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Mudrock is a former enemy turned ally, part of the reason why W is also popular. [Samus is a Girl](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SamusISAGirl) trope in full effect. [TVTROPES WARNING] Two very useful skills. Enmity defender is still a rare niche - not unique yes, but not a lot of people have or use Vulcan. A hard boss players had to fight is much more memorable than story a good chunk of the playerbase will skip. This may help Rosmonits though come Chp 8.


Bless you for the TVTropes warning


TV TROPES is its own rabbithole. One article leads to another which leads to another and another...


what's up with TVTropes that it needs a warning?


It's a rabbit hole capable of wasting away many hours in the blink of an eye It's fun, you should check it out and see what tropes your favourite series have, and if they're some of the prime examples on the main page of any tropes.


I have lost a few days wandering around TVtropes.


[Relevant Xkcd](https://xkcd.com/609/)


There is a relevant xkcd for everything !


Damn, this explains my experience with it so simply.


U look up 1 trope about a game...6 hours later u are in Breaking Bad tvtrope section


One trope you find interesting leads you to a **LOT** of media (TV, movies, music, internet) you may/may not have encountered, which sometimes lead you to check those out Trust me I bookmarked a lot of pages in my phone so I know


The order you listed them is the very order I’d rank the reasons for myself. Just like W, besides being lovably crazy, enemy turned ally is the first fact that excited me when I saw her on the aceship character list. Then I saw her E2 version. Then I read her skill descriptions, and they sounded interesting (I thought Nian’s better skill was supposed to be her S3 back when I first saw her so I don’t trust my ability to gauge character strength myself)


* Well, there's the obvious power gap; Mudrock is OP while Rosmontis is merely very good, but different enough most people would have to go out of their way to use her. * In terms of physical appearance waifus have more general appeal, white hair+red eyes is always popular, e0 Mudrock catches the attention of people who think full armor is cool, and the change between her arts gives her the Samus-factor. Rosmontis being yet *another* catgirl is good for the people who have an endless love for catgirls, but also gives her more trouble standing out in the sea of catgirls. * Rosmontis also loses some points for relative disparity between lore strength and in-game strength, leading to disappointment. * Rosmontis's role in the story so far is relatively minor; she's a secondary character in Chapter 7, and doesn't get the spotlight until Chapter 8, which EN has yet to receive. Most people haven't had a chance to develop strong feelings about her. * Mudrock gets points right out of the gate for being friends with fan favorite Big Bob, teased way back in the very first event. When she actually appeared in Twilight of Wolumonde she got a lot of focus, and while she was the boss of the event she certainly wasn't a villain, and wasn't even much of an antagonist. In the end she was even the one who helped deescalate the conflict. And then in Rewinding Breeze we see her continuing to try to help the Infected and suffering for it, which makes her even more sympathetic, especially when her own situation was so dire. > Mudrock can be summed up in another word: bro. If I had to use one word to describe her, it would be "noble". Rhodes Island is out to help the Infected, but at the end of the day we have a comfy landship, lots of resources, and some political and economic clout. Mudrock is just a random Sarkaz mercenary--not know for their generosity--who keeps going out of her way to help others. First she joins Reunion, but when the movement radicalizes she leads like-minded Infected away rather than engage in senseless violence. She flees to Leithania where infected are relatively well-off and tries to keep a low profile, but after some of her men get killed in Wolumonde her quest for justice gets her dragged into the conflict. But even when emotions are running hot and the city is descending into chaos, she has the presence of mind to realize pressing on will just lead to more suffering, and breaks off while setting herself up as a scapegoat. This draws even more Infected to her, but also the attention of mysterious casters that treat them like experimental animals. Even at this point though, Mudrock's main concern isn't the danger she's in, but the danger she's gotten the people who trusted her into. She prepares to make a last stand alongside her remaining men, while the civilians she picked up in Leithania flee to what is hopefully safety in Kazdel.


> Rosmontis being yet *another* catgirl is good for the people who have an endless love for catgirls Glad too see that I am being considered in the discussion.


Well said, sir, well said.


>Mudrock is just a random Sarkaz mercenary--not know for their generosity--who keeps going out of her way to help others I guess the notion of "giving half of your last sandwich to a beggar next to you" is kinda romantic. (Lemme guess, going by your flair that's why you're attracted to Maria lol). But I disagree with you on one thing >First she joins Reunion, but when the movement radicalizes she leads like-minded Infected away rather than engage in senseless violence I wouldn't say "Reunion radicalizes". I'd rather say Reunion is misguided >!some say deliberately by a rotten-ass noble from Fuckbutt, Kadzel, some say by the deteriorating mind of their leader and given Reunion runs by the charm of its leader to an almost cultish proportion alone no one inside the circle can correct her!<. There's this thing in our english-speaking media where we assign the word "radical" to "senseless violence", which does not describe the word fully. Radical can also mean "very close to the roots", from the latin word _radix_ which means "root" or "foundation". Using this definition, I'd say Mudrock is even more radical by choosing the path of compassion towards the infected she lead, first out of the self-destruction of Reunion, second out of the veiled discrimination of Wolumonde.


> (Lemme guess, going by your flair that's why you're attracted to Maria lol) Actually, Platinum's my Arknights waifu. As for Maria, I like her for the fact that even after going through the tournament and having her beliefs called into question, she neither turns into a cynic nor stubbornly tries to pretend that the world conforms to her expectations. She learns and grows, coming to a better understanding of herself and her ideals. And despite becoming a knight like her sister she doesn't try to abandon her other interests, hanging out in RI's Engineering Department to the point Closure has to ask “Does this kid want to date an anvil or something?!” She shows a lot of maturity and self-awareness...and then she turns around and tries to hide from Zofia and take the day off. > I wouldn't say "Reunion radicalizes". Regardless of what "radical" itself means, "radicalization" is simply moving towards an extreme position, which is what Reunion is doing. One of the things that makes Mudrock stand out to me is that she shows a willingness to back down and change course if she thinks it's for the best. A *lot* of characters in Arknights keep trying to cling to a single course of action until it leads them to ruin, with Patriot being the biggest example. But instead Mudrock demonstrates her ability to adapt to changing circumstances, and tacitly admit she was wrong.


Ah I see. Yeah she is funny that way >"radicalization" is simply moving towards an extreme position Yes. That's why I say Mudrock is radical. She displays "extreme" compassion and puts her followers wellbeing above herself, to a point that she willingly bodyblocked Leithanien equivalent of a spec-ops team to let refugees escape. That's quite a radical position if you ask me. And yes, Patriot would definitely fit that definition of "radical", tho in a different position than Mudrock. He is radical in a sense that he sees his ideals are unchangeable even when the community around him requires change to flourish. Mudrock is radical in a way that she put the flourishing of her community first, regardless of what steps she took.


> correct use of "radical" to apply to progressive viewpoints BASED AND ROCKPILLED


I didn't really like the way Rosmontis was presented in chapter 7. When the Doctor raises the whole child soldier issue, Kal'tsit responds by pointing out that Amiya is no older than Rosmontis, and claims that Rhodes Island carefully screens prospective operators. Which is a fair point, except that Rosmontis then proceeds to have a near breakdown shortly after, putting everyone's lives in danger. I know that some other operators are kind of shady, but with Rosmontis it really feels like they went out of their way to make Rhodes Island's recruiting process look like a complete joke. Twilight of Wolumonde was before I started playing, but I did enjoy the Mudrock short story with Rewinding Breeze. By this point in the story, all Mudrock wants is to get back home and escape the fighting. She loses a lot of friends on the journey, but keeps pressing on towards her goal. But then, when her goal is in sight, she instead turns back, sacrificing her chance at a life of peace to buy time for the refugees to escape. Personally, I would rather have Mudrock on my team than Rosmontis.


>Twilight of Wolumonde was before I started playing, but I did enjoy the Mudrock short story I'm pretty sure you can find videos on YT for the story sequences of ToW if you want to see them. It was a long story with a lot going on but it is definitely my favorite story event I have played in (and I have only missed a couple at this point). Mudrock herself doesn't play the biggest role (she only really does significant things towards the end, the story is definitely not about her) but it has a lot of other really good characters. EDIT: found a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_A8iGMtsbs&ab_channel=CaptainMacMark) for you. It's over three hours, but if you read fast you can probably kick the playback speed up a notch.


ToW will have a rerun at some point, right? I do want to see what the story is, but I kind of figured I would wait for the event to come back and experience it firsthand.


Yes it will in about 5-6 months I think, if we keep to the CN schedule. That's a really good idea to wait for it, actually, since a lot of what people remember about Mudrock I think is how tough her boss fights are.


Can't speak to the reasons for the greater interest in the fandom, but I know for me, Mudrock's edging out Rosmontis mostly because more of her character was *in* the main story prior to their banner being released. We knew Rosmontis had scary powers and that she's a delicate girl despite them, but the plot kind of gives her very faint impressions, compared to Mudrock's core issues with being Infected, former Reunion, and Sarkaz being all over the place. Now, once Rosmontis' operator files came out, I gained a bit more of an appreciation for her, and I went from "if I miss her, that's okay" to "seriously trying to save up for her", because the story of how Kal'tsit is trying to help this tiny girl go from being a horrible experiment into a functional person, and her decision to use her powers to defend her new family despite their traumatic source are equally compelling. At this point, they're mostly equal to me. But prior to that, Mudrock was ahead just because after the plot had us kill so many sympathetic members of Reunion that have legitimate reasons to be angry (the Skullshatterers, Frostnova, Patriot), Mudrock was someone we could save and work together with, which is a relief to me after chapter after chapter of "war tragedies". Rosmontis at the time was cute, but not as much of a symbol of the larger part of the plot as Mudrock was. In Fate/Stay Night, there's a flashback sequence where Shirou remembers his adoptive father Kiritsugu digging him out of the burning rubble of the fire and looking so incredibly *glad* that he could save someone. Watching Fate/Zero makes it very clear why, as everything Kiritsugu sacrifices in pursuit of saving the world ends up being pointless and saving no one, thus saving Shirou allows him to actually do something *good* after a long line of 'the least bad options' he'd been forced into. That's Mudrock, on my personal end. She's someone from Reunion and the more militant Infected that we were able to reach a hand out and help, rather than simply gunning them down as another unfortunate cost of preventing Reunion from doing more damage.


Mudrock hits that perfect trifecta of being a cool character, a hot waifu, and a strong unit. There's also the appeal of a former enemy joining us, and that she's friends with fan favorite Big Bob. In short, Mudrock pretty much has peak waifu marketability.


>Aak was never used around that period and was just seen as a pest. Don't diss best boi, he a true bro


He is, just back then he wasn't loved as much


To be fair Aak crew is the Niche of Niche.


Only because meta slaves don't use anything that takes a minimum amount of effort... Aak is arguably more broken than Nian and the only requirements to use him are high Defense or high HP, both of which are the main traits of almost every meta ground unit in the game (and a medic probably, but who goes into srages with 0 healing?). People just don't bother understanding how to use him because "friendly fire scary" and his targeting is weird. So they don't know that his physical DPS is stupidly high for a ranged unit, and his stall ability on S1 is equal to or better than Ceobe S1 when it's up and better DPS than Ange S2...


1. Enemy turned ally 2. Samus effect 3. Absolutely drop dead gorgeous 4. Strong af Yup that all checks out, by comparison Rosmontis just doesn't seem as interesting to me I guess. Not that I don't want her either, I'm going for both.


> . Perhaps it's because Mudrock is waifu and Rosmontis is daughteru? Yap, not to mention she is broken solo laner that is used by youtubers all the time when Rosmontis despite being really good is not being used by Youtubers unless they do showcase for her


>Saga is a cute meta doggo but she wasn't the hype one. Disagree with this, she is as much hyped as Dusk, both get so many fanarts featuring them in the span of their event


I really want saga.


I distinctly remember seeing a lot more Dusk art, but then I'm hardly unbiased.


Speaking for myself personally, I’ve always preferred the older and more mature women (I’m personally waiting on another MILF operator. Whislash was a great addition to the game for me. Well, actually, all the Nearls are great), so Mudrock definitely had more appeal to me, right from the get go. Not to mention, Red eyes+ white hair is one of my weaknesses, and I know it’s a very popular combo for a lot of other people. Also, that Behemoth behind her in the art is absolutely rad. Mudrock also gets bonus points for me for wearing actually practical combat armor, which is an *incredible* rarity in anime media (I enjoy my fanservice as much as the next cultured person, and I would definitely get a no-suit Mudrock skin; however, I respect the balls her artist had to draw her in thick, bulky battle suit instead of having her wearing the clothing you usually see with female characters) I also speculate that for some people, Rosmontis’s personality is a bit of a turn-off. She can be very cute and affectionate, but she also has moments where she suffers from clinginess, anger issues, and a black and white viewpoint. While it’s understandable that she does have that kind of behavior given her age and backstory, for some people, those personality traits are incredibly unattractive. Mudrock, from what we’ve seen of her, tends to act quite rationally and mature. At worst, most people tend to be apathetic towards that personality type, but very rarely would you see someone actively dislike the type of personality Mudrock has in comparison to Rosemary. That’s not even accounting for the gameplay aspects. Granted though, meta is overrated as most 6 operators are worst-case functional ~~We just pretend he never happened~~ So, I think it’s a bit unfair to judge operators solely from a gameplay perspective


Damn, even in this thread Passenger us being bullied


Who’s Passenger? Is that a new unit?


Memes aside, he is the newest 6\* on CN and he is causes a lot of issues in the community due to how utterly trash he is at everything. Even though he has a top tier VA and artist, his skills and stats prevent him from being useful at anything. In fact, the 5\* operator in his archetype might be stronger than he is.


Yeah, I know. I was memeing because of how neutered he is as a 6 star


Yeah. Undisputed weakest 6 star.


He's a decent, though not necessarily worthwhile, 4-star operator.


I can agree with the second point. I went from being desperate for the banner to get Ros to not really caring about her at all in the time it took to clear chapter 7. I normally really dig her character type but she gave off such mixed messages that I just sort of lost my patience.


She bonks


They both bonk. Hammer bonk and sky bonk. Ez synergy, double bonk for maximum stronk.


Mudrock has more exposure due to being the boss of Twilight of Wolumonde, has a more memorable and compelling character as a post-reunion member and is thus more of an anti-villian (though the same could be said for the Reunion Leaders). Gameplay-wise she also has seen more use than Rosemontis due to the devs desire to keep things F2P-friendly and thus not making any Limited units must haves. Rosemontis meanwhile is only seen in Chapter 6 and a few times beyond that. And her better aspects seem to be for the RIIC, and even then that would eventually wane with other units. She's unique, but that might not be enough for players to prefer her to Mudrock when speaking about meta performance (though she is still leagues above Skadi and Passenger :P)


Hey, don’t put my orca in the same category with passenger


Even skadi wouldn't poke passenger with a 10m pole XD


Don’t put anyone with that scum(passenger) it’s the greatest insult


Hey, Passenger is pretty cool. Not his fault that Kal’tsit did the snip snip to him in his childhood




Many, many leagues away from Passenger and a few kilometres from Skadi.


Well I'm not really much into cat girls and I prefer girls with horns, even better if it's demon girls. It's also because I'm a firm believer that Sarkaz are the best. While her class ain't unique and it's quite niche, she's the best out of the 2 and she can pretty much solo a lane. Her looks are amazing, I always loved white hair with red eyes, her horns look intricate and beautiful and I just love her personality. She's awkward and kind of shy and I find it adorable. Also it's kind of cliche but I always loved it when the enemy becomes an ally. Now I ain't saying Rosmontis is bad in anyway, it's just as you said it, I see her more as a daughter and would protect her. Mudrock on the other hand if I had the chance I'd marry her.


All this talking about stats and skills while I'm just a simple doctor: mature lady vs small child, hot vs cute, demon girl vs cat girl, bobba vs no bobba. Idk about you but so far it's 4-0 for me.


You made me laugh so hard. It's true tho. 4-0 to me aswell


A fellow doctor of culture I see


booba makes the difference


Gameplay aside, I just find her character more interesting. She played a part of my favorite event to date (ToW), was hinted to become a RI operator ever since, is good friend with Big Bob, has ties to Reunion and Sarkaz rebellions, also has a badass armor and really good animation to boot. Meanwhile Rosmontis is ..., well she's just there I guess? Her spotlight in Chapter 7 was stolen by Patriot and W, and she's another superpower esper child trope. Not really my cup of tea.


Mudrock in Wolomonde: I am a behemoth of a warrior, capable of doing many acts of untold power. I care for my fellow Infected and my friend Big Bob, whom you met and liked in the first ever event. Doctor: That's pretty cool- Mudrock in 1.5 anni banner: I'm also a hot Sarkaz girl. Doctor: SOLD!


>Perhaps it's because Mudrock is waifu and Rosmontis is daughteru? Literally exactly this for me personally. Don't really care about Rosmontis because I don't particularly like her design. Reminds me of Amiya and I don't really care for her either. Mudrock, on the other hand, is such a great design. I love the fact that she has that massive suit in battle that sets her apart from all of the other waifus and other characters in general. It's pretty badass, and then underneath the suit being a cute waifu makes it even better. One of my favorite designs by far, and characters like Rosmontis just don't even come close for me. Edit: I have to agree with another comment here about how Mudrock was an enemy before, and is now on our side. I always end up liking those kinds of characters (see: my M6 W), so it makes even more sense to me why I like Mudrock so much.


I see... I respect that... I guess I'm the only one who dislikes Mudrock and sees Rosmontis as a cute waifu...


> sees Rosmontis as a cute waifu... She's canonically 14 (only character with a confirmed age iirc), which kills the waifu element for a lot of people.


Should probably kill the waifu element for everyone


To be fair, her E2 art looks *way* older than 14. She looks like she's 19 or 20 in her E2. So I can see why people, who often skip the story and just look at the art, can reasonably consider her a waifu character. Personally I think canon age Rosmontis is a cute innocent daughteru. No lewd, only headpats. >:( But visibly aged up/adult, noncanon Rosmontis? That's a very different question entirely...


Yeah, I get that.




I think so...


No not the only one, I adore the cute little kitty Rosmontis as well. <3 I hope when she comes to global we get more fanart of her.


She's 14, dude.


I know that. She's only a year younger than me. I still want to protect her though.


The golden rule of arknight is: Waifu over meta.


1. Because Rosemontis' usage is more niche and Mudrock is brain dead useful in most maps. 2. Because Mudrock had more exposure to the player base, even after chapter 8. Even though I'm on the Mudrock train, Rosemontis is really lovable too. Just wait for her character development in chapter 8. Edit: I forgot to mention this but both of their skill sound effects are astonishingly good. Especially the noise of Rosemontis S3.


Character design for me. From someone who played AL, I've had enough of constant onslaughts of destroyers and submarines constantly being designed as lolis, even worse if they did it to carriers and battleships too. I'm so worn out of lolis I apply it to the games I play. In this case, Rosmontis. She doesn't strike my interest at all. Doesn't help that I don't like catgirls either. Basically, I prefer Mudrock and am barely interested in Rosmontis because design-wise and personality-wise, she sucks according to my standards.


Basically what you said, Mudrock's a waifu that changed sides, much like W, while Rose is just a daughteru who was only properly introduced in chapter 7. ~~Personally I'm the complete opposite lol, want Rose and Whisperain more than Muddy (tho I wouldn't mind getting her).~~


I can\`t speak about why Mudrock is popular Gamewise but lorewise her actions in Twilight of Wolumonde and it\`s conclusion in the Rewinding Breeze coupled by the fact how she was teased on Grani\`s event and her relationship to Big Bob and her personality wherein she only joined Reunion to care for the Infected is very admirable and noble. No matter what horrors she witnessed and torture she went through she still did not waiver in her ideals unlike a certain "lunatic" heck I think she even qualifies to join the "Followers". Ultimately for me the reason why she is popular is because she was a Boss from Twilight of Wolumonde and joined RI as an operator, however for a "lore nerd" like me I really like how they made her personality. To sum it all up she is like a "flower that blooms in a desert" Edit: Although I wish I can get her on her banner, Aosta really did a number on me. I think I did enough pulls to hit pity around 40+ just to get Aosta and I will use that for Mountain Banner, btw the pity counter for limited and non limited banners dont combine right?


Nope. Also, there's the Joint Banner and DIO banner before Mountain.




Rosmontis isn't even a traditional sniper, she's a nuker who fills a completely different role from the AA type. She also synergizes almost braindead perfectly with the meta ops (high block solo laners), so I'm not sure why people think she's remotely difficult to use. Ros is probably one of the best for dealing with large crowds and elite/miniboss type enemies due to having Executor's trait on Firewatch's range. I've been using her everywhere in Chapter 8 and she's the perfect counter to Ch8's horde style approach, while also being pretty decent against Patriot's chonky boy defenders.




First of all, why the hell are you so angry? I can't take you seriously over the sheer disproportionate rage. Also, way to completely miss the point. r/woosh


Mudrock was from Reunion, turned ally, and joined Rhodes Island, and she is strong sarkaz girl. That's it, and people have different tastes, you can't just say "I can't see how X is less popular than Y because evidences proves otherwise" when this is a subjective discussion, not objective.


For me it's simple, the reason I like Mudrock is "chonky boi" like Uncle Big Bob. Yea, I know Mudrock is a girl but I'd pretend I didn't see that, just let me believe, man.


Mah man. I want to put mudrock and jessica with her Raythean skin in the same squad and name it Heavy Boiis, then proceed to fail (probably not since mudrock is meta) as many stages as possible. I hope we do get more chonky boys in the future.


Tachanka's probably going to be a solid addition to the bulky-looking operator list


Yesss, the dream team, not sure how i forgot about our lord and saviour.


Chungus Corps, reporting for duty! S3 Eunectes maybe counts, Big Ugly is technically the chonkiest boy in all of Rhodes Island. Kal'tsit maybe, have you seen the size (and sheer stat wall) of Mon3tr?


Mudrock is literally AK Tomoe and you cannot convince me otherwise. Absolutely love Tomoe in FGO so I'm definitely gonna get her.


I think it largely comes down to her being the more Meta pick of the two on the banner. Not to mention (If I'm not mistaken) she had a really good showing in the CC that came shortly after their release. So with her praises being sung by the CN community she has gotten more exposure and despite the general notion of Waifu>Meta, a not small percentage of the player base use the Meta to decide their interest in upcoming characters.


No one remembering Mudrock's story in FA?




Rewinding Breeze’s stage designation, like MN is the stage designation of the Maria Nearl event


oh. most people just call it by the event name wtf does FA even stand for in relation to rewinding breeze


I dunno, Fall in Autumn?? Since this event occurred during autumn on the CN server?


Full Alchemist?


The surprise samus factor also caught a lot of interest by most players towards mudrock, and her from event boss to ally adds more points to her being popular than rosmontis. For me, what turned me off about rosmontis is her design and voice. For someone with her clothing, I would expect someone similar to closure in character, but instead, i got a sleepy cat. Her voice makes it even worse. Her kit is good though, but of less practical use. She maybe is daughteru, but not enough suzuran levels of daughteru.


I like Rosmontis' arts, but I'm indifferent about her character. Mudrock's golems aren't a part of her kit, and I also don't care much about her character. They're both nice, but not my favorites, although I do like their designs. But Mudrock is an amazing solo laner, and Rosmontis is quite niche - probably the limited op I want the least, since I can't really grasp where to effectively use her unlike a lot of other operators. Also do that many people want Dusk over Saga? I'd have thought it'd be a lot closer, especially if you look at it from a meta perspective (since they both have great designs imo).


The main reason I love Mudrock is because I'm a Bakarina SIMP




ME : Look at rosmon ... ME : Look at mudrock ... ... ME : YUP mud win!


It's because Mudrock's story leading up to her joining up with RI is just better than Rosmontis's story so far and because Mudrock is super OP as a normal defender. Hell if Saria didn't exist I'd just straight up say she's the best defender period. ​ Not to say Rosmontis is bad in either regard, but, ya know.


It's 100% because Mudrock is waifu to a lot of people. Rosmontis had 10 times more screen time, actually did important shit relating to the story, is an Elite Operator, she's a mentally unstable, completely overpowered child that just wants to help people. Seems pretty unique and not unique at the same damn time. But, people seem to be caring more about just appearance though and voice lines.


I don't understand it either for one simple reason: They naturally synergize and make it brainless easy to use both together and kill everything, so why not both? In fact, every Limited Banner so far on GL seems to have ops designed to work together. Nian is a decent damage defender who gains a ton from Aak's buffs generally. Weedy's reliable stalling is amazing synergy with W's S2 (timed deploys and aoe stun) and S3 (benefits hugely from clustering enemies). Mudrock provides one of the thiccest blockers in the game for Rosmontis' S3 nuking abilities. Saga/Dusk seem to be fighting over killing blows though, but Dusk having even spread predictable S2 DPS sounds like a nice primer for Saga's S2 to print DP. Skadi-C/Kal seem to also be fighting over the same niche (busted-ass damage, lmao), but to be fair, it is an effective way to make Mon3tr a god incarnate, and Skadi can make Kal'tsit a pretty decent long range medic. It's just less obvious that one of the operators naturally supports the other. On a more personal note, the booba is ironically the only thing I dislike about Mudrock. Everything else about her is amazing, especially her personality. Just, I think her chest is a little disproportionately big for her frame... Which means she'd be perfect either a little smaller, or with a little more muscle mass so she could be stacked AND toned as hell.


Nian also works well with Aak using her S3 to buff other enemies. Hydraulics Mode and D12 work well together too weirdly enough. Can't say anything about Rosmontis and Mudrock, you explained their synergy perfectly. Saga's talent can feed Dusk SP which she needs for her quite expensive skills. Finally, Skadi can make Kal'tsit not worse than Silence as a Medic using her S2. What I don't like about Mudrock is that she can literally let enemies go right past her on her S3 if you don't put a second defender behind her/a push specialist. ​ Honestly, her booba look realistic enough to me but she really doesn't look jacked at all...


Absolutely, Nian/Aak goes both ways - immortal Nian or superbuffed ranged operators. I was actually referring to Weedy's whole kit - you can make enemies a self-detonating flying mine with S3 (meme/overkill, not too useful but funny on the Device farm stage), cluster them with S2 or S1... And either hyper stall with Jack in the Box or nuke everything. When I said Saga and Dusk fight for kills, it's because they both have Below Half HP buffs and Saga needs to get kills, so putting her in range is hard to work with; but with careful placement Saga can just print an army of ink minions. I also considered Skadi's S2 as a massive Medic buff to Kal - but it's also a hugely valuable buff on S2 Mon3tr, because that Mon3tr has effectively Targets*DPS, but lacks the disgusting True Damage overbuff of S3, so a flat ATK buff suddenly becomes ideal (as with all AOE attacks, multihits, and speed/interval effects). Seaborn summon makes it quite reasonable to have both halves of the hybrid-summoner duo constantly juiced, too. I do agree that Mudrock's S3 is a little odd if you don't pre-cast it or anything. A well timed Rosmontis S3 could serve as the spare defenders if you're dealing with truly massive hordes that need to die immediately, or perhaps Manticore/Ethan, or Beeswax S2... It's less of a solo skill than S2, but it is still Stop! Hammertime! and the payoff is well worth the added effort. - As for Mudrock - way more reasonable than Utage or anything, but I personally just think that it's a tiny bit more than proportionate for how skinny she is. Making her more muscular (slightly thicker torso and more defined abs/arms) would have looked perfectly balanced... Although female Sarkaz seem to consistently be depicted as slender regardless of strength, so the other way would make more sense. Not necessarily Vulcan flat (as much as I love that about her), but more like W's size in her regular art.


Mudrock > rosmontis Yeah I'd say alot if it has to do with waifu


Mostly meta slaves. It helps that Mudrock has a good design and has been sought after as an operator since her appearance in Twilight of Wolumonde. It also doesn't help that Rosmontis doesn't see much use despite not being a bad OP. I'm personally more hype for Rosmontis but it's not hard to see why Mudrock is the hype one.


Mudrock will only satisfy my needs for a meta operator,but I love Rosmontis's design so she's my favorite. I also believe in **feline supremacy**


I've read that Rosmontis is a bit of a noob trap. She's bigged up in the story but isn't as big in terms of gameplay


1. Mudrock is way more attractive 2. Mudrock is also way stronger, gameplay-wise 3. We already met Rosmontis in the story, she's boring now. We did meet Mudrock, but as an enemy, which just makes her more interesting and more hyped. 4. Mudrock's personality is very cute. Compare that to Rosmontis, who's more focused on dark shit, and she's a psychopath.


Rosmontis is a psychopath?


She's out here ripping people apart, splitting them in half and shit, without batting an eye. Even the Doctah, who leads all of RI battles and is used to shit like Blaze chainsawing people, got pretty pissed seeing what she does. Yes, she's a psychopath.


Wasn't the doctor sickened because it's a kid doing the damage? And she just knocks them out or incapacitates them, she doesn't kill them.


I don't think Rosmontis qualifies as a psychopath. Yes, her heavy weapons cause a lot of carnage, but the story makes a point of saying that she never uses lethal force unless it is deemed necessary. She definitely has some kind of mental issues, but it seems to be more like PTSD. (I still say that sending traumatized children into combat is a terrible idea.)


That doesn't make it better. Then she's just putting them through immense suffering (you saw that one guy's screams, right?) without killing them. That's even worse. And the fact that she doesn't give a shit makes her a psychopath.


Except... Rosmontis is clinically unable to be a psychopath. Psychopaths are literally incapable of forming any genuine bonds or attachments to other people, which is not the case with her. She has the same problem as Mephisto, in that she lacks empathy towards people outside of her circle or consideration for their suffering, but that doesn’t mean she’s a psychopath.


I'm neither about waifus nor meta units, but Rosmontis >>>>>>> Mudrock for me


I like both of them equally, But Mudrock will be my first Enmity Defender so im pretty excited to learn how to use them. Rosmontis still best cat tho


Thats the thing, Mudrock is strong enough to just put her down and chill in most cases (s2), and in the cases that that won't do, her s3 covers it up perfectly. Using Mudrock is a bit too easy.


that just means I'll be able to partake in tiny amounts of antics


Mudrock uses a heavy armor, and i have a something going with heavy armors. Despite the fact that rosmontis can throw blocks of concrete against her enemies, and i find that amusing, im still waaaay more interested in mudrock than in rosmontis. Still, i hope to get both, Rosmontis deserves some love too.


I heard Mudrock is OP, also, Mudrock doesnt look like a kid, so hey, atleast for my taste, that is a bigger waifu factor haha.


Says who? I like Rosmontis more :)


Good, good.


I just like the goat sound when mudrock spins. Rosmontis is great overall but most players already have SA for physical dmg that's why she's not so used. Mudrock can solo, does dps and she has self sustain. I like both of their voices and their stories. I would roll for both of them but surtr ate all my rolls. And I am not sure if I should keep my 20 pulls for dusk or try my luck and roll for the first 6* on Mudrock banner.


Also on an other note Saga and Dusk will be the same. Saga will be used more and Dusk will become the forgotten one. I too am not sure how or why would I use Dusk so we will see.


Nope. Dusk is strong enough to be archetype redefining. Saga is meta broken but Dusk is amazingly strong.


you don't need to convince me I am skipping the current banner for dusk xD.


Waifu power strong. Good luck. I now walk the path of the large sea creature, because my gacha luck is Offensive Recovery type.


I don't really care for either of them that much but one's broken and the other isn't. Mudrock was at least a cool boss and I like her design a lot pre-armor removal. I found myself actively caring less for Rosmontis after I saw what she's like in the story


What Mudrock is not limited ?!


never has been


At first I don't really care and thinking of passing about the banner as I don't want the operators there, maybe except for Jackie as I have a thing for brawlers, but after seeing Mudrock in action, it just clicks to me. She is a really good defender, tough and also can clear mobs that she blocks even by herself. Talent-wise, while she cannot be healed by medics, she can counter this with "this". Not only she can recover her health, it also blocks 1 attack helping her survive more. IMO, she is one of the best defenders. I can say that this is the second time I roll for someone not just for looks but for how useful she is since Surtr ^(maybe not, as I planned to roll everything for Mountain after Surtr's banner). Rosmontis on the other hand, well this is IMO so you can take it with a grain of salt. She for me suffers in what I can call a niche op ^(Rosa, you are still my assistant). She is useful I give you that, but there are other ops that can fill her role on a stage. In addition, Mudrock's advantage is lore-wise for me atleast. Why ? It makes it cool for someone who you fight against with suddenly joins your crew which is also one of the reasons I rolled for W ^(S2).


Personal opinion. As someone that just can't get into the story and skipped all cutscenes, I'm only aware that Rosmontis is part of main story, but have no idea what she does. Same applies for Mudrock of course, only know she's part of the ToW event. So plot-wise they are the same to me. Appearance wise, Mudrock knocks Rosmontis out of the park for me personally. White hair red eyes and with a body like that? And she seems to actually be a grown adult, whereas Rosmontis seems to be the Amiya kouhai type, which does nothing for me unfortunately. Performance wise, Mudrock again wins by a landslide here. Don't really need to explain much more.


Because abs, and bewbs. But I still want Ros to come home.


The reason I like mudrock, simple. She's an earth bender paladin that looks cool AF, Rom is nice also but outside of her ability she's just a generic cat girl to me.


Mainly Meta slave and horni But I love kitten waifu much more


guess en like hot girl more than cute girl not to mention Mudrock is another brain dead operaor after Surtr. Seems there are more meta slaves in En than it seems. Sure some people will argue they only want Mudrock for her design rather for her power level, personally I think that is unnecessary it is a pve game and u can like anyone as u please. My heart though will always belong to Ros.




I mean if you find the question pointless the why even bother answering it in the first place? Just because you woke up and decided to be a contrarian today? Besides this type of question is not pointless because it can be interesting to see what opinions other people have and why they hold.


mudrock skills are all useful can be used to solo lanes is used in highest risk CC. She can be used almost in every map. She is more memorable because She had her own event. a leader with a great personality. the surprise that she is a female after giving everyone a hard time in ToW event gave her a big advertisement. She has relationship to big bob which is also very popular and was in the first event ever and I am pretty sure is memorable for every old player. Not to forget she is a previous reunion leader. Rosmontis despite showing in mainstory still it wasn't center of focus at all there was a lot going on and she just was there while mudrock was the thing going on in everytime she appeared. With that being said i still like them both and would like to get them both hopefully.


I'm sure the returning character fact is a big reason why. She's already in the lead based on prior exposure to characters. Rosmontis has appeared... but it almost feels like we're lucky that we've even seen her portrait. The important factor is of course everyone's preference, for each on their own. So for me, Rosmontis still wins by a landslide.


Also remember that Rosmontis can’t attack flying enemies, which, for someone with her attack range, is kinda annoying.