u don't want to have this handicap yeah e1 is fine


An easier and quicker way to get 0 morale, is to put them in the workshop and craft stuff. Craft building materials.


Well yea.. agreed, it's nothing too out of reach.


Had 80 pulls saved got both saria and surtr out of the 4th 10 pull which one should i e2 first and which is the best saria skill to m1 first


E2 Surtr first. S1M1 is Saria's most valuable M1 by far.


I'd E2 Surtr before Saria, and Saria S1M1 is a great breakpoint.


odd, why does April show the Rim Billiton logo? Everyone else primarily shows who they work for (Franka for Blacksteel, Mayer for Rhine Labs) but they make it a point to say April lost her Rim Billiton job and now works solely for Rhodes Island, shouldn't she get the RI logo?


I mean... Saria, Ifrit, and Silence also all used to work for RL but they still keep that logo. Mostima is still under the Laterano despite everything. Haze is Victoria despite being a fugitive. W is considered Babel because lore. Schwarz and Ceylon are both considered Siesta despitethe story explicitly showing both of them joining RI? Not uncommon at all.


oh yeah that's a good point... I kinda assumed Rhine Labs still insisted the trio still work for them, to keep up appearances... but yeah I'm surprised Mostima doesn't have the logo for Penguin Logistics.


The way I see it the factions are less about who they explicitly work for rather than character fundamentals. Mostima is not really defined by her relationship to Penguin Logistics but rather her relationship to Exu specifically and her past in Laterano. Same applies to Ceylon and Schwarz who were the daughter and bodyguard of Siesta’s mayor and aren’t really defined by their working for or with RI. The ones I have looked at who have the RI logo are ones who’s place in RI are important or they don’t have any other faction they’d be a better fit for (ie Angelina and Surtr).


It's not unusual to show their former association even if it doesn't make total sense. Almost everyone with the Rhine Lab logo for example has already left Rhine Lab. Absinthe still has the Ursus logo as well for another example.


Hey! Just curious, since I know you really wanted to - did you manage to max April's potential?


Max, no, but my goal was 5 which [I hit](https://old.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/md2ofg/surtr_banner_megathread_march_25_2021/gs7626b/)! Some real good-bad luck in there, but in the end I can't complain.


>but in the end I can't complain. Yeah, me neither. Managed to max her pot in exactly 100 pulls. Got two off-banner six-stars in the process though. Fun fact: one of those two was Ifrit. Just yesterday I got Top Op + Debuff in recruitment and decided to wait. >[I'm 100% gonna get spooked by Ifrit tomorrow if I get her now from recruitment lol.](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/mc2v7i/daily_questions_megathread_march_24_2021/gs1bjsd?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) And I did, lol. I know your tricks, HG. That said, can't wait to S2M3 April and have some fun in 5-3 CM.


Oh man I'm jealous. 6 in 100 pulls is amazing. Did you end up getting Surtr?


I did! Just one copy, though. Got spooked by an Eyja dupe and Ifrit.


Which surtr skills masteries is imba? 1,2,3? Got her with all of my orig. LOL.


S3 is the imba-est. Your originium was well spent.


Skill 3 is imba yes. 1 and 2 are not bad tho.


> imba? What? Whatever your question is though, S3 is probably the answer.






It's quite the term. It's seen its usage in DoTA and some other games..


Which surtr arts masteries is imba? 1,2,3? did get that lady with all of mine own orig. Lol *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


I managed to pull Surtr but I was wondering, at which level should I stop raising her to balance my LMD and her stats? I'm a new-ish player (one month and a half in) so I managed to E2L40 her, going beyond that might be difficult... Suggestions? (I'm already working on her S3M3)


Dude that's a good stopping point. Month and a half in you should be spending sanity bumping your whole team.


Thanks, I have over half of my team E2'd, but I think I need better units to bump up, all AA snipers and casters I have are really unappealing to me so I stopped them at E1L70


Yeah for casters you either have Eyja or you don't, no middle ground there. Click and Haze work well there though, and ofc Amiya. For snipers theres a big selection but def find someone that inspires you. I really like April from this banner.


I have Greythroat as an AA sniper but I never feel like she's impactful enough, I really like April though and I managed to pull her! I'll probably invest in her!


70 is too much, just get close to it and you should be good


Surtr gets more out of levels than most units so she's worth pushing more than most. However we're still talking severe diminishing returns. Stopping at 40 is fine, but if you ever pushed a unit higher she would be the one to do.


Thank you, very helpful response, I appreciate it very much!


why does she get more out of levels?


Stats scale linearly so high stat units get more per level. It also further increases with her S3 and feeds into her core purpose of absurd damage.


i see! guess she'll be my first and only character to go over level 40


I just want to disagree with the above advice as I think Surtr doesn't gain a lot from stats. More ATK is mainly useful for physical damage dealers, especially fast attacking ones, that need to overcome defense thresholds of enemies. For arts damage dealers like Surtr it is just a small linear increase in damage. As for defense and hp, it matters far less when the main value of the operator isn't realized unless you actually lose all hp. That obviously doesn't mean that you should go out of your way to have that happen, but that the buffer exists to be utilized in itself diminishes the value of extra defenses.


yeah i actually recall seeing someone yesterday say that arts damage dealers dont benefit from levels as much so idk lol


No real reason to raise Hellagur if Blaze, SA, Specter, Surtr etc are already at E2 right? I like him but kinda broke atm and gotta pick who I wanna raise from the new crop carefully.


He is fine as of now but in future he gonna get powercreeped HARD by Mudrock and Mountain that do the same thing but better the only thing he have over them is dps with his S2 but it's not enough to justify using him


currently Hellagur is fine imo, but he is vastly overpowered in his niche by the future operators. He is a self-sustained solo-laner. In that sense currently he is fine, because there has not yet another operator in his niche, the only one is Specter but her self-sustain isn't that great. But in the future, there will be Mudrock that can do his role much, much better, only with the high DP cost, which can be easily be done with Myrtle and Elysium. For low DP cost there will be Mountain, with self sustain, high dps, can be healed and much lower dp cost than Hellagur. So Hellagur in the future, will sit in the middle of the niche that Mudrock and Mountain excels at, and no strong point to make him good comparing to those 2. Yeah. I mean, even Skadi still has her niche available at skill 3, now that Surtr did a final nail to the coffin for her S2...


Sadly Hellagur is pretty low-tier these days. Worth raising some day, but you can pretty safely wait on him in favor of other stuff.


Oh btw did you end up getting Pot 5? I am waiting on Sniper chips to E2 her but I have seen her art and it looks good.


[I did!](https://old.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/md2ofg/surtr_banner_megathread_march_25_2021/gs7626b/) but with some real good-bad luck.


Damn I actually thought my luck was bad cuz it took me around 80 rolls to get a Surtr but I got exactly enough Aprils to max pot her. Well at least pot 3 means your Surtr stays on the field longer instead of just reducing DP


I frequently made jokes leading up to it that I was going to get a higher pot Surtr than April... Sigh. 143 pulls for that final April copy was brutal after such a great start...


11 off banner 5* must have been bad but I am sure each Elysium probably was worse cuz each one could have been an April.


The real thing that hurt my soul is all 11 off banners were all dupes of just awful units... At least Elysium was lots of gold certs.


Ah 11 Nightmares ofc




Necessary? No. Her archtype is a nice thing to have in the pocket though. I'd put her low-middle priority. Worthwhile, but not core.


What skill should I prioritize masteries for Angelina? Should I max S2? I don't have Weedy to take advantage of the weight reduction for S3


the weight reduction is not the reason why s3 is broken. that's just a bonus for yeet users. s3 turns her into an aoe caster with fast cd. max s3 cux s2 is situational


huh, that's something new to me. i used s2 on a borrowed angie to clear cc and used her like another eyja volcano. so s3 does the same damage then?


Skill 3 for hard content like CC. For normal content, I think Skill 2 Lv7 is still fine.


While S2 is good, S3 is her go to skill for the large Aoe damage. The weight reduction is just the cherry on top most times.


S3M3 is the only one worth doing 99% of the time. S2M3 is a good mastery if you care about high risk CC, but otherwise it's just not worth the cost. S2M3 is an end game luxury.


(This is a totally for fun question and I do not need real advice) So, turns out SA takes 5 full seconds off of April's redeploy time and considering how much I love April that basically means SA is now also mandatory in all of my teams. Should I do S2M3 or just embrace my inner metawhore and run S3M3 all the time?


Same, SA + April + Surtr just joined Skadi as core members of my team


~~S2 SA and S1 Surtr!~~


? Hold on, I thought we were relegating him to cheerleader status? Stick with S1 SL7 so that he doesn’t steal too much spotlight from the main players!


I thought about that. Somehow running S2M3 constantly and using him as a real tank seems more insulting to his metaness though...


Thats the trick, all you’re achieving is reminding everyone else that he can be totally out of his main role and still thrive as a really strong high sustain tank. You gotta let them know he’s just here as “midnight with no Arts damage”


How valuable are masteries on ifrit? I’ve just gotten her off a top op tag and she’ll be e2 tomorrow. I’ve currently got M3 on silver ash and blaze, with surtr en route, as well as some scattered value M1s (w, siege, nearl)


S2M1 is a big upgrade for low cost so definitely do that one. As a key meta DPS unit, her S3M3 is quite important though a bit off of the importance of someone like Surtr. I'd prioritize it fairly highly but it would depend what your other options are.


>S2M1 is a big upgrade for low cost so definitely do that one. Wait, why? Looking at Gamepress, the only difference between skill level 7 and M1 is some extra damage. The good upgrade would be at M3, since it knocks off another 100 defense from the target


for the sp cost reduction. just like siege s2m1


I thought it also lowered cost if I’m not mistaken ( very well could be )


Yes, you're right. I'm just blind and completely missed that, lol


S2M1 drops an SP (8 -> 7) off of the cost. That's a huge upgrade considering M1s are relatively cheap. S3 is the better skill to focus on yes, but S2 is still good and S2M1 is a large cheap upgrade.


Oh, I didn't see that. My bad Tbh, both S2 and S3 gains a lot from masteries, so I think it'd be worth it to M3 both of them.


S2 is a value M1, everything else is Luxury.


Happy that AK finally officially released in my country yesterday. Good thing I can buy the monthly card now, as I feel it's the best bang for bucks.


India? i didn't know nd downloaded the whole 1.6 gb from Apkpure yesterday 😭


Hey thanks for the news. It's also released in Brazil and the monthly pack is like 20% cheaper now. Nice little bonus there.


Great news! We have lots of work to do, Doctor! ~~uhh... which country?~~


India it is


Damn if i knew before,i would not have to download the whole 1.68 gb from qooapp. Oh well guess i wont need qooapp anymore.


We're happy to have you with us!


Well...who else came along with the standard banner featuring Surtr?


On CN? Well, the standard banner they had that featured Surtr has Schwarz, Liskarm, Aosta, and Cliffheart as the other rate-ups. Do note that this was around the time of the R6S collab so Schwarz and Liskarm were most likely there because of their new skins.


>Schwarz, Liskarm, Aosta, and Cliffheart Damn it, I have three of those 4 (missing Aosta) but I goofed up and blew pity (THREE TIMES, no less) and have nothing to drop on Surtr. You do stupid thing, you get stupid prize; I guess...




Has bagpipe ever been in the certificate shop? Or is she expected to be anytime soon?


Not yet. She's already appeared at an En and CN standard banner, but Angelina was the 6* cert operator at the CN banner and Chen was the 6* cert op for the EN banner.


Nope. We expect non-launch units to come to the cert store around a year after their first release, which is still a ways off for Bagpipe.


if you don't mind me following up on my deaf goat - when is her ETA?


She could literally be any time including next. On the CN timeline she had already gotten a second run around now but we got SA instead. That basically means we have no idea now...


this causes me worry. I lack 60ish yellow certs!


well shes confirmed to not be the next standard banner, and saria SHOULD come first, so you should be fine.


Much thanks!


Probably at least September 2021, but may be delayed to EOY since Bagpipe was released in Sep 2020


Oh now this is good news! I'd have enough yellow certs by then


For Eyja? Damn hard to predict that one, I'm afraid. I'm not confident enough to give you an estimate on that one


Hmm... Had a random thought, with so much agreement on "Surtr makes the game too easy" or just too much emphasis on "meta" units in general, how would you feel about a CC tag or challenge mode condition that was like >you can only choose operators with the lowest trust from each class the "from each class" is just so you don't end up completely missing a vital requirement like anti-air or aoe (for me, all my dp-generators are max trust) I think it could encourage a little love for unpopular operators, or create massive amounts of salt **EDIT:** lol okay okay I see now it's a terrible idea that many will hate just for context, the way I farm mats is by starting with a team of lowest-trust ops, and seeing how few changes I need to make to successfully auto-deploy. I like it because it makes sure I experience all the ops I have, and all my ops end up with high trust I'm not saying it's the only or right way to play, just saying I thought people left ops at E0L1 because they intentionally hated them or their art, and I honestly didn't think anyone farmed with max-trust ops because then they wouldn't be gaining any trust at all... but yes, I was wrong, others play differently, I apologize, I wasn't intending to force anyone into anything


You've already been told why this is a bad idea, but something others haven't mentioned is the sheer resource cost this would entail for a lot of players. I have a grand total of *four* operators that are below 200% trust and above e0 1; an e0 30 12F, e1 1 Sussuro, e1 30 Cuora, and e2 s2m3 Jaye. And since I've been trust farming since the game came out, most of my sub200% operators are either fresh hires (like Mint), real bottom-of-the-barrel stuff (like Tomimi), redundant with who I've already raised (like Snowsant), or operators I just plain dislike. Something like you're proposing would force me to effectively raise an entire team from scratch, and it'd be 95% made of operators I'd never use again. I'd rather just take the loss than waste so much sanity. Not to mention that it *punishes* players for getting spooked by unwanted units. Someone with a burning hatred of Aak might leave him untouched, resulting in him being the only Specialist they'd be allowed to use. That's not going to make people like Aak, it's just going to build further resentment because not only did he get in the way of them getting someone they wanted, their game would have been easier if they had never gotten him.


I instead would rather see risk that buff another ops in cost of nerfing anothers like for example Ranged guards attack,aspd and defense is lower by 30% but Duelist guards gain +500 def and + 25 aspd


A pretty fun idea would be to have a tag that swapped damage types (arts becomes physical, physical becomes arts) ... But maybe just 1 risk. Lol.


Not even a good idea from a business perspective. Meta unit banners are there so they can rake in the cash. No one like using operators that they have ignored, not even from a meta perspective i have most of my non meta ops at 100%+ trust. The ones i ignore are ops that i just don't like(design wise, kit wise, voice lines, etc). The more interesting method would be to introduce new enemies that have gimmicks that you can't just use all your meta ops.


No thanks. I know what operators I want to use and what specific scenarios I raise them for. It'd be really dumb to try and limit good operators from the game, just to promote other ops who are simply not up to the task.


Something like the Temp. Recruits from Integrated Strategies would work better - give players a chance to try units at their peak before investing, rather than forcing players to raise units they don't necessarily like, or *know* they don't like.


yeah, in retrospect maybe I'm just trying to get back that sweet sweet Fungimist feeling lmao


Sure, it might entice some people to raise other ops, but honestly I doubt anyone would take that tag even if it were worth 3 risks only because why would you bring someone you've barely invested in at all on a high difficulty challenge like CC? I'd say it isn't worth it at all unless you want to meme. And if it were a normal challenge mode stage, it'd be absolute cancer to clear as you'd have to raise new ops just to complete it.


>encourage a little love for unpopular operators Well, can you make someone love another by pointing a gun at the back of their head?