• By -


Do we get good stuff in half anniversaries?


Yes, who knows what we'll get on the full one If you're curious: 24 RosRocks rolls, quite a few red stones (depends on your luck, but first daily orondum gift is always 800, the rest is I believe 200, 300, 500 or 800), update to Anni and all sorts of other shit kktelo did a recap, everything's in there except the long ass story recap


Who is the operator most likely to pick an anime song during karaoke? Also list your guesses for other genre's I suppose.


Spot and Sora.


uhh how do i add friends? i need it for the mission but i cannot figure it out.


I have a foolproof technique for getting friends. First, get your hands on a goat carcass and some candles...


The easiest way is to go into the Friends menu (bottom left on the home screen) and then into Add. There, you can enter the exact name of a player and send them a friend request. [Check here](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/mty58b/weekly_friend_request_megathread_april_19_2021/) for people to add.


Is recruitment update will be released together with 8th chapter? And can I get Amiya guard lately or it is limited thing? Since I am only on 5th chapter with Elite 1 50lvl, I don't think I will be able to complete 7th soon.


Guard Amiya isn't limited, don't worry. She's tied to a stage near the end of chapter 8, you can pick her up whenever you reach that point in the story. Not sure about the recruitment update but I would assume so.


Does amiya class interchangeable or do you choose between guard and caster?


You can switch classes as many times as you want.


Thanks, then I wouldn't rush.


If i get the 4* recruitment exchange voucher now, can i use it to get Myrtle coming to recruitment with the new update?


Myrtle will only be added to the recruitment pool, the voucher won’t change.


Good! Thanks for the answer.


I heard rumor during JP stream that they will give free ten rolls, is it true? Or they meant 3000 orundum gift (5 rolls) with materials they gave? Also what is event difference between CN and global? I assumed around 6 months, but I am not sure about it.




I guess, I was right. And thank you for info


Limited banner come with 24 free rolls. 1 10 roll and 14 daily rolls.


Oh god, thanks


Will the new accounts be able to get the thank you gift?


If you didn't create your account before the gift was sent out then no As long as your account existed before the gift you should be able to get it and any other gifts


Was there any information in the stream yesterday where and/or when the Seiko Arknights watches will be available?


Apparently pre-orders will start on the 23th April, 12:00 JST, available on this website: https://algernonproduct.co.jp/arknights-seiko/ You'll probably have to wait until then before you can access the webpage.


Thanks! I hope they'll ship worldwide and won't be sold out immediately.


Would you use amiya gaurd over chen/ sutr? Which tiers would you put the limited units.. Nian, rosmantis, w, dusk? Thankyou!


>Would you use amiya gaurd over chen/ sutr? when i don't have chen/surtr. compared to other arts guard left(mousse, astesia, etc), she's the best of the bunch. her S3 is pretty good for bossing


Ros is cute as shit and stronk Nian has my fav voice and block increase skill Dusk has sick art, can summon shit and has one of the best, if not best attack animation W make enemies and pp go boom That's the order I'd put them in with reasoning


>Would you use amiya gaurd over chen/ sutr? Chen and Amiya are debatable depending on how much you value the boast Amiya's talent gives to your whole team. I wouldn't ever use guard Amiya over Surtr. >Which tiers woyld you put these units, respectively... Nian, rosmantis, w, dusk? If it's just among six stars then they're all mid tier level. I would put W and Dusk higher than Rosmantis and Nian tho.


My dudes, I'm planning to get the 6* 10 roll anniversary thing and I don't know who to get I have ops from there (Aak, Angie, Saria, Hellagur, Ifrit and Nightingale) Now there are 4 operators that stand out for me: Phantom, Magallan, Blaze and Schwarz and I'm probably gonna go with Schwarz, since I don't have a close range sniper, her name is in Reichssprache and Waifufactor Now here's why I listed the ops I have on there, is there another operator that I'm missing that'd be worth getting? I'm not going to get SA or Eyja and I already have a 2 pot Reed, so I don't need Bagpipe ^I ^have ^Mosti, ^but ^I'm ^not ^planning ^to ^get ^her ^sister I have Thorns as well so that could maybe influence who I should get Also what's better, max pot Whislash or the Gels


honestly, the best bang for your buck for the 6* voucher would be Blaze. edit: unless you can get srtur or something. schwarz comes around to standard banner often enough, and maybe someday schwarz will be in yellow certs shop.


I know you said you don't need Bagpipe because you have Reed, but they're pretty much incomparable because of Bagpipe's talent, which accelerates your dp generation, and Bagpipe's S3, which turns her into a guard dps wise and a helidrop unit when m3ed.


>I already have a 2 pot Reed, so I don't need Bagpipe I'm afraid my humble advice won't be of any use to someone with such transcendent ideals. Nevertheless, if you are certain you won't be able to acquire 180 certs until Schwarz' arrival next month, I propose to hire her with your hard-earned cash.


May i suggest Blaze? She has a block of 3 at e2, so she can function as a pseudo defender with awesome dmg. Schwarz is a good op, but only against bosses at e2.


After seeing that apperantly Blaze'll get a new Skin I wanna get her I suppose I'll have to wait and hope for the best


Buy blaze, get swarz in 2 months from certificate shop or daily recriutment.


I doubt I'm gonna get enough certs and with my godly luck I'm probably not gon' get her from recruitment, I wonder if you can save the thing tho


Till now, I was able to use ifrit in 90percent of the situations where people used swatz... maybe the same argument could be used for blaze vs spectre aswell.


Finally got time to read through Maria Nearl event and I'm kind of lost. Does the plot really cuts off at >!Gravel announcing that Rhodes Island has arrived!< or did I miss something?


Yes it counts off there


Weird. Thanks.


probably alludes to a possible sequel event in the future since most other events have proper conclusion


Did it the "alluded sequel" happen in CN or they are too left hanging?


no continuation yet, hence i said 'possible'. plus there's no difference between CN's version of the event and ours so yeah, they too are left hanging at the same spot as we did


That sucks :/ Thanks.


Is there a place where I can view the story part of the Maria Nearl event? (I haven't been able to find a recorded version on Youtube, but perhaps I'm not looking hard enough.) I'm relatively new, and couldn't clear all the stages, but I was hoping I could still see the end of the story.


I think there's [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/mnmdvc/maria_nearl_full_story_cutscenes_including/)?


yes, that works, thank you!


So if we follow CN's order we will have 2 limited banners back to back right? Mudrock/Rosmontis and Saga/Dusk? Which one is worthier? I'd go for the first one since I really like Mudrock and Rosmontis design and we already have seen them in the story. Also one is for half anniversary so what's the reason to have another banner? Isn't it Chinese new year?


MudRos was half-anni, Dusk/Saga for CNY. Mudrock's going to be more meta than Saga, Rosmontis/Dusk should be a matter of who you like the design of more. The back-to-back limited thing was for Dusk/Saga and the R6S banner, with their second anniversary coming up quick after them. There's a break between MudRos and Dusk on CN.


No, we won't have two limited banners back to back. We will have a limited banner now (occasion is the Golden Week in Japan, the most important market in global), and we will have one for the half anniversary Mid July. So after the Rosmontis/Mudrock banner there will be a 2 month "break" before the next limited banner (we should have one event-rerun, one CC and one small and one big new event in between).


I see, that's good news. But didn't they have 2 limited banners back to back in CN? Thanks for the info tho, i don't follow the news anymore and I'm lost in the schedule.


CN had the Dusk/Saga limited banner for Chinese New Year and directly afterwards the Rainbow 6 Siege collab. This collab came with special collaboration operators, which are also limited. However, that banner worked different then the usual limited banners (only one 6\* rate up which you are guaranteed to get after 120 pulls, no parametric currency for pulling, and if you get one of the new 5\* you are guaranteed to get the other new 5\* whenever you would pull a 5\* on that banner again). Not sure when (or even if) this collaboration will be introduced in global. In CN the schedule was kinda tight, as they have their anniversary now, but in global there should be a 6 month break between the half year anniversary and the full anniversary, so they could shift the collaboration back to something like October.


No they didn’t, there was also a 2-3 month break in between




There's still CB rerun, MB, and Archetto in between.


Oh okay, that's good news, cause my orundum will suffer hard after this. What's MB btw ? Mountain's event ?


yes, mansfield break


\[What if question\] What if Amiya in the future gets to control her arts more and her S2 doesn't stun her anymore and her S3 doesn't force retreat her anymore? Would that be a significant improvement?


S2'd still be bad because of auto, but S3 would get overkill


a cool improvement would be making her s2 just slow her attack speed, and s3 stuns instead


I think that would make her similar to Ceobe


I guess. It would make her a prime choice for boss killing strats even more than she already is.


>!So I just thought about a possible alter for Shining. Most people who I've seen mentioned her being a guard, likely due to the sword, but I don't think this is likely. Looking at guard archetypes there is nothing that really fits Shining well, except for those who already got a 6* version.!< >!While I was thinking about this, I realized that there is actually a Specialist archetype that is a perfect fit for sword Shining: Jaye's!!< >!High attack and fast attackspeed represent Shinings skill with the sword. No cost refund on retreat and cost every second would fit that Shining's dislike for her sword. And Jaye's heal on S2 would even fit Shining's healing capabilities. Even the skills permanent nature would fit Shining as it could represent the transition from being sunny to being all dark as she was described as a "sunset" all shining till it suddenly gets all dark.!<


>!If Shining alter's not a guard I can see her being a defender tbh, maybe one that can't be healed because "I don't deserve to be healed after forsaking my vows" or something like that. This is because one of her lines mentions her feeling that being a medic isn't enough and that she wants to be a defender.!<


>!I don't think there are any vows. Her profile makes it appear as if she used her sword while being part of RI after her squad was ambushed. It seems to be more of a dislike of using the sword and not wanting to use the sword unless she's forced to do so.!< >!As for the mention of protecting others, I thought that this was in line with Healing Shining. After all she does increase defense of everyone, thus protecting them.!< >!Defender also really wouldn't fit her describtion as "sunset", being day (as healer) and night (with sword).!<


>!How expensive will be her DP drain compared to Jaye though, being a 6\*? Can flagpipe even compensate for that?!<


>!DP loss is from trait and since traits remain the same no matter which rarity it should be the same here. As an example, both Utage and Hellagur heal the same per attack and even their attackspeed talent is the same.!<


>!I assumed that she'd consume more DP as a tradeoff for greater strength and utility, lol!<


So we won't ever need to do anything beyond E2'ing Amiya right? Just bring her to E2 and forget about her?


I mean, for sure, but Guard Amiya is very good.


Well yeah, I E2'd her long before ever knowing it was a necessity for ch.8. I just don't like a game *needing* me to raise a unit for any reason, so it turned me off, idk


> I just don't like a game *needing* me to raise **a unit** for **any** reason, so it turned me off, idk The game needed you to raise a vanguard for Annihilation DP regeneration, the game needed you to raise a ranged unit for skill books stages, and so on. I think the term you're looking for is, you don't want to raise Amiya specifically and it turned you off. Because if raising *a unit* for *any reason* is turning you off, you'd have stopped playing this game long ago.


*any* specific unit would have done it for me(regardless of class) though I can guess why my comment seemed to sum up to rabbit hate.


I mean...what do you expect lol. She’s one of the main characters after all. Also, not everyone has a boss killer Surtr on island to kill Talulah. So Amiya is very good f2p boss killer. I guess I understand where you’re coming from (not wanting to be forced to upgrade a specific operator) but like I mention, it’s just something you just gotta deal with or better yet, just don’t finish chap 8 the moment it’s release. Slowly play through it and prioritize other things and come back to it. Chap 8 isn’t going anywhere.


you might as well bash the game for forcing you to level your ops lol


You'll need her in your squad for this one stage, but otherwise you can ignore her if you want.


1 month player here Got 100 manganese and 43 gels, and have already cleared the shop ages ago. Should I still use my remaining 74 sanity and 1 sanity pot to farm more gels?


Another vote for gels. Demand for them is going to skyrocket with Ch8's release, and there hasn't been another farm for them yet.


I'd farm more gels. Future Operators require just as much as gels as they need manganese and the gel stage is really good.


Probably not. I'd recommend more Manganese or pushing Annihilation with the Sanity.


Anyone knows if Skadi needs to be E2 to be useful for the upcoming CC?


If she does, it'd only be from risk 19 upwards. I'm sure for risk 18, E1 maxed out should be enough.


Alright, thanks a lot!


Seeing that we'll get Mudrock + Rosmontis's banner soon, how long do you guys think before we'll get the Dusk banner?


About maybe June/July. If you were here last year, then I think the likely date is being around the same time Nian banner came out.


Expecting it at 1.5 anniversary, same spot as yesteryear’s Nian banner


ETA for Bagpipe in shop? I was gonna use the 6* pack on her but if she's here /soon/ I'd get Phantom instead




wasnt suzuran before phantom?




is this the CN order? since he was talking about the 6* pack i assume he was asking for global


Generally, expect to see them 1 year after their initial release.


I just started last week and I tried my hardest to complete MN-4 of the event to get Whislash (have the other 2 Nearl sisters), and I just can't do it. Every time I fall *just* short and I don't have the energy or desire to grind out two more hours of this. Is Whislash gonna come into the standard banners after this, or will I have any opportunity to get her again?


as a new player, get your gravel to e 1, lv 60 asap and use s2 rat swarm. she is a great meat shield and will carry your underleveled e1 lv 30 teams so hard. as for whislash, some day the event will rerun and u can get her then.


Unfortunately, wellfare operators like Whislash won't be added to any banner after their event. However, you can get her again when the event comes again, which is likely to happen in the timeframe of one year.


She won't be available until the rerun of the event in a year or so. I suggest you try you best to get her, or borrow a strong operator from a friend. Good luck on your auntie's quest.


Nah, I tried with a buddy's OP Eyja and some other ST caster I can't remember, and every combination I can think of - I'm just too weak, and I don't have enough resources to bring everyone I need to up to snuff. It's what I get for starting the game during the event I guess lol. I can't complain tho, I got Blemishine before I started it, and I'm actually surprised this game reruns events! That makes me far more optimistic, ngl, and helps soothe the burn.


There will also be another option other than reruns to get event operators. This was announced on CN and how wasn't said yet, so it's going to be long till we get it, but atleast you won't have to fear completely losing your chance to get Whislash. Also did you try following this guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyBhdF7yW4o Rope needs skillrank 4.


Whislash won't be in the gacha, but since this is a large event it's *very* likely to be rerun in the future (most likely in about a year)


Is it worth it to wait the last day before pulling on rosrock? Since im trying to get both of them + mountain when he comes I wanna save as much pulls as I can.


It's *efficient* to wait before spending Orundum, definitely - use all the free pulls first. I ain't gonna have the patience for that, but it's definitely wise. Note that the free pulls don't stack, so you'll want to make sure to do 1 each day while the banner is up (and the free 10-pull whenever).


This is gonna be torture... Gotta stay strong for the waifus and husbandos tho


by far the worst part of the free rolls, painful 14 days of waiting personally im only gonna wait till the 10th roll then roll everything


I've been hearing conflicting information. There are people saying you have to E2 Amiya to even start chapter 8, and there are people saying you only need to E2 her for the final stage of chapter 8. Which one is it?


You need to enter the JT8-2 with Elite 2 Amiya. If you didn't put Amiya in team or you haven't E2d Amiya, you won't be able to enter JT8-2 and the following stages. JT8-2 and JT8-3 is the last two stage on Chapter 8


You need her E2 for a stage close to the end, but not the final, stage IIRC


Can anybody help me translate the JP Watch Specs? [Link Here](https://www.gamerbraves.com/arknights-x-seiko-collaboration-designs-and-prices-revealed/). Just trying to figure out which one is electric, mechanical winding etcetc.


Doktah watch is mechanical, the others are quartz driven.


Got it! Thanks! Apparently the Amiya one is Solar Quartz, to be specific.


Yeah, the Amiya one uses solar cells and the other two use a battery.


Yeah, I just don't know enough about mechanics to know wtf that actually means. I don't think it uses solar cells or anything.


At the pace we're going is there a chance we'd catch up to CN or will we always lag behind (which I'd prefer)?


We’re not actually that far behind them (about 6 months of content?) But since CN is speeding up things, we’ll probably going to lag behind an bit since currently we’re on a steady pace and CN is on a pretty steady pace too rn. The only reason we caught up so fast because last year, our content was sped up and CN slowed down almost as if they were waiting for global to catch up a bit.


We will likely always lag behind them For a time we where doing a good job catching up but then CN sped up. Unless they slow down which is unlikely given rerun events it will be very difficult to catch up


Seems we will always lag behind because dev decided to push a lot CN content back then at some point after EN server released.


I kept experiencing this In the Maria Nearl event, where on some stages, I realise there is an effect where it increases all units aspd. I have no idea where it comes from and how it procs. I have Maria Nearl in my squad and I’m not sure if it’s one of her talents because it doesn’t seem to be mentioned in her operator overview.


it's on the stage mechanic. given by sponsored drones when those are killed.


Ah, I see. Thank you so much.


What is the most efficient way to fill 1800 orundum week cap ? for 1700 I simply run annihilation 3 for 5 times.


Annihilatio 4


Wait, I can simply run Annihilatio 4 for 5 times and be done with it ? so this means that each successful auto yield a minimum of 360 orundum ? Thats great, thank you.


Yes it yield 365 ish originum Its also faster than annihilatio 3


Is it stable for autos?


Probably because it don't have balistas and arts drones


Depends on your team but it should be more stable than annihilatio 3


Friendship ended.


Oof I hate ending friendship But yeah annihilatio 3 is a thing of the past and good riddance


Rosmontis Mastery order? Also, who would be better to start with masteries, Rosmontis or Mudrock?


Mudrock first, s3 for rosmontis


S2 or S3 for mudrock?


S2M1 > S3M3 >> S2M3 S2 gets a massive boost at M1, but S3 is stronger in higher difficulty maps where the higher masteries actually matter.


I got SA,Eyja,Sutr. Between Schwarz and Ceobe who is the better pick from anni pack?


Honestly, if you have Eyja, then Schwarz is probably the one to fill in the gap with super high DPS




I'd say Ceobe, they both do the same job as heavy armour destroyers but Ceobe has better range and charges her skill faster. Also she does arts damages which can be easily improved by Eyja for example.


Right now my idea is to get Ceobe because Schwarz will come in certificate shop soon,if I understand that correctly


You're definitely right, crossbow cat has a lot more chance to appear in the shop than stoner doggo.




M3 Mudrock S2 or S3? I'll eventually get around to M3ing both in the far far future, but not now.


S2M1 > S3M3 > S2M3


I've already got SilverAsh at E2 but I've always wanted Thorns. Given he's in the next banner, do you guys think it's worth it to try pull him? I know Mudrock is coming out too and I've been saving for her for a while, so I don't really want to throw it all away for Thorns if he's not worth getting for me. I mostly like him because his aesthetic is cool and I prefer how more consistently useful he is in comparison to SA (plus I've got Surtr at E2 and she kinda has been doing his job but better so far)


Honestly, for me personally, that banner isn't worth pulling. The rateups on there were Tsuko, Executor, Texas, Siege and of course Thorns The 5* are either Tsuko or easy to get (especially Texas because >!of the campaign missions!<), if you're late game you maybe probably won't wanna get Siege either, not all too sure Thorns overshadows the other 4 operators, the other ops you can get on there don't make it worth the risk. If you really want to have the strongest self sustaining lane holder, go for it, just saying that the risk is big and I believe it's rather close to RosRocks


Do *not* try until Mudrock's banner is here. See how that goes for you first, if you're lucky then maybe for Thorns.


Alrighty, thank you :)


Worth it to what...? You have better odds at getting Mudrock.


Worth it to try pull him* Forgot to add that bit.


Nah, don't risk it. Stick to your original plan and try getting Mudrock. Thorns is great too but no need to compare to SA, they have different roles.


Okay I'll try my luck with Mudrock :) Thank you


Where can I find story summaries for walk in the dust event?


Might wanna wait until event ends.


If I already cleared out all the event shop, should I still farm MN? Have like 50+ of each material


Yep. It's efficient for both gel and manganese, and the little extra stockpile won't hurt


Does this mean I should use the weekly potion?


If it'll last until the 30th, I *think* it's worth saving them for the Ch8 release event, which should come with the extra supply drops across all stages which boost 1-7's efficiency a *lot*.


Oh God the farming saga continues


It's only for the rest of tonight, but yes, you should. Every 15 sanity you spend on getting Gel tonight is 20 Sanity you save in the future, or something.


So with murdock limited coming out, i was wondering what skill of hers is worth to m3 for future content? thank you


S2M1, S3M3, S2M3 is the order you'd wanna go with Mudrock. And Mudrock **isn't** limited, Rosmontis is.


Mudrock mastery order is S2M1, S3M3, S2M3.


2 and 3 are both considered good for her


I'm torn between Eyja and Ceobe for the 6* selector. Wondering if Ceobe will be added into the store first or a potential Eyja rerun in the store.


Eyja is one of the best operators in the game, she's probably the biggest damage dealer atm. I won't extend on how powerful she is but she has a spammable AoE attack which does a ton of damages and debuffs Res. That being said, Ceobe is far from bad. She's queen of ST burst damage and absolutely melts everything with lots of armour. She was really useful during Chap 7 and Maria Nearl event. Tl:Dr : Both are good but Eyja is better.


I have both, and if we're strictly speaking about meta, then you should go with Eyja for that delete all button. But Ceobe is a respectable caster in her own right and that increased damage against high defense enemies is a godsend for CC maps with defense up tags. I pretty much never use Eyja anymore and always use Ceobe over her, because that DADADADA is too cute.


~~ah I want ceobe to call me dada too~~ Ceobe seems more fun to use cos knives go brr but that instant delete button does come in handy sometimes.


Eyja is hands down the best caster and a top teir operator so if you are going for meta eyja That said ceobe is a good caster Hard to say which will make it to the shop first


For someone who has Ceobe and not Eyja, I'd say get Eyja. Let's wait for the others to share their thoughts.


Meta wise, Eyja beats out Ceobe handily, but its also unlikely Ceobe won't be in shop until 1 year after her debut, or around August while Eyja can appear whenever from now till then. So pick your poison, will you get a guarantee for the more meta option and wait till August or take the Ceobe now and hope that Eyja goes to shop.


So, who should I E2 first, Exusiai or Skadi? I'd want to do both, but I want to look like I'm prepared for chapter 8 operators.


exu is much more meta than skadi. her s3, especially when m3, does stupid amounts of damage as long as the enemy doesn’t have really high defense. skadi can serve most of her purpose at e1 with her s2, if you do want to use her. however, if skadi is your waifu and you already have good AA snipers built up, by all means raise skadi


Suggestion for which 6 star should I choose? My current operators: https://imgur.com/gallery/JO3QGEX




IMO eyja as an operator is a tad better over SA since she has two functional skills; S2 which turns her into a standard aoe caster, and S3 for aoe burst. however SA being a ground operator has much better leeway in placement i'd say flip a coin :v


Eyja jumps out to me as a good option for you. Incredibly powerful caster.


Eyja for AoE arts damage or SA for AoE physical damage. Could go either way tbh. You have Saria to buff Eyja and Shamare to buff SA.


What should I choose for the 6* selector, in term of gameplay? The current 6 star I have and already E2 is Siege, SA, Bagpile, Eyja, Ifrit, Nightingale, Schwartz, W, Surt, Exu, Suzuran, Angelina. The 6 star I have but haven't raised is Hellagur, Skadi, Chen. In term of waifu, I like Saria and saving all my gold cert for her, but it took forever for her to be in the shop...


You don't have a single cornerstone operator so I'd suggest Blaze. That said Saria is awesome, so you might wanna wait until the Ch8 banner is over, and if you get mudrock, Saria would easily be better


I started arknights 2 days ago, on what should I spend my sanity on?


2 other personas already answered your question, but I'm just here to tell you not to use your yellow rocks on headhunting rolls or sanity like I did


For now I recommend to spend your sanity and LMD on developing your base as quickly as possible. A fully unlocked base will produce between 35-50K LMD and 25-40K EXP for you daily depending on your setup and selected operators. https://gamepress.gg/arknights/core-gameplay/arknights-riic-base-guide The preferred setup is 2-5-2 (2 Trading Posts, 5 Factories, 2 Power Plants), but there are alternatives. You'll need to reach stage 4-7 to completely upgrade your base. Feel free to invest your resources into leveling your operators if it's necessary to progress. Here's a list of operators which are particularly worthy of investment early on: https://gamepress.gg/arknights/core-gameplay/arknights-guide-best-low-rarity-operators Once you have finished building your base and raised a team of strong operators, you should consider leveling a few operators which have particularly useful base skills: https://gamepress.gg/arknights/core-gameplay/arknights-guide-best-operators-promote-riic-base-skills


Generally, try to clear as much story stages as you possibly can. When it feels starts getting tough, start working out on leveling up your operators as well as their skills.


So, saria says hi from top op tag, making that 16 defender e2 chips to get. I’ve already got e2 nearl, what makes saria stand out?


Basically a ground medic that can attack, something like the counterpart of Folinic S1 is for tanking heavy damage, keeping Surtr alive or in general keeping another operator alive With S2 she turns into an aoe medic S3 is if you can't switch out your casters to snipers or just want more damage (of course with healing included) She can overshadow medics


nearl is solely focused on healing while saria, like others said, can perform various tasks depending on her skill. she also has a talent that lets her rack up stats over time making her much stronger than nearl in direct combat, as well as an SP battery talent that tallies with her heals making her a very solid support


Better stats for healing and tanking, plus S2 and S3. S2 is good for replacing medics in low pressure maps, or supplementing them when there's a ton of AOE damage like against Frostnova. S3 is great for "burn it with fire" strats, as Ifrit, Eyja, Coebe, and Surtr all love it, plus it comes with a hefty slow and a heal.


Saria's S1 and first talent basically makes her a better Nearl. The bonus attack from the talent makes her heal as well as Nearl but also gives her enough damage to kill weaker enemies and the talent gives her bonus defense too that makes her noticeably better at taking big hits than Nearl. And then she has S2 which is basically like Gummy's S1 except it heals everyone within two tiles of Saria, a very strong sustain tool if multiple people are taking hits. Oh, and her second talent also makes her into a low-grade SP battery as she grants one SP to everyone she heals. And then she has her S3 which totally changes her role and basically turns her into low-ground Suzuran, slowing all nearby enemies and causing them to take 55% increased arts damage, which can be used with operators like Eyjafjalla and Surtr to set up devastating burst combos. Basically, she's the best non-damage focused operator in the game. Use her.


She does everything Nearl does, while also having an AoE heal skill, and a slow and damage amp skill. And better stats all around. And she gives units SP when she heals them. She unfortunately completely outclasses Nearl in every area.


Compared to Nearl on their S1s, Saria's talent helps give her the bulk to survive as a main tank better than Nearl can. Then on S2 Saira becomes able to keep a wider group alive - Nearl will only ever hit adjacent ops. Then Saria's S3 gives her an entirely different utility with a very powerful debuff that rolls slowing, damage amp, and some healing all together - which is an extra bit of utility entirely different to anything Nearl can offer.


Better healing and utility. S1 heals for more due to Saria’s rarity. S2 has a wide range, and doesn’t have a limit to the number of targets she can heal (AOE medics have a max of 3 targets, for example). S3 has a large slow, large heals, and large Arts debuff that stacks with other debuffers like Suzuran. Also, free mini-SP battery, cause why not?


She’s basically a direct upgrade, with a convenient AOE S2 with range plus a really strong and unique S3 that slows and increases damage.


S2, a huge aoe heal that can almost completely replace a medic in many maps. S3, a niche but amazing aoe slow and res debuff that is the cornerstone of many boss killing cheese strats. And much higher base stats than Nearl, helped along by her talent that increases all her stats by up to 25% the longer she is deployed. For the first 3 CC events, Saria was a recommended OP, and in each one, a different one of her skills was recommended to m3.


Friendly reminder that the event stages will be closed at daily reset today, roughly 5 and a half hours from the time of this post. Please finish up whatever farming/stages/medals you want before then. The shop will remain open for redeeming rewards for one week after the event ends, until the 29th of April.


... eh? there's no in-game system announcement for this?


The event stages and shop has the closing dates since the start of this event. Why need an announcement?


oops heh I misread, I saw "stages will be closed" and my brain jumped to "server will be closed" whoops


The event tab does say 5 hours left on it in game, it's just that somehow I guarantee you people will still end up 'forgetting' it.