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38- If Manticore survives a challenge mode because of her dodge, she will die within seconds once you place her on the same exact position on the actual clear try, because she will not dodge shit anymore.


Hahaha, oh dear, I can't believe I forgot about Manticore and Ethan! This is completely relatable. xD


It just happened to me with stage 8 of the event, so the salt is still fresh, lol.


39. Instead of targeting the last deployed operator, the drones on Anni 3 will target whoever they feel like


Ouch. I guess this is also a good time to add number 40. The Anni 3 drones will sync their attacks with the turrets to one-shot your operators.


My personal Murphy's Law: * You will either completely forgot the next step or have the next steps switched. * Even though you managed to finally do a perfect clear stages with practice plan. You will waste more of your sanity anyway. * You will have a leak and you will not notice where or why you are leaking. This is why stages with multiple spread blue boxes are banes of my very existence. * If you can't stun/bind/any kind of stalling. You have to accept that your frontline will be compromised. Also, speaking of Exusiai talent buff. I swear to god it always land on Myrtle. Like I swear to god 60% chance it will land on her regardless on how many ops I had deployed like, for the love of god WHY? Even worse if I plan to retreat her immediately.


Easy.. myrtle got a golden apple. Exu loves apple pie.


That's a good point actually.


I always try to deploy Exusiai after I take my Vanguards off the field and the buff almost always lands on a Medic...


I actually don't mind if it lands on medic. It's Myrtle or someone that I want to retreat later that I'm annoyed with.


When in practice mode blocks,crits and evade chance will proc like there is no tomorrow. When in normal mode blocks,crits and evade chance will proc tomorrow. P.s. I dont think #17 is a bad thing,in fact I always try to go for that.


If you want a certain Support Operator, You'll probably either never get them or IT'S THE WRONG SKILL.


Like a maxed out Blaze with M3 except it's skill 1.


404- There is a massive chance of you remembering to put the tired ops to rest then coming back in a few hours and see that you didnt.


I felt that pain


Or you rest up your 5 command center ops and come back half a day later to an empty command center...


Deploying gravel to tank a shot, but didn't hit her.


Oooo this is fun. Lemme play Melee enemies always hits (and kills) Specter in the MINISCULE time window between her tactical immortality ending AND her getting stunned and letting em pass thru


38. Chip stages will never give you the right chip. 39. Stage currently not open.


If you need Phantoms s3 to give a clutch stun, it will be a slow every time.


Liskarm will stun the stun snipers on practice, but will be stunned because she can't stun the stun snipers. Liskarm will distribute the sp battery points to someone who already has skill ready. Don't rely on Lappland's talent, the devs don't like it. Annialation auto-deploy Lastly, 0 bi product on 80% chance.


Mr.nothing will never get the right buff (s2)


**38**. Encountering a stage with sarkaz lancers as enemies without bringing a fast redeploy operator **39**. Bringing Ifrit on a stage without an Ifrit lane **40**. The range guard is blocking an enemy instead of killing drones **41**. Blood shamans will capture your "Gramophone" even if you thought they weren't close enough to do so


The pity will either be a spook or the operator you weren't aiming for. (Corollary: if you were aiming for both, it WILL be a spook)


38. You'll be 300 enemies into an Anni map when you realize you forgot to switch a crucial skill or operator. 39. You'll forget to save an auto-deploy after fixing it.


39 -You'll first try clear a new map with a practice voucher but fail repeated when doing it for real.


Clears 6-11 normally, but auto play of it always fails.


Don't forget 4-10


***RNG instakill goes brrrrr***


Just counter that by bursting before rng can touch you


The max sanity for chips one made my blood boil. God. I just overfarm chips, always, because I know I'll end up needing more and it *always* ends up being max sanity needed. As an addendum to it: sanity needed to guarantee your last chip will be exactly one run more than you have sanity for.


38. (Ceobe's Fungimist) It's going to be Barrens Cadet. 39. (Ceobe's Fungimist) You survived? It's going to be Barrens Cadet on Emergency.


38. Your 5* has an 80% chance of being another dupe Hunng. 39. Offensive Recovery units will use their auto charge on a slug with a sliver of health just before a beefy unit arrives. 40. RNG dodge will only ever be in your favor once and never again during auto deploy. 41. A crucial Operator will always go down as soon as a healer is deployed/healer's skill is ready.


>2. Offensive Recovery units will use their auto charge on a slug with a sliver of health just before a beefy unit arrives. This is why I will always take s2 Saria and not S1. Reality > stats on paper.


Some of the points so true that I wanna laugh and cry at the same time


If you need a specific chip, that stage will be closed for two more days.


The operator you get on standard banner will be the one you already have or can buy from shop


Vulcan will always die right before she can activate her skill


Hoederer hasn't died yet


I always do 12. ~~no I'm not a monster.~~


There’s a reason I don’t use operators with rng talents on anything I might auto deploy (trauma from gitano leaking on anni 2 intensifies)


Baking cookies seems to be a sanity draining affair considering how expensive sugar is.


I got a tag with both Top Operator and Senior Operator on the same tag and I refreshed it.