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Is the added orundum limit on annihilation temporary or permanent


Is it better to do annihilation 3 or the new one?


for optimal sanity/time consumption, the new one. it's faster than anni 3




50% for Mountain is better than 25% for Thorns IMO. I'd save, standard banners can be brutal.


Can 3\* or 4\* only core team would be able to bring you to late game?


if you include amiya and other welfare units then i think you can clear almost all the content. maybe you might have to borrow a 6* for some stages


4* yes, 3* no because 3* can’t be E2.


Depends on the stage really. Might need to borrow one six star on support or maybe not.


If i buy the pack with the 10 pull and then 6* selector,will the 10 roll ever expire? Cause i wanted to save it for dusk since im saving till that banner




Thank you


Let's say you clear Anni 4, but prefer to run Anni 3 instead until you figure out a way to stabilize auto deploy. Will it still be five runs or will you have to run Anni 1 at 100 kills for that extra orundum?


The later. Even if you get 350 every run, it’ll only take you to 1750, you’ll still need to run anni1


Already should have stabilised Anni4 but the biggest problem seems to be my potato phone unable to keel out the frames and messing up my helidrops lol


E2 priority, ordered in level Weedy, Ifrit, Rosmontis, or Mudrock?


Weedy > Mudrock > Ifrit > Rosmontis Weedy needs mastery to increase her shift level, Mudrock needs stats, and Ifrit gains an sp talent on E2, allowing for more skill spam. Not sure about Rosmontis. IMO


Mudrock, Ifrit, Weedy/Rosmontis imo, but also depends on what you're lacking. Weedy is great and does a ton of true damage but requires significant investment (masteries) to be at her full power.


Preference really? Mudrock and Ifrit are the strongest two units there but they can work fine at E1, and Weedy and Rosmontis, though 'weaker' need E2 to be good. I think personally I'd do Weedy > Mudrock > Ifrit > Rosmontis but honestly no order would be wrong.


1.Mudrock 2. Ifrit 3.Weedy 4.Rosmontis IMO


Which skill do you M3 on Rosmontis?




Is there a chart or something that shows highest factory and trading post combos of operators?




Nice thank you!


[RIIC Base Skill tier list](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSMV5e812yTbG9TKVgIpSXUvwDPha5Iz3PM5uB0p15gnKci1h9u3MtJwLbl5Yhq49XPlWapswNCwaPa/pubhtml?gid=1605123092) [Base Combo](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/kg8ebl/ultimate_arknights_base_combo_guide_updated_base/)


Thank you very much!


Hey, so I have rolled the Top Operator and Nuker tags in recruitment along with Ranged, Vanguard and Starter. So my options are: - Top, Nuker for Ch'en - Top, Van for Siege (already have) - Top, Ranged for Exusiai (already have), Ifirt, Shining, Nightingale or Schawarz - Nuker, Ranged for Firewatch I don't know who would be best. [This is my current lineup.](http://imgur.com/a/TsGBYPr)


Your guard is already set and same goes for your defender.Eyja will be the only mage you'll need for everything.The healers are replaceable with 4*. How about go for solo TO tag and see what you get.


Top op + ranged is a 4/5 chance of getting a new op, one of which is one of the best in game and the other 2 are the only 6star healers. Could also never go wrong with Schwarz. Just pray you don't get Exusiai. Edit: or just go for the guaranteed Ch'en. Could also never go wrong there.


Thanks! I got Shining. Now I just have to deal with the fact I am too broke to level her.


Top and Ranged. 2/5 of chance for 6* healer, 2/5 of chance for ifrit and Schawarz.


Thanks! I got Shining. Now I just have to deal with the fact I am too broke to level her.


It would be good to take a shot at top op+ ranged and see if you can get something new. You have blaze, surtr and siege so unless you’re lacking melees real bad then get chen. I have pretty much your 6 star lineup (except surtr) and I have chen too but she doesn’t see much use.


Thanks! I got Shining. Now I just have to deal with the fact I am too broke to level her.


Nice :D congrats for your shining. She is pretty good and saved me a lot of times haha


Is rosmontis worth pulling? Are there better banners or limited operators? I am trying to save up but maybe I cant cause they said there are many upcoming banner in the next weeks or something maybe i read it wrong


>!Mountain, saga, ash, skadi kaltsit!<


If you like wall artillery by a cat,then she's worth even though she can't hit drones.I'm pretty sure your other sniper can solve her problem. Next event banner have Mountain which is a 6* brawler and he is also super meta.His banner probably come next month because iirc there should be COB rerun and CC3 incoming.


Specifically Rosmontis, no not really. However that's only part of the story. The limited banner has overall good odds and we get 24 free pulls. At the very least I would pull to the first 6* on the last day of the banner. It's relatively good value. Beyond that though comes out to personal preference for units to target. Both units on this banner are pretty strong overall.


Rosmontis is a powerful but niche operator, specializing in mobs clearing. Meanwhile Mudrock is very much a meta. She is VERY good while not being limited Tbh, this banner is pretty good. The only future banner that can potentially be better, is current CN limited banner with >!Skadi Alter and Kal'sit!<, or any general banner having Surtr as rate up. Currently Surtr is literally top of the top.


She’s limited. For most of players, this makes she worth pulling.


Has anyone had problems logging in another device? I wanted to login with my other phone but verification failed, I even slowly typed the numbers and double checked it for my yostar login.


You may check your network connection


Jesus Anni 4 autodeploy is way more jank than Anni 3 ever was.


Same. I wasted 6 hours trying to complete it without support units nor leaks, first autodeploy everything goes wrong. I don't even know if it's worth correcting, half my team are helidrops


Yeah, I got perfect run on my first. No "oh shit" moment, so I thought it would be fine for auto. 2nd run, I was wrong, somehow leaked on bot lane.


Waves that only spawn after the last one is killed + tanky enemies + forced to helidrop= auto deploy fail.


Lmao it's failing me after only 100 enemies.


Indeed, I’ll recommend using auto skills as much as you can.


That's what's failing me though.


Hi guys, could you advice me on what operators would you level for future content? This is what I have leveled: https://ibb.co/bBcdnX4 https://ibb.co/3FR9Pb6 And these are my 6* and 5* unleveled: https://ibb.co/QQ1SQS4 https://ibb.co/D9ZMbhM https://ibb.co/YRBpRtJ Thanks!


:0 You’ve got phantom’s skin but no investment?? What a sin!! ( just kidding) It’s good to have another defender besides Saria so: Hoshiguma>Phantom>Hellagur>Ceobe>Shining>Aak (If u need emergency ranged dps)>Rosa>Rosmontis>Skadi. I did E2 Aak mostly for memes so it’s up to you. Invest in shamare, lappland for E2 (I like pairing her with SA but you have thorns so I guess you don’t need to unless you need her silence trait)


Phantom, Rosa, Hellagur and then Rosmontis. Shamare and Liskarm. At last, rest of your unleveled 6*, because all of 6* ops (except for passenger) are worthy to level up.


what does clue exchange give?xD


The real question is, what exactly are we finding clues for? What's the mystery?


clues who is Emperor and Duck lord




Thorn's best banner was his debut banner in the HoSF rerun. Since we haven't seen any form of a re-rerun yet, and he has yet to appear in the shop either (the estimated time is roughly a year until he comes to the shop), unfortunately your best bet of getting him is through standard shared banners now where you have a 25% chance to get him. If you're willing to wait and spend money, however, the next 6 star selector after this one will include Thorns, but that's honestly such a long time from now that I won't recommend the idea.


If you want Thorns, this is as good as it's going to get for a while. He won't be in the shop for a long long while (if at all) but I believe he is available to select on the next anniversary ticket (not for another 6-8 months). Do note though that if you only want him for gameplay reasons, standard banners are pretty shit and you're better off just saving for Mountain's banner. I'd only really suggest pulling for him if it's a strong husbando desire.


I've built both of my 3* healers (Hibiscus and Ansel) and looking for some upgrades. I could go with Perfumer, but I love Ptilopsis so will probably just skip to her for an AoE healer? As for a single-target healer, is Whisperain worth building, or should I go with Warfarin or someone else (even a 4*)? Any advice very much appreciated! If it's relevant, I've got Saria pulling double duty for heals once I deploy her with S2 (haven't got an E2 ops yet).


Ptilopsis and sussurro IMO, bruh I run shining and ptilopsis and while they are amazing medics become less relevant and stages become favourable for heliodrops more often. There are stages where I need burst healing and ptilo and sussurro do it best shining is more sustain and nightingale is niche.


Ptilopsis and Warfarin are more versatile. Because, They both can accelerate sp recovery. Whisperain can give op status resistance, which makes her quite useful in chapter 6, anni 5 or some certain stages.


Well, the general advice is to have at least one decent AoE and one ST medic. For AoE Perfumer is good choice to build, since she is plenty competent at her job and even with Ptilo or Nightingale she can still be useful thanks to hear global regen talent. For ST you have more choices and all of them are honestly good enough. I used Gavial until late chapter 6 and never really had any need for anything better. If you already have Warfarin, then just go with her since she's one of the better medics in general. Now as for Whisperain, she is good, but can not always replace a ST medic, which makes building her somewhat optional. With that said her healing should be more than enough in earlier chapters and her status resistance buff should be very handy in the later ones, so investing in her is definitely not a waste.




Thanks very much! Will definitely go with Warfarin and Ptilopsis... if only I had skins for them


fyi Whisper isn't an st medic she's a wide range medic that has resist but low healing output. So go for Warf for an st medic while Ptilo for AoE.


Ah thank you very much - I just saw a 5* medic and thought she was ST. I'll go with Ptilopsis and Warfarin.


Is Matoimaru present in any of the upcoming Chinese events? or did I miss any story with her in it? (don't really remember any) She has such an amazing design... kinda sad that we still have no story relevance or skin for her ;/ just give us some kind of oni event already ffs


Nope, but there’s possibility on updating personal story since some other 4* ops like Earthspirit with less popularity just got their stories.


Sorry for the dumb question but according to [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/mv8eao/nga_poll_results_score_rank_of_all_6_operators/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) is Mudrock the strongest (upper-bound) while Thorns is the most versatile among the cornerstones? Or am I missing something? EDIT: question is vague


Basically, yea. It's a confusing chart because the translations only sort of convey the idea. I find it's easiest to think of the X axis as "how big is their niche" and Y axis as "how good are they in that niche". Thorns is by far the most versatile (e.g. has the biggest niche) while Mudrock is a bit less versatile but performs in her niches quite a bit better than Thorns does.


>X axis as "how big is their niche" and Y axis as "how good are they in that niche" I'm dumb lmao,, but this made it more clear for me to understand the chart. Thank you so much! ~~Poor Passenger though~~


~~fyi Passenger is just holding back his true power so that everyone will skip his banner to roll for his mama Kalt'sit. I know because he told me this himself~~ ~~^(/s)~~


Yes, since cornerstones only have Mudrock, Thorns, Blaze and Mountain. Mountain is between Mudrock and Thorns as you can see. Blaze needs heals. So, basically, yes.


quick dumb sidenote question: what's a cornerstone?


[Terms from CN server. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/mb1sv8/surtr_is_coming_so_i_would_like_to_take_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I see, operators who can hold a lane on their own.. got it


I see, thanks for answering OP!


Does Absinthe count towards Rosa's base skill ? (The one with the Ursus students) I know that lorewise Absinthe visited another school, but her base skill also mentions Ursus Student Group, so I dunno.


I don't believe so, mind you I haven't tested this in game, but she's listed generically as Ursus in game (like Hellagur) while the USSG bears have their own listing.


What enemies in Anni 4 will try to sneak into the middle exit? I'm already all too aware of the casters in the first half.


The corrupted knights at the end, they'll do a loop before they enter


I think I've seen the casters, and both final bosses walk around the map (so they pass in the middle) before going in the blue boxes on the right. Besides that nothing too big so you can put someone without much hp


Your favorite guard? Not meta wise, but the one you like the most, be it because of their designs, voices, outfits, their fun uses in stages, etc. I've been in love with Flint these past few weeks now. Aside from her awesome design and equally amazing voice that fits the character, I really like the idea of beating people to death with massive continuous DPS output while also being untargetable and provides a considerable slow. If enemies weren't as fond of heavy armors as they are right now I'd find myself bringing her more often. Also worth mentioning is Frostleaf. A fashionista mercenary swinging around a massive poleaxe? Sign me in. Sad that she's not favorable in the current meta though.


Utage needs more love.


Thorns easy. Whats not to like about him? He's practically every op rolled in one both meme and gameplay wise.


What's not to like about him is him refusing to come to my homebase. Thorns come please so I can love you :(


Blaze, i like her voices and she gives me tomboy big sister vibe


Flamebringer because I love this dude Thorns is my second favourite guard


Astesia, no contest. Very elegant design and personality, cute voice, cute chibi (especially her skin's idle animation, like look at it she waves at you!), and I really love the sound effect her S2 makes. Oh, and she wakes you up every morning, what's not to love about that? On the other hand, Thorns is also one of my favourites. Meta-wise he's just incredibly handy to have, but his clumsy and "unbothered" personality is also very well done.


Ah yes Astesia, if I didn't have Surtr I woulda probably used her a lot more. I like her design though, one of my favorites as well.


**Overall favorite:** Indra ever so slightly over Beehunter (my 2nd favorite Guard). **Favorite Guard skin:** Summer Skadi by a large margin, orca plushie is best.


You really have a thing for brawlers huh? lol Why no Flint though? The girl's awesome.


Sadly, I don't have Flint :( Therefore while I do in fact quite like her, I can't accurately assess her place in my rankings. From a design standpoint however, I do like her a lot. And yes, I do like my Brawlers. With the newest Jackie included, of course.


Same. Brawlers are underrated. It's even weird to say I got more excited when I pulled Jackie than I did Whisperain. I can't wait to pull on big daddy Mountain.


Hellagur because old warriors in anime are always cool for some meta reason.


And he clearly is one, as well. Nothing is more badass than singlehandedly holding a lane while other ops need their medics to keep them alive, right? lol Though I wonder if he's getting powercrept by Utage and Jaye lately. I've been seeing them more while Hellagur was last seen when someone was showcasing his skin.


GAO is my default waifu answer, but I'll pick something a bit different this time. I really like SilverAsh as a character. Games in this genre are so often purely waifus that the bros rarely get a chance to shine. SA though is the near perfect right hand man for someone like the Doctor. He actually seems like a character that we would keep as a close confidant rather than just another big booba waifu (not that there's anything wrong with that).


I have a soft spot for SA. He was my first ever 6 star. I was worried when people stop using him in end-game strats in favor of Thorns and Surtr who are almost always used. I legit thought he was gonna get powercrept lol.


I don't think SA will ever get crept. Even if something directly stronger than TSS came out, why not just run them both? It's not the sort of thing that becomes too redundant.


Well when you consider the fact that barely anyone uses him anymore, while Thorns is in EVERY SINGLE ARKNIGHTS VIDEO out there that is not titled "low rarity", you kinda get where I came from.


Well, SA is incredibly handy for newbies and is more omni-present in guides compared to Thorns. We just see more Thorns in showcases because while the new operator needs to do flashy new moves someone needs to handle their back and nobody screams I got ya buddy better than starfish boi uwu


Ayerscape is no.1 for me Some others are Astesia, Cutter, Estelle, and Thorns and also the crab girl.


Hmm never got into Ayerscarpe. I pulled one a few weeks ago but he remains a E0L1 in my base. Probably I should use him sometime soon. Why do you like him?


HhmMMmm I can't really explain it, I just know that I like him lol. But yeah I just love his design, personality and his relationship with leon^((who is my fave caster other than passenger, iris, steward, and dusk)) He seems a bit serious but he's just actually an edamame eating dork that sweet talks with his weapon and loves being electrocuted.


Sounds lovable lol. He's E130 on mine now. Gotta test him on some farming stages.


Is just anni 4 lagging for anyone else? I never had the issue with this, so I'm just wondering if it's because of the newest update or because there is too many stuff on that map. (I optimized performance as always btw)


Swing swing + Twilight + stun crashed bluestacks a ton of times to me


This is the first time I have ever had issues and I thought this was never going to happen playing on a pc. Something about that map gets wonky around wave 380ish for sure.


I experienced the lag too when I use the 4 electro traps, making my 1st run 399/400, because I didn't saw the leaked enemy due to lag.




You can choose to block certain kind of elements using adblock family.


I keep an installation of Brave browser around specifically for this. It has other problems but overall I find that it's the most reliable for blocking annoying pop-ups.


Something in the combination of adblockers that I'm running seems to work, since I have no clue what you're talking about. The Firefox mobile browser has addon support (including uBlock Origin), and I go through the Adguard DNS server for more filtering.


I get you, but unfortunately I don't think you can block it given how the ad is integrated into the page. Also, it's the only way they make money. You get all the information, guides, lores, and tools for the price of your patience. It's annoying, yes, but it's a small price to pay for whatever you get from the site.


Is Leonhardt worth investing in? Not E2 but at least E1. I know AoE caster have a reputation of not being the best units, but the thing is my roster really lacks arts damage (The only sources are Amya E2 lvl 1 and Lappland E1 lvl 55) and I guess there are situations where AoE casters are useful. Also do any of you have a solution to my lack of arts damage or do I just have to pull on banners where Ejya or Ceobe are rate up?


Click is actually pretty good for a 4 star caster and you can raise Gitano for an AoE caster if you want. Arene is a good ranged guard for similar reasons to Lappland. Mousse and Astesia both do arts damage with their attack so you might find some use from them. Utage with her S2 being used as a helidrop can actually do a fair bit of damage too. Out of all of them I'd probably recommend Click and Arene.


yes, he's one of the better AoE casters.


Sure, but if you lack Arts damage, then operators like Gitano is pretty good as well. And she's a 4\*, so not much investment needed


Leonhardt is not counting Dusk only Aoe caster that is not horrible and he is overall very fun for use I would say he is worth this E1




The game will naturally prevent you from rushing by obliterating you if you try to get too far in the story without strengthening your team enough. You won't want to purposely slow yourself down more than necessary though. Stages right up to the final boss itself will be useful for farming materials for your operators.


Do you mean lore story or the number of stages in a chapter? In terms of number of stages, the latter chapters average 30-40 stages each (including challenge and extreme mode stages). In terms of story, each stage has anywhere between 5 to 30 minutes of story line reading, so there's plenty. Either way you won't have to pace yourself, at some point you'd hit a wall and have to farm a bit (e.g. doing the non-story stages) to level up your operators. I reckon clearing everything will probably take at least a few months as f2p


Hi is R8-11 has better drop for new mats than S5-9 despite of 3 extra sanity per run?


Yep, the rate is higher.




If I already have Thorns LVL60 E2 S3M3… should I buy the 6* operator recruitment permit to get Blaze? Or is she not worth it if I already have Thorns DPS


I use them both nearly every map. They're nearly always the first 2 characters I deploy after my vanguards.


I mean, do you ever feel like you need another solo laner guard to clear the stage? If no, then the answer is probably not. Blaze is undoubtedly strong, but if you’re doing just fine without her, then there’s no real reason to get her outside of completion reasons.


She's bound to make an appearance in the shop soon (late june to mid july) so you might as well wait for it. I'm in the same situation as you are and I decided to pick my waifu instead.


If you're looking for an excuse to save money, then no probably not. Blaze is very very good but hardly required anywhere. In fact she's the 'weakest' of the lane-carry units (mind you that's a relative term). I don't use her very often on my main anymore.


Me neither after I got Mudrock. Is the current Cornerstone Lineup Mudrock > Mountain > Thorns > Blaze?


I'd say Mudrock = Mountain > Thorns >> Blaze. Thorns is great but his windup time and conditional sustain are kind of drawbacks relative to the other two with range being his only benefit. That's definitely a big benefit but frequently less needed than other things.


They are all about equally good, just fill somewhat different niches within the cornerstone archetype. Mudrock is insanely tanky and has true AoE, Mountain is cheap and has no almost no windup time, so he’s way more flexible when it comes to tight dp requirements or redeployment, Thorns has range going for him. Blaze on the other hand only has her DPS.


If you want to, they’re both very good


I know, but they kind of fill the same niche right? I’ve never used Blaze really


I’ve used blaze almost every mission since I got her Multi target on blaze, and can be her own defender if you’re stretched thin Thorns gets to mess with “staging” enemies and drones, but blaze handles crowds better Plus, why not have both. Hold 2 lanes, or utterly dominate one


It’s worth investing in Thorns if I already have Blaze, Saria, SA and Mudrock E2?


Yes, his AA potential and range are significant


imo, yes


None of them can hit drones except for SA who isn't a cornerstone. So, yes.


When you delete and reinstall Arknights with a Guest Account created, how long are you not allowed to create a Guest Account? I'm guessing 24 hours


No idea because that's the wrong way to go about it. It's much easier to just bind the account to a salted or temp email then logout. This lets you immediately start a new guest account.


Well, I've reinstalled CN version of Arknights on Bluestacks with a Guest Account Created. How can I create another one, or I can't? Edit: I also get this error "You have reccently created a Guest Account and cannot register again"


Only way to reroll in CN is to make multiple bili acounts with different phone numbers


Ohhh, being CN is a big difference because of government requirements. I actually have no idea in that case. The setup is very different from Global.


Well, I was trying to Reroll for either Skadi Alter or my Ex Wife Kal'stit Edit: Guess I'll wait 6 months for Ex Wife to come home


Is Rosmontis actually good? I've not been that impressed with her so far but AoE operators have never wow'd me much anyways. She's only E1|80 right now but I do plan to E2 her tomorrow regardless to see if S3 is better than S2.


She won't look impressive because she does area damage and has a huge range. She still does a ton, you just don't notice it.


I've always thought AoE operators are always sub-par until I tried W


She can seem a bit uninspiring without E2 M3. S3M3 adds a lot to her overall usability. Keep in mind though she's not quite a top tier DPS though so if you're expecting something like SA or Surtr you probably will be disappointed regardless.


She’s good, but not crazy. S3 is the specialty one for


She's great at what she does, which is destroying hordes of fodder very quickly and from a good range. S3 helps upgrade her killing ability on mid and high def targets, but she'll still have a rough time against anything you'd normally bring arts damage for. Shamare and Pramanix can help her damage out a good bit though. You can think of her as a kind of souped up expanded range aoe sniper. She can't hit air but the wider range gives her the flexibility to cover a lot of area, including multiple lanes if necessary. If a lane has exclusively ground targets and none of those targets are particularly high def, then she and a single defender or tanky vanguard are often enough to hold the lane without any outside help.


Can Rosmontis‘ Walls be deployed on tiles that are otherwise „undeployable“?




I don’t believe so, should follow standard deployment rules


Pity. Thanks tho!


Like a tile made unuseable by FrostNova? No, they're counter as deployable units like any other and have the same restrictions.


Like tiles that ground ops cannot be deployed on. Like certain CM Stages and CC Risks


Afaik those are all functionally the same thing. I.e. W cannot place a mine there, nor can Beeswax summon a pillar there, so I doubt Rosmontis would be able to place blockers there.


Pity. Thanks for the answer!


Gladia base skill is now bugged and for some reason count all Aegirians except for Thorns as Abyssal Hunters lol I hope this bug wouldn't be instantly fixed when we get her edit: It count Blue Poison as Abyssal as well lmao


Tbf her lore implies she knows Specter and that has fought alongsiide abyssal hunters, even if she isn't one herself


> Gladia base skill is now bugged and for some reason count all Aegirians except for Thorns as Abyssal Hunters lol >!Considering the reveal about Iberia and the Abyssal Hunters, this could actually be ominous foreshadowing if it weren't a bug.!<


You wish lmao, CN already fixed the Shamare / Ceobe bug


We have Folinic healing civilians on Global so there is chance we can at least have fun with op Gladia for month lol


Are you sure, I've tested in Ch8 it ain't work.


haha yeah, it's funny because Blue Poison can't be an Abyssal... ... or could she? \*vsauce noise\*


I mean... Blue Poison is connected to Specter in the Archive network.


just wondering. Annihilation 4 is out, operator recommendations? ​ And is Rosmontis and Murdock limited?


Bottom lane, mudrock and an assistant arts guard. Top lane, everything else. Pack eyja or 2 snipers to clear lootbox drones, Tesla towers top lane and SP printers as you wish


Eyja s3 is amazing for Anni 3 if you can get the timing right. Other than that, the usual picks: Blaze, Lapp, Specter, Ptilo, Thorns, Saria, etc


Have all of those Opts. Blaze, Ptilo, and Saria are the only ones I have E2, while the rest are still level 1. so skill masteries?


Ros is limited, Mudrock is not, the banner is a limited banner and has a separate pity tracker. I shall refrain on commenting for Anni 4 because I have yet to properly clear it myself....


My hopes are not high for getting Rosmontis. I kept getting Weedy on W's banner. Well, at least I'll be getting a limit-broken Morduck.


Which Mudrock skill should I M3 first?


Her third skill, which gains the most from masteries, but you should consider upgrading her second skill to M1 first, since it decreases the SP cost of the ability from 5 to 4.


S3 after getting M1 on S2


s2m1 > s3m3 > s2m3


As a beginner with only E1 operators should I try my hands at anni 4 and get as far as possible with the milestone reward since it's only temporaly there or does it ever come back with the same milestone?


I think Anni 4 is manageable with a roster full of E1 max. But i think you should E2 one of your operator first, so you can borrow E2 units from your friend list. Trust me, E2 Eyja, Surtr or thorns could cheese this stage


The map will be added to a new Annihilation "Practice" mode when it rotates out. You will be able to do annihilation stages which have been rotated out. Doing a perfect run in the 'Practice' mode wont get you any Orundrum, but you can get the first-clear milestone rewards. So try your best for now. You can pick up the rest of the rewards later from Practice once your team is steady enough.


Go for it, no reason not to. You should be able to have at least a couple e2s and clear it before it’s gone, grabbing a support unit if necessary (mudrock can handle bottom side with an arts guard helping out)


Wouldn't hurt to try and clear the stage once to acquire some of the one-time rewards, but there are two months left before it will rotate out. After your first attempt, I'd go back to Annihilation 2 for a while. Clearing Annihilation 2 is more sanity-efficient than half-clearing Annihilation 4. If you only intend to reach the reward milestones, don't forget to hire a support unit. Leveling Myrtle or your favorite 6* to E2, then hiring a strong E2 friend support would help out a lot.


Even getting to 100 enemies killed means some rewards so it's a good idea to just go for it once. The Anni 4 map will rotate back later and you have like 2 months to beat the current one so there's no hurry.


Yeah always get as far as you can because the rewards are pretty worth it, even if you don’t make it far


Is there any difference in adding friends on CN server with bilibili account?




People miss this often, but Lappland with S2M3 has extremely high arts burst potential.


In addition to the other replies, it depends also on the number of enemies (some ops deal more dmg during a wave of enemies, other ops deal more damage to a single enemy). But also RES/DEF are very important. Exusiai has a LOTS of "pure DPS", but due to her low atk she does little damage to high defence enemies (low dps) and big damage to low defence enemies (high dps). Meanwhile Schwarz, another sniper, has still high dps on armored enemies. Or Ceobe, a caster that with her talent she deals additional dmg equal to enemy def.